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Från webbloggen under februari 2001:

Februari 2001

Montreal Gazette: Fighting the medicine man: 25 februari

"'Nutritional supplements' might be the greatest foe in today's war against doping."

The Salt Lake Tribune: Supplements, Some From Utah Firms, Get Conflicting Messages From IOC: 26 februari

"Criticism of the supplement business - Utah companies, in particular - has snowballed since the Sydney Games, when American shot-putter C.J. Hunter claimed that an iron dietary supplement may have been responsible for his four failed drug tests last summer.

In December, the Olympic Athletes Commission asked international federations and national governing bodies of Olympic sport not to enter into sponsorship deals with supplement manufacturers.

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: En av tio dopar sig: 6 juni 1999

"Sophie pluggar till sjuksköterska i Bordeaux och tränar aerobics på fritiden. Hon har inga planer på att bli instruktör eller proffs, men har ändå tagit anabola steroider.

Philly.com: Geiger suspended for steroid use: 15 februari

"For as long as I've been in the NBA, I've always used a number of different over-the-counter supplements during my offseason training. Last summer, I was notified by the NBA that new products and drugs had been added to the list of banned substances."

USA Today: Beta blockers suspected of giving unfair edge: 16 februari

"Keeping cool under fire is a key to success in the pressure-cooker world of the PGA Tour. Hundreds of thousands of dollars can turn on a single shot.

With so much money up for grabs, are there golfers trying to gain an edge by using beta blockers for their calming effect rather than for their primary purpose of controlling cardiovascular disease?"

SF Gate: DeMont Case Can Indeed Be Trying: 11 februari

"Rick DeMont, the Marin County swimmer disqualified for using asthma medication at the 1972 Olympics, will never get his gold medal back.

He has very capable lawyers, and they recently forced the U.S. Olympic Committee to stop shunning him. They have even persuaded prominent International Olympic Committee members to concede that DeMont was an innocent victim of early drug-testing procedures."

The Astounding B Monster: The life and tragic death of Susan Cabot:

"On December 10, 1986, Susan Cabot, 59, was bashed to death with a weight-lifting bar by her own son Timothy in the bedroom of her Encino home.

There was some legalese double-talk about steroids and an experimental hormone the kid was taking (he was born dwarfed)."

Montreal Gazette: Drug use in sports probed: 20 februari

"Media reports might have made the public more aware of the abuse of drugs by professional and world-class athletes, but they have ignored another problem: contrary to what most people believe, elite athletes are not the only ones using performance-enhancing substances.

Svensk artikel DN: Luddiga regler kritiseras av expert: 20 februari

"Gränsvärden för hemoglobin slår inte mot huvudproblemet bloddopning, säger en ledande dopningsexpert. Den bisarra verkligheten är att eliten måste fuska mer eller mindre om de ska ha en chans. I Finland riktas ilskan i dag inte mot den dopade Isometsä utan mot skidförbundet."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Spioner mot juksemakerne: 20 januari

"I 25 år har Inggard Lereim kjempet mot doping i idretten. Han vet at juksemakerne bruker alle midler. Selv kjenner han også de fleste knepene."

Sport Supplements: An Interview with Paul R. Borreson:

"Making a sports supplement company unique is not the easiest of tasks, especially in an ever growing, ever expanding market. Biohazard describe themselves as "The most feared supplement company in the country", which is quite a statement!

Recently featured in a BBC documentary, Biohazard have had an interesting time over the last few months. We talk to the man behind Biohazard, about where he started, where he is now, and where he intends to be in the future. We welcome, Paul Borreson."

BBC Sport: Fresh doubts about nandrolone: 15 februari

"Athletes banned for positive nandrolone tests have been given a lifeline following the publication of new research. It shows that contaminated nutritional supplements can produce levels of the banned steroid that are up to 300 times above the permitted limit."

BBC Sport: Supplements 'may cause drug failures': 30 januari

"Legitimate food supplements may be responsible for the spate of positive drug tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone, research has suggested."

BBC Sport: Cuba signals anti-drugs intent: 14 februari

"An anti-doping laboratory, built after Cuba's biggest athletics star tested positive for cocaine, opens in Havana."

Svensk artikel Tullverket: Kan jag ta med mig min medicin när jag reser utomlands?

Svensk artikel Tullverket: Antal beslag av narkotika och dopningsmedel och mängd per preparat

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Fängelsestraff hotar dopade finska idrottsmän: 24 februari

"Lahtis Jari Isometsä tunnande ut sitt blod med en liter Hemohes under de första VM-dagarna. Detta för att minska riskerna för upptäckt av bloddopning. Hade Isometsä gjort detta om några månader hade han riskerat att hamna i fängelse. Ett lagförslag med maximalt fyra års fängelse för grovt dopningsbrott bereds just nu i den finska regeringen."

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Mener Isometsä-straffen er urettferdig: 24 februari

"Den finske landslagstreneren Kari-Pekka Kyrrö raser over nordmenns dopingmoralisme etter avsløringen av Jari Isometsä. - Jari gjorde noe galt, men straffen med to års utestengelse er urettferdig. Altfor strengt, sier Kyrrö til Dagbladet."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Stian Grimseth suspenderes ikke: 23 februari

"Domsutvalget i Norges idrettsforbund har avslått anmodningen om å suspendere Stian Grimseth fram til hans dopingsak blir behandlet."

Svensk artikel Wellido: Steroider gör dig kriminell:

"Vad är det som driver män till att börja missbruka anabola steroider? Är det jakten efter en perfekt kropp och manlig fåfänga? Det är fler och fler vanliga killar som prövar på anabola steroider, ovetande om hur farligt det egentligen är. En procent av de tillfrågade 15 åringarna i en vanlig grundskola berättar att de använt sig av anabola steroider."

Sportscience: Positive Drug Tests from Supplements: December 2000

"There is a small but real risk that athletes will test positive to a banned substance as a result of ingesting supplements and sports foods. Lack of regulation of quality control and labeling of products in the supplement industry makes it impossible to identify supplements and sports foods that are risk free.

Incentives or punishments for the supplement industry to improve manufacturing processes are therefore needed. Meanwhile sports authorities place the responsibility for a positive test with the athlete, necessitating better education of athletes, coaches and support staff."

Svensk artikel DrugNews: EU-möte om doping planeras i Solna: 9 februari

"För att stärka det internationella arbetet mot doping inom EU arrangerar Sverige ett seminarium i april i Solna dit även alla de 13 länder som ansöker om medlemskap i unionen bjuds in."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Grimseth anmeldt til domsutvalget: 12 februari

"Vektløfteren Stian Grimseth er anmeldt til Domsutvalget i Norges Idrettsforbund på grunn av sin positive dopingprøve."

SF Gate News: Mauling Death Victim's Fault, Lawyers Say: 1 februari

"The attorneys whose Presa Canario dog mauled a woman to death have gone on the offensive, telling authorities that the victim brought on the attack by putting herself in harm's way.

The attorneys say that Whipple, a 33-year-old college lacrosse coach, may have also been using steroids or had a pheromone-based fragrance that drew the dog to her. They said that experienced dog trainers say such substances could provoke aggressive behavior in dogs."

Sydney Morning Herald: Our team in Atlanta cheated: sprinter: 19 mars 2000

"A former national sprint champion has claimed that the majority of the 58 Australian track and field athletes at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics were taking a banned sports drug.

But the manufacturer of the drug, IGF-1, says it is useless, and any athletes who used it were the victims of a massive scam."

PioneerPlanet: Yary's strength: quickness, agility: 28 januari

"Toward the end of his butt-stomping career, Ron Yary noticed other linemen were getting bigger, beefier, more muscular. "A lot of guys were taking steroids," he said. "They became very strong, very quick and fast."

Yary always was stronger, quicker and faster than the rest, and he didn't want that to change. Steroids hadn't been outlawed yet, so rather than give up an edge, he tried them, too."

Excite: EDITORIAL: Drugs an athletic wrecking ball: 25 januari

"Athletes who take performance-enhancing drugs are not leveling the playing field. They are bulldozing their careers and their integrity.

Taking drugs such as steroids has become commonplace in the high-pressure worlds of high school, college and professional sports. Performance-enhancing drugs are used to boost endurance, strength, adrenaline, energy, stamina and concentration."

edmontonjournal.com: Drug-testing czar spearheads fight over cheating: 31 januari

"The cheaters were always out in front. With new drugs and devious methods for masking their use, cheaters had better science than the testers. Their motivation to win at all costs easily outdistanced the will of sports governing bodies to spend what it cost to win the war on doping.

However, a concentrated assault - in the guise of the World Anti-Doping Agency - promises to even the playing field some day."

CNN Sports Illustrated: Link possible between nandrolone, supplements: 31 januari

"A leading international scientist has found further evidence that contaminated food supplements could be responsible for the rash of positive tests for the banned steroid nandrolone."

Biohazard: Paul Borresen is dead: 31 januari

"Today is a black day indeed. I am writing this from the heart in true Paul Borresen fashion. I am very sorry to announce that yesterday, Paul Borresen died aged only 38, in his sleep, whilst at home. We at Biohazard, send our most heart felt condolences to his much loved family, his wife Carole, his son Kayne and his daughter Sophie.

It has got to be said, that not just bodybuilding, but the world will just not be the same without him."

SportServer: Supplements could change drug test results: 30 januari

"Contaminated food supplements could be responsible for the rash of positive tests for the banned steroid nandrolone, a leading international scientist says."

Svensk artikel Riksidrottsförbundet: RF:s Dopingkommission avråder från kreatin:

"Det finns anledning att starkt varna idrottsutövare för bruk av kreatin. Det säger Bengt O Eriksson, medicinsk expert i Riksidrottsförbundets Dopingkommission, med hänsyn till risken för så kallad "misstagsdoping"."

Independent Online: Research casts doubt on nandrolone testing: 30 januari

"A leading international scientist confirmed yesterday that athletes such as Mark Richardson, Merlene Ottey and Doug Walker could have tested positive for the banned steroid nandrolone because they had taken contaminated food supplements."

Norsk artikel Nettavisen: Gir 45 millioner til antidoping: 6 februari

"Det uavhengige antidopingbyrået WADA gir 45 millioner kroner til arbeidet med å utvikle en ny test som skal avsløre EPO-bruk."

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: NIF frikjent for dopingproblem: 3 februari

"Det som skulle bli en høring om dopingproblemer i norsk idrett, ble en høring om full norsk dopingkontroll. - Norge er blant verdens beste nasjoner i antidopingarbeidet, smalt NISO-leder Morgan Andersen til med. Og idrettspresident Kran frydet seg på tilhørerplass."

Svensk artikel CNN: Regeringen och idrottsrörelsen tar krafttag mot doping: 2 februari

"Regeringen och idrottsrörelsen ska tillsammans ta krafttag mot dopningen. Näringsdepartementet ska bilda en arbetsgrupp som ska ta fram en nationell handlingsplan för att motverka doping inom idrotten."

Ottawa Citizen: Doping not just an issue for adults: 1 februari

"Dating back to the Ben Johnson steroid scandal of 1988, Canada and certain parts of the world have been taking aim at performance-enhancing drug use by elite athletes.

Now, attention is turning to an alarming new trend in doping circles. Children as young as 11 years of age are looking to medicine, protein supplements, steroids and caffeine in order to get swifter, stronger, more attractive."

uk.rec.bodybuilding: Bio of Bio-Freak (Paul Borresen)

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Från webbloggen under januari 2001:

Januari 2001

CBS HealthWatch: Helping Teens Stay Away from Steroids: 

"The urge to become bigger and faster can be irresistible to high school athletes. For Thomas L., a senior on the football team at a mid-sized high school in the northeastern United States, being 6' 2" and 220 pounds wasn't enough."

Yahoo! News: Report Finds Banned Steroid in Food Supplements: 30 januari

"Research into the spate of positive drug tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone suggests that contamination of legitimate food supplements may be responsible.

Tests on around 100 food supplements at the International Olympic Committee (IOC)-sanctioned laboratory in Cologne found substances on 16 occasions that would lead to adverse nandrolone findings."

The Star Ledger: Olympians navigate maze of a drug-sensitive world: 21 juni 2000

"The IOC's intention is honorable: Catching cheaters to ensure that Olympic medals are awarded on the basis of ability, not chemistry. But it leaves honest, clean athletes so paranoid that some hesitate to take even cold medicines, since many over-the-counter brands - Tylenol Cold and Sudafed, to name two - contain banned stimulants that the IOC considers performance-enhancing." (Via SportsJones)

The New Republic Online: Girlz II Men: 22 juni 2000

"Andreas Krieger could have testified without words. He could have stood there in the small, boxy Berlin courtroom in cowboy boots, jeans, and a black T-shirt and let everyone stare. In the trial of 74-year-old Manfred Ewald, the former head of East Germany's Olympic program, and Dr. Manfred Hoppner, the program's former medical director, Krieger's maleness was testimony enough." (Via SportsJones)

DenverPost.com: Turning a positive into a positive: 28 november 2000

"Tara Nott's borrowed cell phone was meant only for emergencies. Yet there she was, filming a promotional spot for NBC - a mock date with Olympic skier Jonny Moseley - when the phone rang.

"We were dancing in the streets, eating ice cream. You know, a crazy date," Nott said. Then the executive director of USA weightlifting, Jim Fox, dialed her number."

HealthCentral: Brain chemical may explain addiction to food, drugs: 23 januari

"People who become addicted to drugs and those who eat compulsively may experience similar changes in brain chemistry that keep them coming back for more, experts suggested here Tuesday."

Danska artikel Kulturministeriet: Hvidbog: Doping i Danmark:

"Hvidbogen er udarbejdet af et udvalg, som kulturministeren nedsatte den 1. februar 1999 med henblik på at skabe en samlet indsigt i baggrunden for, omfanget af og konsekvenserne af dopingmisbruget inden for idræt i Danmark."

IHT: Chilling New World: Sports and Genetics: 26 januari

"How Far Away Are Engineered Stars?"

Wired: Sports Threat: Gene Transferring: 25 januari

"In today's high-tech world of doping, the drug cheaters usually are a step ahead of the drug testers. This time, the testers are determined to seize the upper hand.

World doping experts and Olympic officials are joining forces with the scientific community to stay ahead in what many believe will be the next frontier in performance-enhancing genetic manipulation."

Britannica: Sports Illustrated: Over The Edge: 14 april 1997

"A scenario, from a 1995 poll of 198 sprinters, swimmers, powerlifters and other assorted athletes, most of them U.S. Olympians or aspiring Olympians: You are offered a banned performance-enhancing substance, with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2) You will win. Would you take the substance?

One hundred and ninety-five athletes said yes; three said no."

MSNBC: Olympic movement seeks to head off misuse of gene therapy: 26 januari

"In today’s high-tech world of doping, the drug cheaters usually are a step ahead of the drug testers. This time, the testers are determined to seize the upper hand."

Svensk artikel SVD: Tio års kampanj mot rökning slag i luften: 25 januari

I en bekymrad kommentar i tidningen sägs att kunskapen om varför ungdomar egentligen börjar röka fortfarande är bristfällig. Misslyckandet sägs också vara en tankeställare både för förebyggande hälsoarbete i stort och för forskningen om detta. Uppenbarligen behövs nya tankar och idéer.

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Doping: 24 januari

"Mange af de ulovlige dopingstoffer, som man kan bestille over Internettet, er virkelig farlige. Derfor advarer læger og medicinalfirmaer mod, at man køber dem.

"De fleste dopingstoffer på nettet bliver ikke produceret af respekterede og kontrollerede firmaer. Der findes en lang række undergrundsfirmaer, og de skal tjene penge. Så er det jo klart, at de tilsætter så meget billigt stads som muligt, akkurat som det kendes i narkotikaverdenen", siger læge Rasmus Damsgaard fra Anti Doping Danmark."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Stigende misbrug af kosttilskud: 25 januari

"Midt i mellem vitaminpiller og dopingmidler findes der er en lang række lovlige gråzone-produkter. Et af dem er kreatin, og det er et populært middel blandt unge mennesker. Men Anti Doping Danmark fraråder brugen af det."

JAMA: Pediatricians urged to offer HIV testing to adolescents: 19 januari

"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that pediatricians offer HIV testing and counseling to adolescent patients, according to a new policy statement. In particular, the authors note, adolescents should be taught:

  • The dangers associated with substance abuse and sharing of drug injection equipment, including equipment used in administration of anabolic steroids."

latimes.com: Hormone Gel May Make Steroid's Misuse Easier: 5 juni 2000

"Some bodybuilders, athletes and men simply seeking improved libidos have long used testosterone to boost their performance, but a new gel raises the possibility of greater misuse of the steroid."

SportServer: Olympic drug testers seek upper hand in gene therapy: 25 januari

"World doping experts and Olympic officials are joining forces with the scientific community to stay ahead in what many believe will be the next frontier in performance-enhancement - genetic manipulation."

SydneyGames: Drugs race: 23 juni 2000

"The much-vaunted race to provide a viable test for the drug EPO in time for the Sydney Olympics has hit a hurdle following the publication of test results from a major Australia study. The study, which has just been published in the scientific journal Haematologica, is the result of extensive research by scientists at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra and the Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory at Pymble." (Via SportsJones)

MSNBC: Is testosterone a potion for manliness?: 7 maj 2000

"What makes us who we are? Genetics, upbringing, education, and doctors might add, hormones. Hormones shape behavior more than we might realize. Now, the hormone most closely associated with men and their sex drive is about to come on the market in an easy-to-use gel form. But who really needs it? And is it safe?"

WebMD: Could Your Kid Be Taking Steroids?: 22 januari

"That temper tantrum your teenage athlete is throwing might not be caused by the frustration of too much schoolwork or the violence he sees daily in television and movies. He may not even be upset over losing a big game.

The real culprit could be anabolic steroids, once associated primarily with full-fledged bodybuilders but now taken by many teenagers to improve their bodies or enhance their performance in sports."

National Institute on Drug Abuse: NIDA Announces Multimedia Public Education Initiative Aimed at Reversing Rise in Use of Anabolic Steroids by Teens: 14 april 2000

"In December 1999 when our Monitoring the Future survey showed that anabolic steroid use by 8th and 10th graders had increased, and that the perceived risk about steroids had declined among 12th graders, we knew we had to take steps to reverse this trend before it gained momentum," explained Dr. Alan I. Leshner, Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (Via MetaMuscle)

The Inquirer: 2 arrested in a record steroid haul: 19 januari

"Federal law enforcement officials said yesterday that they had seized more than 3.25 million anabolic steroid pills in what they described as the single largest seizure of the drug in U.S. history."

The Salt Lake Tribune: Games No-Doping Plan Needs Help from Business: 19 januari

"The man who heads the World Anti-Doping Agency wants the private sector to take a more active role in eradicating drugs from Olympic sports. Dick Pound, a Montreal lawyer and vice president of the International Olympic Committee, said part of WADA's strategy will be to enlist the help of Games sponsors to spread its anti-doping message and to lean on pharmaceutical companies to develop reliable tests for banned substances."

Svensk artikel DN: Labb nobbade smittat prov: 21 januari

"För att undvika risken att personal smittas är Statens kriminaltekniska laboratorium (SKL) restriktiv med att utföra prover på bland annat insmugglade dopningsmedel från öst."

Romania Today: Weightlifting-Banned Romanian Explains Dope Test 'Trick': 20 januari

"Romanian weightlifter Traian Ciharean, who this week alleged the urine sample leading to his ban from last year's Sydney Olympics came from someone else, has given a fuller account of his claims."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Flere og flere unge mænd bruger doping: 21 januari

"Brugen af anabole steroider og andre ulovlige dopingstoffer er steget blandt unge mænd. Hvert tiende opkald til telefonrådgivningen Dopinglinien stammer fra unge, der allerede sidder med ulovlige dopingmidler. De vil blot vide, om nål eller pille er bedst."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Medicinens underverden: 21 januari

"De dyrker styrketræning og bruger anabole steroider. De er ikke sportsudøvere, men helt almindelige unge mænd, der bare gerne vil have en maskulin og muskuløs krop. Idrætssociolog Lisbeth Wahrén har undersøgt baggrunden for det første stik."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Hormoner kan ge BSE-smitta: 22 januari

"Tiotusentals svenska idrottsmän och kroppsbyggare, som de senaste 15-20 åren sprutat i sig insmugglade hormonpreparat, riskerar att få galna kosjukan. En sensationell forskarrapport visar att 139 personer hittills smittats via infekterat tillväxthormon."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: SKL vägrar analysera olagligt tillväxthormon: 22 januari

"Statens kriminaltekniska laboratorium vägrar att analysera av tullen beslagtagna dopningsprov då dessa kan innehålla smittämnen av den mänskliga varianten av galna ko-sjukan."

Ivanhoe.com: Addictive and Lethal Effects of GHB-Related Supplements: 15 januari

"Researchers are finding gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-related supplements may be just as risky as GHB itself. As the abuse of these supplements rises, researchers believe these risks should be known."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Therese Alshammar chockad efter tränarens dopningsanklagelser: 18 januari

"Therese Alshammar ville inte skriva på ett anti-dopningsavtal – och bröt med tränaren Dirk Lange. Anklagelsen kommer från Lange, och chockar hela simvärlden. Inklusive ”Tessan”. – Jag har goda skäl att gå vidare till rätten med det här, säger hon."

New York Times: Consequences: Athletes, Andro and Trouble in the Urine: 28 november 2000

"Athletes who take the sports supplement androstenedione, commonly known as andro, might want to pay attention to one new finding: the substance can make them fail urine tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone."

DRCNet Online Library:

"Online library of articles, reasearch papers, books, and essays on drugs, drug policy, prohibition, controlled substances, drug abuse, the drug war, marijuana, medical marijuna, LSD, peyote, psilocybin, ibogaine, psychedelic drugs."

Christian Science Monitor: Tolerance of sports doping on trial in France: 6 november 2000

"Cyclists' rankings mean nothing anymore," exploded Daniel Delegove, the judge presiding over the trial of France's biggest cycling hero, Richard Virenque, after hearing compelling evidence of the widespread use of banned substances. "These are not racers, they are pedaling test tubes."

Sportscience: Anabolic steroids: side effects:

"Anabolic steroids (AS) are effective in enhancing athletic performance. The trade off, however, is the occurrence of adverse side effects which can jeopardize health. Since AS have effects on several organ systems, a myriad of side effects can be found."

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: Horn innkalt til dopinghøring: 9 januari

"Politikerne på Stortinget har fått nok av striden i norsk idrett om doping og kosttilskudd. Nå må kulturminister Ellen Horn inn til høring om toppidretten."

The New England Journal of Medicine: Adverse Events, Including Death, Associated with the Use of 1,4-Butanediol: 11 januari

"1,4-Butanediol is an industrial solvent that, when ingested, is converted to (gamma)-hydroxybutyrate, a drug of abuse with depressant effects, primarily on the central nervous system."

CNN: Banned dietary supplement still causing deaths, study says: 11 januari

Golfonline: Finchem says no need for study on performance-enhancing drugs: 9 januari

"Most drugs are used to help increase strength, size, and aerobic capacity. Golf has too many champions who are anything but bodybuilders - Paul Runyan, Craig Stadler, even Mark O'Meara, who won two majors at age 41."

U.S. Newswire: ATLAS Program Qualifies for 2002 Olympics: 10 januari

"Following 10 years of research and testing, the national award-winning ATLAS (Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids) program starts full implementation in Salt Lake City, site of the 2002 Winter Olympics. The program represents a new and innovative approach to preventing male teenage substance abuse and will be implemented in three large city high schools."

NYPost: U.S. boys cave in to steroids' allure: 16 augusti 2000

"Nearly 40 percent of American boys 12 and over have experimented with or plan to use anabolic steroids or supplements to pump up their bodies and boost their athletic performance, a new study found."

The Journal: Student dies after collapsing in gym:

"A superfit university student has died after collapsing as she worked out in her college gym. A fellow student ran for help after Claire Burton-Page, 24, lost consciousness in the fitness room at St John's College, Durham University, where she regularly trained." (Via GymTrack News)

abcnews.com: Sipping Solvents for Fun: 10 januari

"Sipping industrial solvents may not be everyone's idea of a good time, but apparently the practice is on the rise, as a calorie-and-hangover-free-alcohol substitute gains favor at parties around the country."

Science News: Excreted Drugs: Something Looks Fishy: 17 juni

"Doctors recommend drinking plenty of water to replenish lost fluids and wash away wastes. Just where do the excreted wastes go? At least a few, including hormones and heart drugs, end up in streams—and eventually someone else's drinking water, a new study finds."

Science News: Common pollutants undermine masculinity: 3 april 1999

"Some widespread pesticides and chemicals in plastics can induce reproductive impairment in males, according to seven new animal studies. These compounds wreak their havoc by blocking the action of male sex hormones as they program sexual development."

Yahoo! News: Beefy Male Centerfolds Mirror Muscle Obsession: 10 januari

"The average male centerfold model in Playgirl magazine has beefed up his biceps and developed a body shield of rippling muscle, a recent study reports.

This transformation is troubling and may reflect increased use of anabolic steroids in order to attain what society views as an ideal male body, Dr. Richard Leit, a psychologist who conducted the study while a doctoral candidate at American University in Washington, DC, told Reuters Health."

Science News: Some river pollution spawns body-altering steroids: 6 januari

"Howell's group reports finding trace contamination of the lower Fenholloway with androstenedione. The Fenholloway's andro doesn't come out of any bottle but arises from the biotransformation of pollutants.

It also represents the first environmental androgen - a pollutant that functions like a male sex hormone - ever discovered in nature, says John A. McLachlan, a toxicologist who pioneered studies on environmental hormones."

Los Angeles Times: Researchers Warn That Chemical Muscle Builder Can Be Deadly: 11 januari

"Nutritional supplements containing the industrial solvent 1,4-butanediol are both addictive and deadly, according to Minnesota researchers. The chemical is currently viewed as a "safe" alternative to gamma-hydroxybutyrate, a purported aid to muscle building and weight loss that has been banned because of its dangers."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Efedrin NM Pharma:

"Efedrin är ett naturligt förekommande ämne som dels verkar direkt på luftrörens och blodkärlens muskelreceptorer samt stimulerar kroppens egen frisättning av noradrenalin (som även det verkar på dessa receptorer). Effekten blir att luftrören vidgar sig och slemhinnesvullnaden går ned."


"Up-to-date and accurate drug and pharmaceutical information and articles, browsable by generic or trade name."

The Media Awareness Project:

"A worldwide network dedicated to drug policy reform. We inform public opinion and promote balanced media coverage."

Food and Drug Administration:

"Home Page for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

Look Smart Drug Search:

"This link is brought to you by Alta Vista and displays the beginning of a comprehensive list of prescription drugs. No, not how to obtain them but just about anything else you'd like to know about them. Factual, legitimate data."


"Step inside and discover why healthy hormone levels are necessary if you want to look and feel your best. Take AndroQUIZ, our hormone health survey. Assess your levels of testosterone with AndroCHECK, our at-home hormone test kit."

Danska artikel Aktuelt: Doping-fangster slår alle rekorder: 2 december

"Tolderne i Kastrup Lufthavn har beslaglagt næsten tre gange så mange dopingpiller og ampuller i år som i 1999.

Lederen af København Politis narkoafdeling, Erik Bjørn, siger, at doping ligger langt nede på politiets prioriteringsliste. Hvis der ikke er tale om organiseret kriminalitet, er det ikke noget, politiet ofrer kræfter på."

BBC News: Tamoxifen heart disease link ruled out: 2 januari

"Women taking the cancer prevention drug tamoxifen are at no more risk of developing heart disease, researchers find."

Danska artikel Run4Fun: Nettet skyld i doping-boom: 4 januari

"Mængden af beslaglagte dopingmidler i Kastrup Lufthavn slog alle rekorder i fjor. Og det er internettets skyld, vurderer Toldvæsenet."

post-gazette.com: Former college athlete to stand trial: 29 december

"Knapp, a 6-foot, 310-pound cinderblock of a man, became so enraged during a traffic stop that he pinned a police officer to the street near the heart of campus and started choking him.

Defense lawyer Thomas Ceraso of Greensburg readily agreed that Knapp was carrying the anabolic steroids, often used by bodybuilders. One variety found in a duffel bag in Knapp's Volvo was marked "implant for feedlot heifers."

Experts say that users are sometimes given to emotional eruptions dubbed "steroid rage," and Ceraso suggested that during the trial, he might blame them for Knapp's explosion.

"It could well be a defense," he said after the hearing."

Svensk artikel DrugNews: Rekordmånga tullbeslag förra året: 4 januari

"Förra året gjorde tullen rekordmånga beslag av narkotika och dopingmedel. Samtidigt ökade beslagsmängden av tobak- och spritsmuggling till 44,6 miljoner cigaretter och 605 000 liter sprit."

Maximuscle: Drugs in Sport:

"The most comprehensive list ever compiled on banned and permitted drugs in sport. Now including supplement & herbal section. Over 5000 medicines, drugs, & supplements listed! Download the FREE demo or buy the full program here!"

Skapad 2001-03-22 | Uppdaterad den 26 mars 2001 av