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Muscles of Dee Kay

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fotoreportage från FIBO-mässan:
Posedown.de:s fotoreportage från FIBO-mässan.

Shawn Ray: Shattered Dreams:

There is something to be said about the lure of professional bodybuilding but California and the Dream don't always go hand in hand. The dream was lost when the work ethic got tossed; the cold reality is that California is an EXPENSIVE place to live in!

Arnold's Number 1 Fan

Svensk artikel Maxi Elit: Intervju IFBB Pro Jaroslav Horvath:

Tidigare Tjeckoslovakien och nu Tjeckien och Slovakien har alltid haft stor tradition inom bodybuilding. Med sina många Europa och Världsmästare både på herr-, dam- och juniorsidan tillhör de världstoppen. Den senaste världsmästaren fil.kand Jaroslav Horvath kommer från Slovakien.

Svensk artikel American Nutrition: Fjärde upplagan av Sports Supplement Review snart i Sverige:

Bill Phillips klassiska uppslagsverk kommer nu ut i en ny upplaga, som innehåller den absolut senaste informationen om sporttillskott, näringsämnen, kost och träning. Sports Supplement Review är den mest kompletta informationen samlad på ett ställe inom detta område.

Norsk artikel Strongman Ray Holte - Tunge Fakta:

Jeg heter Roy Holte og satser målbevisst på idretten min, Strongman. Har trenet med vekter siden jeg var 14 år og har ikke tenkt å gi meg før jeg har vist "Verden" hva jeg er god for.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: "Tussen" siktar på NM-guld: 3 maj

På fredag är det resdags ner till Nordiska mästerskapen i Bänkpress för Susanne "Tussen" Formgren, Ockelbo AK.

Scientists say chocolate doesn't make you happy - just fat: 4 maj

The German Institute for Nutritional Medicine and Diet says chocoholics aren't in the grip of a true addiction and they don't need chocolate to keep them happy.

Cyberdiet: Using Reward Effectively:

Using rewarding consequences to encourage more desirable behavior can be tricky. When it is used correctly, reward can be very powerful in helping you change your eating or exercise behavior. First, consider some important characteristics of rewards.

Svensk artikel DA Optimal Hälsa:

Jag, David, som har skrivit detta och som ligger bakom webbsidan är precis som jag själv säger en Nautilusmunk där Nautilus är min religion.

Skämt åsido det är viktigt att tron är stark och man tror på det man gör. Jag är sjukgymnast, men jag har en bakgrund inom friskvården och ja har jobbat som massör.

Svensk artikel FaluKuriren: Fenomenet gympadojor: 5 maj

Med ett omslag som signalerar torr instruktionsbok à la bilhandbok, är boken om gympadojor inte en bok som stilnörden kommer att börja dregla över. Så är inte heller syftet med boken att presentera hipp design i glassigt fyrfärgstryck. Snarare att vara konsumentupplysning och kuriosalexikon i ett.

Svensk artikel DN: Golfare hoppar av före dopningstest: 4 maj

Många spelare har tackat nej till Europatouren efter att dopningspolisen aviserat tillslag. Något som ökat misstankarna om att betablockerare används.

WSN Sports: See How the Other Half Plays:

My name is Alexandra Powe Allred. I'm thirty-six years old, have three small children at home, have always loved sports and the challenges that bring.

So, when I was asked to do a story on women's professional football, I jumped. How fun to watch women take on the grid iron - I said yes. But there was a hitch. I had to try-out for the team.

Svensk artikel Uppladdningen - Guiden till hur du laddar inför idrott

Virtual Muscle: Personality Profile - Mia Finnegan:

Get the inside scoop on what's been happening in the life of Mia Finnegan. She's simply one of the greatest fitness competitors of all time. If you think women fitness athletes are all fluff, it's time to smell the coffee, baby.

Norsk artikel Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske Komité: Policy/risikovurdering kosttilskudd:

Olympiatoppen har i samarbeid med Det Norske Veritas kvalitetssikret rådgivningen i kosthold og bruk av kosttilskudd.

Oleg Zhur - Mr. World, IFBB Pro:

I have dreamed of being in the Mr. Olympia contest since I was a little boy. Now my dream is about to come true. I feel a great responsibility to represent European bodybuilding.

Many people in America do not know about all the great bodybuilders we have in Europe, exept for Markhus Ruhl and Jean-Pierre Fux. By competing in the bodybuilding contest, I hope to show that bodybuilding is a truly a worldwide sport.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings Styrkelyft: Tävlingsresultat med bilder och kommentarer från Veteran-NM i Styrkelyft i Eskilstuna den 28-29 april 2001

Svensk artikel Jönköpings Styrkelyft: Resultat från Nordiska Mästerskapen i Styrkelyft för ungdomar och juniorer:

Avgjordes 21-22 april i norska Vestfold. Sverige tog bl a 4 GULD..!

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Valkyria & Titan sparkas från Gladiatorerna: 4 maj

"Titan" och "Valkyria" får inte vara med när "Gladiatorerna" kör igång igen i höst. TV 4 säger att programmet måste förändras och valde att byta ut de två mot nya gladiatorer. Monica Riscoll, "Valkyria", tycker det är väldigt tråkigt. "Mitt hjärta vill fortsätta", säger hon.

Svensk artikel SVD: Krönika: Damerna har långt kvar: 4 maj

Varför får damfotbollen så lite uppmärksamhet? Varför blir damidrotten ofta styvmoderligt behandlad och ställd på undantag vad det gäller pengar, medieuppmärksamhet och publik. Sune Sylvén både funderar och besvarar frågan och du kan ge honom svar på tal här.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Laila Ali och Jaqui Frazier tar vid - där deras legendariska pappor slutade: 4 maj

Här är tjejerna som slåss för sina pappors namn. I New York den 8 juni drabbar Muhammad Alis och Joe Fraziers döttrar för första gången samman i en boxningsring. Mötet mellan Laila Ali och Jaqui Frazier-Lyde arrangeras 30 år efter pappornas första möte.

Svensk artikel Göteborgs Friidrottsförbund: Idealiteten - lever den?: 2 maj

Vi måste lära oss att presentera vår idrott som den verkligen är, att vi står och faller med de ideella krafterna. Svensken är lite "Institutionaliserad", de som ringer föreningarna förväntar sig ofta anställd personal och fasta arbetstider.

Kanske är det massmedias skildring av den extrema elitidrotten som ger allmänheten en vrångbild. Sanningen är att svensk idrott till 99% baseras på de ideella krafterna.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: "Vitaminer" var dopingmedel: 4 maj

– Det är vitaminer som norska idrottare ska ha, förklarade de två lettiska männen som i februari stoppades av tullen på brotåget med två väskor fyllda med dopningsmedel.

BBC News: Health risk of 'faddy diets': 2 maj

They may promise a fast way to lose the flab, but consumer experts have warned some diet books could damage your health.

The Chicago Tribune: History, and future, of fortification: 2 maj

Adding the missing pieces to foods is not new, but that alone can't fix the American diet.

IMDB: The Rock Vows To Remain A Wrestler: 3 maj

WWF muscleman The Rock is reassuring fans he has no intentions of ditching the wrestling ring for a career in the movies - despite enjoying film success.

Excite News: Cell phone software: Too much too soon?: 24 april

Mobile phone manufacturers, in their rush to sell 'steroid-injected phones,' are neglecting potentially troubling problems--especially in the relatively unfamiliar realm of software.

WFAA: Want a Bigger Bust? Try Brava: 2 maj

More than 16 million women are dissatisfied with their breasts. For women not considering surgery, there's a new option, a bra that makes breasts grow.

Suzanna McGee: Newsletter from Ms. Natural Olympia: 3 maj

The May issue is out and besides viewing new pictures of The Lioness, in this issue you can read about:

  • SixFtLion's news and bits
  • Focused... the real life story
  • Reading the labels
  • The Top 10 mistakes people make in the gym
  • Perspective

MSNBC: Why we are fat - An economist explains the supersize society: 2 maj

Are we fatter because we’re being fed more?

Not so fast: Bigger portions don’t necessarily translate into bigger meals. When portions were small, you could buy two orders of fries and eat them both; now that portions are enormous, you can buy one supersized order and share it with your family. How much of that goes on? We simply have no idea.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Muscles of Dee Kay

Fredag 4 maj
AP Photo/Dan Loh Boxers Jacqui Fraizer-Lyde (left) and Laila Ali pose for photographers during a press conference regarding their upcoming June 8th fight in Verona, N.Y. Thursday, April 26, 2001, in Philadelphia.

It remains to be seen whether Ali and Frazier-Lyde will deliver the same thrilling in-the-ring rivalry as their famous fathers three decades ago.

Dansk Bodybuilding & Fitness Forbund: Reportage og bilder fra Danske Mesterskaber 2001, Roskilde: 2 maj

Hvilken stemning, taget nærmest lettede da publikum for alvor hyldede de mange flotte atleter. Undskyld til alle de der gik forgæves til den totalt proppede Roskilde-hal! Vi beklager, men er på atleternes vegne glade for at opleve et luksus-problem. Resultatlister.

DJ's Hjemmeside: Bodybuilding DM 2001 300+ Bilder!: 28 april

Svensk artikel Alla 16 kraftgrötars proteinkvalitet har beräknats med Chemical Score-metoden på Yngves hemsida. De har alla mycket bra värden.

MSNBC: Adult acne plagues millions: 2 maj

Acne treatments, once marketed almost exclusively to teenagers, are now being widely targeted to adults.

EurekAlert: Tai Chi good way for elderly people to return to exercise: 1 maj

The low-impact Chinese exercise, Tai Chi, can help older people regain some of the physical functioning that they may have lost to inactivity, according to a new study.

Svensk artikel NSD: Henell slog till med brons på Nordiska mästerskapen: 24 april

Det blev en bronsmedalj för styrkelyftaren Daniel Henell från Malmberget när Nordiska Mästerskapen avgjordes i norska Hof. Henell lyfte 632,5 poäng, 7,5 poäng från personbästa. - Mitt näst bästa resultat någonsin, berättade han.

Svensk artikel Twinlab: Fettreducering och muskelutveckling:

Vill du minska underhudsfettet maximalt och öka muskeldefinition med bibehållen eller ökad muskulatur?

För att lyckas med deff ställs det höga krav på kosthållningen. När du ligger på ett lågt kaloriintag ökar behovet av proteiner drastiskt. Du måste säkerställa proteintillförseln utan att tillföra för mycket kolhydrater.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Olympiatoppens risikovurdering av kosttilskudd: Ja til tran - unngå Ribose: 3 maj

Utøverne må fortsatt ta risikoen selv, men det finnes kosttilskudd som Olympia-toppen anser for å ha lav risiko. Tran, for eksempel.

Yahoo! News: Could Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sly Stallone be television's next big "Survivor"?: 3 maj

Maybe. TV network CBS is considering putting a star-studded version of its hit game show, "Survivor," on the air, according to CBS Television Chief Executive Les Moonves.

Svensk artikel Maxi Elit: Nyhet MASSAGE CREAM Just for Men:

En ny teknologi där man genom att massera specialkräm på testiklarna kan stimulera testosteronproduktionen och öka lusten hos mannen.

EurekAlert: Scientists: nutritional deficiency can boost influenza virus damage: 27 april

The scientists have discovered that inadequate intake of selenium, a trace mineral, boosts damage caused by influenza viruses.

Ivanhoe.com: Nutritional Deficiency Makes the Flu More Harmful: 30 april

Missing nutritional elements from your diet could cause a case of the flu to wreak more damage.

BBC News: Mineral key to flu suffering: 29 april

Diets low in the mineral selenium may mean people suffer more when they contract flu, research suggests.

FitnessLink: Bi-Sets For Better Gains:

In order to continue growing, muscles must be exposed to new and challenging exercise routines. Bi-sets are a terrific way of mixing things up when your muscles are ready for a change.

FitnessLink: Steroids and Supplements: WWF Wrestler's True Story:

Don't take steroids! Steroids kill. They cause cancer, make your hair fall out, cause 'roid rage, make your chin grow, and more. Some of these warnings are true. But in the hands of the media, steroids have been branded as the devil's evil drug.

Life Fitness: Article Database:

Articles written by Life Fitness Academy members that have appeared in industry magazines, such as Athletic Business, Fitness Management and On-Site Fitness. The articles are about exercise and fitness-related topics, such as exercise feedback & calorie expenditures, strength modalities and heart rate zone training.

Cybex Institute:

Dedicated to the delivery of functional information on human performance sciences to the commercial, consumer and athletic arenas.

Yahoo! News: Free Breast Implants for Some Female Soldiers: 27 april

The British army has paid for a small number of female soldiers to have breast enlargements to make them happier, the Ministry of Defense said Thursday.

The Washington Post: The Next Surgeon General: 24 april

Surgeon general may not be the most important job in government. But it can be.

The office carries moral authority unlike any other. It is responsible for perhaps the greatest public health success in American history, the reduction of a deeply ingrained cultural habit -- smoking -- from 42 percent to 24 percent in a single generation.

The Arnold Fan: IT'S OFFICIAL: NO GOVERNOR ARNOLD IN 2002!: 25 april

Finally, after months of speculation Arnold revealed he won't be joining the 2002 race to become California's new governor. In a recent telephone interview from his home in Pacific Palisades The Oak revealed that his movie career and family have taken precedence over politics.

The Arnold Fan: NO GOVERNOR ARNOLD IN 2002! PART 2: 26 april

Yesterday Arnold fans around the world learned that The Oak wouldn't be joining the 2002 race to become California's new governor. Schwarzenegger, who is chairman of the Inner City Games Foundation, had even more to say about other opportunities he wants to help provide.

The Hindustan Times: Governor Terminated: 27 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger is opting out of the 2002 race to become California's governor, saying his film career and family have taken precedence over politics.

SF Gate: A Republican dream, terminated: 27 april

Gov. Gray Davis can stop worrying about competing with the glare of a Hollywood celebrity. His re-election chances have returned to a more prosaic challenge: keeping the lights on.

The Telegraph: Arnie is terminating his political plans for now: 27 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger has put his budding political career on hold, announcing that he will not be running for the Governorship of California but making another Terminator film instead.

The Scotsman Online: Arnie not in running for state governor:

Terminate the thought. The action film star Arnold Schwarzenegger is not planning to ride in and rescue the state of California any time soon.

SF Gate: State GOP fights on without action hero Schwarzenegger won't run: 26 april

Action hero actor Arnold Schwarzenegger has announced he won't be battling the Democratic villain, Gov. Gray Davis, in the 2002 governor race.

But with the energy crisis a daily presence, California Republicans insist "The Terminator" did his job: focusing attention on Davis' vulnerability and revving up a decimated GOP to take him on.

LA Times: See You Later, Arnold: 26 april

Despite what some may infer from his movie image, Schwarzenegger is no buffoon. He is a serious guy with the sort of moderate Republican beliefs that have appeal in California. Perhaps in four years we'll have a chance to see just how serious a candidate he might be. And just how bad the Arnold-for-governor jokes can get.

CBS News: Terminator III, Not Governor I: 25 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger will stick to making movies and not pursue a political career – at least for now. The Austrian-born actor will begin work later this year on "Terminator III."

CBS Healthwatch: Eagle-eyed Humans: What Would You Do With Super Vision?:

An operation based on Cold War spy technology may one day give you "super vision," but before you go seeking that extra edge, you may want to think about what good it would really do you.

The Washington Post: Slow Train to Performanceville: 24 april

Experts Say Patient, Measured Progress Will Get You to Your Goal Faster and More Safely.

The Washington Post: What's Your Number, Sweetie?: 1 maj

Nåja, jag tycker att Fredrik Paulúns bok 'Allt om glykemiskt index' är lättläst och gör ämnet enkelt att förstå...

The Glycemic Index Is Science-Based -- and Nearly Impossible to Follow.

Malcolm Gladwell: Fast food is killing us. Can it be fixed?: 5 mars

The trouble with the French fry is the fact that it is cooked in fat, which makes it unhealthy. But the contrast that deep-frying creates between its interior and its exterior--between the golden shell and the pillowy whiteness beneath--is what makes it so irresistible.

The average American now eats a staggering thirty pounds of French fries a year, up from four pounds when Ray Kroc was first figuring out how to mass-produce a crisp fry. Meanwhile, fries themselves have become less healthful.

Commentary Magazine: Books in Review - Happy Meal?: 1 maj

Well, taken in moderation, fast food is undoubtedly harmless, and only marginally less healthful than the food served at the family-run diners of old. It can also satisfy particular cravings for fat, sugar, and salt. But as compared with what does it taste “pretty good”?

This is a question Schlosser is unequipped to answer, and perhaps even to ask, though it would lead to a much more nuanced and interesting discussion of the pros and cons of a fast-food nation. And in the meantime, in the person of the big, evil, multinational corporation, a more convenient target lies at hand.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Muscles of Dee Kay

Torsdag 3 maj
AP Photo/Dave Weaver Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger waits to address a crowd during an awards ceremony in this Aug. 28, 2000 file photo, at Girls & Boys Town in Omaha, Neb.

Schwarzenegger is opting out of the 2002 race to become California's governor, saying his film career and family have taken precedence over politics.

He said that he was not abandoning the idea of running for office as a Republican, but was only postponing his plunge into politics until his four children, ages 3 to 11, are older, the Times said Wednesday, April 25, 2001.

Yahoo! News: Republicans Want Schwarzenegger in Their Future: 2 maj

Action film star Arnold Schwarzenegger has ruled out a bid for California governor in 2002, but if a group of five Republican governors have their way -- he'll be back.

The Telegraph: The Don pips Ali as the greatest: 27 april

Arnold Schwarzenegger, said Gary Oliver of (appropriately) Barking. His nomination neatly encapsulated both the fun and inherent impossibility of making a definitive choice for The Greatest Athlete.

The New York Times: How It Works: Retinal Displays Adds a Second Data Layer: 26 april

There is a scene in "The Terminator," the 1984 James Cameron movie, in which the audience sees through the robotic eyes of the title character, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Svensk artikel Prevent: Gymkort håller igång folktandvården: 2 maj

Folktandvården i Östergötland satsar på friskvård för hela personalen. Av 700 anställda har 400 tagit ut det erbjudna gymkortet. Två tredjedelar av dem styrketränar varje vecka.

The Bodybuilding Fanatic

A fan of bodybuilding - pictures of him with the major bb stars plus video reviews...

Creatine Information Center - The unbiased truth about creatine

peakhealth.net: Research Review: Benefits and Safety of Creatine: 25 mars

Each week, peakhealth reviews the latest scientific research to keep you on the cutting-edge with latest information science has to offer about losing fat, building muscle, and improving your health. Click on the link to learn the latest news on creatine.

Svensk artikel Fitness-magazine.com:s majnummer online nu!:

Månadens Tävling:
Vi lottar ut 5 st. böcker och videos av Ove Rytter, "Effektiv Bodybuilding" Värde ca 3.000 kr! 

Vad skall man tänka på när man köper ett par joggingskor? Hur mycket skall man betala? Vi ger dig råd och tips!

SM i Bodybuilding 2001:
Många stora, starka, deffade killar och tjejer trängdes på scenen under SM i Bodybuilding. Brunbrända och förmodligen mycket hungriga spände man sina muskler till bristningsgränsen för att imponera på de mycket rättvisa domarna och publiken.

FLEX Magazine: Superman and Wife:

Newlyweds Lee Priest and Cathy Lefrancois Priest take love and training to heroic levels.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Elklockan stör din nattsömn: 3 maj

Forskare: Testpersonerna kände sig lite tröttare Väckarklockan stör sömnen - även när den är tyst. De elektromagnetiska fälten runt klockan tycks korta ner den viktiga djupsömnen. - Frågan är vad det leder till på sikt, säger sömnforskaren Torbjörn Åkerstedt som ligger bakom upptäckten.

peakhealth.net: Guide to Fat Loss Supplements: 30 april

The multitude of weight loss supplements available often makes buying the right product impossible. Since we want you to spend more time in the gym than making a purchase, we decided to publish a buyers guide to fat loss supplements.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Så tränar du upp din hjärna: 3 maj

Nu är det nästan bevisat: Hjärngympa gör att du mår bättre och minns bättre! – Hjärnan måste ha roligt. Stretcha nervsystemet med att lösa korsord, säger Rolf Ekman, 63, professor i neurokemi. På söndag, vid vetenskapsfestivalen i Göteborg, presenterar han resultaten av ny forskning.

The Dietary Supplement: Echinacea: An Effective Natural Remedy for the Common Cold and Flu?:

If you're going to try an echinacea supplementand it's not at all clear that you shouldsimply pick one the next time you're coming down with a cold or flu.

If it doesn't work and you're determined to give echinacea another try with your next respiratory infection, choose a different brand. (And don't even think about buying food products simply because some unknown amount and type of echinacea has been added.)

Schroeder's Physique & Strength:

The East Coast source for Power Lifting and Strongman Competitions.

Svensk artikel Arla: Frukost för unga magar och hjärnor: 27 april

Ungas frukostvanor har försämrats under de senaste 15 åren. Naturligt tonårströtta ungdomar byter morgonmålet mot fem extra minuter under täcket.

Undersökningar visar att nära hälften av unga människor under 26 år känner sig stressade på morgonen och ännu fler äter precis vad som råkar finnas i kylskåpet.

WebMD: Weight-Loss Warning: 11 december 2000

Shoppers searching for dietary supplements in health food stores may get useless, even deadly, advice. The industry says it is improving and policing itself.

WWF Global Network: The real cost of bottled water: 3 maj

In light of a new independent study WWF, the conservation organization, is urging people to drink tap water, which is often as good as bottled water, for the benefit of the environment and their wallets.

WWF Global Network: Bottled Water: Understanding A Social Phenomenon:

This independently produced discussion paper, commissioned by WWF, aims to provide background information on bottled water and the bottled water world market, in order to understand the reasons behind a trend that has become a social phenomenon. It then attempts to identify the major reasons why consumers choose to buy expensive bottled water, rather than drink tap water.

The Physician and Sports Medicine: Dietary Androgen 'Supplements' - Separating Substance From Hype: Maj

Some prohormone supplements may increase serum testosterone levels, but at recommended doses none enhance performance or build muscle.

Strongman Comp Buildup:

My name is Tom Jones, I have long wanted to compete in a strength competition but for many years my circumstances have not permitted it. However in 2002 I want to reach this goal and compete in my first competition.

This site will document the build up, training and experiences relating to that goal. With that in mind remember this site will be an ongoing event with regular updates and additions.


The strength athlete's one stop website for links to all power sports. We also sell power athletics and fitness supplies.

Fitnesse - India's first Online Fitness Magazine:

India's first Online Fitness Magazine. Articles and Info on Body Building, Personal Trainers, Diets, Weight Loss/Gain, Health, Exercise, Supplements, Aerobics, Yoga, Workshops, Gyms, Celebrity Fitness Profiles, Equipment and more. Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3

The Exercise Group: Natural Voice Forum:

Share your thoughts about natural bodybuilding with other enthusiasts! Ask a question about natural bodybuilding and get answers from other natural bodybuilders including WNBF pros.

CyberPump: Creatine supplementation: Effective and safe?:

Promoters of creatine supplementation often cite the “solid research” showing that [creatine] increases strength, improves endurance, and builds lean muscle mass.”

What does the “solid research” really say about the effects of creatine on these three variables? In addition, what does the “solid research” say about the effects of creatine during the performance of actual sports, realistic events or competitive situations?

Dr. Squat's "IRON WEB" Newsletter April, 2001 Volume 1 Issue 1

PowerMag Online: Power Briefs (Articles):

  • Power Man - In the mind of Ed Coan:
    Getting into the mind of the giant from Quad's Gym ­ Ed Coan ­ and his quest for 2,500. Or did somebody say 2,752?
  • Dr Squat - When the Mind says GO but the body says NO:
    Overtraining & fatigue among young powerlifters
  • Monster Deadlifts - Experiments in the gym by Bill Piche:
    The deadlift, when performed correctly, is definitely one of the most effective exercises for gaining muscle and strength. This exercise should be considered one of the main weapons in your arsenal for building muscle and strength.
  • What's in your gym bag? Meet essentials:
    We all have a check list of things we need to compete and what we need to take to our next meet. What do you have in that bag? Do you have everything you need? Let's dig into our bags and see what we have.
  • Do Bulls dream of wearing a red cape? by Rick Brewer, House of Pain:
    Why do some people seem to be failures, no matter how much they succeed? And why do other people seem to personify victory even when they lose? Is the ability to "land on your feet" genetic?
  • A new year, a new road by Paul Stagg:
    Over the course of the next several months, I am going to take you along on my quest to compete in my first powerlifting contest. I plan to spend about a year getting ready for it.
  • The pencil necks first meet by Watson Davis:
    Some friends of mine decided to compete in a powerlifting meet and I decided to follow them. I had never been to a powerlifting meet before and I've never been athletic in any way shape or form.
  • So,you want a BIG BENCH? by Mike Westerdal, www.criticalbench.com:
    WANT A BIG BENCH? Then you are probably determined to get one. It is the same inner determination that will ultimately become your downfall; The stronger your will to get it, the harder you will want to work, and the longer you will want to stay in the gym.
  • Glutamine - An amino acid worth considering:
    In conclusion, the need for supplementation of glutamine can only be substantiated during extremely intense training periods, which may negatively and cumulatively depress the immune system, and during periods of immune challenge, such as would occur during illness, trauma or recovery from surgery.
  • Log Pressing for Strength Gains by Bryan Neese:
    Placing log presses into your routine may just give you the new enthusiasm for your training that you have been looking for, or that new strength movement that will put you over the top in your sport.
  • Marcus Schick German Giant Killer - Interview:
    In Daytona last year, at the WPO Championships, Markus Schick executed the best bench EVER ­ an incredible 3.6 times bodyweight bench press (a whopping 562 pounds @ 152 bodyweight!!)

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Onsdag 2 maj

B.T.: Spændt op til linse-lir: 29 april

Alder ingen hindring: Fra venstre, Lone Nielsen, Anette Mosgaard og Jonna Sørensen. De to sidstnævnte begge over fyrre. Foto: Simon Knudsen
"Av, min arm - de er store. 37 deltagere skulle virkelig spænde musklerne til bristepunktet, da de lørdag dystede om at blive Danmarksmester i bodybuilding.

For konkurrencen var i mere end en forstand hård, da 32 mandlige og fem kvindelige bodybuildere glad viste deres olieindsmurte og hårdtpumpede kroppe frem for juryen."

Svensk artikel DIAGNO - Early Warning System, Stressförsvarsanalys:

För första gången kan du nu med ett medicinskt test kontrollera om din kropp riskerar att skadas av stressen. Därmed har du också möjlighet att förebygga utbrändhet och andra stressrelaterade sjukdomar.

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Träningstips för folk med tidsbrist:

Håll dig i form trots att du inte har tid att träna. Inga mirakelkurer, inget lurendrejeri, utan bara smarta träningsknep. Så här gör du.

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Erik Svensson:

Han doktorerar i matematik vid Chalmers i Göteborg men finner ändå tid att träna för Stockholm Marathon. En enkel ekvation att lösa, menar han.

The Washington Post: For Women, the Rx Is Exercise; for Men, It's ... Video Games: 24 april

Further evidence that men and women come from different parts of the solar system: a new study showing that while running on a treadmill can lessen pain sensitivity for women, what works for men is, um . . . competing in a video game.

HMS Beagle: If You Would Live Long, Choose Your Parents Well: 27 april

Yahoo! Finance: Precor Unveils Total Body Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer for the Home: 1 maj

Press Release: "Our lower body EFX Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer for the home has been very popular," said Paul Byrne, Precor president. "In fact, it was recently named a Best Buy by Consumers Digest magazine.

With the EFX5.33, we've taken that same popular machine and added the benefits of upper body movement. Now people can get a total body workout without ever leaving their home."

Detroit News: Don't race into running: 25 april

Take it easy: That's the most important thing to remember when starting out.

Savannah Morning News: Haworth Shatters American Weightlifting Records: 23 april

Team Savannah's Cheryl Haworth set the junior and senior American weightlifting records and won a gold medal in the 75-plus kilogram class Sunday at the National Weightlifting Championships.

Haworth snatched 126 kilograms and clean-and-jerked 155 kilograms for a 341-kilogram total, 10 more kilograms than she lifted in winning the bronze medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

PioneerPlanet: Face it: We all get old and die: 25 april

The youth produced by scalpel and laser is of a particularly arid sort. But if the abs are tight, the eyes unlined, the hands unspotted, the hairline intact, if 55 is the new 40, then can't the inevitable be, if not avoided, at least indefinitely deferred?

The answer is, of course, no. As Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was said to have told a friend when she became ill, "Why in the world did I do all those push-ups?"

Seattle Times: This could be a golden age for physical education: 22 april

Old-style PE might even be a partial source of today's problems. Geared toward sports and calisthenics, it favored those already athletic.

The remaining students tended to become discouraged and alienated, desperately hoping not to be picked last when choosing up sides, rarely being passed the ball as their more coordinated peers demonstrated and dominated.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Indragen solkräm snart åter i butikerna: 1 maj

För en vecka sedan var de cancerframkallande och orsakade hormonförändringar. På onsdag är solkrämerna tillbaka på hyllan i de danska butikerna. Två av tre solfilter som tidigare bedömts som farliga anses nu harmlösa, enligt den danska Miljöstyrelsen.

Berlingske Tidene: Visse solcremer tilbage på hylderne: 30 april

Miljøstyrelsen og detailhandelen har besluttet, at en række solcremer, der i sidste uge blev fjernet fra hylderne hos forhandlerne, alligevel gerne må sælges. Solcremer med UV-filter af 4-methylbenzylidene camphor skal imidlertid gennem yderligere undersøgelser, før de frigives.

Berlingske Tidene: Solcreme tilbage på hylderne: 30 april

Miljøstyrelsen frikendte i går to af tre solfiltre, som har været mistænkt for at være kræftfremkaldende og hormonforstyrrende. Et tredje skal yderligere undersøges.

Berlingske Tidene: Risikoekspert kritiserer Miljøstyrelsen: 29 april

Solcreme: »Miljøstyrelsen burde have ladet flere forskere komme til orde,« siger risikoekspert Thomas Breck om Miljøstyrelsens håndtering af solcremesagen.

Performance Press: Getting Big on a Small Budget:

This is a common problem among young athletes and others who may not be as well informed as those enlightened in the true spiritual way of the Parrillo diet. Too many of these athletes feel that if the container says there are 15,000 calories per shake, then it must be so because of the testimonial of the big guy on the label.

Svensk artikel Kolozzeum -- samlingsplatsen på nätet för dig som tränar

Courierpress: Americans’ quest for beauty can be deadly: 24 april

A new epidemic has come to South Florida, brought on by greed, self-loathing and the quest for beauty. Thousands of people are submitting to illegal cosmetic injections to their faces, breasts, hips, buttocks and calves, state health officials say.

Seattle Times: Planet Hollywood's a rising star with clubgoers: 27 april

Skintight pants, flesh-flashing tops, big heels, big muscles ... and that's just the line outside the club.

Some shivering in the late-night chill, these sharply dressed young men and women are patiently waiting to plunk down $15 - more than twice the cover charged by most Seattle clubs - to dance and mingle at Planet Hollywood.

The Irish Times: Bird-brain betrayed by stool pigeon: 23 april

In Belgium, the home of pigeon racing, a police raid has discovered suspicious materials that indicate some birds are ingesting more than top-quality feed.

The Detroit News: Target your heart rate: 24 april

Monitors grow in popularity as a means to reach and keep fitness goals.

Courierpress: The thrill is gone: 22 april

The world’s most popular sport used to be about who scored the most goals, thrilled the fans and won the top titles. Now international soccer is plagued by cheats, drugs, hooliganism, racism, embarrassing blow outs and most recently, tragedy.

The Irish Times: Football accused of serious foul play Euroscene: 24 april

"Well, what do you think? Do you really believe that there's no one out there in football taking dope, do you really think that football is the only so-called clean sport, when it is obvious to anyone now that track athletes, cyclists, swimmers, skiers, weight-lifters and who knows who else systematically resort to performance enhancing products?"

The Washington Post: Programmed to Gain Weight?: 28 april

More Food Ads Appear During Black TV Shows Than in General Prime Time, Study Finds.

Just Move: Black TV commercials promote unhealthy nutrition: 30 april

Commercials featured during black prime time television shows are more likely to promote candy and soda than commercials aired during general prime time shows.

nzoom.com: Fair Go examines creatine: 26 april

TV One's Fair Go programme has been looking into the reported health benefits from creatine products.

The label on the serum bottle claims there is the equivalent of 2500mg of creatine in every dose, but laboratory tests by competitors to the product revealed much smaller quantities of about 10mg - 15mg per 5ml dose.

BBC News: Jade sweeps over the controversy: 29 april

Jade McGuire, the teenage girl who fights a fellow 14-year-old on 10 May, says the sceptics will not stop her competing.

SportJones: Ruptured Warriors:

What do Vinny Testaverde, Patrick Ewing, and Al Gore have in common? Each has heard three of the worst words an athlete can hear: "ruptured Achilles tendon." A first person account.

SportJones: Mental Exercise:

In this edition of The Sports Factor, Manchester Metropolitan University professor Dave Smith discusses the idea that one can work out by thinking about working out.

MSNBC: Crowe’s locker room Oscar: 30 april

Some Oscar winners keep their statuettes on their mantels; some have specially made cabinets. Russell Crowe keeps his in his gym bag and carries it around with him.

Ric Drasin - The Original Big Boy of Bodybuilding and Wrestling:

Ric Drasin started training clients in the mid-60's when he ran a chain of health clubs. He also taught classes in fitness, bodybuilding and diet at the YMCA. In 1970, Ric worked out at GOLD'S GYM in Venice where he trained with Arnold Schwarzenegger, becoming Arnold's training partner for the next four years.

Sunday Times: Couto and Davids face lengthy drug ban: 29 april

The fate of the accused Dutch and Portuguese internationals could have a serious impact on the outcome of Group 2.

The Guardian: Calcio in a fix over drug use: 29 april

The rumours and accusations three years ago, Italian football's doping scandal is now for real and no one knows where it is going to end.

Stuff: Soccer: Italy orders doping probe into supplements: 28 april

Italian soccer bosses plan to investigate dietary supplements which some have blamed for a spate of positive dope tests this season.

Herald Sun: Doctor admits giving steroids: 1 maj

The sports doctor who prescribed banned steroids for disgraced cricketer Duncan Spencer yesterday said he would do it again because doping tests were getting in the way of athletes receiving proper medical attention.

Sportal: Don't drink the water: 27 april

Valencia defender Amedeo Carboni believes "superficial" Italian club doctors and imported minerals could be the reason behind the growing number of doping cases in football.

The Sporting News: Anti-doping commission to issue list of allowed supplements: 27 april

Italy's highest anti-doping commission announced Friday it would test a number of dietary supplements and issue a list of allowable ones amid suggestions that some supplements may be behind an unusual number of doping cases in soccer.

The Arnold Fan: Eliza Dushku: New Maxim Hot Babe!: 28 april

If you thought Eliza Dushku was cute in "True Lies" as Arnold's movie daughter, just look at her now! This grown-up hottie is on the front cover on the May 2001 issue of Maxim magazine.

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Svensk artikel RF: Omröstning: Vilket ansökande förbund vill du se i RF? [resultat]

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Stor satsning på ny träningsanläggning: 14 september 1999

Efter årsskiftet öppnar träningsanläggningen Energihuset på Strandgatan i Örnsköldsvik med 30 anställda. Tre delägare har gått samman i ett bolag vars koncept bygger på USA-inspirerad kundvård. Hälsa och motion med individuell rådgivning av tränare ska få soffliggare att tycka det är kul att äta rätt och röra på sig.

The Schwarzenegger Dance - Shoot Arnold (Tack till Skrot-Leif för tips!)

This is London: Living it large in London:

I thoroughly recommend wearing a fat suit for finding out who your real friends are. My superstylish best gay mate simply disappears off the radar for a week. In fact, most of my male friends don't want to have anything to do with the new maxi-me. Meanwhile, my girl friends just can't get enough of my company.

Sound files of Pacino and Arnold calling Gateway and causing trouble

PsycPort: Certain Baseline Psychological, Behavioral Characteristics Predict Short-term Weight Loss: 26 april

Researchers investigated baseline psychological and behavioral factors--specifically eating behavior, emotions, and body image--to see if any were significant predictors of weight loss among a group of individuals enrolled in a multifaceted weight loss program.

InteliHealth: Fitness Of Cybertrainers Varies: 27 april

Once the exclusive domain of the rich and famous, personal trainers are becoming more accessible and affordable, especially on the Internet.

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Eliten kollas hårdare: 9 mars

Hårdare koll av eliten. Grövre maskor för fritidsfuskare. Det är följden av att ansvaret för dopningstesterna flyttats från länsnivå till Riksidrottsförbundet (RF).

Norsk artikel Agderposten: Politiet i Arendal gjorde gigantisk dop-beslag: 21 april

Smuglerjakten så ut til å ende med dundrende fiasko for politiet. Men nå har de funnet over 100.000 dopingtabletter i det som er tidenes nest største steroid-beslag i Norge. Dopet har en gateverdi på nærmere 3,5 millioner kroner.

Svensk artikel S.A.T.S Sportsclub: Härliga recept och goda råd!:

Du missar väl inte våra härliga recept från Simons Mat? En gång per vecka publicerar vi nya spännande recept för dig. Låt dig inspireras!

Norsk artikel Dagens Medicin: Trening med merverdi?:

Finansdepartementets nøling med å opprettholde fritak for merverdiavgift på trening i helsestudioer kan ikke oppfattes som noe annet enn svekket allmenntilstand også blant våre byråkrater.

Det fins ingen fornuftig begrunnelse for å la syke mennesker slippe merverdiavgift på trening, mens de friske, som ønsker å forebygge både overvekt og belastingssykdommer, må betale full pris.

Svensk artikel Corren.se: Lars Thörnholm har lovat att hjälpa både dig och mig att komma i gång: 9 februari

Lars Thörnholm är personlig tränare och är utbildad vid PT-School i Stockholm. Han är väl bevandrad i elitträning - men också vad det gäller hälsa och motion.

Dessutom vet han massor om kost och näring som Correns läsare ska få ta del av. Tanken är att Lars träningsskola tio veckor framöver ska få oss att komma i gång. Sluta tänka att "jag ska" och äntligen få ändan ur vagnen.

Lars hjälper dig komma i gång: 9 februari
Vill du börja motionera regelbundet? Då kan du ta hjälp av Correns träningsskola som drar i gång i morgon. Redan i dag presenterar vi Lars Thörnholm och hans idéer. Det är han som har lagt upp det träningsprogram som du kan följa i Corren de kommande tio veckorna.

Testpanelen är redo - är du?: 10 februari
Det är just för att komma i gång som de tre vill vara med i Correns nya motionsserie. En serie som följer Lars Thörnholms råd och program.

Meningen är att de tre, liksom du som läser det här, var och en hemifrån ska följa det program Lasse lagt upp.

Tränaren har ordet: - Ett av dina bästa beslut: 10 februari
Grattis! Du och förhoppningsvis många andra läsare har valt att försöka leva ett liv i sundhetens och aktivitetens tecken. Det är förmodligen ett av de bästa beslut du tagit.

Styrketräning på programmet: 17 februari
Correns träningsskola fortsätter. Nytt för vecka 2 är styrketräningen, som du kan göra hemma.

Tränaren har ordet: - Styrketräna bra för alla: 17 februari
Jag hoppas att första vecka gick utan problem och att du känner dig laddad inför fortsättningen. Bra, för nu börjar den egentliga träningen.

Och vi börjar med att inkludera styrketräning i programmet. Ärligt talat är styrketräning en träningsform som alla borde ägna sig åt, mer eller mindre.

InteliHealth: Australian Children Exercising Less Watching Television More: 26 april

Australia is in danger of breeding a generation of couch potatoes, researchers warned.

Yahoo! News: Protein Supplements May Not Build Muscles: 27 april

Contrary to popular belief among athletes, ingesting protein and amino acid supplements after working out does not boost muscle mass and strength, researchers report.

BBC News: 'Uneven fat' hits anorexic fightback: 27 april

Uneven fat gain on the bodies of recovering anorexics makes them less likely to continue treatment, say doctors.

BBC News: Black skin 'could fight disease': 25 april

Black skin could be better than white skin at protecting against disease, according to an independent biologist.

BBC News: Sleep 'helps brain work': 25 april

Sleep plays a major role in the functioning of brain, affecting learning and memory, say scientists.

Yahoo! News: Rubber a Common Source of Athletes' Allergies: 27 april

Athletes whose sports put them in frequent contact with rubber equipment may be at high risk of developing allergic rashes, study findings show.

Svensk artikel GP: Inga svenska åtgärder mot solkrämer: 25 april

Läkemedelsverket ser ingen anledning att utfärda några rekommendationer om solkrämer, efter larmet från schweiziska forskare.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Spott ska avslöja stress i test: 26 april

600 i södra Sverige i undersökning om arbetsmiljön. Stresshärdar kartläggs med salivprov och frågeformulär.

Iron Will:

It's through this page that I hope to bring exercise, bodybuilding, and fitness to a more personal, everyday level. I'm a beginner at this point, and have no doubt about it, at the end of my training, I will be big.

It's not going to happen overnight though, and by documenting my progress, I hope to make weightlifting more personal. Instead of reading training advice from seasoned pros (which, don't get me wrong, I read diligently), perhaps it's about time to see where they came from, who they were before and after reaching their goals.

Iron Will - One Year Later:

Exactly one year ago this month marked the beginning of my transformation. Doesn't seem that long ago actually, but so much has changed since then- MM2K has gone down the gutters, Testosterone has arisen to take its place, and I know both myself and so many others have made drastic improvements in the way they both look and feel.

Grip Master - The only system designed to exercise each finger individually!:

Professional sports trainers, athletes and therapists use Grip Master because of its unique ability to provide an effective isolated resistance workout. Grip Master conditions the fingers, hand, wrist and forearm with a unit you can carry in your pocket.

All athletes have a common goal to develop and maintain strength, control, endurance, coordination and dexterity to ensure their competitive edge. Because of the critical nature the muscles in the hands and forearms play in the game of golf, you will find this ingenious new tool to be invaluable in your training. Grip Master will help you reach your golfing goals!

Svensk artikel Studentcykeln.com:

Studentcykeln.com som skall göra det möjligt för studenter att kunna köpa en säker kvalitetscykel till ett mycket lågt pris.

Svensk artikel Cycle Fitness: Varför cykelskor till spinning?:

Tillhör du dom som springer i gummistövlar eller spelar badminton i högklackat? Dagens idrott är väldigt specialiserad. Resultaten blir bättre och bättre och för att komma dit krävs det speciellt framtagna produkter.

Svensk artikel SVD: Forskare kräver hjälmtvång för cyklister: 29 april

Fyra forskare vid Karolinska institutet kräver en hjälmlag för cyklister. Cykelfrämjandet tror att ett hjälmtvång skulle få många att sluta cykla med sjukdomar som övervikt och diabetes som resultat. Näringsdepartementet, som har ansvar för trafikfrågor, vill vänta med att fatta beslut till i höst.

Svensk artikel LUNGPLUS - en munburen fukt- och värmeväxlare för idrott och astma

Svensk artikel BikeTrail - Sveriges Bästa MountainBikeSite

Svensk artikel Monark Exercise AB:

På denna sida finner Ni information om varför våra testcyklar sedan 40 år tillbaka är världsledande. Hur det kommer sig att den kända Svenska postcykeln ser ut som den gör.

Club Industry: Controversial Membership Option: 1 april 2000

The Bible Belt has loosened a little. At the Eau Claire Athletic Club, a new membership option provides a discounted rate for same-sex couples and members of other nontraditional households.

Svensk artikel Örnsköldsviks Allehanda: Kartlägger Sveriges bastukultur: 24 juni 1999

Pär Granlund är Svenska Bastuakademien utsände och just nu genomför han en av Sveriges svettigaste turnéer. ­ Bastun speglar ett universellt behov som finns nedärvt i människans gener. Den är urupplevelsen som ger oss närhet till grundelementen, jord, eld, luft och vatten, säger han.

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