B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 19 2001
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Fredrik Paulún

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Födelsedagar vecka 19
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Lördag/söndag 12/13 maj
AP Photo/Toronto Star, Dick Loek "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
- Mark Twain

"Gordy" the Macaw, right, barks at Kirby the Bedlington terrier at Bluffers Park in Toronto on Sunday April 15, 2001. Gordy's owner, Nancy Gallant, raised the bird with a Rottweiler and the parrot barks and acts like a dog.

ABC News: Laser Rental Equipment Can Do More Harm Than Good: 18 april

Thousands of people undergo laser cosmetic surgery each year in the United States, many even on their lunch break.

Nando Times: Tougher rules urged for dietary supplements: 18 april

Tough new rules are needed to monitor the sale and use of dietary supplements, the vitamins and herbs now used by nearly two-thirds of Americans, a government study says.

St Petersburg Times: County's best to see new world: 18 april

The state weightlifting meet can be a rude awakening. Watching the state's strongest men can really put things in perspective.

Philadelphia Daily News: Armstrong: I'm innocent: 13 april

Lance Armstrong is bitter over accusations he might have used drugs in his two consecutive Tour de France victories, insisting he didn't cheat in his comeback from cancer.

"I was the victim of an atmosphere created by the Festina affair," he said yesterday in the French newspaper L'Equipe. "What matters is I am innocent."

USA Today: Bottled water gets a health booster: 18 april

Remember when you scoffed at bottled water as an alternative to tap water? Well, hold on to your faucets, because bottled water is now a performance beverage.

Marketers are fusing the sports drink engineering of electrolytes and replenishment additives with the low-calorie appeal of water.

St Petersburg Times: Citrus may open summer gyms: 14 april

The plan involves opening three school gyms for six hours on weekdays and five hours on weekends for activities for high school teens between 13 and 17.

Svensk artikel GP: Var fjärde tioåring har övervikt: 18 april

Var fjärde 10-åring i Sverige är överviktig. Det visar en ännu inte publicerad studie. - Det är oerhört många fler än i vårt mest skrämmande scenario, säger professor Claude Marcus.

Svensk artikel DN: Ökenprinsessan som blev stål-Annie: 19 april

Trots en bruten handled tog sig Annie Seel i mål som näst bästa tjej i det tuffa ökenrallyt i Tunisien. Nu har smeknamnet "Ökenprinsessan" bytts till Annie Steel (stål). Läs hennes dagbok från Tunisien-rallyt på DN.se.

St Petersburg Times: 'It's food, drink and injections': 18 april

Increasingly in South Florida, people are getting illegal cosmetic silicone injections - sometimes at parties. The results often are tragic.

Svensk artikel Corren: Projekt ska öka livskvaliteten: 19 april

Kommunens ekonomipersonal och förvaltningschefer deltar i ett pilotprojekt för att öka livskvaliteten och trivseln. Målet på sikt är att minska Ödeshögs höga ohälsotal.

Daily Mail & Guardian: All in the mind - and a fine set of muscles: 17 april

Bodybuilding legend Reg Park has just been honoured by an Arnold Schwarzenegger Lifetime Achievement Award in the sport.

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Relaxoteket - webbvideo:

Lär dig slappna av ansträngda muskler med hjälp av våra övningar på video.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Johannesört påverkade inte depression: 18 april

Åtskilliga studier, av skiftande vetenskaplig kvalitet, har visat effekt av johannesört på depressionstillstånd. Men i en ny randomiserad dubbelblind placebokontrollerad studie fanns ingen säkerställd effekt av växtextraktet.

theage.com.au: Fitness: It's now a class thing: 14 april

Fitness is quickly becoming the newest status symbol in the office. It's not just the boom in personal trainers and the popularity of health resorts; it's also what the statistics are showing.

The Medical Journal of Australia has highlighted how socioeconomic status helps explain how healthy you are. Putting it simply, the poorer you are, the more likely you are to engage in health-damaging behavior, including not exercising and eating the wrong food.

Excite News: Steps to personalize and invigorate an exercise program: 12 april

Workout programs vary as dramatically as those who participate in them, said Kristine Clark, a graduate student of the Health and Physical Education department at Utah State University.

RealAge: Is your diet making you younger?:

Now, you can find out. RealAge is pleased to introduce The RealAge Café, our exciting, new online nutrition and fitness center, where all your nutrition questions can be answered. The RealAge Café offers valuable diet and fitness tools to help you reach your health goals faster

Excite News: Birth control may not be just for women anymore: 16 april

This method has been found to temporarily lower a man's sperm count to zero without causing long-term infertility. Side effects may include abdominal cramps, depression and headaches, similar to side-effects felt by some female pill users.

This treatment and others using synthetic hormones are still being researched, but many believe this type of birth control could be available for men within five or six years.

Dallas Observer: Steak God Bob: 12 april

Bob's Steak and Chop House must have hidden a couple of barrels of dining room testosterone. You can see the effects of hormonal excess everywhere.

Bob's is thoroughly masculine, a gush of androgens. Consider the delicious irony of this he-man meal: thick hunks of flesh carved from the carcass of a steer for consumption by a patron, presumably with full testicular faculties, to fortify his masculinity. Pass the A1.

EurekAlert: Effective acne treatments remain elusive, Hopkins researchers find: 18 april

After a half-century of looking at everything from Accutane to zinc, dermatologists still can't prove which acne treatments and drugs work best, a team at Johns Hopkins Children's Center finds after combing the scientific literature.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Fredrik Age

Fredag 11 maj

EurekAlert: Researchers study muscle cell damage that occurs when astronauts return from space: 18 april

Astronauts returning from a bout of weightlessness experience painful tearing of muscle cells when they set foot on earth.

But much like a punctured tire is patched, muscles cells literally ripped apart by use after even a week of disuse appear to patch themselves in a matter of seconds, according to researchers at the Medical College of Georgia.

Your Health Daily: Aerobic Exercise Lifts Mood of Depressed Patients: 18 april

Yet another study has been released showing the benefits of exercise. But before you hem and haw, hear this: Researchers at Berlin's Free University found that just a half-hour a day on a treadmill substantially improved the moods of patients with major depression.

Yahoo! News: Relax - Laziness Is Good for You, Scientist Finds: 18 april

Good news for Bridget Jones and the millions who share the fictional diarist's angst and guilt for failing to jog their way to health and happiness.

About Sports Medicine: How Can I Tell If I 'Separated' My Shoulder?:

The most common cause of a shoulder spearation is a blow to the shoulder or a fall on an outstretched hand. Read about the signs, symptoms and treatment for this painful shoulder injury.

The Satyr: US Hair Gel Reserves Dangerously Low:

US hair gel reservoirs are at their lowest level since 1975, according to a report released by the US Ministry of Hair Safety.

Ananova: Sun lotions 'contain gender-bending chemicals': 18 april

Swiss lab tests have found sun lotions contain gender-bending chemicals that work like the female hormone oestrogen.

The Telegraph: Is this the AntiSpice?: 25 september 1999

During a six-month sabbatical from Spice duty down-to-earth Sporty seems to have undergone one of the most radical transformations in pop since David Bowie gave up his mime act and turned into Ziggy Stardust.

She has returned from this sojourn sporting muscles that wouldn't look out of place on a video-game heroine, an array of eye-catching tattoos, (including the Japanese characters for woman, which, she recently discovered to her dismay, is the same logo you find on women's public loos in Japan), nose stud, spiky haircut and an industrial strength, goth-rock single entitled Goin' Down.

Fitnessworld: Top 30 Sports Activities Ranked: 12 april

According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association’s (SGMA) new Sports Participation Topline Report 2000, one-third of the top 30 sports activities in the U.S. are fitness related.

US News: Human fat is a source of coveted stem cells: 23 april

Turning beer bellies into six-packs requires sweat and painful sacrifice. Or so we're told. But scientists now claim to have subbed petri dishes for StairMasters, transforming cells from unwanted fat into muscle, cartilage, and bone.

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Baka ”Bagarns” bullar: 22 augusti 2000

Från förre medarbetaren på Gymnastikförbundets kansli, Lennart ”Bagarn” Andersson, har vi fått in ett recept på Gympalimpa. Ett bröd som enligt ”Bagarn” ska vara mycket gott.

Svensk artikel Gymnastikmagasinet: Bra mat bättre än kosttillskott: 14 mars

Kolhydratladdning är ett begrepp de flesta idrottare känner till. Men kolhydrater är inte bara små energibomber. Michael Svensson, doktorand i fysiologi vid Karolinska Institutet, vill informera om en mindre känd egenskap: kolhydraten som soldat i det antioxidativa försvarssystemet.

HealthWorld Online: Spring a Good Time to Renew Exercise Effort:

"When you wake up to exercise, you feel better about yourself and the body that you're carrying through life," Tuma said. That self confidence helps with everything from your relationship with your significant other, to play time with your children or grandchildren, to gardening and housework, said Mitch Smith, head personal trainer and assistant manager at The Workout Co. in Normal.

HealthWorld Online: Aerobic Exercise Lifts Mood of Depressed Patients:

Yet another study has been released showing the benefits of exercise. But before you hem and haw, hear this: Researchers at Berlin's Free University found that just a half-hour a day on a treadmill substantially improved the moods of patients with major depression.


A free service that allows the tracking of individual and team statistics. WinningStats serves as a utility to log individual and team performances along with custom statistical analysis of entered data. WinningStats is a free service that allows athletes to enter information about their fitness routines and sporting events and allow them to track and monitor performances.

Ananova: Aromatherapy claims smell funny, say scientists: 19 april

Aromatherapy only works if you think it will, claims a new European study.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Bårlänge AK

Torsdag 10 maj

US News: Performance in a capsule: 12 februari

Matt Coda was a fanatic about his body. So his mother, a nurse in Pittsburgh, was mystified when the 26-year-old was rushed to the hospital in a coma in July 1999. Patricia Trovato-Ragano told the doctors her son had been taking only a body-building supplement, GHB.

Detroit News: Actor drives new H2 into Times Square to cap involvement: 11 april

When Michael DiGiovanni told his children he was going to work with superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger to create a new Hummer sport-utility vehicle, he figured they'd be excited. But "my kids didn't believe me," the General Motors Corp. executive said.

Nutricise: Middle Age Muscle:

Building muscle with resistance training offers a range of benefits for those in the prime of life. Here’s what you need to know before heading to the weight room.

Yahoo! News: IOC Hopeful Calls Drugs 'Threat': 18 april

Jacques Rogge, one of five candidates for the IOC presidency, calls drugs the "No. 1 threat" in sports and warns of the potential dangers of genetic engineering.

The New York Times: Bike Power: Tired Legs Get a Leg Up: 19 april

Electric bikes let batteries (and chips) take over when muscles aren't enough. But companies are still waiting for the sales to kick in.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: At Last, There Is a Resolution to Mutterstadt's 'War of Roses': 18 april

Months of wrangling at AC Mutterstadt, the weight lifting powerhouse which has won the German championship 12 times, have finally come to a conclusion.

AWorkout: Men & Mirrors: A Budding Obsession: 16 april

Think worrying about your appearance is a "woman's thing?" Not anymore, mental health professionals say. Increasingly, some men are as preoccupied with their looks as some women.

Psychologists say the quest for abs like the Soloflex man and shoulders like rapper-turned-actor Mark Wahlberg -- plus a full head of hair and flawless, tanned skin -- is creating problems in men typically associated with women: eating disorders and body obsessions.

Mr. Ghana - Ashanti Warrior - Martin Luther King Addo:

A study in determination - that's what best describes Martin Luther King Addo, a bodybuilding dynamo from Ghana who has reached the pinnacle of the sport in his own country, and has set his sights on gaining worldwide recognition for the talent he undoubtedly possesses.

Svensk artikel Roger "Atlas" Zapfes officiella hemsida

Svensk artikel Dagens Handel: Stadium till Finland: 17 april

Sportbutikskedjan Stadium öppnar i april sin första butik i Finland, närmare bestämt i Helsingfors. Det blir kedjans 62:a butik, men blott den andra etableringen utomlands.

Yahoo! Finance: eDiets.com Reports Profitable Q1: 17 april

eDiets.com, the leading subscription-based online diet center, reported revenues for the quarter ending March 31, 2001 of $4.37 million, a 285 percent increase over revenues of $1.13 million a year earlier.

About Sports Medicine: Alphabetical Injury Listing:

Searching for an exhaustive list of sports related injuries and issues? This is the place. From A to Z, find the injury, it's cause, treatment and prevention here. The list is always growing, so check back often and learn how to treat your lastest sports injury.

About Sports Medicine: Six Sports Injury Warning Signs:

There are some common tip-offs you should recognize as warning signs that you have an injury that needs your attention. Can you recognize all six?

WebMD: Yes, You Can Run a Marathon - if You Take Time to Train: 17 april

You don't have to be very experienced; you just need to be motivated. Even if you only do one mile a day now, experts say, you can get ready for a marathon in about four months. The key is finding a good training schedule and stick to it.

kuro5hin.org: Defending the Right to Pleasure: 30 mars

Pleasure is a human right, and like all rights, it needs to be defended. The last centuries have shown the disastrous witchhunts that can result from the punishment of pleasure. But the right to pleasure is not just one of many human rights, it may be the most important one.

Neurological and cross-cultural research has proven that children who are deprived of this right become violent and aggressive. Pleasure is the key to the human value system. The failure to protect it may lead us into another Dark Age of irrationalism and violence. It's already late. We need to defend the right to pleasure before it's too late.

The New York Times: Tighter Rules Are Sought for Dietary Supplements: 17 april

Federal investigators called today for much more stringent regulation of dietary supplements, saying current standards and their enforcement were grossly inadequate and allowed safety problems to go unchecked.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Strength Sport Nutrition

Onsdag 9 maj

IFBB: Bodybuilding: A Sport Practiced in 172 Countries:

An article by Ben Weider on bodybuilding, the IFBB, doping control and the IOC.

Yahoo! Finance: Russell Athletic Launches Virtual Workout Partner: 18 april

Russell Athletic's new Web site is the first to introduce the Virtual Workout Partner (VWP) program. Designed for everyday athletes aspiring to lead healthy lifestyles, the VWP program helps members find partners with similar fitness goals, abilities and interests.

Through the site's e-mail system, partners can encourage each other as if they were side-by-side at the gym or on the playing field. The site also offers community discussion forums, a gym locator, healthy lifestyle articles written by experts and much more.

Yahoo! News: Belgian Police Raid Pigeon Industry: 18 april

A nationwide police raid has fueled deep suspicions in this country, the world's center for pigeon racing, that some trainers may be doping the birds to fly faster and farther.

Yahoo! News: Fitness Centers Help Hospitals: 18 april

Looking for new revenue sources and innovative ways to attract future patients and further their health care mission, hospitals around the country have been opening fitness centers that cater to middle-aged and elderly folks who might feel intimidated exercising beside the buff-and-toned crowd.

Consumer Health Sourcebook:

Consumer health encompasses all aspects of the marketplace related to the purchase of health products and services. Positively, it involves the facts and understanding that enable people to make wise choices.

Negatively, it means avoiding unwise decisions based on deception, misinformation, or other factors. This site will help instructors and students who use the seventh (2001) edition of the college textbook Consumer Health: A Guide to Intelligent Decisions. It may also be useful to others seeking reliable information through the Internet.

Yahoo! Finance: Underground Bodybuilding Culture Revealed in New Book!: 18 april

The new book "Alpha Male: The Path to Hardcore Natural Bodybuilding" gives a blueprint to the philosophy and culture of the underground Internet movement of Hardcore Natural Bodybuilding.

Railing against corporate bodybuilding and the sports nutrition industry, the followers of this philosophy are extremely adamant in their stance.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Test av stressnivåer via Internet: 18 april

Testa din saliv och förebygg stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Det är budskapet på en hemsida på Internet som öppnar inom kort. Två provrör och några bomullstussar är allt som behövs för att du inom 14 dagar ska få veta hur din stressprofil ser ut.

The Mercury News: First major study on St. John's wort says it doesn't aid serious depression: 18 april

St. John's wort may be the country's most popular herbal antidepressant, but it is not an effective treatment for severe depression, according to a study appearing in today's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Boston.com: Researcher finds pill that could cure addiction, but no one is interested: 15 april

A researcher at Brookhaven National Laboratory here believes he may have a cure for drug addiction, but a New Jersey pharmaceutical company and the federal government aren't interested.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Läkare motionerar minst i vården: 18 april

Kommun- och landstingsanställda kvinnor röker mer än den övriga befolkningen. De offentligt anställda snusar också mer och är oftare överviktiga. Men de är flitigare motionärer än genomsnittssvensken. Överraskande nog är läkarna en av de yrkesgrupper som rör på sig minst. Det visar en stor undersökning.

MSNBC: Are We Getting Smarter?: 23 april

IQ scores rose steadily in the 20th century. As scientists search for the reasons, they are shedding new light on the dance between genes and life experience that determines intelligence

TIME: 'I Don't Have a Problem Representing Yoga': 15 april

TIME talks to Christy Turlington about the spiritual and financial sides of Yoga.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Roger "Atlas" Zapfe

Tisdag 8 maj

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Best når det smeller: 29 april

FOTO: DAG GRUNDSETH Henriette Birkeland: Europamester i boksing og verdensmester i kickboksing. Slagferdig også utenfor ringen.

[Obs - QuickTime-film på sidan förutom reportaget]

Schwarzenegger.com: Republicans want Arnold: 7 maj

Arnold may have ruled out a bid for California governor in 2002, but, according to Reuters news, if a group of five Republican governors have their way -- he'll be back.

Baseball Prospectus: 6-4-3: Steroids in Baseball: 4 maj

The issue of steroid abuse in baseball isn't a new one. Accusations about the use of anabolic steroids to enhance performance have been around for many years. Estimates about the extent of the use of anabolic steroids in baseball run as high as 50% of players in MLB, and a comparable number in the minors.

On April 28, I was fortunate enough to be able to speak with a former MLB trainer about steroid use in baseball.

BBC Sport: Boxing's biggest star: 27 april

BBC Sport Online meets Mr Butterbean, a 25-stone former factory worker who has made $1m by becoming boxing's fat man.

Norsk artikel Adressavisen: Kran tok mannen: 31 oktober 2000

- Det finnes ikke gråsoner i doping. Enten tester du positivt, og blir dømt - eller så gjør du det ikke, og er uskyldig.

The New York Times: Steroid Use by Teen-Age Girls Is Rising: 1 juni 1999

Whether trying to reach stardom in high school sports, working to achieve a fashionable lean-but-muscular look or suffering from a deep psychological disorder, teen-age girls are using illegal anabolic steroids in sharply increasing numbers, health authorities say.

About Exercise: Exercise and Fitness Equipment:

It's time to clean out your closets and get some new fitness gear for summer. Check out these links to find the best equipment on the 'Net.

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Ombyggnaden i Stockholm är nu klar!: 7 maj

Nu är ombyggnaden äntligen klar. Välkommen till en ännu större och fräschare butik.

Excite News: Side effects of Creatine make users wary: 30 april

"I quit taking creatine partly because I saw an article on ESPN.com that some French scientist had done a study and found that creatine causes cancer," Trougakos said.

"I know they say a lot of things cause cancer -- too much red meat can cause cancer -- but that is something that makes you think."

theage.com.au: No ales for the ailing, recovery is a long, hard slog: 6 maj

As you sit down with your coffee this morning after a Saturday night of debauchery, consider, for a moment, what the professional footballers are doing right now.

Seeing players stand in a "wheelie bin" full of crushed ice up to their waist on a cold Sunday morning is a brutal insight into the world of these athletes.

The Inquirer: It fires up fast-twitch muscles. Some athletes swear by it: 6 maj

When you walk into the Evo Sports gym, you know immediately that it's no place for bodybuilders. There are two rooms with weights, a water cooler, and a few machines that look like scrap-metal abstract art.

Everything here is utilitarian, nothing wasted, nothing for show. It is not a place where bodies are chiseled for others to ogle at but, rather, one where people go to become game breakers, champions.

USA Today: The Rock smashes stereotypes - But can he pin down the title of action star?: 4 maj

WWF-brottaren The Rock, Dwayne Johnson, kan mycket väl vara den person efter Arnold som blir förknippad med muskler på den vita duken...

McMahon, a producer on The Scorpion King, believes that not only can the Rock be the next Schwarzenegger, he can be even bigger.

By being a wrestler on TV, ''he's starting with a universal platform wider than anything Arnold had as a bodybuilder. He is already known in syndication on a global scale. He can tell people in Germany or Africa to go see his film.''

The Hindu Times: Lian Ting, Hsiae Li rewrite Asian records: 3 maj

Chinese Taipei women excelled on the opening day, setting two new Asian records and winning four of the six titles on offer in the senior women's section of the Asian powerlifting championship at the Shah Auditorium here on Thursday.

The Hindu Times: Sarala betters her Asian mark: 4 maj

India's strongwoman Sarala Shetty broke her own Asian record in the squat event on way to the overall gold medal in the 82.5 kg category even as Chinese Taipei continued its dominance in the Asian powerlifting championships at the Shah Auditorium here on Friday.

The Hindu Times: Zaitsev breaks three Asian records: 5 maj

Young Dmitriy Zaitsev of Kazakhstan lifted his way to break three Asian records and win two overall titles in the men's 82.5 kg category on the penultimate day of the Asian powerlifting championships at the Shah Auditorium here on Saturday.

Sunday Times: Blind climber poised to reach top of Everest: 6 maj

IF Erik Weihenmayer realises his dream and reaches the peak of Mount Everest this week, he will not be able to admire the view: the 32- year-old American has been blind for almost 20 years.

The Washington Post: Why Your Pharmacist Wants to Know About Your Herbs: 1 maj

If you take herbal medicines and prescription drugs, your pharmacist has some questions for you.

LA Times: The Anatomy of Obsession: 6 maj

As a bodybuilder, she became a member of a cult preoccupied with hyper-muscularity. In that world, nothing matters but well-cut biceps and delts--even at the cost of one's health.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Treningstips på Oslopuls.no:

Oslopuls.no har egen treningsside, der du kan få svar på spørsmål om trening, skader og kosthold. Vår fysioterapeut Rune Soltvedt gir deg gode råd om hvordan du skal forebygge musesyke, mens gravide Catharina lurer på hvor lenge hun kan trene som normalt.

Outside Magazine: Ed Burke's Got a Rocket in His Pita Pocket: 1 maj

Sick of protein shakes and energy biscuits? Meet the exercise physiologist who has revolutionized sports nutrition with a radical new diet for athletes---real food...

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Måndag 7 maj
Norsk artikel Aftenposten: 6 maj
Bildeserie fra Bodybuilding-NM
Norsk artikel Aftenposten: 7 maj
Bildeserie fra Fitness-NM

Norsk artikel AlexFitness: Norska Mästerskapen, 5-6 mai:

  • Bilder fra NM i Kroppsbygging og Fitness
  • Deltager liste til Fitness
  • Deltager liste til Kroppsbygging

Nutricise: Stop Shin Splints in Their Tracks:

Don’t let this common injury bring your running to a grinding halt. Fight back with these four simple prevention tactics.

Nutricise: The Truth About Washboard Abs:

In the ongoing struggle for a ripped midsection, crunches shouldn’t be your first priority.

The Facts about Fitness: What NOT to eat after exercise if you want to lose fat: 30 april

If you really want to accelerate fat loss, make sure to ignore the popular recommendation to fill up with carbohydrates after you exercise.

Femme Athletic:

The mission of Femme Athletic is to provide a full collection of quality activewear for athletic women at competitive prices. Femme Athletic is dedicated to designing activewear that addresses the unique needs of athletic women worldwide. While standing behind every garment that we produce!

Femusclefantasy.com - Showcasing the web sites of the worlds most beautiful Strong Women

Powerdivas.com, Beauty, Strength, Style:

Powerdivas.com is the premiere website for fans of beautiful female bodybuilders and all powerful women.

Michelle Ivers, buffchicks.com - The premiere online source for fitness models, Laura Mak's Mak Attack Fitness Pro

Kat Promotions: 

Kathy Connors is Jacksonville, Florida's premier nationally ranked female bodybuilder and powerlifter. She offers personal training, posing, guest appearances, and show promotions. Kathy's sight contains her own personal photo galleries and links to her personal fan club.

Tonia Williams - Too Hot To Handle: Project USA's:

Help me countdown to NPC USA's July 27-28 in Las Vegas. Follow my transformation here as I get ready for my PRO card.

Check back frequently and see how my diet and training changes, and share in my success as I chisel away and sculpt my physique into the IFBB's newest Pro!


Did you know that popcorn is among the healthiest -- and tastiest -- snacks around: low in calories and fat and rich in carbohydrates? Click below for more information about popcorn's nutritional value, nutrition in general, and dozens of great popcorn-inspired recipes.

Norsk artikel Statens ernæringsråd: Gratis frukt skal gi elevene smaken på abonnement: 25 april

Over 29 000 grunnskoleelever i Østfold, Rogaland, Oslo og Akershus skal få gratis frukt i tre dager. Opplysningskontoret for frukt og grønnsaker (OFG) og SEF (Statens råd for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet) gir bort frukt for å gi flere skoler smaken på skolefrukt-abonnement.

Norsk artikel TV2: Ny medisin: Ikke bedre, kun dyrere: 29 april

Mer enn halvparten av nye medisiner er ikke mer effektive enn gamle, billigere legemidler. Det viser en ny svensk undersøkelse.

LA Times: Tennis' Growing Pains: 26 april

Facing Age-Group Pressures or Trying to Become the Next Sampras or Venus, Teenagers Are Increasingly Injured From Over-Working Underdeveloped Bodies.

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Apoteket kritiseras av natur- och läkemedelsförsäljare: 30 april

Företaget Bringwell skyltar med icke godkända receptfria läkemedel i sin butik. Läkemedlen får inte säljas i Sverige, men företaget vill skapa en debatt om Apotekets monopol. Företaget menar att skyltningen är en symbolhandling och att frågan bör diskuteras i EG-domstolen.

Svensk artikel Fri Köpenskap: Djurmat blir snabbmat: 30 april

I kölvattnet av krisen kring galna ko-sjukan, BSE, har efterfrågan på kycklingkött i Storbritannien blivit stor. Till och med så stor att kycklingdetaljer avsedda att bli djurfoder istället blir snabbmat.

Svensk artikel Fri Köpenskap: McDonald´s i en klass för sig: 30 april

Hamburgerkedjan McDonald´s är landets i särklass största försäljare av snabbmat. Förra året omsatte kedjan 3,4 miljarder kronor exklusive moms.

Berlingske Tidene: Skærpet kurs mod fængslernes muskeldyr: 30 april

Kropskultur: Kriminalforsorgen skærper kursen mod dopingmisbruget i landets fængsler. Stærke fanger skal droppe jernvægtene og lære at sætte pris på kondicyklen

Berlingske Tidene: Transfedtsyrer forkorter graviditet: 30 april

De hårde fedtstoffer giver ikke kun åreforkalkning, de har også en negativ indflydelse på graviditeten.

Wrestling Resources: WWF Superstar Makes For Great Villain in Mummy 2: 

The Rock is humble about making his movie acting debut, even though, in his book, The Rock Says, he is brash enough to predict his future as a movie star: "Will The Rock be the next James Dean or Cary Grant or James Stewart? I don't think so. But he could be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger -- only better looking."

Check out Photos of The Rock in Mummy 2.

Svensk artikel DN: Sportdryck - mer skada än nytta?: 30 april

Energi- och sportdrycker har blivit inne. I reklamen påstås att de är prestationshöjande. Men frågan är om de gör mer skada än nytta. Här finns drycker som kan likställas med att dricka en liter extra sötat kaffe till ett pris av 78 kronor. Ofta blandas de med alkohol.

Club Industry: Motivating Clients With Innovative Exercises: 1 mars

To retain clients, personal trainers must understand how to motivate them. Motivation begins at the very first meeting, and continues with innovative training that keeps them captivated.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Hon delar Danmark i två matläger: 21 april

Anne Larsen sköljde den stekta köttfärsen under kranen för att få bort fettet. Det fick de såsälskande danskarna att ge upp ett ramaskri. Anne Larsen sköljde den stekta köttfärsen under kranen för att få bort fettet. Det fick de såsälskande danskarna att ge upp ett ramaskri.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenska Dagbladet: Hälsogurun har själv varit tjock: 21 april

För Anne Larsen som en gång var den överviktiga unga mamman från den lilla staden Tarm i västra Jylland är maten idag ett heltidsarbete.

Hon är Firma Anne Larsen och rattar sin bil genom hela Danmark, håller föredrag fyra kvällar i veckan under vintern och gör tv-program, matartiklar och recept till butikskedjor resten av tiden. Men hennes stora mål är att nå ännu längre ut och bli gäst i Oprah Winfreys tv-show.

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Nästan alla unga kvinnor missnöjda med sina kroppar: 14 oktober 1999

Tjock, smal, för kort, utstående öron eller noll pigment. Dagens tjejer verkar allt annat än nöjda med sitt utseende. Det visar en färsk undersökning gjord vid Umeå universitet.

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