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Samlade nyheter inom Gym Business

Augusti 2001

Svensk artikel Vision: "Feelgood-affären kan ge fängelse": 24 augusti

En toppchef på det börsnoterade hälsoföretaget Feelgood har sålt aktier i bolaget mindre än en månad före halvårsrapporten. När rapporten kom i onsdags störtdök aktien på börsen. ”Ingenting skulle hindra mig från att delge misstanke om grovt insiderbrott” säger åklagare Yngve Rydberg, som dock ännu inte har fått ärendet på sitt bord.

Svensk artikel Vision: Feelgood-chefen: ”Jag visste ingenting”: 24 augusti

Hälsoföretaget Feelgoods arbetande vice ordförande bedyrar sin oskuld i den misstänkta insiderhärvan. ”Jag visste inte att det gick så dåligt för bolaget. Det kan jag garantera” säger Håkan Jeppsson som sålde 20.000 aktier i juli. Den 22 augusti, när halvårsrapporten blev offentlig, sjönk aktien från 15 till 5 kronor.

Svensk artikel Vision: Ordföranden ryter till om insideraffärerna: ”Osnyggt!”: 24 augusti

”Jag tycker att det är osnyggt.” Det säger Feelgoods styrelseordförande Mats Hanzon om att två av bolagets toppchefer sålt aktier före halvårsrapporten. Varken arbetande vice styrelseordföranden Håkan Jeppsson eller finansdirektören Thomas Ådén har tagit upp sina aktieförsäljningar med styrelseordföranden.

Svensk artikel Falukuriren: Ännu ett friskvårdsföretag satsar i Falun: 23 augusti

Motionsvågen växer. I går var det premiär för Feelgood - Faluns senaste anläggning för motionsträning i alla de former.

Svensk artikel News Online: Feelgood: Delårsrapport januari-juni 2001: 22 augusti

Feelgood Svenska AB (publ.) är ett svenskt hälsoföretag som erbjuder behovsanpassade och lönsamma tjänster inom träning, rådgivning, företags-hälsovård, sjukvård, hälsa och miljö samt handel med motions- och rehabiliteringsutrustning.

Svensk artikel Feelgood: Feelgoods koncept bekräftas åter igen: 4 juli

Feelgoods tjänsteutbud efterfrågas av alla branscher inom svenskt näringsliv. Feelgood har tecknat ett omfattande och strategiskt viktigt 2-årsavtal med SKF Sverige AB. Ytterligare omfattande och betydelsefulla avtal har tecknats med Intentia, Riksgäldskontoret och Statoil.

Svensk artikel Feelgood: Pressmeddelande 4 juli 2001:

Feelgood Svenska AB (publ.) beräknas den 22 augusti erhålla sin koncession att bedriva försäkringsrörelse. Därmed kommer Feelgoods nya finansieringsform för hälsovård – den redan idag efterfrågade Feelgoods Hälsoförsäkring att lanseras den 3 september.

Svensk artikel Feelgood: Pressmeddelande 6 juli 2001:

Feelgood Svenska AB (publ.) förvärvar Fysica i Linköping, Norrköping och Motala. Feelgood blir därmed marknadsledande i Östergötland med att erbjuda ett helhetskoncept inom Hälsa.

Svensk artikel News Online: Feelgood presenterar ett kraftfullt rationaliseringsprogram för lönsamhetsutveckling: 23 augusti

  • Resultat efter finansiella poster uppgår till –54.584 tkr (f å – 10.111).
  • Resultatet har belastats med avvecklings- och omstruktureringskostnader uppgående till 38 mkr vilket innebär årliga besparingar om 23 mkr från och med år 2002.
  • Försäljningen ökade till 220.531 tkr (f å 126.971).
  • Den 9 maj tillträdde Carl-Henrik Söderström som ny verkställande direktör och koncernchef.
  • Nya koncernledningen genomför utökat handlingsprogram för att skapa lönsamhet.
  • Positivt rörelseresultat kan komma att uppnås under andra halvåret.
  • Förnyat treårigt vårdavtal med Stockholms läns landsting värt 25,5 mkr årligen.
  • Försäljningsstart för Feelgood Hälsoförsäkring i september.
  • Styrelsen tillsammans med bolagets huvudägare kallar till extra bolagsstämma i syfte att genomföra en företrädesemission till nuvarande aktieägare.

Svensk artikel Lantbruk: Ökad förlust för Feelgood: 23 augusti

Hälsoföretaget Feelgood Svenska redovisar en förlust efter finansnetto på 54,6 miljoner kronor för första halvåret i år.

Sporting Goods Business: Schwinn/GT Anticipates Completion of Consensual Financing Arrangement: 22 augusti

In hearings yesterday, Schwinn/GT announced to the Court that they are nearing completion of a financing arrangement that is expected to have the full support of all major creditor constituencies involved in the Chapter 11 process. Schwinn/GT anticipates a financing arrangement will be presented to the Court for final approval on Monday, August 27, 2001.

Rocky Mountain News: Schwinn races on... downhill: 18 augusti

It's been just nine months since Jeff Sinclair -- the British-born chief executive at Schwinn/GT Corp. -- was handed the reins of the troubled Boulder bicycle and fitness equipment company.

And though Sinclair is careful with his words, his polite account of Schwinn's problems can't mask that he's navigating a sinking ship. Unable to pay bills or plug broken supply lines to overseas manufacturers, Schwinn voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 on July 16.

The Denver Business Journal: Schwinn bankruptcy moves along: 22 augusti

Schwinn/GT Corp. of Boulder says it is nearing completion of a financing arrangement expected to have the full support of all major creditor constituencies involved in the bicycle manufacturer's Chapter 11 process.

A financing arrangement will be presented to the bankruptcy court for final approval on Aug. 27, 2001.

The Denver Business Journal: Bidder emerges for Schwinn: 10 augusti

Exercise equipment marketer Direct Focus Inc. is considering bidding for some or all of the assets of bankrupt bicycle-maker Schwinn/GT Corp. of Boulder.

The Deal: Schwinn/GT bidding race begins: 3 augusti

The bidding battle for the bicycle unit of bankrupt Schwinn/GT Corp. will heat up today when Pacific Cycle llc posts a $1.5 million deposit for the right to challenge a stalking-horse sale agreement between Schwinn and Huffy Corp., Pacific Cycle's CEO Christopher Hornung, said Aug. 3.

The Boulder County Business Report: Schwinn dealers Huffy on bike’s future:

Bike shop owners and managers in Boulder County hope whoever ends up buying Schwinn/GT Corp.’s ailing cycling division doesn’t sabotage the status and reputation of one of the world’s most venerable and popular line of bicycles.

Northern Light: Court Extends Authority for Schwinn: 28 augusti

Schwinn/GT Corp. said today that the Court has granted the Company an extension to use cash collateral to September 14, 2001, in order to allow the secured lenders and creditors' committee additional time to resolve their one remaining issue relating to the proposed debtor-in possession (DIP) financing. The Company also said that the Court has scheduled a final hearing for Thursday, August 30, 2001, to rule on the employee retention program.

Montainbike.com: Schwinn/GT's Questionable Retention Plan: 24 augusti

The latest in the Schwinn/GT debacle, at least from all reports that we've been getting, is that the company has proposed a $2 million retention plan in an effort to keep some (reports say about 63) of its employees from jumping ship during its current "restructuring."

Denver Post: Sinking Schwinn hopes it can keep fitness division: 22 augusti

Schwinn/GT Corp. has enough air in its tires to continue carrying its fitness division, the firm's lawyer told a U.S. Bankruptcy Court judge Tuesday.

LA Times: The Virtues of Being Contrarian: 6 maj

Doug Levine, founder of Crunch gyms, took a contrarian approach to the look-alike fitness center ads showing tight-bunned, washboard-ab'd models working out. He positioned Crunch gyms as a safe, offbeat alternative to the nation's often intimidating muscle-and-fitness body shops.

Adopting the slogan "No Judgments," Crunch ran a series of ads featuring actors in bunny and penguin suits playing sports and musing about their individuality.

Yahoo! News: Complaints vs. Bally are piling up: 22 april

The Federal Trade Commission has quietly collected more than 700 angry complaints against Bally Total Fitness in the past five years - despite ordering the gym giant to stop abusing customers in 1994, The Post has found.

IndustriClick: Nautilus Parent Named "Hot Growth Company": 7 juni

Direct Focus, Inc., a marketing company for fitness and healthy lifestyle products with a direct business model, today announced that it was ranked No. 2 on BusinessWeek's listing of "Hot Growth Companies."

Northern Light: Life Time Fitness and the Chicago Cubs, a Winning Partnership!: 8 juni

Life Time Fitness will kick off their partnership with the Cubs on June 22nd at Wrigley Field. The first 10,000 attendees of the Cubs versus the Brewers game on June 22nd at 2:20 p.m. will receive a one-day pass to Life Time fitness and a Life Time Fitness water bottle.

Over 1,000 Life Time Fitness Chicagoland members and employees will attend this game through a sweepstakes sponsored by the fitness company. Look for the Life Time Fitness advertisement in the Vineline publication.

Fitnessmanagement: Survey Shows Positive Attitudes Toward Health Clubs: 21 maj

A study commissioned by the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) and conducted by Roper Starch Worldwide reveals that health clubs now have a more positive image than in years past, and that club members particpate in more life activities than non-members.

Northern Light: Fitness Amenities are Being Expanded in Master-Planned Communities, Private Communities Registry Finds: 7 juni

Move over golf; fitness and health amenities are gaining in popularity. In fact, fitness has so increased in importance to the gated, amenitized lifestyle that Private Communities Registry established another Web-site address, www.fitnesscommunities.com to assist those seeking healthy living options.

Northern Light: Spa Finder Magazine Expands to Meet Demands of Leisure Industry's Fastest-Growing Segment -- Publication Increases Frequency and Broadens Content in Response to Americans Spending Record Amounts of Time and Money on Healthful Living: 31 maj

As society continues to move forward at a break-neck pace, more and more of us are seeking out the health benefits of fitness and prevention, turning to spas to reduce life-related stress and to improve our lifestyles (or simply maintain our sanity).

In response to a booming demand from Americans who spend more than $5 billion annually on spa-related services, Spa Finder Magazine will increase its publication schedule to six times a year and is introducing broadened new editorial that addresses the interests of individuals and families who want to experience a healthy, spa lifestyle everyday -- whether at home or on vacation.

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Från webbloggen under februari 2001:

Februari 2001

Seattle Times: WSU's $39 million recreation center awes students: 11 februari

"The student-funded, $39 million complex houses lap and leisure pools, a 53-person hot tub, squash and basketball courts, a four-lane, elevated running track and what the university touts as the nation's largest student weight-training center.

The facility also includes a health and wellness center with a nutrition clinic, personal trainers, massage therapy and weight-loss seminars. And for those less interested in good health, there are lounges where students can plug their laptops into Internet portals or sit down to caffe lattes."

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sports Club: Ett gyllene tillfälle:

"Nu söker vi dig som vill bli franchisetagare för S.A.T.S Sports Club Sverige, Skandinaviens ledande friskvårdsföretag."

Norsk artikel S.A.T.S: Alt om moms på trening:

"Moms på trening innebærer at alle treningssentre i Norge blir avkrevd 24 prosent i tilleggsavgift til staten for hvert medlem man har. Den reelle kostnadssøkningen blir imidlertid på hele på 20 prosent."

Norsk artikel VG: Flere nordmenn trener hjemme: 5 februari

"Tid er penger. Det vet amerikanerne bedre enn noen. Derfor er «homefitness» blitt storindustri. Nå følger også vi nordmenn etter."

Yahoo! Finance: Record Year for Town Sports International Highest Revenues and Net Income in Company's History: 20 februari

"Town Sports International (TSI), a leading owner and operator of more than 100 health clubs in major cities from Washington, DC north through New England, today announced its results for the year and quarter ended December 31, 2000."

Forbes: Time to shape up: 9 mars 1998

"Mark Mastroy is building a chain of health clubs that he hopes will be the largest in the U.S. Aware that many large fitness centers haven't been raging successes, he looked outside that industry for a model. "This business has taken a beating," he says, "because it hasn't given people what they want. There's a lot of naysayers in the industry who say you can't go out and build a large chain of quality clubs," says Mastrov, 40. "I wanted to prove everybody wrong."

Yahoo! Finance: Konami purchases 55% stake in gym operator People: 20 februari

"Japan's major game software developer Konami Co said on Tuesday it had bought 54.64 percent of People Co , Japan's biggest gym operator, in one of the biggest tender offers ever placed by a Japanese firm".

Sport Supplements: Visit the Gym for Free!: 12 februari

"eMagazineShop.com, who sell magazine subscriptions online, have teamed up with the Fitness Industry Association to create their "Great Gym Giveaway". eMagazineshop.com are offering their customers, or anyone who registers at their site, the opportunity to receive one FREE visit each, to one of over 450 participating UK Health Clubs."

Svensk artikel CMS-travelpass.com:

"Varje dag ansluter sig nya klubbar till CMS. Du som är medlem på en ansluten CMS-anläggning har förmånen att träna gratis i 30 dagar på fler än 200 klubbar i Norden, USA, Canada och Ryssland. Besök www.cms-travelpass.com när du ska ut och resa.

B&T Marketing and Media: Fitness magazine expands distribution: 16 februari

"Niche magazine title Australian Fitness Network has launched a special annual edition on newsstands.

Originally established to service fitness instructors, the magazine now encompasses all aspects of the fitness industry, personal trainers, instructors, centre owners and managers, nutritionists, coaches and sports scientists."

Svensk artikel Öresundsposten: Multihall med pub och gym?: 

"En stor samlingssal, äventyrsbad, spaanläggning med turkiskt bad, gym, och spelhall med pub. Det är några attraktioner som du kanske stöter på i Åres tänkta Multihall i tre plan. I den stora utredning som just nu pågår kostnadsberäknas hallen grovt till 114 miljoner kronor."

Svensk artikel Södermanlands Nyheter: Ledare / Kommuner skall inte konkurrera ut företag: 19 september 2000

"Över hela landet pågår strider om hur mycket en kommun får konkurrera med det privata näringslivet. Svaret borde vara givet: inte alls. I alla fall inte på rena näringsområden som krogar, konferensanläggningar, tillverkning, butiker, gym och annat som bäst och billigast tillgodoses på en fri marknad."

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: «Svett» kamp mot treningsmomsen: 6 februari

"Senterpartiets leder Odd Roger Enoksen vil kjempe videre for å frita treningssentre for moms. - Jeg har håp om at også Arbeiderpartiet vil innse at dette er fornuftig, sier Enoksen."

Svensk artikel Motala & Vadstena Tidning: Intäkterna styr Nautilus hyra: 25 april 2000

Kommunalråd Johan Andersson (s) ska syna hyreskontrakt som skrivits med privata entreprenörer. Ingen ska ha fördelar. Kontrakten ska i stället vara neutrala för att gynna fri konkurrens betonar kommunalrådet.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Gym ger lyft i stan: 16 januari 1999

Gymkedjan Sats etablerar sig på Sveatorget i Åhlénsfastigheten. Fastighetsägaren Diös banar väg och bygger om huset för 10-15 miljoner kronor. Satsningen skapar ungefär 30 jobb i ett lokalt franchiseföretag med egen VD.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Gymmen blir bara fler: 2 februari 1999

I augusti etablerar sig ännu ett gym i centrala Borlänge. Men det oroar inte gymägarna i stan. - För vår del är det inget problem, vi har en bra kundkrets så jag är inte orolig, säger Karin Linnteg, på Effect Fitness Center.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Konsumentverket kritiskt mot gym: 27 februari 1999

Konsumentverket kritiserar gymmet Nautilus för att kunderna tvingas betala även om de inte kan utnyttja sina årskort. Konsumentverket vill nu ha ett yttrande från Nautilus. Om parterna inte kommer överens går frågan vidare till konsumentombudsmannen och ytterst till marknadsdomstolen.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Social kontakt utan speglar: 23 juni 1999

Inga linnen och så få speglar som möjligt. Det är en del av det nya gymet SATS koncept. Fredagen den 13 augusti öppnar de sitt jättegym i gamla loppishallen under Åhléns.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Rättviks gym och Comax slås ihop: 24 september 1999

Två har blivit en. Rättviks gym och Comax tränings- och hälsocenter har slagit sina påsar ihop. Målet är 800-900 besök i veckan.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Motionärer kritiska mot Nautilus: 6 juni 2000

07.55 på morgonen hänger redan två motionärer på låset och väntar på att kassan ska öppna. En halvtimme senare är ett tiotal personer igång och värmer upp. Men i omklädningsrummet och mellan passen hörs många irriterade röster.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Fysiocenter i nya lokaler: 17 november 1997

Nu går Lugnets fysiocenter in i ett nytt kapitel och byter lokaler.

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Träningscenter ny satsning i Rättvik: 23 december 1997

I augusti invigde Comax, Rättviks tränings och hälsocenter, sin storsatsning på Lilla industriområdet. Från 100 kvadrat till 400 kvadratmeter.

Norsk artikel Din Side: Test: Trening til halv pris: 12 januari

"Det er dyrt å trimme fettet på en del av de fancy treningssentrene. Ikke la deg lure, sjekk den store pristesten vår."

PioneerPlanet.com: Barbell Blues: 29 januari

"Resolutions to get in shape are great, and follow-through is essential. But the throngs that descend on fitness centers in January drive the regulars nuts."

Seattle Times: Exercising resolve: 30 januari

"At the beginning of the year, there are always a lot of new members," said trainer Kirstin Piquette at Seattle Fitness Club in Pioneer Square. "But by February, it's starting to get back to the regular crowd."

Kari Anderson, who, with her husband, owns three Pro-Robics clubs and recently acquired the Gold's Gym on Aurora Avenue North, has seen many resolution-inspired members stay through January but disappear by mid-February. "Some of them even have one-year memberships, but they lose the fire."

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Feelgood rensar balansräkningen och går med vinst 2001: 31 januari

"År 2000 i sammandrag - Kraftig tillväxt på 203 %. - Kritisk massa uppnådd. - Organisk tillväxtfas inleds. - Byte av redovisningsprinciper. - Positiv resultatutveckling kvartal fyra. - Feelgood Försäkring lanseras under våren. - Samtliga integrationskostnader har belastat resultatet."

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Från webbloggen under januari 2001:

Januari 2001

The San Jose Mercury News: Gyms cater to travelers: 30 januari

"Frequent flier miles need not be synonymous with the need for a lifetime membership to Weight Watchers. Just as business travel has become more widespread, so too have the opportunities for travelers to exercise."

Simple tricks to fit exercise into that business trip

Fit to Travel - Ingenuity in expediting exercise can ensure you get needed workouts

WebMD: Think-2-3-4! Think-2-3-4!: 13 december

"In one trendy Los Angeles health club, people are toning both brains and bodies. The concept: an early-morning treadmill workout blended with trivia questions, headline news reports, book discussions, even a feng shui expert - whatever aerobics coach Nelson Aspen can dream up." (Via Femmes Blogs)

Ripped Magazine: Is your city going to have the next free gym?: 28 november 2000

"Can you imagine a city that provides a complete gym for every individual who lives there for only $10 per year? This place I speak of truly exists in northeast Texas. I just got back from visiting my parents in Addison."

StrengthTek: The new company gem? It's the company gym:

"Group fitness is just one of the many activities provided at Northern Telecom Ltd.'s impressive fitness club. At 20,000 square feet, it's the largest corporate gym in the Ottawa area. Smaller activity centres are at other Nortel locations."

Svensk artikel World Class: World Class satsar på interaktiv Internetbokning: 21 december

"En väsentlig del av vårens IT-satsning som omfattar allt från nya kundadministrationssystem, hemsidor för samtliga våra svenska träningsanläggningar är ett nytt interaktivt Internetbaserat bokningssystem. Med det får våra kunder bästa möjliga service i form av ständigt aktuell information om våra träningspass och utökad tillgänglighet till våra bokningstjänster."

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Nytt gym på Lillsved: 5 juni 2000

"Det är mycket på gång på Lillsveds folkhögskola. Den senaste nyheten är ett gym, som man driver i samarbete med Nordic Gym och Yvonne Lin´s Sports Lab. Verksamheten vänder sig framför allt till yrkesverksamma inom gymbranschen."

Svensk artikel Cint: Betygsätt ditt gym!

"Det är nyttigt att motionera, det vet vi alla. Det finns dock ett stort och varierat utbud av olika träningsformer, även på gymmen. Kvalitén på olika gym kan dock variera och här kan du ge dina synpunkter på vad som är bra och dåligt."

Kiplinger's Personal Finance: Save Money on Gym Memberships: Januari

"Paying your dues: Negotiating a fitness membership may be a workout, but you can save a ton."

IHRSA: ICON Health & Fitness expands commercial fitness innovation: 28 december

"ICON Health & Fitness announced today it will continue its expansion into the commercial fitness market by acquiring Ground Zero Design, an innovative manufacturer of commercial strength training equipment, for an undisclosed purchase price."

Yahoo! Finance: Stock Focus: Companies With Profit Power: 7 december 2000

"Fitness clubs are a sweaty business, but Bally Total Fitness Holding is a better operator than most. This firm, spun off from Bally Entertainment in 1996, is the largest operator of fitness centers in the U.S."

Inside China: Chinese Pumping Iron and Working out As Fitness Craze Gathers Pace: 28 januari

"Bull Yao is a footsoldier in China's new craze for pumping iron and feeling the burn - the 27-year-old fitness instructor even sleeps in the gym.

"I work in Gold's gym all day, and at night I sleep in a neighborhood gym I've opened with my friends, because my parents' house is too far out of town," he said."

This is London: Fitness First a picture of health as profits rocket: 25 januari

"Fast-growing gyms operator Fitness First unveiled another muscular set of annual figures today with a 110% jump in profits to £12.8 million."

The Hindu: The science of shaping up: 22 januari

"Bad news and good news. The bad news: Fitness is not freak anymore. The good news: It's bigger, better, faster, more. Fitness has grown bigger as a concept, with increasingly better facilities that help you tune your body faster and leave you with that fetish for perfection: more."

HealthCentral: The Future Of Fitness: Trends For 2001: 16 januari

"The future of fitness is taking a turn - for the better! Better, bigger, faster and more dramatic, that is! Take a walk through any fitness club and you’ll see a whole new style of fitness classes and programs."

Active Dayton: Fitness chain sues hospital: 7 oktober 1999

"Moore's Fitness World Dayton Inc. filed a $5 million lawsuit Wednesday against Community Hospital to prevent the opening of the hospital's Center for Healthy Lifestyles.

The suit filed in Clark County Common Pleas Court alleges Community is engaging in unfair competition and deceptive trade practices under the state's unfair trade practices law by constructing a $9 million health and fitness center at 923 E. Home Road."

KentuckyConnect: Versailles puts strain on fitness center: 10 december 1999

"Welcome to Versailles Athletic Club. And welcome to the latest battleground of a never-ending question: What is the proper role of government?

For center co-owner David Humes, the answer is that local government has no business getting into his business. Humes, like many fitness club owners across the country and several in Kentucky in recent years, objects to tax dollars paying for public recreation centers that compete against private athletic clubs."

The Detroit News: Dabish, Farr brothers build Detroit's 1st Powerhouse Gym: 2 december 1999

"The first-ever Powerhouse Gym in Detroit is gearing up for its grand opening with two sets of brothers at the helm."

Personal Fitness Professional: Pumping Iron was 1990s Top Exercise: 9 januari

"The most popular form of exercise in the US in during the 1990s was a decidedly retro activity: Working out with free weights. The Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association reports that 42.8 million Americans worked with barbells or dumbbells in 1999, compared to 26.7 million in 1990. Women more than doubled their iron-pumping from 8.3 million at the start of the decade to 19.4 million by 1999."

The Daily News Journal: Health club business booming: New Year's resolutions one of reasons: 7 januari

"Many people make New Year's resolutions to lose weight and develop healthier lifestyles. And four local fitness centers are seeing an increase in new members this month."

Business Day: New player muscles in on health club arena: 19 januari

"A gym company is taking advantage of unhappiness over increased gym membership prices by launching an ambitious expansion strategy in SA."

Personal Fitness Professional: Pilatespalooza!: 10 januari

"Brace yourself - or at least strengthen and balance yourself - for an explosion of courses in the trendy Pilates method of body conditioning."

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 28 augusti 2001 av