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Från webbloggen under januari/februari 2001:

Januari/februari 2001


"Look up most pharmaceutical acronyms and find out what they stand for."

The Cook's Thesaurus:

"The Cook's Thesaurus is a cooking encyclopedia that covers thousands of ingredients and kitchen tools. Entries include pictures, descriptions, synonyms, pronunciations, and suggested substitutions.

U.S. News: The Microsoft of medical Web sites: 28 februari 2000

"Jeff Arnold, the wunderkind CEO of Healtheon/WebMD, has a new strategy for dominating health care on the Internet: If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em. By announcing plans to acquire two major rivals last week, his company has emerged as the Microsoft of medical Web sites. "Now nobody is even a close No. 2," says William McKeever, an analyst at PaineWebber."

Blackwell Science:

"Blackwell Science - leading international publisher in medicine, science and technology. Keep abreast of our latest developments and browse and buy our publications online."

Svensk artikel Passagen Livsstil

Svensk artikel Legitimerade Sjukgymnasters Riksförbund

Svensk artikel Apoteket

DrugFacts.com - Your Drug Information Destination:

"We are the Internet's premium source of unbiased drug, herbal, patient, and disease management information."

Yahoo! Finance: Drugfacts.Com and NewsRx Announce Strategic Partnership: 22 februari

"DRUGFACTS.com, the premier free drug information resource on the Internet for pharmacists and other healthcare professionals, and NewsRx, the leading provider of daily and weekly health news, announced today a strategic partnership to increase and customize the content of health news available to healthcare professionals."


"The online job board and career center for exercise and fitness professionals. New jobs posted daily."

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu - För ett friskare liv!:

"mitt-liv.nu presenterar en enklare väg till en smart och sund livsstil. mitt-liv.nu är ett varuhus för lust, glädje, inspiration och nytta. Vi samlar de bästa företagen som ägnar sig åt tjänster, produkter och idéer inom begreppet hälsa. Målet är att hjälpa dig som regelbunden användare av mitt-liv.nu till att ha ett roligt, friskt och långt liv."

The Junk Food Mecca:

"The Junk Food Mecca is your one-stop junk food supermarket, providing non-nutritious links to many junk and snack food websites."

Arbor Nutrition Guide:

"The world's largest catalogue of nutrition resources on the Internet, particularly suited to health professionals."

BodyTrends.com for Health, Fitness, and Exercise Equipment:

"Find thousands of health, fitness and exercise products. Offering related fitness articles and advice."

Danska artikel SportsPoint:

"Siden for alle der har interesse indenfor idræt. Her finder du undervisere, artikler, uddannelsesoversigt, kursusoversigt, inspiration, webshop og meget mere! Spørg eksperterne, læs forskningsreferater og find vej til idrætsfaglig litteratur."

Danska artikel Fitness Links:

"Side med over 200 links med alt inden for fitness, motion og bodybuilding."

Drug InfoNet:

"Your one-stop WWW site for all your healthcare informational needs. We provide both information and links to areas on the web concerning healthcare and pharmaceutical-related topics. This free service is brought to you to improve your education as consumers and healthcare professionals."

The Medical Reporter:

"Timely and concise health articles by MDs and medical writer Joel R. Cooper."

International Health News:

"International Health News provides subscribers with useful, authoritative on-line information about the latest research in health, nutrition and medicine. We review over 50 of the world's most respected medical and scientific journals every month and bring you concise, understandable and timely summaries of the most important discoveries."

Physique-Show.com - Search Engine:

"Physique-Show is a Search-Engine reflecting Female and Male Bodybuilding, Wrestling, Fighting, Weightlifting, Fitness, Pictures and Videos. Diet, Nutrition and Health Information."

StrengthNet Entertainment, LLC:

"StrengthNet is the mark of model excellence. Our website, strengthnet.com, is the place to find the hottest fitness and bodybuilding models."


"Traveling Fit will become your one-stop essential source for comprehensive information about fitness facilities, hotels, healthy restaurants, and outdoor exercise areas throughout the United States.

From custom designed Travel Corporate Wellness Programs to Internet Data Passports, CD Software, and quarterly guidebooks, Traveling Fit has a solution for you! No more excuses -- it's time to take control and stay fit on the road!"

Fit For Business - Resources for the athletic business traveler

Fitness Online:

"The Fitness Online mission is to provide you, the user, with all the information, tools, and support you need to achieve your personal health and fitness goals.

The Fitness Online Network is the leading health and fitness content destination on the Worldwide Web, and the online home of the Weider family of magazines: Shape, Men's Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Flex, Natural Health, and Fit Pregnancy."


"The award winning guide to the best sports sites on the web. One of the oldest sports directories, (since 1996), we're striving to put together links to the best resources for you."

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 27 mars 2001 av