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Från webbloggen under februari 2001:

Februari 2001

The Charlotte Observer: Something is sickening sales of health supplements: 24 februari

"Americans last year reduced purchases of vitamins, herbs and other health supplements for the first time since 1994, a sign that consumers have become skeptical of natural remedies marketed for maladies ranging from sniffles to depression.

HealthSurfing.com: Dietary aids may be dangerous for children: 26 februari

"With entire lines of supplements being targeted to kids, researchers are asking how to ensure safety. US health officials, together with corporations and consumers, are organizing to plan research to determine the potential health benefits and risks to children from dietary supplements.

Liverite - The Ultimate Liver Aid

Montreal Gazette: Fighting the medicine man: 25 februari

"'Nutritional supplements' might be the greatest foe in today's war against doping."

The Salt Lake Tribune: Supplements, Some From Utah Firms, Get Conflicting Messages From IOC: 26 februari

"Criticism of the supplement business - Utah companies, in particular - has snowballed since the Sydney Games, when American shot-putter C.J. Hunter claimed that an iron dietary supplement may have been responsible for his four failed drug tests last summer.

In December, the Olympic Athletes Commission asked international federations and national governing bodies of Olympic sport not to enter into sponsorship deals with supplement manufacturers.


"HerbMed - an interactive, electronic herbal database – provides hyperlinked access to the scientific data underlying the use of herbs for health. It is an evidence-based information resource for professionals, researchers, and general public."

USA Today: Diet industry fights the threat of mad cow risk: 27 februari

"The dietary supplement industry has formed a task force on mad cow disease to counter growing consumer fears that the disease plaguing Europe could find its way to the USA inside a pill bottle.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Ytringsfrihet - ikke for helsekostbransjen?: 28 februari 2000

"Stortinget bør sikre at retten til å informere sannferdig også gjelder dem som selger matvarer, helsekost og naturlegemidler. Det må være lov å opplyse om matens fysiologiske virkninger, og ikke holde forbrukerne i uvitenhet.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Trenger vi vitaminpiller?: 23 januari 1998

"De fleste norske leger har en mangelfull forståelse av den helsemessige betydning av kosttilskudd, mener dagens kronikkforfatter.

Han fremlegger materiale fra undersøkelser som viser redusert dødelighet og sykdom ved bruk av vitaminpiller, og redegjør for nye amerikanske oppdagelser og justeringer av regelverket for omsetning av kosttilskudd.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Næringsmiddeltilsynet har undersøkt helsekostprodukter på 54 utsalgssteder i Oslo: 26 februari 1999

"Et minimum av produktene i helsekost-forretninger i Oslo merkes korrekt, viser ny undersøkelse gjort av Næringsmiddeltilsynet.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: kvartalsrapport 1 kvartal 2000 Natural ASA: 5 maj 2000

"Natural hadde i første kvartal brutto royaltyinntekter på drøye 1,1 millioner som resultat av en royalty avtale med Nederlandske Loders Crocklaan, en del av Unilever. Omsetning av Tonalin i Skandinavia og Finland har økt fra 0,46 mill til 11,14 mill..

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Vitaminspray møter skepsis: 20 mars 2000

"Vitaminsprayen "Spike" selger så det spruter. Men mange er skeptiske til det nye produktet.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Sensasjonell fettsyre utviklet i Bergen: 10 april 2000

"Svært god effekt mot høyt blodtrykk, høyt kolesterol, fedme og sukkersyke. Testet på mennesker - uten skadevirkninger.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Norge taler ESA midt imot: 17 januari 2000

"Sosial- og helsedepartementet trosser EFTAs overvåkingsorgan ESA, og vil fortsatt nekte det amerikanske selskapet Kelloggs å tilsette B-vitaminer og jern i Corn Flakes.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Rekeskall for millioner: 5 juli 2000

"Karmøy-bedriften Primex kan gjøre det stort i USA når amerikanske myndigheter snart åpner for bruk av hovedproduktet deres, chitosan, i næringsmidler.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Ja til piller i EU: 10 maj 2000

"EU vil anbefale økte doser vitaminer og mineraler i et nytt direktiv.

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Propp i deg vitaminer: Forebygg svangerskapsforgiftning: 21 december 1999

"Svangerskapsforgiftning utgjør den alvorligste helsetrusselen for gravide i Norge. Hvert år rammes 2000 kvinner av sykdommen. Nå har engelske forskere vist at store doser vitamin C og E halverer risikoen.

Norsk artikel tilapoteket.no - ditt personlige apotek

Philly.com: Geiger suspended for steroid use: 15 februari

"For as long as I've been in the NBA, I've always used a number of different over-the-counter supplements during my offseason training. Last summer, I was notified by the NBA that new products and drugs had been added to the list of banned substances."

The Salt Lake Tribune: Gelatin-Based Products Safe, Industry Says: 15 februari

"Experts are fairly sure two Utah staples - Jell-O and dietary supplements - are safe from mad cow disease."

Excite: Exercise supplement creatine: The good, the bad, the ugly: 12 februari

"The NCAA banned colleges from supplying creatine to athletes for two reasons, BYU Head Trainer George Curtis said.

"It is the NCAA position that none of the Division I teams are allowed to use creatine because there is a lack of research on the long-term effects. Also, banning it will help create an even playing field because some schools have more money to provide it than others," he said."

Todays Chemist at Work: More Than Just the Sugar in the Pill: Januari

"Often referred to as “inert ingredients”, excipients are the “fillers” that allow the proper delivery of the active therapeutic compounds contained in nearly all over-the-counter and prescription drugs. They also serve critical functions in facilitating the industrial production of medicines."

Svensk artikel Eiselt: Henrik Eiselt reagerar på skriverier i tidningar, nyheter på tv och annat:

Information om BSE - Ingen anledning till oro: 26 januari
"Samtliga råvaror som används i tillverkningen hos Eiselt Research, som kan tänkas utgöra specifikt riskmaterial (SPM), är framställda enligt EU:s direktiv 2000/418/EG, vilket är en garanti för att inte SPM används i produktionen."

Science News: Medicinal Mimicry - Sometimes, placebos work—but how?: 3 februari

"Many studies suggest that problems like pain and depression respond particularly well to placebos. Blood pressure, cholesterol concentration in the blood, and heart rate are also affected by placebos, as are warts. On average, about a third of people taking placebos in studies report a benefit."

University of North Carolina: Like Grapefruit, Sour Oranges Boost Drug Effectiveness, Scientists Find, and Also Why: 7 februari

"Certain drugs become much more effective when people who take them also drink a glass of grapefruit juice at the same time. Now, a new study shows Seville oranges can do the same thing."

Medem: Androstenedione Supplementation Does Not Enhance Resistance Training:

"Testosterone precursors do not help the body better adapt to resistance training when consumed in dosages recommended by manufacturers; furthermore, consumption may result in significant increases in estrogen-related compounds, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) concentrations and unfavorable alterations in blood lipid and coronary heart disease risk, according to an article in the November 13, 2000, issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, a journal published by the American Medical Association (AMA)." (Via MetaMuscle

Yahoo! Finance: CVT Announces Completion of Its Cold-FX(R) Study In High Performance Athletes: 22 februari

"Dr. Grant Pierce, Director of the National Centre and Professor of Physiology at the University of Manitoba, says, "This is a significant study, not only for CV Technologies Inc., but also because it represents important information for all athletes who want to use nutraceutical products to maintain their health in order to perform at peak athletic performance.

It is critical that these athletes have confidence that the product they ingest is safe and does not contain or simulate IOC banned substances within their bodies. It is only from data generated by studies like this one that athletes will receive this assurance."

AST Sports Science: Daily Questions and Answers: 9 februari

"Can you tell me how a company like Muscle Marketing USA can continue to sell their Creatine Serum when all the tests show that it is a fake product? What can be done about this?"

Bringwell: Bringwell öppnar upp en butik med ett nytt koncept:

"En stor nyhet är att vi i slutet av april kommer att öppna upp en butik i centrala Stockholm - Stureplan. Butiksetableringen bygger på ett helt nytt koncept inom hälsa och egenvård - "drugstore".

Dessutom har vi tagit in ca 40 nya produkter från EAS och Hela Pharma (ex. Mivitotal). EAS Sportprodukter kan inte köpas på någon annan svensk site än Bringwell, vilket vi är mycket stolta över."

Svensk artikel SVD: Succépreparat kan stoppas: 21 februari

"Hälsokostbranschens senaste storvinnare kosttillskottet glukosamin hotas av försäljningsstopp. Läkemedelsverket vill klassa ämnet som läkemedel."

Svensk artikel Strength Sport Nutrition: Nyheter:

"Den senaste tiden skriverier som varit angående kopplingen mellan Kreatin och cancer, har vi fått fram följande: Inga nya studier är gjorda, och den franska person (som inte angivit titel) har inga nya vetenskapliga studier eller andra undersökningar att stödja sig på.

Vi har talat med Ulla Beckman Sund på Livsmedelsverket som inte har fått någon ny information, utan hänvisar istället till en rapport som EU gjort om Kreatin (OBS! .PDF-dokument). Sammanfattningsvis om rapporten kan sägas att det inte finns något samband mellan Kreatin och cancer.

Angående BSE Galna Kosjukan: I Strength produkter förekommer endast råvara taget från färsk mjölk, och eftersom BSE inte kan smitta genom mjölk så är möjligheten att komma i kontakt med BSE lika med noll."

AST Sports Science: The French Deception: 21 februari

"A couple of weeks ago newswires around the world ran stories about the French equivalent to the FDA claiming creatine may cause cancer.

Either these scientists are absolute morons or they are pushing agenda by distorting the scientific facts on creatine supplementation. One thing is for certain; their claims against creatine are baseless and are an embarrassment to the scientific and medical community.

Not only are there no studies whatsoever indicating in even the wildest possible interpretation that supplementing with creatine could even remotely cause cancer, but their literature support for their statements does not even involve creatine.

The sad part of all this is that the media will report this through thousands of news outlets throughout the world effectively propagating an outright lie. It stinks."

The Weekender: What's all the fizz about?: 15 februari

"Despite medical skepticism about the effects of Red Bull on the body, the beverage is an emerging leader in the extreme sports sector.

From snowboarders to cliff divers, Red Bull is looking to charge athletes with an instant liquid adrenaline rush at events that the company not only sponsors, but also has developed."

Cornell university: Women with low body iron find exercise and physical work much more difficult: 10 juli 2000

"Women with low body iron, yet who are not anemic, have a much harder time sustaining exercise and adapting to training, concludes a new Cornell University study. But after a period of training, iron-deficient women who boost their body iron by taking supplements can improve their exercise endurance twice as much as iron-depleted women."

The Sceptic's Dictionary: DHEA:

"DHEA production peaks in early adulthood and is the only hormone known to decline in production with age. Thus, many diseases which correlate with age also correlate with low levels of DHEA production.

There has been no scientific evidence, however, that low levels of DHEA is a significant causal factor in the development of diseases associated with aging. Nor is there any evidence that increasing DHEA slows down, stops or reverses the aging process."

Washington Post: How Does Your Multivitamin Stack Up?: 20 februari

"Recent laboratory tests of 27 types of multivitamins has again demonstrated the worrisome fact that many packages of dietary supplements on store shelves don't contain what their labels say."

Svensk artikel TopShape: Webbshop:

"Prisgaranti: Kan du hitta en av våra produkter till ett lägre pris i Sverige och kan bevisa detta för oss med t.ex en annons, tel. nr. till butik eller liknande så ger vi dig samma pris. Självklar gäller även att du får 5% rabatt på ordrar över 1500.- även på dessa artiklar."

AST Sports Science Research Reviews: Carbohydrate Drinks Preserve Valuable Muscle Glycogen During Weight Training Exercise:

"Glucose and muscle glycogen (the storage form of glucose) are a main source of fuel during intense weight training. Low muscle glycogen levels can limit your work capacity and the muscles ability to recover.

If muscles get too low on glycogen, a catabolic (muscle breakdown) response results. Some research demonstrates that the amount of glucose stored in muscle, influences muscle growth."

food ingredients online: CSIRO: Research alliance puts fish oil on the menu: 9 februari

"Functional lipids company, Clover Corporation, and Food Science Australia have reached agreement on the licensing and further development of breakthrough technology in the manufacture of encapsulated tuna oil and other functional food ingredients."

food ingredients online: Fathoming the Secrets of Dairy-Derived Conjugated Linoleic Acid Scientists Study Occurrence and Effects of this Natural Dairy Component: 9 februari

food ingredients online: NSF International Announces Dietary Supplements Certification Program: 12 februari

"The Public Health and Safety Company, (www.nsf.org) today announced the implementation of a new Dietary Supplements Certification Program."

ConsumerLab.com: Product Review: Multivitamins/Multiminerals:

"Of the group of 27 multivitamin and/or multimineral products (often collectively referred to as "multis" in this review) tested, 9 products failed to meet the criteria of this product review, representing one-third all products evaluated."

The Daily Review: Founder of Clif Bar makes fit food: 18 februari

"Famished from the exertion of a 175-mile bike ride through the Bay Area, Erickson just couldn't bear eating another of the tasteless energy bars he had packed for the ride.

"That was really a profound moment. Here I am starving, and I had this food with me and I couldn't eat it," said Erickson. "I had already eaten five, and I couldn't eat the sixth one. I thought this is not right. If there's going to be food on the market that is for energy and is nutritious, it's gotta also be palatable and taste good."

Just Move: Safety of supplements for children unclear: 14 februari

"US experts warned Tuesday that the safety and efficacy of many dietary supplements have not been tested in children, and said that parents should exercise caution when giving supplements to their kids."

Learn Fitness: How three amino acids can strengthen your immune system by 34%: 19 februari

"According to Brazilian researchers, a blend of amino acids can strengthen the immune system of elite triathletes. Thirty days of supplementation with branched chain amino acids (BCAA) was enough to reduce symptoms of infection by an impressive 34%."

Flex Magazine: Creatine: the Latest Research: December 2000

"Recent studies confirm the safety of the oft-scrutinized supplement."

Svensk artikel Gainomax: Gainomax Recovery lanseras i Danmark och på Irland: 16 februari

"Gainomax Recovery, som är en återhämtningsdryck för aktiva människor, är sedan flera år väl etablerad i Sverige och Finland. Sedan 1998 har drycken även haft snabbt växande försäljningsframgångar i England. Fr o m februari 2001 kommer produkten dessutom att säljas på gym och sportanläggningar i Irland och Danmark."

Maxim - Sports Food System

Svensk artikel Paulun.com: Har du också drabbats av kosttillskottsterrorn?:

Det har på sistone gjorts en del onyanserade uttalanden om kosttillskott. I min nya artikel ”kosttillskottsterrorn” kan du läsa vad som egentligen gäller om t ex kreatin och proteinpulver.

Svensk artikel Paulun.com: Kosttillskott:

"På denna sida hittar du valda delar ur min bok Kosttillskott för idrott, samt mitt examensarbete "Nutritional and ergogenic supplements for athlethes"."

Svensk artikel SVT: Uppdrag Granskning: Kosttillskott

Missade du programmet har du tillfälle att se det i repris på måndag i SVT1. På ovanstående webbplats kan du även se hela reportaget i Real Video-format online.

"Tillåtna och otillåtna kosttillskott florerar på marknaden utan kontroll. Och i glappet mellan kontroll och förbud riskerar brukare att drabbas av oönskade biverkningar. UPPDRAG gransknings Mathias Engstrand granskar."

Svensk artikel SVT: Uppdrag Granskning: Här kan du läsa inläggen från diskussionen om senaste programmet

Svensk artikel Tillskottet.com: BSE-smitta - viktig information till återförsäljare: 31 januari

"Vi fick ett brev från Eiselt som vi har fått tillstånd att publicera och som vi tycker att även ni bör ta del av. Det handlar om BSE - Galna kosjukan (protein) och Cancer (kreatin) inom kosttillskott."

Svensk artikel Hallandsposten: Fiskolja förebygger hjärtbesvär: 22 februari

"Varje år dör 25 000 svenskar i akut hjärtdöd.

En tesked fiskolja om dagen skulle minska siffran avsevärt, enligt professor Tom Saldeen vid Rättsmedicinska institutionen i Uppsala. Han har i tio år forskat kring fiskoljor och de omega-3-fettsyror som finns i fisken."

Svensk artikel DN: Veganer behöver kosttillskott: 14 februari

"Unga veganer kan mycket väl täcka sitt behov av näringsämnen. Men då krävs engagemang, kunskap och tillskott av vitamin B12 och selen. Det visar en studie som gjorts vid institutionen för kostvetenskap vid Umeå universitet."

Kiplinger.com: Power Bars Offer More Hype Than Nutrition: Mars

"Flunk These Bars: Their popularity is soaring, but are performance snacks in sync with good nutrition?

Natural Foods Merchandiser: New Ephedra Answers and Questions: Februari

"The FDA has identified resolution of the ongoing ephedra controversy as an "A-List" priority for Fiscal Year 2001, and specifically said it will include consideration of the favorable industry-funded Cantox study released in late December. Meanwhile, new labeling concerns have arisen at the state level.

Nutrition Action Healthletter: Antioxidants Cull Mad Cow Disease: Februari

"Europeans, particularly the French, are mad about mad cow disease and its human variant, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Yet research dating back to 1996 suggests that antioxidants may prevent or slow the progression of aberrant proteins such as prions that cause such brain-destroying diseases.

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Namninsamling ska rädda kosttillskott: 22 februari

"Försäljningen av kosttillskottet glukosamin kan förbjudas av Läkemedelsverket. Hälsokostrådet startar därför en namninsamling i landets hälsokostaffärer för att rädda kvar glukosamin."

Svensk artikel Hälsokostrådet: Fördubblad försäljning av hälsopreparat i Sverige på tio år:

"Ny statistik från Apoteket AB och Hälsokostrådet visar att försäljningen av hälsopreparat i Sverige mer än fördubblats på tio år. Under år 2000 såldes hälsokost, natur(läke)medel, naturkosmetik och kosttillskott för nästan 2,8 miljarder kronor. Den största försäljningskanalen för dessa preparat är hälsofackhandeln."

NewsRounds: FDA seeks ideas for dietary supplement guide: 22 februari

"The US Food and Drug Administration is seeking input from industry, physicians and consumers in developing new guidance about the promotional claims that dietary supplement companies can make about their products."

Svensk artikel Träningsshopen:

"Gensans produkter är tillverkade enligt GMP-standard i anläggningar som dessutom är ISO 9002-certifierade. Alla Gensans proteinprodukter är tillverkade av protein från Nya Zeeland, vilket garanterar att Du får ett protein som är av absolut högsta kvalitet och BSD-fritt."

AMNI: Scientific Abstracts for supplements and herbs: 

"AMNI is pleased to present a selection of pertinent scientific abstracts for your review and information. This is not a comprehensive listing of all abstracts that are available from other sources. These abstracts are provided to you in their original, unedited form as an educational and technical service by Advanced Medical Nutrition, Inc. in accordance with the Dietary Supplement and Education Act of 1994, section 403B (a). No claims to product benefits are being made."

Dallas News: New vitamin data not ready for most consumers to digest: 16 januari

"About 40 percent of Americans pop vitamin pills. But just how much of each vitamin does your body need? When does food provide enough? And how much is too much?"


För de som tar mängder av kosttillskott...

"MyPillBox is a designed to help you adhere to taking all of your daily medications. It was built with a focus on cardiac medications, but it is completely applicable for creating a schedule for all types of pills or supplements. On this site, you will be able to create and name schedules, edit your pill information, and then view a complete daily schedule of your medications."

Norsk artikel VitaViva: Kosttilskud - er de farlige?:

"Vitaminer og mineraler beskytter os mod mangelsygdomme. Større doser er endvidere blevet brugt med succes mod mange sygdomme. Men er disse stoffer i virkeligheden så farlige, at folk kun bør kunne få dem på recept?"

Svensk artikel Hälsokostrådet: Naturlig egenvård — ett växande område som ställer krav på ny kunskap inom sjukvården och hälsobranschen:

"Människor söker sig alltmer utanför den vanliga skolmedicinen för att få hjälp och den komplementära hälsobranschen är hetare än någonsin. Allt fler preparat godkänns av Läkemedelsverket som naturläkemedel och intresset för alternativa metoder ökar både hos patienter och sjukvårdpersonal."

MSNBC: The Herbal Frontier: 

"Walk into your local health-food store or pharmacy and you’re likely to find herbal remedies that may ease depression, help you sleep better, even fight prostate cancer.

You might also find a product that has absolutely no effect, despite labeling claims to the contrary, or worse yet, causes serious adverse reactions, possibly even death. How can you be assured you’re buying a safe and effective remedy?"

SupplementWatch: Antioxidants for Athletes:

"In general, athletes look first for products that directly enhance exercise performance, then they may turn to recovery products, but they frequently seem to overlook the importance of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are not only crucial for the health of your cardiovascular system (for everyone, not just athletes), but they also can aid in performance and recovery."

alt.sport.weightlifting: Creatine Safety: A Physician's Prospective: 23 februari

"Dr. Lynn Myers is widely regarded as one of the country's foremost experts on nutrition. He has been interviewed by CNN Sports, heard on ESPN's "One On One Sports". Dr. Myers has addressed the National Wrestling Coaches Association as a special guest speaker on nutrition. Dr. Myers is also the father of four wrestlers.

As a pathologist with a lifetime of experience in solving medical puzzles, I have learned the value of avoiding rumor and hearsay, and the value of examining all the scientific facts for myself. Here are some of the facts that bear on this question."

Muscle Monthly: Exclusive Special Report: New Prohormone To Be Released: 22 februari

LPJ Research: Ask Patrick:

"LPJ Research, Inc. (LPJ) is an American Prohormone manufacturer and research company based in Seymour, Illinois. Patrick Arnold, President of LPJ, is a gifted chemist who is known as the pioneer of modern day prohormones.

Patrick was the first person to introduce the prohormone Androstenedione to the national market. In addition, LPJ is the first USA manufacturer to offer the prohormones Androdiol, and Norandrodiol, in production form to the domestic market."

BBC Sport: Fresh doubts about nandrolone: 15 februari

"Athletes banned for positive nandrolone tests have been given a lifeline following the publication of new research. It shows that contaminated nutritional supplements can produce levels of the banned steroid that are up to 300 times above the permitted limit."

BBC Sport: Supplements 'may cause drug failures': 30 januari

"Legitimate food supplements may be responsible for the spate of positive drug tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone, research has suggested."

Sportscience: Positive Drug Tests from Supplements: December 2000

"There is a small but real risk that athletes will test positive to a banned substance as a result of ingesting supplements and sports foods. Lack of regulation of quality control and labeling of products in the supplement industry makes it impossible to identify supplements and sports foods that are risk free.

Incentives or punishments for the supplement industry to improve manufacturing processes are therefore needed. Meanwhile sports authorities place the responsibility for a positive test with the athlete, necessitating better education of athletes, coaches and support staff."

BioPharmaWeb: Ergonomic biochemical patents could benefit patients and sportsmen: 7 februari

"Minneapolis-based Bioenergy, Inc. is poised for growth and market expansion with the issue of two new patents for its Ribose product for boosting energy in sports as well as convalescence."

IFBB: News Reports of Creatine's Evils are Sensationalized Fiction:

"First the facts. Creatine is safe. It is produced naturally from amino acids in the body and stored in muscles. Creatine in supplement form works as a training aid for many athletes. Creatine has never been proven to be carcinogenic or a health risk. And creatine has nothing to do with any perceived decline of Western civilization."

Svensk artikel Hälsokostrådet:

"Hälsokostrådet är branschens samarbetsorgan. Rådet arbetar långsiktigt med utbildning, produktkontroll, information, faktapublicering, myndighetsärenden och internationella frågor."

peakhealth.net: The Facts Behind the Creatine and Cancer Hype: 7 februari

"There has recently been a rash of misinformation that has been spread around the world that has arisen from a statement made by a Mr. ? Dr. ? Martin Husch for the French Agency of Medical Security for Food (AFSSA), claiming a link between creatine monohydrate supplementation and cancer.

This is not supported by the literature and it is unfortunate that medical misinformation can be spread throughout the world so rapidly."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: BSE-risiko: 9 februari

"Kapsler med fiskeolie er under mistanke for at kunne overføre smitte med BSE - kogalskab. Det skyldes, at kapslerne er lavet af gelatine, der laves af knogler fra tyske og franske køer. Selvom der ikke er højrisikomateriale i gelatinen, vil virksomheden Pronova, der sælger fiskeolieproduktet Pikasol i Danmark ikke afvise, at der kan være en risiko."

NSF: NSF International Announces Dietary Supplements Certification Program: 12 februari

"NSF International, The Public Health and Safety Company™, today announced the implementation of a new Dietary Supplements Certification Program. NSF is offering unique, independent, third party, product evaluation services to the rapidly growing dietary supplements industry. Verification of ingredients listed on product labels and contaminant testing are the basis of the program."

Washington Post: Woman Wins $13.3 Million Against Dietary Company: 8 februari

"A state jury awarded $13.3 million yesterday to an Alaska woman who suffered a debilitating stroke after taking a weight-loss product containing ephedrine. It was the first case involving the popular but controversial stimulant to go to trial." (Via MetaMuscle)

Cyberpump: Which Supplements are Best… A Definitive Comment!:

"It is undeniably obvious that human nature is subliminally affected by advertising. Hell, when you have some stud with a knockout, well endowed blonde gracing his 20” arm as part of an advertising ploy to convince you that this is THE supplement for you, it is hard not to be sucked into believing that it is. Deep down you may be thinking that this has to be “THE ONE” for you even though you said the last supplement(s) you tried fell short of it’s expectations, so back to the store you go for one more try."

IronMag.com Editorial: 9 februari

"Recently Ironmag was approached by probably one of the most well-known bodybuilding writers in the world with the offer of an exclusive interview!

So in the upcoming weeks, we'll be putting together what will probably be the most shocking, revealing interview this man has given, ever! We're going to get him to talk about everything from training and dieting, to the behind the scenes antics of various magazines, supplement companies and other figures."

The Protein Bakery - Cookies with Muscle

Hardgainer: HARDGAINER Nutrition 117 - The Wrap Up: 13 februari

"Before I get started with this column, I want to extend my thanks to Stuart for providing me space to give what I hope has been good, common-sense nutritional information. With as much hype-filled garbage as there is out there, just as with training, the opportunity to write this column was appreciated. I hope readers derived benefit from it."

National Academy Press: Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc

HealthWorld Online: FDA Hesitant to Report Dangers of Taking Vitamins: 5 februari

Healthscout: Vitamin C: Cancer Treatment After All?:

"Recent research now reveals that the body closely regulates how much vitamin C gets into the bloodstream from the gut and that taking vitamin C in pill form would not have come close to the doses achieved with an injectable form."

Svensk artikel Folkbladet: Vi köper ginseng för 185 miljoner om året: 10 november 1999

Vi svenskar petar i oss ginseng för 185 miljoner kr varje år i hopp om ett friskare liv. Tidigare har väl de flesta köpt den lilla kinesiska roten mest på tro, om man säger så. I dag finns det väldokumenterade undersökningar som bevisar att ginseng både stärker immunförsvaret och ger en mental och fysisk kick.

Science News: Boning up on calcium shouldn't be sporadic: 22 april 2000

"Calcium supplements can preserve and even build bones in the large share of the population that steadfastly consumes diets deficient in the mineral. Yet two new federal analyses indicate that the gains can quickly disappear when people stop taking extra calcium."

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Forskarna förklarar fenomenet: 12 februari 2000

Hur är det möjligt att en vanlig krydda kan bota eller i varje fall lindra svåra ledsmärtor?

HealthCentral.com: Fatty acids, antioxidants may help 'tennis elbow': 26 april 2000

"A combination of essential fatty acids and antioxidants appears to be an effective treatment for the inflammatory injuries commonly known as 'tennis elbow' and 'golf elbow'.

Soren Mavrogenis, a physiotherapist with Denmark's Olympic Committee, tells Reuters Health that he has effectively treated several hundred cases of recurrent inflammatory injuries."

HealthCentral.com: Four more companies plead guilty in vitamin price-fixing plot: 5 maj 2000

"Two U.S. and two German drug companies pleaded guilty and will pay $33 million in fines for participating in a conspiracy to fix the price of vitamins sold worldwide, the Justice Department said."

HealthCentral.com: Amino acid aids muscle recovery after exercise: 12 juli 1999

"Leucine, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods, can speed muscle recovery after exercise, U.S. researchers report.

The consumption of protein-rich foods "as soon as possible after exercise" may speed muscle recovery, concludes study co-author Dr. Donald Layman of the University of Illinois in Urbana. The findings are published in the June issue of the Journal of Nutrition."

Independent Online: Research casts doubt on nandrolone testing: 30 januari

"A leading international scientist confirmed yesterday that athletes such as Mark Richardson, Merlene Ottey and Doug Walker could have tested positive for the banned steroid nandrolone because they had taken contaminated food supplements."

CNN: Some supplements raise concern over mad cow loophole: 6 februari

"Dr. Scott Norton was browsing through herbal supplements when he spotted bottles containing not just plants but some unexpected animal parts: brains, testicles, tracheas and glands from cows and other animals."

MSNBC: FDA cracks down on foods spiked with unapproved herbal medicines: 6 februari

"Companies that spike foods with herbal medicines claiming to do such things as boost brain power or fight infections are getting a government warning: They may be breaking the law."

peakhealth.net: Ask the Doctor: Creatine and teenagers: 17 april 2000

"In this week’s ‘Ask the Experts’ column, peakhealth.net readers ask Dr. Serrano about creatine monohydrate and its safety and effectiveness with teenage athletes."

peakhealth.net: Ask the Doctor: The truth about Androstenedione: 8 maj 2000

"In this weeks "Ask the Doctor" column, Dr. Serrano answers reader's questions about androstenedione."

peakhealth.net: Ask the Doctor: Branched Chain Amino Acids: 15 maj 2000

"peakhealth.net readers ask Dr. Eric Serrano, can branched chain amino acids help to improve fat loss and maintain muscle mass while dieting."

HealthWorld Online: Supplements Raise Mad Cow Concerns: 5 februari

"Dr. Scott Norton was browsing through herbal supplements when he spotted bottles containing not just plants but some unexpected animal parts: brains, testicles, tracheas and glands from cows and other animals.

The Maryland physician sounded an alarm: How can Americans be sure those supplements, some imported from Europe, are made of tissue free from mad cow disease?"

Learn Fitness - No hype. No half-truths. Just the facts.:

"Learn the fastest ways to lose fat, build muscle and boost your aerobic fitness."

Nutrition Action: How to Pick A Multi: April 2000

"Who says Americans can’t think for themselves? For decades, health experts have issued platitudes like “you don’t need vitamins if you eat a balanced diet.” Yet an estimated 40 percent of Americans take a supplement, and it’s most likely to be a multivitamin/mineral. They’re no fools.

It makes sense to get roughly the Daily Values for most vitamins and minerals just in case you don’t get them from food. Of course, you can’t expect a supplement to make up for a lousy diet. But a healthy diet and a supplement may be the best of both worlds. The question is which supplement... or supplements?"

Svensk artikel fri Köpenskap: Hälsokedjor slås samman: 6 februari

"De frivilliga hälsobutikskedjorna Life i Norge och Sverige ska gå samman i ett bolag."

MultiPower: BSE Problematik – Kein Thema bei MULTIPOWER

Tysk text om att tillskotten från Multipowers inte är drabbades av BSE. Översätt från tyska till engelska via Babel Fish.

US News: Natural Hazards: 12 februari

"Tonic or toxic? Americans are gobbling up nature's remedies for everything from obesity to depression."

Paul Pedriana's Cycling Page: Nutritional Supplements for Cyclists:

"The benefits reported here are current as of January of 2000. The large majority of these findings will likely be valid till at least 2005, a few supplements (e.g. HMB, citrate) are relatively new and the results of the research could change the view of these at any time."

Norsk artikel Lillesand Treningsstudio: Kreatin er kroppens energilager: 15 maj 2000

Yahoo!: Supplements May Have Too Much Manganese: 1 februari

"The levels of manganese in some over-the-counter dietary supplements - most touted as treatments for joint and muscle problems - exceed government recommended levels for safe consumption of the element."

MusclePhotos.com: Märks det att de säljer ZMA?

  • A Novel Zinc and Magnesium Formulation (ZMA) Increases Anabolic Hormones and Strength in Athletes
  • Zinc Status and Serum Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults
  • Zinc and Water Retention - How to Lose Water
  • Zinc May Help Prevent Gynecomastia ("Bitch's Tits")
  • Buying Supplements: What Clinical Experience Teaches

Healthsurfing: Fat Fighters: Calcium and an acid in dairy products help burn fat: 1 februari

"Food and fat researchers are discovering quite a twist when it comes to losing weight: it takes fat to lose fat."

Svensk artikel Eiselt: Henrik Eiselt reagerar på skriverier i tidningar, nyheter på tv och annat:

Kan kreatin ge cancer? Felaktiga artiklar i dagspressen!: 27 januari
Tilläggas bör att det franska läkemedelsverket är bland det hårdaste i världen - närmast lik en "polisstat" för att citera en av världens största kreatinproducenter. Det vore inte konstigt om Frankrika förbjöd kreatin, men anledningen skulle definitivt inte vara att det kan orsaka cancer.

Information om BSE - Ingen anledning till oro: 26 januari
Samtliga råvaror som används i tillverkningen hos Eiselt Research, som kan tänkas utgöra specifikt riskmaterial (SPM), är framställda enligt EU:s direktiv 2000/418/EG, vilket är en garanti för att inte SPM används i produktionen.

Piller & Prestation - KF visar vad de verkligen går för!: 26 januari
Det är bedrövligt att KF ska ge sig in på ett område som de uppenbarligen inte behärskar för 5 öre! Vad tjänar KF på att snacka skit om kosttillskott?

New Scientist: All in the mind: 29 april 2000

"To get the most out of caffeine, you've got to believe in the effect it's having on you. "It seems that what you think may be as important as what you drink," Andrew Scholey, a psychopharmacologist at the University of Northumbria, told a meeting of the British Psychological Society in Winchester last week."

Healthscout: The Training Table - It's supposed to be an advantage for women:

"The researchers reported in the September 2000 issue of the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports that women utilize protein more efficiently than men.

As a result, top male athletes may need as much as a 100 percent increase in their protein intake to compensate for increased activity, while women doing exactly the same events may only need a 50 percent increase in protein intake."

CNN Sports Illustrated: Link possible between nandrolone, supplements: 31 januari

"A leading international scientist has found further evidence that contaminated food supplements could be responsible for the rash of positive tests for the banned steroid nandrolone."

Protein Factory.com - The Only Company to Customize:

"Customize your own formula! That is right, you can request what you want. Any amount, combination, flavoring, etc...

Our philosophy, and many nutritional experts agree, is that not one source of protein is the best, but a combination of many. The Protein Factory sells the highest quality proteins on the market, unsurpassed in purity and value."

SportServer: Supplements could change drug test results: 30 januari

"Contaminated food supplements could be responsible for the rash of positive tests for the banned steroid nandrolone, a leading international scientist says."

BioPharmaWeb: Osteoarthritis supplements with too much of a good thing?: 30 januari

"The online ConsumerLab.com that provides consumers with an independent service by evaluating products that affect health and nutrition has alerted its audience that some glucosamine and chondroitin products popularly used for osteoarthritis may exceed the upper intake levels for manganese."

Riksidrottsförbundet: RF:s Dopingkommission avråder från kreatin:

"Det finns anledning att starkt varna idrottsutövare för bruk av kreatin. Det säger Bengt O Eriksson, medicinsk expert i Riksidrottsförbundets Dopingkommission, med hänsyn till risken för så kallad "misstagsdoping"."

Yahoo! Sverige: Nandrolon vanligt i bantningsmedel: 30 januari

Food supplements bör översättas med kosttillskott, inte bantningsmedel... Och att citera fransmännens "undersökning" om att 'kreatin kan vara cancerframkallande' ger inte heller det några pluspoäng.

HealthWorld Online: FDA Panel Says Supplement Takers at Risk from Mad Cow

"A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel has said it is possible that people taking some dietary supplements may be exposed to mad cow disease.

There is little hard evidence that dietary supplements could be contaminated by bovine spongiform ecephalopathy (BSE). However, the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Advisory Commission still thought the FDA should consider drawing up criteria to ask people about what supplements they take before they donate blood."

HealthWorld Online: Pycnogenol - Safe and Effective:

"Passwater: Professor Rohdewald, as a pharmacist you have studied many interesting drugs. What attracted you to research Pycnogenol?

Rohdewald: I am intrigued by the pharmacology of plant extracts and I was curious if all of the benefits attributed to Pycnogenol were due to bioflavonoids or other substances in the extract."

Science News: Medicinal Mimicry - Sometimes, placebos work—but how?: 3 februari

"Many studies suggest that problems like pain and depression respond particularly well to placebos. Blood pressure, cholesterol concentration in the blood, and heart rate are also affected by placebos, as are warts. On average, about a third of people taking placebos in studies report a benefit."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Kosttilskud: 8 februari

"Kosttilskudsprodukter med store doser af vitaminer og mineraler kan fremover blive købt i frihandel, hvis et nyt EU-forslag vedtages. Forslaget ophæver grænsen for, hvor store doser af vitaminer og mineraler et kosttilskud kan indeholde."

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Från webbloggen under januari 2001:

Januari 2001

Consumerlabs.com: Some supplements for arthritis may exceed newly released safe intake levels for manganese: 29 januari

"ConsumerLab.com issued an alert today to its online readers today that that some glucosamine and chondroitin products (popularly used for osteoarthritis), exceed newly established upper intake levels for manganese."

Yahoo! News: Report Finds Banned Steroid in Food Supplements: 30 januari

"Research into the spate of positive drug tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone suggests that contamination of legitimate food supplements may be responsible.

Tests on around 100 food supplements at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)-sanctioned laboratory in Cologne found substances on 16 occasions that would lead to adverse nandrolone findings."

Danska artikel Danmarks Idræts-Forbund: Team Danmark undersøger kreatin: 26 januari

"En arbejdsgruppe under Team Danmark er på vej med en redegørelse om kreatin, der bl.a. konkluderer, at risikoen for bivirkninger sandsynligvis er overdrevet, skriver det seneste nummer af Idrætsliv nr. 2/2001."

Radio National: Background Briefing - The Creatine Story: 13 februari 2000

"The eternal human quest to be the best, the strongest, biggest, fastest. The heroism of pushing one's body beyond ordinary limits. It's mental, physical - and getting the right spikes on your running shoes.

And nutrition. In the 90's, the equivalent of 10 kilos of raw steak a day came as a legal powder - a wonder supplement.

Now they're working on one to bulk up the kids, too."

IronMag: IronMag Issue #5: 13 januari

From The Editorial Staff: Wassup with dis, Biotest?:
"At Ironmag we have a policy of keeping our noses out of the supplement industry. This happened after one of our former writers wrote a very popular, yet revealing piece on supplement scammers, and in turn received several threatening emails from Biotest. Our former writer has a tremendous amount of respect for Testosterone and Biotest and implored the editorial staff to edit the article and repost it. We did, but only on his advice. Yes, it was a great article. Since then we usually maintain our distance, because really, we have no money tied up in supplements and we could care less who does what.

There is a time though to say enough is enough.

It's time for bodybuilders on the Internet to stand up to Biotest and Testosterone Magazine and say grow the f**k up! Stop the bickering, stop the lies and quit acting like a spoiled brat who just got a pellet gun for Christmas.

When you think about it guys, Biotest is a small fry in the supplement industry. Yes, they like to make you think they've got the biggest balls, but really, they're a bunch of scared middle-aged men whose glory days are behind them and are just looking to make a buck for retirement."

Muscle Monthly Newsletter Volume 1, Number 10: Howz it Work?: Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB): 1 januari

"Do I recommend HMB? Yes. In spite of evidence to the contrary (Kreider’s study), I have felt that HMB has significantly helped not only myself, but also my clients who use my unique loading regimen to make faster than average gains."

AST: Latest research from the 47th Annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine:

  • Protein supplements improve the health of older women.
  • Creatine supplementation does not cause muscular injury or cramping in a variety of athletes under various training conditions.
  • The effects of whey protein supplementation and resistance training on body composition and performance.
  • Creatine supplementation appears to increase mineral uptake and bone formation.
  • An essential amino acid supplement improved time to exhaustion in untrained individuals.
  • Creatine supplementation is just as effective in older men at building muscle and strength!

EAS: High carbohydrate post-exercise drinks may cause fatigue: Juni

Data lead us to suggest that excessive liquid carbohydrate consumption following resistance exercise may cause acute feelings of fatigue, irritability, and mental dullness. The consumption of a balanced mixed nutrient feeding under isoenergetic exchange may be more appropriate.

Svensk artikel Fairing:

"Fairing Sport Nutrition är ett helsvenskt företag grundat 1993 av Kenny Johansson. Fairing Sport använder enbart europeiska råvaror framtagna efter lägst GMP-Standard. Vi har bästa tänkbara referenser bland annat tre landslag och flera svenska mästare."

Healthsurfing: "Boost" herb can be dangerous, say nutritionists: 1 september

"They were originally designed for athletes, but these days, energy bars are a popular pick-me-up for all kinds of busy people - including those who skip lunch. But some power-packed snacks may give you less - and more - than you bargained for, with herbal supplements that can be dangerous for some."

Food Ingredients Online: Canadian company offers omega-3 cheese: 12 januari

"PurNutra Inc. (Guelph, Ontario) is planning to produce and package a new line of omega-3 / DHA enriched cheese. According to the company, the product will feature more than 18 times the amount of the omega 3 known as DHA and more than triple the amount of the omega 3 known as EPA, compared with goat cheddar."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Kosttilskud: 25 januari

Kosttilskud kan købes lovligt, og de er populære, men Anti Doping Danmark advarer sportsudøvere mod at bruge dem. Det gælder blandt andet stoffet kreatin. "Jeg er helt overbevist om, at kreatin bør stå på dopinglisten over forbudte stoffer."

Svensk artikel GP: Frankrike förbjuder preparatet som används av många elitidrottare: 26 januari

"Kreatin kan orsaka cancer och andra svåra problem, varnar det franska läkemedelsverket. Därför har all försäljning av det, bland idrottsutövare, populära hälsokostpreparatet förbjudits i landet."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Glukosamin gynnsamt för knäpatienter: 26 januari

"Glukosaminsulfat motverkade försämringen hos patienter med inflammation i knäleden, osteoartrit, enligt en belgisk studie som presenteras i morgondagens utgåva av den medicinska tidskriften the Lancet."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Läkemedelsverket vill stoppa glukosamin: 26 januari

"I december begärde Läkemedelsverket att försäljningen av glukosaminer stoppas. Skälet är att sådana produkter som marknadsförs med medicinska argument måste godkännas som läkemedel."

AllProTraining: Train With The Pros: Januari

The world's top strength and conditioning coaches from the NFL, NHL, NBA, WNBA, and MLB have come together to offer training and nutritional programs just for you. Get the Knowledge, Get the Edge. Get the Ultimate in Training.

  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Inosine
  • Ribose

Edible Insects - A site totally devoted to the raising and eating of insects:

  • Many species of insects are lower in fat, higher in protein, and have a better feed to meat ratio than beef, lamb, pork, or chicken.
  • 100 grams of cricket contains: 121 calories, 12.9 grams of protein, 5.5 g. of fat, 5.1 g. of carbohydrates, 75.8 mg. calcium, 185.3 mg. of phosphorous, 9.5 mg. of iron, 0.36 mg. of thiamin, 1.09 mg. of riboflavin, and 3.10 mg. of niacin.
  • Compare this with ground beef, which, although it contains more protein (23.5 g.), also has 288.2 calories and a whopping 21.2 grams of fat!

GSSI: The Gatorade Sports Science Institute:

"The Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) is excited to announce a newly redesigned website illustrating the new GSSI logo. With these changes, the GSSI emphasizes its history of commitment to scientific research since its establishment by The Gatorade Company in 1988."

FLEX Online: The Phony French Creatine Scare:

"News Reports of Creatine’s Evils Are Sensationalized Fiction."

Inexplicably, the French health authorities implicated supplemental creatine as having the same harmful effects that carcinogenic substances found in charred meat are suspected of having! That’s the only support the AFSSA offers for its cancer-creatine claims. That leaves the French report with zero real data even remotely suggestions that that supplemental creatine has any cancer-causing or cancer-promoting properties.

That’s it. This extremely weak evidence is what gave birth to the screaming headlines suggesting that creatine may cause cancer. The result was needless hysteria, fear and confusion among the many athletes who use supplemental creatine.

The Sceptic's Dictionary: The Placebo Effect

En närmare titt på vad placebo är, med en litteraturlista för vidare läsning.

"The placebo effect is the measurable or observable effect on a person or group that has been given a placebo treatment.

A placebo is an inert substance, or "fake" surgery or therapy, used as a control in an experiment or given to a patient for its possible or probable beneficial effect. Why an inert substance, a so-called "sugar pill," or a fake surgery or therapy would be effective, is not completely known."

The Supplement Research Foundation:

"The Supplement Research Foundation provides research information pertaining to supplements and acts as a resource for individuals seeking complete and detailed information. We want to raise the standards for the supplement industry and give consumers all the information they need to make an educated decision."

Norsk artikel Verdens Gang: Ikke skremt av kreftalarm: 27 januari

"Finn Chr. Jagge vet foreløpig for lite om undersøkelsen til det franske næringsmiddeltilsynet (AFSSA) til at han ligger våken om nettene:

- Alt er farlig nå om dagen. Dette gidder jeg ikke å bruke krefter på, sier han."

Netrition: How Many Vitamins?: 27 januari

"A sample of recommended dietary allowances for certain vitamins and minerals, and upper limits for those deemed harmful at high doses, from the Institute of Medicine."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Antioxidanter: 25 januari

"Læge Niels Hertz kritiserer et udsagn fra professor Arne Astrup om, at antioxidanter er farlige. Han henviser til, at der er tale om en undersøgelse fra Fødevaredirektoratet, der endnu ikke har været diskuteret fagligt, og at resultaterne af undersøgelsen bør lede til yderligere forsøg."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Stigende misbrug af kosttilskud: 25 januari

"Midt i mellem vitaminpiller og dopingmidler findes der er en lang række lovlige gråzone-produkter. Et af dem er kreatin, og det er et populært middel blandt unge mennesker. Men Anti Doping Danmark fraråder brugen af det."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: De vil lige se, hvordan det virker: 24 januari

"1.z på Falkonergårdens Gymnasium på Frederiksberg er en såkaldt Team Danmark-klasse. Holdningen til doping er klart afvisende, men når det kommer til kosttilskud er tonen en anden: En tredjedel af eleverne indtager proteinpulver, og næsten alle kosttilskud er OK - bare de ikke er ulovlige!"

BBC News: Eating to succeed in sport: 5 augusti 1999

"Few top athletes eat simply an everyday healthy diet - most use one or more food or vitamin supplements to boost their performance. A wide array of perfectly-legal substances are taken to improve fitness and allow athletes to gain extra muscle."

CNN: Vitamin-popping public gets some advice: 16 januari

"Call it vitamania: About 40 percent of Americans pop vitamin pills. But just how much of each vitamin does your body need? When does food provide enough? And how much is too much?"

Yahoo! News: Creatine Use Could Lead to Cancer - Report: 24 januari

"Creatine, a dietary supplement used by many athletes to increase muscle bulk, could lead to cancer, a French government agency said on Wednesday.

The sale of creatine is banned in France, however, and it is also banned by the French Rugby Union."

The Salt Lake Tribune: FDA Wary of Cow Parts In Diet Supplements: 24 januari

"Scientists say some dietary supplements may contain imported extracts from brains, testicles and other organs of cattle; whether the animals were exposed to mad cow disease is unknown."

The Irish Times: Study links creatine to cancer risk: 25 januari

"Dr Joe Cummiskey, chief medical officer with the Olympic Council of Ireland, has called for further caution on the use of creatine after a report published yesterday suggested a possible link between the food supplement and cancer."

EurekAlert: Study investigates effectiveness of two popular dietary supplements to improve symptoms of osteoarthritis: 17 januari

"Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center are now enrolling patients in a large multi-center clinical trial to determine whether two popular dietary supplements - glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate - reduce the knee pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA). The disease causes pain, deformity and enlargement of the joints and is diagnosed in almost twice as many women as men."

Reuters Health: FDA panel says supplement takers at risk from mad cow: 19 januari

"After several hours of discussion, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel on Friday said it was possible that people taking some dietary supplements may be exposed to mad cow disease and that the FDA should start considering whether it needs to bar these people from donating blood or bodily tissues."

BioPharmWeb: Dietary supplement encapsulates essentials of fats and oils: 19 januari

Bah, Udo Erasmus did this a decade ago... Now supplement companies sensing easy money think they can catch up with imitation products. Fat chance - there's no catching up with Udo's Choice - Udo is The Fat Man!

"Manufacturers of nutraceuticals around the world will watch with more than a little interest at the novel way California based Roex is tackling the delivery of multiple essential fatty acids (EFAs).

By blending together a number of "good and healthy" fats and oils in a single nutritional supplement, the company will provide a convenient, one-size-fits-all formulation that challenges the proliferation of dietary supplements that so far deal with only a part of the underlying problem."

Just-Food.com: FDA panel says supplement takers at risk from mad cow: 22 januari

"Committee members were concerned that some dietary supplements are made with brain or spinal cord tissue, or pituitary or other glandular tissue from cattle, especially from European cattle. The panel has suggested that people avoid any products made with these ingredients. Panelists also noted concern that supplement makers might import bovine products from countries with infected cattle."

Svensk artikel LivsmedelsSverige: Söker Du information om BSE?:

"Vi hjälper dig att hitta information om "galna kosjukan" och BSE på nätet."

Svensk artikel Final Research: Jan Nordlunds kost-och träningsråd, Cia Hedlunds kost-och träningsråd


"NutritionalSupplements.com is the Internet's premier source for unbiased information about nutritional supplements and prescription drugs. Our reviews, questions and comments come from consumers who have no vested interest in the supplement or pharmaceutical industries."

Fine Pharmaceuticals: Creatine FAQ:

"Creatine is classified as an immine. This means that it is a protein. It is made from three amino acids, arginie, glycine and methionine in the body. Synthetically it is made in a factory from 2 chemicals: sarcosine & cyanamide."

Creatine FAQ

Absolute Creatine - The Absolute Guide to Creatine:

"Creatine is a compound that can be made in our bodies or taken as a dietary supplement. The chemical name for Creatine is methyl guanidine-acetic acid. That sure is a mouth full - which is why it is much easier to just call it creatine."

uk.rec.bodybuilding: Creatine - Frequently Asked Questions

Extreme Sports Nutrition: Research: Creatine Monohydrate: The Facts

Performance Development Laboratories: Creatine - Frequently Asked Questions

Creatine Monohydrate: Everything You Need To Know

NutraSense: Creatine FAQs

New York Times: Consequences: Athletes, Andro and Trouble in the Urine: 28 november 2000

"Athletes who take the sports supplement androstenedione, commonly known as andro, might want to pay attention to one new finding: the substance can make them fail urine tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Läkemedelsverket vill stoppa kosttillskott: 22 januari

"Läkemedelsverket i Uppsala vill stoppa försäljningen av det populära kosttillskottet glukosamin."

BBC News: Herbal remedies 'boost brain power': 14 april 2000

"A combination of two ancient herbal remedies can dramatically boost brain power and may have applications in medicine, say scientists. Researchers showed that ginkgo biloba can improve the power of concentration, while ginseng sharpens up the memory."

TrulyHuge: Bodybuilding and Fitness Supplement Guide 2000:

"Learn which supplements can help you to reach your goals faster and which ones are just "hype" and "BS". Go here and download this book Free!

Food Ingredients Online: Orange juice contends for calcium crown: 10 januari

"With calcium-fortified orange juice offering as much calcium as milk, breakfast eaters are drinking it up. Naturally full of ingredients like potassium, folate and vitamin C, calcium-fortified orange juice is now in the race for the calcium crown."

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Rekordstor satsning på norskt hälsomedel – TV-reklam för 20 miljoner: 18 januari

"Norska Pronova healthcare, ett bolag i Norsk Hydro-koncernen, lanserar i morgon fredag ett nytt kosttillskott på den svenska marknaden. Aldrig tidigare har ett företag inom det här segmentet satsat lika mycket."

BBC News: Sports drink claims 'unjustified': 17 januari 

"Adverts promoting a leading sports drink made unjustified claims about the product's effectiveness, according to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)."

Svensk artikel Medical Link: Fiskfettsyror och hjärnan: 12 januari

"När jag var liten fick jag ofta höra att man blir intelligent av att äta fisk. De senaste åren har det kommit en rad intressanta rapporter om omega 3-fettsyran dokosahexaensyrans (DHA; 22:6 omega-3) stora betydelse i hjärnan och näthinnan. I flera kommande artiklar kommer jag att skriva om det stöd som finns för detta."

HealthScout: Protein may prevent fat formation, says study: 10 augusti 2000

"A protein called Wnt controls fat formation by reining in two factors found in the nucleus of immature fat cells, say researchers at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Researchers believe that the findings, in today's issue of the journal Science, could in the future lead to ways to control weight."

EndurePlus: Energy Bars Dangerous?: 16 augusti 2000

"In 1996 alone, consumers spent more than $6.5 billion on dietary supplements, including vitamins and energy bars, according to Packaged Facts Inc., a market-research firm in New York City."

Clarence Bass: High Protein Oatmeal (Bill Pearl’s Champion’s Choice):

"The finest oatmeal (providing 40 grams complex carbohydrates, 4 grams fat (saturated .5 g) and 8 grams dietary fiber, fortified with a proprietary blend of four proteins (whey, soy, wheat and milk), which provides 25 grams of high-quality protein per serving

We generally don’t emphasize supplements, preferring to rely on smart training and a balanced diet of whole foods, but we think this product from our friends Bill and Judy Pearl has real value. Oatmeal fortified with protein makes sense, especially as a post-workout meal. It can also be prepared at home and taken to work as a delicious and nutritious lunch or mid-day snack."

Mayoclinic: Study probes athletes' use of strength-training supplement: 18 december 2000

"Younger athletes who use creatine usually get information about the strength-training supplement from friends and don't know or don't adhere to recommended doses.

These are the findings of a study published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, an internationally distributed, peer-reviewed medical journal."

Truly Huge: Free e-book - Bodybuilding and Fitness Supplement Guide 2000:

"Download our FREE book that takes the confusion out of bodybuilding and fitness supplementation. Learn which supplements can help you to reach your goals faster and which ones are just "hype" and "BS"."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Dyra vitaminråd till trötta: 23 mars 2000

"Årligen äter vi vitaminer och naturläkemedel för stora summor. Detta trots att vi inte lider av vitaminbrist. För att orka mer borde vi i stället för att köpa naturläkemedel äta bättre, motionera mera och ta det lite lugnare."

Healthwell Exchange: The Protein Connection: Januari

"Unfortunately, the confusion about protein needs escalates even further when you enter the realm of sports nutrition. Bodybuilders and strength-training athletes are often advised to consume in excess of 300 g protein daily in order to build and maintain muscle.

Yet the American Dietetic Association (ADA) adamantly insists that these active individuals require no more protein than their sedentary counterparts.1 The question is, how much protein is enough?"

Nutrition Science News: The Protein Connection: Januari

"Rather than following a high-protein or low-protein diet, maintaining protein balance in the body through proper eating and supplementation is the key to healthy structural and functional processes."

AskMen.com: Power Drinks & Bars: Do They Really Work?: 23 november 2000

Gatorade, NutriBar, Snackwells, PowerAde, Red Bull, SoBe, etc... had enough yet? Well, that's just the beginning. There are hundreds of different brands of sports drinks and bars being marketed around the world nowadays, and athletes are blindly using them without considering their exact health benefits and drawbacks.

MSNBC: Supplement blamed for U.S. deaths: 10 januari

"People who use a dietary supplement found in some body-building products are risking death, researchers report in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine."

Healthwell Exchange: All For Protein, Protein For All?: 

"Millions of Americans have bought into these high-protein plans. In the wake of their popularity, however, people are confused about how much protein they really need.

And many mainstream health and nutrition experts remain wary of these diets. They worry about the health hazards of eating a high-protein diet (which often translates into high-fat) for an extended period of time."

Natural Power:

"Vår övertygelse är att producera functional foods inom området idrott och diet."

Athletic Store Örebro:

"I början av 2000 öppnade Athletic store portarna för Örebros stora skara av tränande på alla olika nivåer och idrotter. Athletic Store är Örebros första riktiga träningsbutik med ett stort sortiment av kosttillskott för alla sorters sporter och för allmänt välmående."

Lista över mat - Antal kcal/100 g

Humanetics Corporation - The Science of Supplement:

"Humanetics Corporation provides proprietary solutions to consumer health and aging concerns by applying a disciplined, scientific approach to commercialize innovative and unique dietary supplements:

  • 7-Keto - A revolutionary breakthrough that unlocks the power of DHEA as the ultimate anti-aging supplement.
  • Inzitol - Patented natural support for healthy glucose metabolism.
  • MicroLactin - Innovative technology involves sophisticated processes that enhance the expression of powerful "micronutrients" found naturally in cows' milk."

Netrition: An Expert Talks About Supplements: 8 januari

"To find out which supplements healthy adult consumers might consider taking, we consulted Dr. Gregory Plotnikoff, medical director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Spirituality and Healing and a widely known expert in nutritional supplements and alternative medicine. He is also a specialist in internal medicine and pediatrics."

Netrition: Too much vitamin A dangerous; report sets nutrient guidelines: 9 januari

"Don't pop too many vitamin A supplements, because large amounts, particularly megadoses available from health-food stores, can be dangerous, the U.S. government says in guidelines that update how much of certain nutrients should be consumed for good health."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Echinova marknadsfört med Echinagard-studie: 10 januari

"GRANSKNINGSÄRENDEN: Naturläkemedlet Echinova (Recip) marknadsförs på indikationen ”lindring av förkylningssymtom”. Företaget har bland annat använt en referens till en artikel som behandlade ett annat naturläkemedel (Echinagard) som innehåller samma aktiva substans, pressaft från röd solhatt, Echinacea purpurea."

Bodystore - Ditt hälsoapotek på nätet:

"Varuhus för Kroppsvård, Hälsokost och Kraftsport till lågpris! Kroppsvård & Hygien - för kvinnor & män. Utvalda kvalitetsprodukter för ditt välbefinnande! Träna och må Bra - kosttillskott för den aktive som ger maximal effekt!"

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Kosttillskott för människor kan innebära smittorisk: 10 januari

"Enligt den österrikiske professorn i idrottsmedicin, Hans Holdaus, kan kosttillskottsprodukter för idrottsmän med koncentrerade äggviteämnen innehålla BSE-smitta. Enligt en artikel i den tyska apotekartidningen framställs de animaliska äggviteämnena i pulverform på precis samma sätt som djurfoder, det vill säga ur ben, senor och andra rester från nötdjur. I Tyskland finns inget krav på att den här typen av kosttillskott måste innehållsdeklareras."

LE Magazine: Counterfeit Supplements: September 1999

"So the question begs, What can the consumer do to protect against fraud? The answer is, not much. Anyone who has access to the Web can check out Medline to help verify the accuracy of a health claim a company is making. This becomes difficult when deceitful companies come up with fancy trade names for their products that do not reveal what the supposed "breakthrough" ingredient really is."

LE Magazine: Coping With Parkinson's: Juni 1999

"As a professional body building cinching titles in the 1960s, Larry Powers never imagined there would be a day when walking or putting on a shirt would be an exhausting physical activity. But that was before he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease nine years ago at age 50.

"I realize that I am disabled," says the 6-foot, 205-pound former Mr. America and recent recipient of a National Gym Association award for his pioneering contribution, dedication, life achievements and excellence in character in the field of health and fitness training. "I can't walk distances and I have to rest a lot, but I don't let this get me down.""

LE Magazine: A Conversation with Will Brink: Maj 1999

"As the primary writer of this publication's articles on whey protein, Brink has become a recognized, well published expert on the subject. He maintains frequent contact with numerous scientists and medical doctors who research whey protein, and has become personally involved in conducting primary research on whey protein and athletes.

LE Magazine: Unlocking the Secrets to Health & Fitness: Whey protein: Oktober 1998

"Protein is the building block of life. Essential to a balanced diet and strong muscles, both serious athletes and serious life extensionists use protein to enhance their health and performance."

MSNBC: Anti-aging supplements: Do they work?: 7 januari

"There are literally thousands of vitamins, minerals and herbal remedies on the market — all of them promising to stop the hands of time and even help reverse aging. But is there any truth to their claims? Nutritionist Elizabeth Somer, author of “Age-Proofing Your Body,” sheds some light on the subject."

LE Magazine: When the heat is on... The weights comes off: December 1998

"A new study on the "thermogenic" heat-producing effect of ephedrine with caffeine offers hope for many overweight people."

LE Magazine: Preparing for Flu Season with Echinacea: December 1998

"The healing properties of echinacea, the purple coneflower, are becoming better known as people turn increasingly to natural remedies to fight colds, the flu and other infectious diseases. But the history of echinacea goes far back."

Supplement Watch

Parker & Waichman: Some Brands of Dietary Supplement 5HTP Tainted, Study Finds:

"Samples of six brands of a popular dietary supplement have been found to be tainted with a chemical contaminant, raising concerns about the product's safety, researchers report in a study published today."

New York Times: Dietary Supplements May Test Consumers' Health: 22 september 1998

"Growing numbers of Americans are stepping daily into a potential minefield of substances loosely referred to as dietary supplements, many of which have little or nothing to do with the components of foods people normally consume. And increasingly these pill poppers are getting into trouble, suffering toxic reactions to deliberate or accidental components of these products or sacrificing the chance to be helped by conventional medicine."

Food and Drug Administration:

"Home Page for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

Search Media Awareness Project for "Androstenedione"

reporter-news.com: For baseball players, other athletes, creatine monhydrate has powerful lure: 14 mars 1998

dietfraud.com: Oral Creatine Supplementation - Separating Fact From Hype:

"Many athletes - especially those participating in sports that emphasize strength - are taking oral creatine. Creatine supplements appear to enhance performance in repeated short bursts of stationary cycling and weight lifting, but the data on running, swimming, and single cycle sprints are not convincing of an ergogenic effect."

Canoe.ca: Young athletes try creatine; adults hold their breath: 11 december

"Kids who want to grow strong these days sometimes turn to creatine. The strength training supplement, popular among pro and college athletes, has filtered down to the high school set. This unsettles adults, who doubt the young athletes understand what creatine does and don't know how many teens are involved."

Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association: Creatine: A Review of Efficacy and Safety:

"While creatine may enhance the performance of high-intensity, short-duration exercise, it is not useful in endurance sports. Because commercially marketed creatine products do not meet the same quality control standards of pharmaceuticals, there is always a concern of impurities or doses higher or lower than those on the labeling. Consumers should balance the quality of information supporting the use of creatine with the known and theoretical risks of using the product, including possible renal dysfunction."

Viable Herbal Solutions: Detailed Descriptions of Many Herbs:

"This web page is provided as a comprehensive reference of herbal descriptions, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, nutrients, and more."

LE Magazine: Glutamine: The Essential "Non- Essential" Amino Acid: September 1999

"Glutamine is classified as a "non-essential amino acid." This label may mislead some people into believing that we don't need it. But, in essence, "non-essential" means only that the body can synthesize this amino acid. It does not mean "unimportant."

In fact, glutamine is of crucial importance; we are lucky that we do not have to depend totally on dietary sources. It seems that every cell in the body uses glutamine. Some tissue types, however, depend on glutamine much more than others."

LE Magazine: Whey Protein Power: Mars 1998

"Surprising success in the prevention and treatment of cancer is making whey protein a popular supplement. New reports also confirm that whey boosts cellular glutathione and immune function."

Newswise: CLA Reduces Body Fat: 3 januari

"A study published recently concludes that the natural dietary supplement conjugated linoleic acid reduces body fat in people who are overweight or obese."

Yahoo! News: Supplement Helps Melt Fat And Build Muscle: 4 januari

"A team of Scandinavian researchers has identified a pill that appears to melt away fat while boosting muscle mass. While the supplement - conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) - is no magic bullet, it may prove to be a useful tool in combination with even light exercise, Dr. Jan Wadstein at Lund University in Sweden and a study author, told Reuters Health in an interview."


Creatine and Young Athletes:
Dr. Di Pasquale discusses whether or not teens should use creatine.

Who Needs to Use Nutritional Supplements:
Dr. Di Pasquale reports, you decide.

Amino Acid and Protein Supplementation:
Dr. Di Pasquale discusses the performance of individual and selectively combined amino acids and proteins.

The Use of Nutritional Supplements - Stacking, Cycling and Timing:
Because of their nature and diversity, stacking, cycling and timing of nutrititional supplement use has taken on meanings of their own quite apart from the use of ergogenic drugs.

Yahoo! News: Mineral Supplements May Give Athletes An Edge: 1 januari

"Athletes may improve their performance by incorporating trace mineral supplements in their diet. In fact, this strategy could turn out to be a legal, healthy and perfectly acceptable alternative to doping, and perhaps even give Danish athletes an advantage in international competition, the chief coach of the Danish Elite Athletes told Reuters Health."

food ingredients online: Study shows CLA reduces body fat: 3 januari

"A study published recently in The Journal of Nutrition (December 2000, Volume 130, ##12) concludes that the natural dietary supplement conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) reduces body fat in people who are overweight or obese."

AST: The AST Sports Science Daily Q&A:

"Each day Paul Delia answers a new question in detail about the "How Tos" of training, nutrition, supplementation, research, what works, and what doesn't work.

The AST Sports Science Daily Q&A is known around the world as the "Tell it like is" source for accurate information. Viewed by hundreds of thousands of athletes around the globe!"

Svensk artikel AST: Få maximal effekt från kreatintillskott:

"Vi vet alla att kreatin monohydrat fungerar. Det är bara så. Varför är det så att vissa gånger får du mer från en "cykel" än andra gånger? Det är flera förklaringar till detta. Det går också relativt enkelt att justera och du blir säker på att du får full effekt för snabbare styrka och tillväxt."

Sports Supplements:

"The directory was been founded by myself, a regular gym enthusiast, for other like minded people intersted in bodybuilding, fitness and sports in general, throughout the United Kingdom.

The directory is presented in 3 sections easier browsing. These are Sports Supplement Brand Names, Retailers & Stores and a Best Deals & Special Offers section."

A Beginner's Guide to Sports Supplements:
"In summary, no supplement is 100% neccessary. They are only aids to your workout and diet, I cannot stress the importance of this.

Supplements, despite the advertising and marketing claims, are pretty much the same from company to company. Read the adverts, remember they are adverts and decide for yourself."

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 26 mars 2001 av