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Lördag 27 oktober

Lee Labrada: Labrada Nutrition Aids Relief Efforts in New York Instead of Attending Mr. Olympia 2001: 20 oktober

Originally, the funds and products were to be used for the Mr. Olympia competition and other bodybuilding shows in the country. Instead, Labrada Nutrition donated $38,000 worth of Lean Body Meal Replacement Bars.

Svensk artikel Kopparbergs Bryggeri: NYHET! Gladiatorerna® Sport Cider!:

Kolla in Gladiatorerna och deras nya dryck Gladiatorerna® Sport Cider här!

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: Nätverk slår larm om hormonpreparat: 27 oktober

Nätverksgruppen mot anabola androgena steroider, i vilken Beroendecentrum i Örebro ingår, vill träffa socialminister Lars Engqvist för att utförligt presentera nuläget och de senaste forskningsrönen kring anabola androgena steroider.

Svensk artikel Barometern: Liten blev stor - och stark: 27 oktober

Från kuvös till skivstång. Liten blev stor. Michaela Holm föddes nästan två månader för tidigt och hoppet om livet var litet. Nu snart 19 år senare är Michaela som vilken tjej som helst fast med ett ovanligt fritidsintresse, i alla fall för tjejer.

Svensk artikel SVD: En bransch god för miljarder: 19 oktober

Godisbranschen har omvandlats under 90-talet: antalet leverantörer har minskat och synen på vad som styr våra godisköp har förändrats. Svensken lägger i snitt en tusenlapp per år på att lindra godissuget.

ABC News: Exercise May Improve Brainpower, Study Finds: 18 oktober

A preliminary study has found that exercise may rev up a person's brainpower. Brain wave measurements showed that "exercising increased the speed of the decision-making process," Hillman told Reuters Health.

BBSzene: Gallery: MuscleMania Europe 2001: 16 oktober

On 29 September 2001 the Musclemania Europe and Fitness Europe Pageant competition took place for the first time in Stuttgard Filderstadt. The expectations were high, and they were fulfilled completely.

The Physician and Sports Medicine: Strength Training for Women: Debunking Myths That Block Opportunity: 5 maj 1998

Traditional gender roles and differences in absolute strength have resulted in misconceived approaches to strength training for women. Male physiology, more than hormones, explains men's superior absolute strength.

When other measures of strength are used, such as strength relative to cross-sectional area of muscle, the strength of men and women is nearly equal. Women who practice the same well-designed strength training programs as men benefit from bone and soft-tissue modeling, increased lean body mass, decreased fat, and enhanced self-confidence.

U.S. Army Physical Fitness School:

Mission: To develop and field physical fitness doctrine, performance standards, and training programs for leaders and soldiers with the primary emphasis on preparing them to meet the physical demands of their mission.

Viviana Violante - The Body Building Machine

Physical Genius:

Dedicated to bringing to market innovative tools for trainers and health industry professionals alike.

Workout Tracker:

Makes it easy to manage information about your personal fitness program right on your Palm Powered handheld. Includes a extensive menu of exercises, all of which can be customized to fit your needs.

Quadrant Video: Bodybuilding:

Bodybuilding videos in the PAL format for Europe/the UK.

Quadrant Video: Fitness:

Fitness videos in the PAL format for Europe/the UK.

Reakt Fitness Models:

Online fitness modeling database of collegiate and fit physiques. Casting resource for agents, and hiring sources seeking the hottest male fitness talent around.

Muscles - The style of an athletic generation

Muscle Media: Arm Yourself! How to Build Big and Well-Defined Bis and Tris:

Guys with big biceps are a dime a dozen. I give them credit because they’ve obviously spent some time in the gym. But I reserve my real respect for guys with big and well-defined arms. These are the guys who take it a step further—the guys who eat “clean” and do more than just arm curls.

Drugfacts.com: The Ephedras:

Ephedra preparations are traditionally used to relieve colds, improve respiratory function, and treat a range of ills from headaches to venereal disease. Evidence shows that plant parts of various species exert hypoglycemic, hypo- and hypertensive, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Yahoo! News: Short Exercise Bouts as Effective as Long Session: 17 oktober

Individuals who forego exercise for lack of time may need to find a new excuse, results of a new study suggest. According to the report, short bursts of activity are just as effective as one long session when it comes to burning calories, losing weight and improving aerobic fitness.

Yahoo! News: Marathon Running May Be Risky for the Heart: 17 oktober

Some individuals may think that because exercise--and running in particular--is known to be good for the heart, marathon running must be even more heart-healthy. But findings from two new studies suggest that marathon running may actually increase one's risk of a heart attack or other cardiac event.

Tufts Nutrition Commentator: It's Never Too Late To Get Moving: 12 oktober

You're finally lacing up your sneakers again after years spent away from the gym. Can a renewed commitment to exercise help "turn back the clock," and lessen the toll that aging takes on your health?

Possibly, say researchers from Texas, who were able to help a group of middle-age men recapture some of the cardiovascular fitness they had in their twenties.

Yahoo! News: Bally to Buy Rival Gym Crunch: 15 oktober

Leading fitness chain Bally Total Fitness Holding Corp. (BFT.N) said on Monday it would buy rival chain Crunch Fitness for $90 million to strengthen its position in the fast-growing market aimed at young, upscale gym members.

The Nando Times: Melatonin supplements may not offer long-term solution: 25 oktober

In a study that may impact users of melatonin supplements, researchers reported Thursday that the immune system's natural wintertime increase - set according to the onset of shorter days - may only last for about four months.

MSNBC: Study concludes the skinnier the healthier: 26 oktober

New research on how weight affects long-term health has reopened the controversy over how we define a healthy weight. A study of 123,000 people concluded the skinnier the better when it comes to avoiding health problems, a finding some experts dispute — saying lifestyle and fitness level are more important than weight itself.

ABC News: Ex-Soviet drill instructor helps U.S. Marines learn hand-to-hand combat techniques: 27 oktober

Pavel Tsatsouline, who has become a U.S. citizen and a fitness guru and author, has spent the past week training Marine instructors in the techniques he taught Soviet soldiers. Pics from Yahoo!: #1, #2, #3

Yahoo! Finance: Schwinn(R) Out of Spinning(R) Business: 18 oktober

Mad Dogg Athletics (MDA) and Johnny G, owners of the Spinning indoor cycling program, the Johnny G Spinner® bike and the associated trademarks, today announced that their six-year relationship with Schwinn has ended. "Schwinn is no longer in the Spinning business," says John Baudhuin, president and CEO of MDA.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Björn Bergman, Ali Ghelem och Jonas "Loke" Andersson

Fredag 26 oktober

The Miami Herald: Schwarzenegger inspires youths: 25 oktober

Action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger flexed his muscles in Miami on Wednesday to help terminate juvenile delinquency and encourage learning by urban neighborhood youths.

Svensk artikel Magnus Samuelsson: Tillbaka i Svedala igen: 23 oktober

Närmast på tävlingskalendern står finalen på I.F.S.A. SUPER SERIES i Stockholm på lördag. Det är en serie som bestämmer vem som kommer att bli I.F.S.A.’s värdsmästare i strongman 2001. Ställningen inför Stockholm är att jag och Svend leder på samma poäng med Hugo en pinne efter.

Shawn Ray: Beauty & the Beast - Ken "Flex" Wheeler: 

Upon reflection, I witnessed many great physique artists come and go throughout my 14 year professional career. Some made more of an impact than others and therefore will be remembered longer by the masses.

However, along my 14-year journey, I have never been witness to a more up and down roller coaster ride of a bodybuilder whom I considered a friend than Ken Wheeler.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: När ska tjejerna få chansen att bli lika bra som killarna?: 26 oktober

Nathalie Koivula, som doktorerat i ämnet idrottsvärlden ur ett könsperspektiv, har skrivit om kvinnors möjligheter i idrotten. Hon menar att det som avgör vem som blir bäst främst är om den personen fått möjligheten att utveckla sin talang maximalt, snarare än längd eller muskelmassa.

Jean Pierre Fux - IFBB Pro

Northern Light: RBC Antioxidant Shown to Reduce Cause of Muscle Cramps: 24 oktober

A human clinical study reported in the fall issue of The Journal of Medicinal Food has shown that lactic acid was reduced 50% during strenuous exercise in athletes who took Microhydrin(R), a mineral antioxidant marketed by Royal BodyCare, Inc..

ABC News: Dr. Terminator, if you please: 24 oktober

Bestowing an honorary doctorate in business administration on Austrian-born Arnold Schwarzenegger, Imadec University in Vienna lauded his "life achievements" and the work he's done to promote Austria's economy.

The Salt Lake Tribune: Olympic Notes: Tug-of-War Fans Exerting Pull With Officials: 23 september

Bodybuilding is out. Tug of war is in. Not as an Olympic sport just yet, but now the backyard picnic game of strength and balance has the opportunity of some day rejoining the ranks of Olympic sports.

CBS 2000: Ready? Set Your Goals!: 24 september

Goals can be used to achieve a particular state of fitness or objective and they are an excellent means to changing lifestyle behaviors. Reaching a goal that involves the performance and health of your body can be very rewarding and at times lifesaving.

Detroit News: Fitness level is key among the indicators of how hard to exercise: 24 september

Well, it's that time of the year -- when fitness enthusiasts return to health clubs, begin fall football leagues or simply restart their regular walk after getting the children off to school in the morning. Unfortunately, for a few of these people, a limiting injury lies ahead. To avoid this, here are some reminders to keep in mind as you get back in shape.

Bigsteel: A Virtual Journey-Strength Pilgrimage to the John Grun Monument: 23 september

Information on Grun is scarce. Harry Houdini, who was known as a great skeptic of strongmen, was very impressed by Grun. Here is Harry Houdini's description of John Grun from The Miracle Mongers, An Expose'. This work is now in the public domain so I've reproduced the section on Grun entirely below, see World Wide School for the complete version of the book that discusses many other great strongmen.

Houdini mentions Grun's weight as three hundred pounds, however, this is unlikely considering his height of 5'11" and that Willoughby described him as "235 to 242 pounds-practically all solid bone and muscle."

LA Times: As 300-pounders multiply, some wonder whether it's good or bad for players: 25 september

Burt, the coach at Lake Elsinore Temescal Canyon, said the once-rare 300-pound lineman is no longer an aberration. Players in the 250 to 280-pound range are still big, but no longer a big deal.

"It seems like there's a ton of them," Burt said.

Norsk artikel... VG: - Skjerp dere!: 25 september

Norges toppidrettsutøvere har pådratt seg et alt for negativt stempel. Nå må stjernene selv sørge for å rette opp folks inntrykk av at de bare er opptatt av seg selv og penger.

AFPA Fitness: Proper Exercise Technique: Don't Just "Do" the Exercise:

People who strength train often times have a habit of "doing the exercise". For example, people "do" chin-ups because "it" targets the back with some assitive work from the biceps.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Tränade muskler höll diabetes på avstånd: 24 september

En relativt stor andel uthålliga muskelfibrer i skelettmuskulaturen, en indikator på ett fysiskt aktivt liv, minskar risken för typ 2-diabetes. Den slutsatsen drar Anu Hedman i en avhandling som försvaras i Uppsala på torsdag, den 27 september.

BBC News: Why exercise cheers you up: 27 september

Scientists may have identified a chemical which could explain why exercise is an anti-depressant. Until now, it has not been clear why exercise has that effect.

But, doctors from Nottingham Trent University suggest the chemical phenylethylamine could play a part.

Red Herring: Good health is just a costly way to die: 19 september

As we continue to extend life, which will it be: longer decline and costly disability, or a healthier life with a sudden end?

Infinity Fitness: A Westside Barbell Seminar Experience: Tips and Tricks!:

My weekend trips to Columbus Ohio usually include a visit to the Westside Barbell club. This visit would be different than those previous because I was actually going to train on Saturday and Sunday as a bench and squat seminar attendee opposed to just watching the action.

fitness-online: Pushing To The Top:

I.F.B.B. fitness pro Kelly Ryan combines drive and determination into a chest routine you'll flip for.

Female Muscle: Celebrity Talk Live:

We now have new celebrity bodybuilders who are participating in our talk live program, where you can speak one on one over the telephone with some of the most muscular and powerful women on the planet.

Debi Laszewski, Gayle Moher, Heather Darling, Michelle Ivers Colette Nelson, Vivianna Requena, Trudy Ireland, Fran Ferraro Christine Envall, Trish Swander and Kathy Connors are now ready to take your calls. Just log on and check the details and schedule for talking live to these superstars of bodybuilding.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Björn Bergman, Ali Ghelem och Jonas "Loke" Andersson

Torsdag 25 oktober

IronMan Magazine: Heart Disease Was the Main Cause of Mentzer Deaths: 24 oktober

According to official autopsy reports from the Los Angeles County Corner’s Office, the immediate cause of death in the cases of both Mike and Ray Mentzer was severe arteriosclerosis aggravated by extensive prescription drug intake.

FLEX Magazine: Remembering Mike Mentzer

Mike Mentzer was a prolific writer who developed a training system called Heavy Duty. His vast writings and experiences has had a deep and lasting effect on the sport, and along with his brother, he influenced and touched many of the big names in bodybuilding.

FLEX Senior Writer Julian Schmidt caught up with some of the sport's top athletes and recorded their thoughts on the legacy of the Mentzer brothers.

BBC News: Schwarzenegger gets a doctorate: 24 oktober

Terminator star Arnold Schwarzenegger has been given an honorary doctorate in business administration by the Imadec University in Vienna.

CyberSchwarzenegger: Good Morning, Mr Schwarzenegger!:

What would you have given to have been in the classroom when Arnold held class on October 15th doing his part for the ‘Teach for America’ program. Well, now you can get all the educational benefits that those lucky students received because we’ve got the record of Arnold’s inspiring lesson right here. Read on to get the transcript of Arnie’s special lesson...

Herald Sun: Conan: 'I'll be back': 23 oktober

With True Lies 2 and Terminator 3 in the works, it seems actor Arnold Schwarzenegger will be returning to yet another past success in order to pump up his flabby box-office fortunes of recent times.

Dr. Squat's Iron Web Newsletter: Oktober

  • The Lost Variable in the Quest for Power:
    Many athletes and coaches emphasize the strength aspect of training, thereby losing the speed component. Keep in mind that the faster an object moves, the more power will be produced.
  • Periodization of Training:
    Periodization of training has often been described by it's western proponents as a division of training into more manageable blocks. While this is true, it is not representative of what periodization really is.
  • High Intensity Training:
    It is the mind, the controlling entity of the organism, which determines the degree of effort expended. It is not the level of ugliness to which one can contort one's face.

Skip La Cour: Your Ability to Take Risks Will Determine Your Level of Bodybuilding Success: 22 oktober

Passion, hard work, and intelligence fortified by persistence will get you closer to your goals. But your ability to take risks will ultimately determine your level of success in bodybuilding.

Skip La Cour: More time may not be what you need to reach your training goals. What you’re missing may be efficiency: 12 oktober

More time may not be what you need to take your bodybuilding efforts to a higher level. I really don't think more time in the gym is what most people need to earn the muscle they want to pack on or rid themselves of the body fat they want to lose. Most people need to become more efficient with the time they already do spend in the gym.

New York Daily News: Olympic-Sized Hit On Diet Supplements: 21 oktober

Officials of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency said Friday that athletes should take no dietary supplements — ever — because they could be tainted with banned performance-enhancing drugs.

Yingying, a 17-year-old panda, born in a zoo in the southwestern province of Sichuan, lifts weights during a performance the Chinese Acrobats Arts Festival in Beijing late October 20, 2001. Yingying is said to be the only member of the endangered species in the world able to dunk a basketball, go down a slide and drive a car. REUTERS/Guang Niu

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Fortsatt försäljning av glukosamin: 18 oktober

Läkemedelsverket har godkänt fortsatt försäljning av glukosamin. Både grossister och butiker får därmed sälja produkter med glukosamin till och med den 31 oktober 2002.

Svensk artikel Affärsvärlden: Läkemedelsverket har beviljat fortsatt fri försäljning Glukosaminprodukter: 19 oktober

Glukosamin är ett naturlig kroppseget ämne som bland annat finns i brosk, senor och ligament. Med stigande ålder minskar kroppens förmåga att tillverka glukosamin och ämnet finns bara i små mängder i vanlig kost.

Svensk artikel SBI Sport:

Hos SBI Sport hittar du det mesta inom kampsport och fitness. Vi har arbetat med kampsportsartiklar i över 20 år och idag är SBI Sport Nordens största lev- erantör av budo- och kampsportsprodukter.

Svensk artikel Netdoktor: Öl kan fungera förebyggande mot sjukdomar: 19 oktober

Forskare har nu fastslagit att öl kan fungera i förebyggande syfte mot sjukdomar såsom cancer och gallsten. Vid ett symposium i Bryssel sades att det rör sig om ett par flaskor öl per dag, att B-vitamin i öl kan förebygga hjärtsjukdom, humle och malt kan förebygga cancer och kiselhalten kan ha positiva effekter på benskörhet.

Svensk artikel Fredrik Alvelöv: Fiskolja: 15 oktober

Att jag upplåtit en hel sida åt bara fiskolja kommer att framstå som uppenbart efter att du har läst texten…

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Nytt naturmedel ger bättre ork: 19 oktober

Är du trött eller nere? Då kan ett tillskott av NADH hjälpa. Naturpreparatet, som nu lanseras i Sverige, ger mer ork och energi. Dessutom kan det motverka jet-lag, kroniskt trötthetssyndrom, alzheimer och parkinson.

Schwinn Fitness Fact: Exercising With Colds: 16 oktober

As we enter the fall months, more of us are exposed to cold viruses that may affect our ability to exercise. Colds afflict nearly everyone- some more than others. Even athletes are susceptible to colds, despite their occasional delusions of invincibility when it comes to such frailties of non-athletes.

The New 2002 Official Richard Sandrak Web Site

"Pound for pound Richard is the strongest and fittest human-being alive..." Fox Sports News

Gladnet II - Home of the Worlds Gladiators: The Contender Try-Outs:

In the UK you have to be able to doing the following.

Think Muscle:

  • If you had a limited budget, what supplements would you buy?:
    I am frequently asked, "If you had a limited budget, what supplements would you buy?" This is a great question. The reality is that most people don’t have an unlimited amount of money to spend on supplements; so getting the most out of their monthly investment is critical.
  • Creative Applications of Circuit Training: Fatigue Management Strategies for Bodybuilders, Part I
  • Creative Applications of Circuit Training: Fatigue Management Strategies for Bodybuilders, Part II
  • Hypertrophy-Specific Training Series:
    It is designed according to research looking specifically at muscle hypertrophy, not muscle performance. This kind of training is fine to put on size during the off-season, but do not use this routine if you are a performance athlete during the competitive season.
    • Hypertrophy-Specific Training
    • Planning Your Training Frequency: Timing is Everything
    • Hypertrophy-Specific Training Q&A (February 2001)
    • Strategic Deconditioning: Priming the Muscle for Continued Growth
    • Hypertrophy-Specific Training Q&A (October 2001)

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gymråttan alias Magnus Branzén

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