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Födelsedagar vecka 14

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Lördag/söndag 7/8 april

Tysk artikel Die Krone: Arnold: Von Hollywood in die Politik: 2 april

I denna intervju säger Arnold att han kommer att bestämma sig inom tre veckor om han ska sluta med sin skådespelarkarriär och bli politiker... Klicka här för en maskinell översättning till engelska av WorldLingo.

"Jetzt ist es fast schon sicher, dass ich in die Politik gehe", eröffnete Superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger der "Krone" in einem Exklusiv-Interview. "In den kommenden drei Wochen wird die Entscheidung fallen, ob ich mich 2002 für das Amt des Gouverneurs von Kalifornien bewerbe, oder nicht!"

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: Två SM-guld till ÖKK: 7 april

Örebro Kraftsportklubb fick på lördagskvällen två svenska mästare i styrkelyft: Fredrik Green tog sensationellt guldet i 82,5-kilosklassen vid SM-tävlingarna i Sundbyberg. Patrik Thuresson, nyförvärvet från Gnosjö, tog en mer väntad guldmedalj i 90-kilosklassen. – Och under söndagen tar vi två nya guld, säger ÖKK-basen Bjarne Carlsson och sticker ut hakan.

Svensk artikel GD: Nya lokaler för Sandvikens atletklubb: 8 april

Äntligen har Sandvikens atletklubb flyttat in i nyrustade lokaler på Jernvallen och nu satsar föreningen på att locka fler kvinnor till gymet.

Svensk artikel Södertälje Orientering: Dopinglista i praktiken av Tore Eklund, läkare och Södertäljelöpare:

Avdelningen 'Saker som får dig att säga hmm...':

"Hälsokostpreparatet kreatin är dopingklassat, och jag tror att andra hälsokostpreparat snart blir dopingklassade."

Svensk artikel Corren.se: I huvudet på en idrottsman: 7 april

Han tränade hårt. Två månaders hårdkörning. Den tuffaste träning han varit med om i sitt 24-åriga liv. Sista veckan hade varit mer än jobbig. Musklerna skrek.

Svensk artikel GT: Renzo Aneröd: Dags att subventionera all sport!: 6 april

Om ett barn säger till sin arbetslösa mamma att hon eller han behöver tusen kronor för att börja i en idrott, eller om en tonåring skall satsa hela sitt studie-/barnbidrag för att gå på gym, är det åt helvete.

Som jag ser det finns det två alternativ: Antingen bygga ut de undermåliga gym som kommunen pliktskyldigast upprättat eller så får kommunen hosta fram pengar till dem som inte har råd att gå till de professionella privata ställena. Subventionera all sport alltså. För inte skall väl inkomsten styra vilken idrott man väljer?

Svensk artikel Göteborgs-Posten: Dart kan få status som idrott: 5 april

Fem förbund (bridge, kroppskultur (bodybuilding), kickboxning och västernridning, fyra sporter vars riksförbund väntas få avslag från RF-styrelsen, samt dart) söker inträde i Riksidrottsförbundet inför stämman och bland dem bedöms dart ha störst möjlighet att bli upptagen i den officiella svenska idrottsfamiljen.

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: Gladiator med många ansikten: 5 april

För några år sedan funderade Helene Ekblom, då anställd på Tandådalens fjällhotell, på att förändra sitt liv och bli bagare eller konditor. Men kursändringen blev av helt annat slag. Hon blev en av de sju kvinnliga gladiatorerna i TV4:s populära fredagsprogram Gladiatorerna och kom att bosätta sig i Närke igen.

Svensk artikel Göteborgs-Posten: Elitidrottare bättre med mindre kosttillskott: 6 april

Här är en nyhet som kan bli ett dråpslag mot hälsokostbranschen: De svenska elitidrottarna äter hälften så mycket kosttillskott — och har blivit dubbelt så bra.

Christer Malm, doktorand på Karolinska Institutet, har bland annat undersökt storsäljaren Q 10 och kommit fram till att den har negativa effekter, trots att vitaminet höjs till skyarna i reklamen.

Life Extension Magazine: Dietary Reference Intakes: Behind The Scare Stories: April

Detta låter väldigt likt den franska historien om kreatin som samma media tacksamt tog emot och vidarebefodrade. Nåja, det är sådant man får leva med.

At the beginning of this year, the Associated Press circulated a vitamin scare story that was picked up by numerous newspapers, magazines and TV stations across the country. The story reiterated some shocking but totally unsubstantiated claims, including a warning that “more than 1,000 milligrams a day of vitamin E-or 1,500 international units-could cause uncontrolled bleeding.”

Ironman Magazine: Hot News: 4 april

  • FLASH—Wheeler Puts Retirement Plans on Hold
  • Flex Wheeler Announces His Retirement
  • Will Marcus Ruhl in Toronto and at the NOC?
  • No Rimini? Criminy
  • Speaking of Women Looking to Make Their Marks
  • Speaking of Women Who Have Made Their Marks

Dansk Bodybuilding & Fitness Forbund: DM i bodybuilding & bardip: 5 april

Plats och datum: Roskildehallerne, lørdag den 28. april 2001

Strongestman.com updates:

We at strongestman.com wanted to let you know of a few additions to the Website.

First, we have added an All-time Strongman competition. All 108 WSM finalists since 1977 have been seeded and placed into head-to-head competition. Now is your chance to vote on who advances to the next round and, ultimately, who really is the strongest man of all-time.

Also, a new and improved discussion forum is now available.

International Strongman Rankings - Svend Karlsen is now ranked #1 in the World.

Svensk artikel DN: Professorer slår larm om psykisk ohälsa: "Dramatisk ökning av depressioner": 7 april

Sjukligheten i depressioner ökar dramatiskt i Sverige. i dag är depression den vanligaste orsaken till långtidssjukskrivning i vissa grupper, bland andra privata tjänstemän. Orsaken tycks främst vara stress i arbetet.

Svensk artikel Mitt-liv.nu: Niclas Dahlbäck:

Niclas Dahlbäck är en av Sveriges mest anlitade modeller genom tiderna. Man skulle kunna tro att någon som lever på sitt utseende är närmast fixerad vid sin kropp och sin träning. Inte Niclas Dahlbäck. För honom handlar träning om livskvalitet.

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna:

Beundraren Sofia: Plexus är snäll och bryr sig mycket:
Sofia Fagerlind, 14 år, från Eskilstuna är en av gladiatorn Plexus största beundrare. Hon sken som en sol när han besökte hennes klass 8a på Djurgårdsskolan: - Han är snäll och bryr sig mycket, säger Sofia.

Gå till Sofias Plexus Power Site!

''Man blir glad av att se vältränade människor'':
Möt fem glada tjejer från klass 8a på Djurgårdsskolan i Eskilstuna.

Tränarens vinnar-tips inför finalen:
Finalen kryper allt närmare. På fredag avgörs det – vem vinner Gladiatorerna år 2001? Vi har jämfört utmanarnas värden.

Tränarna kommenterar tjejernas testvärden:
På fredag kväll ska segrarna koras. Men vem är starkast? Vem är snabbast? Vi har tagit fram utmanarnas tester från Bosön. Läs och jämför – vem tror du vinner Gladiatorerna?

Tränaren kommenterar killarnas testvärden:
På fredag kväll ska segrarna koras. Men vem är starkast? Vem är snabbast? Vi har tagit fram utmanarnas tester från Bosön. Läs och jämför – vem tror du vinner Gladiatorerna?

Titan: Klockan sju på morgonen är det svårt att vara god:
Titan chattade med tittarna efter tredje och sista semifinalen. Han är väldigt nöjd med att ha lyckats skaffa sig muskler efter att tidigare ha varit ''supersmal''.

The Examiner: Sad days for the sweet science:

"This is the last actual Rocky Balboa, blood, sweat and tears, spit bucket boxing gym in the city," said Paris Alexander, a 37-year-old pro fighter who has trained at Harrison Gym since it moved to the present Mission location four years ago and has been managed by Marson for nine years.

Svensk artikel Connect: 20 kg, svett och bencurl:

- Jag kan tänka mig att det kan kännas avskräckande när man kommer hit första gången och det första man ser är Stålmannen stor och stark, säger Kenneth Borén, instruktör på Leisure Centers Gym i Rimbo.

Svensk artikel Motortorget: Varför behöver en racerförare ha en bra fysik?:

Med en acceleration på ca 0-200 km/h på mindre än fem sekunder utsätts förarna för ca 2.5g och under en inbromsning från 300-100 km/h på mindre än två sekunder utsätts de för ända upp till 4.5g! Då väger huvudet inklusive hjälm ca 50-60kg!

Lägg Er på sängkanten med huvudet utanför. Sätt TV och videon på nacken och håll emot. Lägg där till att dessa krafter på nacke, armar ben och mage pågår i 1 ½ till 2 timmar under ett Formel 1 lopp.

Plastic Surgery Information Service: Gynecomastia - Correction of Enlarged Male Breasts:

Gynecomastia affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. It may affect only one breast or both. Though certain drugs and medical problems have been linked with male breast overdevelopment, there is no known cause in the vast majority of cases.

Schwarzenegger.com: The 6th Day has arrived on DVD - get two!:

Arnold's latest mind-bending sci-fi thriller is now available on VHS and DVD. Both are essential additions to any Arnold Collection, especially the DVD.

For a limited time, autographed THE 6TH DAY DVDs are available in our Online Auction. All proceeds go to help benefit the Inner-City Games and Special Olympics.

Ananova: Ex-Sumo wrestlers filmed as they diet: 6 april

A television crew is filming two former Sumo wrestling stars as they try to slim in India.

Three-time world Sumo wrestling champion turned rapper Konishiki and former Japanese Sumo wrestling star turned politician Kyokudozan Kazuyasu have been put on a special diet.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Är det någon som ser dig ifall du inte är trådsmal?: 6 april

Krönika: Annette Kullenberg: Nu har det hänt. Engelsmännen har givit ut en ny tidning med namnet Berömda kroppar. Gissa vilka kroppar som är berömda. De smala kropparna.

I diskussionen kring tidningen Berömda kroppar (Celebrity Bodies) framförs åsikten att tidningen åtminstone är ärlig. Den snackar inte om att det är hälsosamt att banta. Ordet hälsa och välbefinnande nämns inte.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Forskare upptäcker anorexi-gen: 6 april

Forskare har upptäckt att en typ av aptitkontrollerande gen är mer vanlig hos anorektiker än hos andra. - Upptäckten kan bidra till att förklara varför en liten del av befolkningen får ätstörningar, säger Walter Kaye, psykiatriker vid Pittsburghs universitet.

Grappler's World: Alexander Karelin:

Over the years he has gone by many monikers. The world gave him the nickname "The Experiment" because the ignorant could not believe a man could obtain such strength through natural means.

Magnus Samuelsson: "Varför har Alexander Karelin utskjutande panna och haka och stora öron, precis det man får om man använder tillväxthormon? Fundera på det."

Karelin has a famous quote for his jealous cohorts, "No one can believe that I am natural. The most important drug is to train like a madman, really like a madman. The people who accuse me are those who have never trained once in their life as I train every day of my life."

Stickgrappler's Mixed Martial Arts Page: Alexander Karelin Story from Sports Illustrated May 13, 1991:

A Bruiser and a Thinker: Soviet Greco-Roman wrestler Alexander Karelin is a rare combination of massive physique and imposing intellect.

Barrett L. Dorko, P.T.: A Big Mistake:

Physical therapy, like any other discipline, has its share of dearly held beliefs. Perhaps none is stronger than the notion that static and dynamic postures are directly related to muscular strength.

This is not true. The following references and commentary from peer-reviewed literature support my contention that strength and posture are unrelated.

Body Results: Floor Assisted Pullups:

The floor assisted pull up demonstrated here can be performed by just about anyone without needing a partner or assistance from a spotter.

ABC News: Wish you could terminate unwanted faxes?: 5 april

A consumer watchdog organization is suing a number of Santa Monica, Calif., businesses — including a restaurant founded by Arnold Schwarzenegger — for sending out unsolicited faxes.

Svensk artikel Västerbottens-Kuriren: Västerbottning ordförande i dopingutredning: 5 april

Statsrådet Ulrica Messing, som ansvarar för idrottsfrågor i regeringen, har förordnat Lars Lilja som ordförande i en arbetsgrupp, vars uppgift är att lämna förslag till en nationell handlingsplan mot doping. I gruppen ingår också fyra ledamöter utsedda av Riksidrottsförbundet och två experter.

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Lite frukt och grönt ökade cancerrisk: 5 april

Människor som konsumerade frukt och grönsaker mindre än 1,5 gång per dag i genomsnitt hade ökad risk att utveckla kolorektal cancer. Det konstaterar forskare vid Karolinska Institutet som presenterar sina resultat i veckans nummer av Journal of National Cancer Institute.

Svensk artikel Dagens Industri: OM-anställda tar stressmätaren med sig i sängen: 5 april

Efter påsk ska 60 anställda på OM Gruppen sova med elektroder på huvudet och suga på bomullstussar som visar hur mycket stresshormon de har i saliven. Mätningarna är en del av ett tvåårigt arbete för att undvika att de anställda bränner ut sig.

Charles Poliquin: The Science of Training a Modern Day Gladiator: Part 1:

Let’s examine a few of the factors that can affect a fighter’s performance that are often neglected when designing an athlete’s training program.

First of all, recovery or restoration is crucial to a fighter’s success. Without proper recovery, a fighter will either end up injuring himself or will eventually suffer a decrease in performance due to over-training.

Benn Overkamp's Weightlifting Movies

Strongerman Productions:

Growing in strength and faith through Christianity, Strongman, Powerlifting and weightlifting in Lakeland, Florida, with Bud Jeffries

The Weightlifting Page:

I have been competing and coaching since 1967, and I have been receiving a number of requests for information about weightlifting, diet and throwing events. I have placed them in this file for convenience.

The WeighTrainer:

This site deals with all aspects of successful, drug-free, hardcore weight training. It is concerned with propagating the weight training truths that are necessary for progress.

While the information presented here may not be to everyone's agreement on what constitutes proper training and nutrition, it will be based on FACT and not fantasy. If you are consumed with a passion for result-producing weight training then you have come to the right place.

The Garage Gym Photo Album

Clarence Bass: A Small Experiment in Synaptic Facilitation:

My friend Pavel Tsatsouline, the Russian trained Master of Sports who invented the Ab Pavelizer, says the way to do more chin-ups is to "grease the groove" by doing lots of chins every day.

According to Pavel, repetitive and reasonably intense stimulation strengthens the nerve impulse to the muscles involved, making them stronger and more enduring. The technical term, says Tsatsouline, is synaptic facilitation.

Svensk artikel Hardcore Trainers - Svenskt bb-forum

Lanka: Nutritional value of eggs: 2 april

Eggs are high in nutritional value. 12 per cent of the edible part of the egg consists of high quality protein. They are also rich in fat but do not consist of carbohydrate. Eggs also contain vitamin A & D one of the best dietary sources of iron.

Nando Times: Swapping lettuce for spinach could have significant nutritional impact: 1 april

Consumers could improve their nutrient intake during lunch, be it a greasy cheeseburger on the run or a low-fat turkey sandwich, with one little substitution: spinach for iceberg lettuce.

Team Danmark: Er dansk eliteidræt på retur?: 2 april

Det spørgsmål stiller professor Klaus Nielsen i en ny artikel i PULS, som udkommer medio denne uge. Kigger man alene på den statistiske del og resultaterne ved OL er svaret umiddelbart ja. For her er det tydeligt, at Danmark bliver overhalet indenom af bl.a. en række nye nationer, når det går løs ved OL. Kigger man på andre faktorer er billedet betydeligt mere nuanceret.

Nutraceuticals/Functional Foods - An Exploratory Survey on Canada's Potential:

A nutraceutical is any food or food ingredient considered to provide medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. The market for nutraceuticals is growing quickly worldwide, and it is this global scope that particularly attracts marketers.

Vitamin and Mineral Toxicities in Adults:

Our bodies need vitamins and essential minerals. And, like other things, if taken in large amounts, vitamins and minerals can adversely affect health. Large amounts of anything can be toxic.

Individuals can adapt to taking large amounts of a vitamin or a mineral. And, if they stop taking high levels of nutrient supplements and start consuming normal levels, they can develop nutritional deficiency diseases (for example, scurvy). If one desires to stop taking large doses of a vitamin or mineral, the intake should be gradually decreased.

Runner's World: Health and fitness: Nutrition

DietSite.com: Sports Nutrition:

Without good general eating habits, no pre-game meal and during-competition nourishment can do enough to make a difference. Optimal nutrition is attained with sound dietary practices, like physical conditioning, that is applied on a continuing bases, not just a few hours before or during competition.

American Dietetic Association: Nutrition for physical fitness and athletic performance for adults - Position of ADA and the Canadian Dietetic Association

Orthomolecular Medicine:

Orthomolecular Medicine emphasizes natural substances such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fats, and diet in the prevention and treatment of diseases. I am especially interested in the use of megadoses of vitamin C, both orally and intravenously.
- Dr. Cathcart

Tribune-Review: Push-up Foods: Portability makes fast food faster: 28 september 2000

Television's Homer Simpson eats a product called Nuts n' Gum, whose package proclaims "Together at Last!" In the movie "The Jerk," Steve Martin noshed on Pizza-in-a-Cup.

But are you ready for macaroni and cheese that you can eat like an ice cream cone? Move over Stouffers: Come this Friday, IncrEdibles will pop up in the frozen food section of your local supermarket.

Food Ingredients Online: Americans now eat four daily meals: 29 mars

The standard three meals-a-day has fallen to the wayside. According to Mintel Consumer Intelligence (Chicago, IL), Americans are now eating an average of four meals a day. The traditional breakfast, lunch, and dinner is now being supplemented by the unofficial fourth meal—the afternoon snack.

Svensk artikel WorldOnline.se: Muskler är manligt - eller?:

Kroppsbyggare? Nja, Athletic Fitness-tävlande på sin höjd ;-)

Stora, svällande muskler är ofta en symbol för manlighet. Men inte bara. Annika Warg är kvinna, mamma och kroppsbyggare på elitnivå. – Det här är inte en hobby. Det är en livsstil. Det handlar om att pressa kroppen till sin yttersta gräns, säger hon.

CSPI: Chocolate: Exploding the Myths: 26 februari

The chocolate industry, based on research that it sponsored, claim that chocolate is virtually a health food. But Liebman says that chocolate candy is about as healthful as, well, chocolate candy.

CSPI: Food Courts: Fattening Americans as They Shop: 22 mars

Where can you find an order of french fries with almost 1,000 calories, a slice of pizza with a day’s worth of artery-clogging fat, or a cup of coffee with 600 calories?

At just about any shopping mall, airport, sports arena, or other “food court” in the country, according to the April issue of Nutrition Action Healthletter.

HealthScout: What's Your Reason for Not Exercising?: 6 april

How can 55 percent of the American public be overweight when doctors and sources for health advice spout endless admonitions to eat right and exercise regularly?

The health club industry wanted to know the answer to that question, too. After all, fewer couch potatoes equal more customers.

Norsk artikel NRK: Dopingjegerne jubler: 5 april

Forskere i Norge har i samarbeid med utenlandske miljøer kommet et langt steg videre i dopingjakten. Med en ny metode mener forskerne at de med 99,9% sikkerhet kan avsløre bloddoping.

Norsk artikel Norges Idrettsforbund og Olympiske Komité: Fire utøvere dømt for dopingmisbruk: 6 april

Fire norske utøvere er av Domsutvalget i NIF dømt for brudd på dopingbestemmelsene.

WebMD: Nutrition Plays Major Role in Today's Athletics:

Coaches have long stressed the importance of repetitive drills, weight training and other steps that improve the physical aspects of athletics. However, experts now know that the body can handle exercise and perform motor skills better if the athlete's diet is carefully structured.

The Boston Globe: A weighty task: 6 april

Not every woman has the courage to volunteer as a poster girl for obesity. But it wasn't that hard a call for Dora Anne Mills, not once she had accepted state Representative Glenys Lovett's challenge to show Maine how losing weight is done.

Real Age: Exercise For Low Back Pain Offers Long-Term Gains: 30 juli 2000

If you suffer from low back pain, you have probably been told that you need to be up and moving. You have probably also worried that exercise might worsen your condition.

Yahoo! News: More Marathon Races Seek Blood Tests: 6 april

Seventeen more marathons have joined a call for the introduction of blood testing at major distance running events around the world.

About Sports Medicine: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness:

While delayed onset muscle soreness is common and annoying, it is not necessarily part of getting into shape. Learn what causes this aggravating muscle pain, and what to do about it.

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadsbladet: Myllylä: Inget avsiktligt dopningsbrott: 6 april

Skidåkaren Mika Myllylä anser i sin redogörelse till Skidförbundet att han inte avsiktligt använt dopning i skid-VM i Lahtis. Han förklarar att han var förkyld före Lahtis-VM.

Svensk artikel Göteborgs-Posten: Skidåkare i protest mot dopning: 5 april

100 av världens främsta längdskidåkare har skrivit under en begäran att alla dopningskontroller ska tas över av antidopningsbyrån Wada. De litar inte på sitt eget förbund, FIS.

Svensk artikel GD: Gävlebo fast med dopningspreparat: 6 april

En 40-årig gävlebo greps och anhölls sedan polisen funnit en stor kartong fylld med dopningsmedel och sprutor i hans bostad.

Norsk artikel Nettavisen: Norsk bowler dopingdømt: 6 april

Bowlingspilleren Svein Andersen er utestengt i to år på grunn av bruk av anabole steroider. Også tre andre utøvere ble felt i Domsutvalget i Norges Idrettsforbund.

Norsk artikel VG: Dopingdømte i Norge: 6 april

Fire norske idrettsutøvere er utestengt i to år for dopingmisbruk. De ble alle avslørt i løpet av høsten i fjor.

Berlingske Tidene: Statsstøtte uden sikre medlemstal: 5 april

Uvished: I år modtager idrætsorganisationerne over en halv milliard kroner i tipsmidler, men ingen ved reelt, hvor mange danskere, der får glæde af pengene.

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadsbladet: Skidstyrelsen glömde kontrollen: 6 april

Den av undervisningsministeriet tillsatta utredningsgruppen har inte fått fram någonting nytt beträffande dopningsskandalen i skid-VM i Lahtis. Det står i alla fall klart att Finlands skidförbunds styrelse inte skött sin övervakningsuppgift.

New York Post: Are you OD'ing on vitamins?: 6 april

Mega-dosing on vitamins can be dangerous, but that hasn't stopped some manufacturers from putting potentially harmful levels in their multivitamin products.

Svensk artikel Svensk Idrott: Från altarringen till boxningsringen:

Under uppväxten var hon kraftigt överviktig. Idrott och motion var inte tradition i familjen – inte mer än sporten att försöka överrösta pappa när det var ishockey på teve. Som 18-åring drabbades nu 36-åriga Sonia Nybom av cancer i hela kroppen. Nu är hon – bland annat – känd som den kvinnliga, boxande prästen. Som har hittat hem både till kropp och själ.

Svensk artikel TV4: Myllylä och Isometsä skyller dopning på skidförbundet: 6 april

Nu har Mika Myllylä och Jari Isometsä börjat skylla ifrån sig. Och de skyller på det finländska skidförbundet. De dopningsavslöjade längdskidåkarna Jari Isometsä och Mika Myllylä anser att de är oskyldiga till avsiktlig dopning under skid-VM i Lathis.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: - Koss vet ikke hva han snakker om: 5 april

Hjemlige idrettsforskere er lei av at den tidligere skøytekongen Johann Olav Koss stadig blander seg inn i debatter han ikke har greie på.


Nature'sOwns Nutrition och Elite Formulations är mat i koncentrerad form. Båda produktgrupperna är kosttillskott av hög kvalitet där näringsämnen är sammansatta och balanserade på ett sätt som är mycket svårt att uppnå genom att enbart äta en kost bestående av råvaror från livsmedelsaffären.

Svensk artikel feeling.hemma.net:

ICA Förlagets webbplats hemma.net och konsumenttidningen Hemma bäst står bakom satsningen på feeling.hemma.net.

Blossoms gym:
Dags att komma igång med träningen! Har du frågor? Ställ dem till Blossom Tainton, feelings personliga tränare. Här nedan kan du också läsa tidigare frågor som Blossom svarat på.

Ont i ryggen?:
Med ett enkelt träningsprogram förebygger du problemen! Här visar Inge Forchhammer, sjukgymnast på Friskispraktiken i Stockholm, några enkla rörelser som stärker ryggen och håller det onda stången!

Blossom Tainton: träna inte – rör på dig!:
Det är ett tag sedan, men hur gick det med nyårslöftena? Särskilt det där med motionen. Finns det hopp för soffpotatisen? Blossom Tainton tipsar.

Svensk artikel Baltic Rehab: Rörelsebanken - Bra bilder på bra övningar för din kropp

Svensk artikel Adolf Fredriks Fysiocenter: Ryggövningar

Svensk artikel Träningshjälpen: Stretchövningar

Svensk artikel Träningshjälpen: Styrketräning:

På cd-skivan som du kan köpa finns bl a 41 styrketräningsövningar med videos och 17 stretchövningar. Alla övningar går att skriva ut.

  • Ben, Axlar, Mage
  • Bröst, Rygg
  • Biceps, Triceps

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare


Torsdag 5 april

Welcome to your one stop source for Schwarzenegger content...

Norsk artikel NRK: - Må godta gråsoner: 5 april

- Idretts-Norge må godta at toppidrettsutøvere beveger seg i etiske gråsoner for å bli best. Det sier Katharina Søreide som jobber med etikk i Norges Idrettsforbund.

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Varning för anabola steroider - missbruk kan få våldsamt utlopp: Mars

Högt blodtryck, acne och impotens- för att bara nämna några av de väl kända fysiska biverkningarna till anabola steroider. Nu riktar forskarna intresset även mot de erfarenheter som gjorts kring missbrukarnas mentala ohälsa.

Jämte upprustningen utanpå pågår något helt annat inuti som berör människans personlighet. Ingemar Thiblin har försökt utreda sambandet mellan anabola steroider som det förekommer långt utanför idrottandets värld och våld som syns meningslöst och grymt.

GMA: Dietary Guidelines "Follow The Science," Wisely Avoid "The Blame Game": 27 maj 2000

Consumers will benefit from newly released federal Dietary Guidelines that are comprehensive and science-based and avoid false and misleading "good food/bad food" arguments, the Grocery Manufacturers of America said today. GMA commented on the release of the updated nutrition advice offered every five years by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which was announced today by President Clinton.

food ingredients online: New Nutrition Study Indicates Significant Increase in Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels in Wild California Salmon: 4 april

According to a recent study reported by the USDA's Nutrient Data Laboratory, the level of omega-3 fatty acid in wild California salmon is 29.4% greater than previously recorded.

Norsk artikel Dagens Medisin: Dårligere helse blant unge: 5 mars

Unge mennesker i Norge opplever sin egen helse som dårlig allerede ved 11-årsalderen, og verre jo lenger ut i tenårene de kommer. I løpet av tolv år har forekomsten av psykosomatiske plager økt med seksti prosent. Én årsak kan være økende sosiale ulikheter.

Norsk artikel Haugesunds Avis: NM-vinner dømt for doping: 4 april

En kroppsbygger fra Stord har systematisk brukt doping i sin jakt på medaljer i kroppsbygging og styrkeløft. Nå er han dømt i Sunnhordland herredsrett.

Norsk artikel Haugesunds Avis: ----- ikke styrkeløfter: 5 april

Norges styrkeløftforbund må tilbake til 1994 for å finne dopingdømte ----- ----- i sitt register. Den norske rekorden han satte den gang, står fortsatt.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Godiset som gör dig frisk: 5 april

Godisjätten Fazer vill lansera kolesterolsänkande godis. Om EU ger sitt tillstånd kan vi ha supergodiset i butikshyllorna redan nästa år.

Daily Radar: Gas Powered Shoes: 7 juli 2000

Roman Kunikov has invented a shoe that will put Nike out of business. His gasoline powered boots allow the wearer to run up to 25 mph with strides of over 15 feet. The one-foot calf pistons fire when the foot hits the ground, sending the wearer into the air. Wow.

STREET FLYERS - Why Walk When You Can Fly:

High-tech footwear, the only sneaker / inline skate combo- start skating and simply flip the retractable wheels in and you are ready to walk in style.

The Electric Shoe Company:

The Electric Shoe Company Limited has been established to realise the potential for converting the energy expended by walking into useable electrical power via smart footwear.

Imagine being able to charge your mobile phone battery whilst strolling in the park or ... even better listening to your Walkman or MP3 outside ... without batteries at all!

Power Skip:

This incredible German made product is the part of the future of entertainment. The ability to jump 6 feet in the air and run with incredible speed while leaping and bounding allows a look never before seen in the entertainment world.

Sportsserver: Now, it's easier to follow runners without actually running: 4 april

Boston Marathon fans will be able to follow their friends and relatives running the race through a new technology that will automatically send out updates by e-mail.

Yahoo! News: Wholesome Diet May Prevent Wrinkles: Study: 4 april

A fountain of youth may be as close as the kitchen, new study findings suggest. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and unsaturated fats may ward off wrinkles by boosting the skin's natural defenses against sun damage.

Yahoo! News: Milk Doing Well in Vending Machines: 4 april

The dairy industry's "Got Milk?" campaign may have found a way to get more into teen-agers - through school vending machines that dispense colorful $1 bottles of chocolate, strawberry and coffee-flavored milk.

AWorkOut.com: Soda-Guzzling Kids: Wrong Image?: 4 april

When it comes to soft drink consumption by American kids, the news may be better than you think. The average kid drinks less than a can of soda a day, contends a series of studies by nutrition researchers at the Georgetown Center for Food and Nutrition Policy.

Svensk artikel Eskiltuna-Kuriren: Hos boxarna är det jämlikhet som slår: 5 april

Boxning är inte enbart en sport för män. Se bara på Eskilstuna BK. Där är fler än 50 procent av utövarna kvinnor. Enligt Svenska Boxningsförbundet är EBK landets mest jämställda klubb inom den stora kampsporten

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Medelmåtta ska bli stjärna i udda idrottsexperiment: 5 april

1994 inleddes ett idrottsexperiment med medelmåttan Dan Stenqvist. Med rätt resurser skulle han bli en tennisstjärna.

Science News: Breathing on the Edge: 31 mars

Going to great heights hurts, and scientists are learning why.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Leger på nett: Ble betalt av legemiddelindustrien: 3 april

Norske spesialister ga pasienter råd og hjelp på doktoronline.no. Regningen for jobben sendte de direkte til legemiddelselskaper. Meget betenkelig, mener Sosial- og helsedepartementet.

Norsk artikel NRK: Namsos-lege slår tilbake: 5 april

Lege Lars Kvalheim ved Namdal sykehus benekter at han har gjort noe ulovlig da han reklamerte for et vitaminprodukt via e-post. Kvalheim fikk i går sterk kritikk av både fylkeslegen og forbrukerrådet.

Norsk artikel CNN: Dopinglaboratoriet på Aker utrangert: 5 april

Dopinglaboratoriet på Aker sykehus er utrangert og mangler avansert utstyr. Det er behov for en investering på 6 millioner kroner.

Yahoo! News: Benefits of Healthy Diet Appear After Two Years: 4 april

It's never too early to begin trimming the fat from your diet, a new report suggests, since the benefits of a healthy diet on a person's heart disease risk can take at least 2 years to kick in.

Yahoo! News: Obesity Linked to Poor Lung Function in Men: 4 april

A little fat around the middle in elderly men may not just be a cosmetic hazard--it could also put them at risk for poor lung function, results of a new study suggest.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Elevbilder invigda på gym: 5 april

Det här är ett riktigt konstverk, gjort av barn. Jag har aldrig skådat något liknande, utbrister Kulturskolans bildlärare Susanne Söderberg.

Norsk artikel Nettavisen: Nordmenn ble bloddopet: 5 april

Halvparten av de som deltok fikk middelet placebo, mens de andre fikk EPO. Wagener fikk det sistnevnte og er sjokkert over virkningen det hadde.

– Det var egentlig skremmende. Jeg fikk stoffet utenfor sesongen og var ikke i min beste form. Men det ble jeg på kort tid, og nesten uten trening, forteller han.

Svensk artikel Dagen: Ungas drickande skadar hjärnan mer än man trott: 5 april

Unga som dricker mycket alkohol kan förlora upp emot tio procent av sin hjärnkapacitet för resten av livet, hävdar amerikanska forskare. Den unga hjärnan tycks känsligare än man hittills trott.

Norsk artikel Dagens Medisin: Behovsprøvd moms på trim: 5 mars

Bare folk med definert behov for trening slipper merverdiavgift. Finansdepartementet har beskrevet behovene og mener blant annet psykiske lidelser, overvekt eller kroniske sykdommer. Dette kommer frem i ett høringsforslag fra departementet.

Schwarzenegger.com: Big Apple, Bug Car: 4 april

On April 10th, 2001 Arnold will participate in an unprecedented automotive event of "Schwarzenegger" like proportions when the new HUMMER H2 SUT (sport utility truck) launches in the heart of New York City.

The foundation for taxpayer and consumer right is in the wrong in it's junk fax lawsuit where it falsely blames Arnold Schwarzenegger for faxes sent to promote a restaurant (Shatzi on Main) he doesnt own.

bodytrends.com: Body Ball Exercises for the Trunk

bodytrends.com: More Body Ball Exercises

bodytrends.com: A Calorie-Killer Surprise!: 8 maj 1996

If you're not huffing and puffing off enough calories in your daily workouts at the health club, try the treadmill. Researchers say it burned more calories than five other exercise machines studied during a test involving 13 young, fit volunteers.

The biggest difference was between the treadmill and the stationary bicycle, with the treadmill burning more than 40 percent more calories.

bodytrends.com: Skinfold Caliper Buyers Guide:

The "Skinfold Caliper Buyer's Guide" by Wallace C. Donoghue details the importance of body fat % and the different calipers available.

Sondra Faas - female body builder, wrestling and muscle worship:

Sexy nude photos of female body builder Sondra Faas, Muscle Elegance feature #9 issue. Photos posted monthly. Photos and videos available. Wrestling and Muscle Worship sessions available.

BodyTrends.com: Door Gym - Simple Solution for Pull-ups:

The Door Gym mounts in one second in your doorway, making pull-ups possible. The simple device uses the weight of your body leveraged against the doorframe, and requires that you have a doorway with trim.

The WeighTrainer: Physiology Related Articles:

  • The Neuromuscular System Part I: What A Weight Trainer Needs To Know About Muscle
  • The Neuromuscular System Part II: What A Weight Trainer Needs To Know About Muscle
  • The Neuromuscular System Part III: What A Weight Trainer Needs To Know About The Nervous System
  • Failure Muscular Fatigue During Weight Training
  • Muscular Growth: How Does A Muscle Grow?
  • Structure and Function of Ligaments and Tendons:
    Ligaments and tendons are soft collagenous tissues. Ligaments connect bone to bone and tendons connect muscles to bone. Ligaments and tendons play a significant role in musculoskeletal biomechanics.


Welcome to America's #1 Sports Training Supersite! JUMPUSA.com is the place for all your sports training needs. Whatever your sport, we've got the tools to help you jump higher, run faster, and reach new levels of performance.

Virtual Muscle: Personality Profile - Michael Francois Part II:

Check in for Part II of our interview with legendary Mike Francois. He was not only one of the biggest, most powerful competitors of all time, he's also one of the highest quality individuals to grace the posing dais.

Yahoo! Finance: PC makers' cash piles a buffer in tough times: 4 april

When Apple Computer warned earlier this year that it would report losses due to slower PC sales, Chief Executive Steve Jobs pointed to what he called Apple's "Schwarzenegger" balance sheet - with $4 billion in cash to weather the storm.

Yahoo! Finance: Children's Health Issues to Take Center Stage At Conference: 4 april

The statistics are alarming: 22 percent of U.S. children are obese; children are consuming more total fat than they did 20 years ago; children are getting less than two-thirds the daily recommendation for vitamins and minerals from their diets.

Yahoo! Finance: FitSense FS-1 Speedometer, 1st Wireless Training Device for Running and Walking: 4 april

FitSense Technology, Inc. announced today the launch of the FS-1 Speedometer, a consumer training monitor for running and walking programs. The patented system is a "dashboard for the human body," providing instant feedback on speed, pace, distance, calorie burn and heart rate on a wristwatch.

BusinessDay: Wisdom required when choosing new year’s goals: 4 april

What did you set as your goals this year — going to gym three times a week, eating vegetables five times a day, quitting smoking, being happier, more assertive, more aerodynamic?

Whatever it is, consultant psychologist Aric Sigman predicts most of you will have failed. Gorging on self-improvement in January, only to flounder by April, has become a tiresome routine.

The Guardian: Anger at head's letter on girl's weight: 4 april

A primary school sparked a row with the parents of a five-year-old pupil yesterday after writing to them to warn that she was overweight. The headteacher sent the letter after being told by a member of staff that the girl, who weighs around four and a half stone (29kg), had difficulty climbing in and out of the swimming pool.

But her parents said they were "disgusted" by the headteacher's action and claimed their daughter's size was "genetic".

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter Online: JM satsar på förebyggande byggympa: 30 mars

Med hjälp av uppvärmning på mornarna, uppsökande sjukgymnaster på byggena och betald träning på arbetstid har byggföretagen JM Stombyggnad och JM Inredning nått lägre sjukfrånvaro, lägre personalomsättning och högre produktivitet.

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter Online: Stora Enso Fors ser det friska i företaget: 16 mars

I tider då de flesta företag studerar arbetsförhållanden utifrån sjukdomsperspektiv valde företagsläkaren Johnny Johnsson vid kartongfabriken Stora Enso i Fors att göra tvärtom. Han frågade sig: Vad är det som gör att vissa medarbetare håller sig friska?

Projektet Långtidsfrisk är efter tio år ytterst lönsamt när personalen är friskare, medvetnare och mer engagerad.

iafrica.com: Blood pressure now measured by watch: 4 april

The South African Press Association reports that a Singapore physician has invented a watch measuring the wearer's blood pressure. The watch is not only far less cumbersome than current methods but aimed at improving doctors' ability to predict heart attacks.

Medscape News: Correlation Seen Between Lean Body Mass Gain and Wound Healing: 29 mars

According to Demling, there is a body of evidence to suggest that many patients suffering from involuntary weight loss (IWL) require both enhanced nutrition and anabolic hormone therapy to gain lean body mass, heal pressure ulcers, and reduce morbidity.

Medscape News: Antibiotic-Resistant Acne Vulgaris Becoming Problematic: 3 april

Antibiotics should not be used to treat severe acne, Swedish investigators said here on Tuesday at the 11th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter Online: "Handla mat och mät blodtrycket i livsmedelsbutiken": 1 mars

Allt mer hälsoarbete bör handla om hur man underlättar för friska att vara friska och hur man hjälper människor i riskzonen att börja leva hälsosammare. Det skrev i onsdags bl a ordförandena i TCO, Vårdförbundet och ABF i en debattartikel i Svenska Dagbladet. En av deras idéer går ut på att man ska kunna mäta kolesterol och blodtryck i livsmedelsbutiker.

Svensk artikel Previa Nyheter Online: Datamusen orsakar en miljon sjukdagar - avslöjar svensk forskningsrapport: 1 mars

Datamusen är boven bakom ett gigantiskt men också dolt problem. Uppskattningar talar nu om uppemot en miljon sjukdagar per år i Sverige. De ekonomiska förlusterna är enorma för företag och samhälle, säger man nu i en stor undersökning som gjorts i Göteborg.

Svensk artikel Kroppsjournalen: Män får också vallningar:

Svettningar och vallningar hos män är inte lika utforskat som hos kvinnor. Men innan de fyller 70 har en tredjedel av männen drabbats av något som kan liknas vid klimakterium.

Svensk artikel Södran: - Sjukvården kommer att bli överlastad: 4 mars

- Det är helt idiotiskt! - Många behöver tillskott av vitaminer och mineraler för att må bra. Hedemoras utövare inom den alternativmedicinska sektorn är oroliga: Vad ska hända nu när Europaparlamentet beslutat om att stoppa vitaminer och mineraler i terapeutiska doser?

Svensk artikel Piteå-Tidningen: SPA - naturens gåva till ungdom och långt liv?: 4 april

Stressa ner med Spa. Bubblande bad, doftande oljor, massage och ansiktsbehandlingar skulle nog ingen tacka nej till. Komma bort från vardagen och stressen med en stund på en SPA avdelning.

The Telegraph: School fitness regime for fat four-year-olds: 20 februari

Four-year-olds in state-run nurseries are to be taught running, jumping and chasing in schools to prevent them becoming fat. The fitness training programme has been drawn up by Kids for Life, a company which promotes physical education among children, and has been endorsed by Kate Hoey, the sports minister.

The New York Post: Gym not so dandy: 4 april

Tear up your high-priced gym membership and take a stroll to the post office - it's better for you.

It's wheel-y easy: More fitness-conscious people, like Robert Ford, are turning to low-impact activities such as bike-riding to get healthy.

Norsk artikel Nettavisen: Aanes fikk medhold: 4 april

Bryteren Fritz Aanes vant første runde og får ankesaken sin behandlet i idrettens voldgiftsdomstol i Lausanne 15. mai. - Vi har fått det akkurat slik vi ville, sier Aanes’ advokat Are Johansen.

MSNBC: Pumping iron and hypertension: 3 april

Can pumping iron cause high blood pressure? Liz Applegate, Ph.D., says, no, in fact, rigorous exercise helps keep hypertension under control.

MSNBC: Male aggression not all bad: 3 april

Is there a relationship between a boy standing up for himself and psychopathology later in life? As most developmental experts point out, violence is not a natural or even common endpoint of aggression.

In fact, Jerome Kagan, a developmental psychologist at Harvard, has repeatedly demonstrated in 40 years of research on children that aggressiveness in a young child, properly modulated and socialized, leads to what he calls assertive competence — success — as an adult.

Yahoo! News: Soy Supplements May Protect Men From Bone Loss: 3 april

Soy, already reported to protect women from bone loss, may be protective in men as well, according to a new report.

Svensk artikel Mjölkfrämjandet: Benskörhet vanligare bland unga flickor - men enkelt att förebygga: 2 april

Benskörhet är en växande folksjukdom i Sverige. Det påpekar bland andra Sonja Rembo, ordförande i Riksföreningen för Osteoporotiker, och Gudrun Schyman, ordförande i vänsterpartiet, i en debattartikel i Dagens Nyheter den 2 april.

Vad debattörerna förbiser är att benskörhet nu kryper allt längre ned i åldrarna. Låg fysisk aktivitet hos ungdomarna innebär låg belastning av skelettet vilket ger ett svagare skelett.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: New Age-firma sålde vattenvirvlare till riksdagen: 4 april

Skyddar mot skadliga elektromagnetiska fält, hävdar företaget. Rent hokus pokus, säger experterna.

Svensk artikel IDG: Lätt att missförstå e-post: 3 april

Talspråksstilen i e-postlistor leder lätt till missförstånd. Utan ögonkontakt och tonfall kan ett skämt uppfattas som en förolämpning, enligt doktoranden Ibolya Maricic, som har studerat språket på e-postlistor.

Parillo Performance: Fascial Stretch:

Frequent stretching raises the Golgi Tendon Organs (or GTO's), those body safety mechanisms that are in place to shut a muscle down whenever it is subjected to severe stretch or overload. By raising the threshold of the GTO's, an athlete can handle more weight on his exercises, and do more reps because the harder a muscle can stretch, the harder it can contract.

This translates into more intense workouts, more overload on the muscles, which leads to bigger and stronger muscles, better muscle shape and increased muscle separation.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration: FDA and Science Stand Behind Health Claims on Foods: November/december 1998

Health claims authorized by the Food and Drug Administration are one of several ways food labels can win the attention of health-conscious consumers.

Sunday Times: Take a walk, gym goddess: 1 april

The gym is a terrible, terrible place, and I can't believe that, after all of this, it turns out to be useless when it comes to shrinkage. According to research published in Nature magazine last week, to lose weight we'd be better off eating less and taking gentler forms of exercise, such as walking or cycling.

(Cycling equals gentle exercise, apparently. Hello? Maybe in flat Holland, where the research was carried out, but not in central London, where you spend all your energy trying not to get killed.)

Yahoo! News: FDA Scores a Win with Folic Acid Fortification: 2 april

The policy of adding folic acid to grain foods--including cereals, breads, pasta and flour--instituted just 3 years ago by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) appears to be a success, according to data presented Sunday at the Experimental Biology 2001 meeting here.

East Bay BusinessTimes: Firm markets research pod to health clubs: 30 mars

Although the chamber looks like a stand-up tanning bed, the Bod Pod, which marries old-fashioned mathematics with engineering and computers, has won accolades from health magazines and research universities for the ease in allows in measuring body mass with little margin of error.

The San Francisco 49ers are keeping tabs on the fat levels of their players with the machine, and LMI is creating an infant-sized one, the Pea Pod, to improve neonatal care.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Piotr Dabrowski

Onsdag 4 april

The Kansas City Star: Men of extinction: 28 mars

'Lumbering dinosaurs' like Steven Seagal are seeing their kind of action fade away.

"Schwarzenegger has no one to blame but himself," Internet movie guru Harry Knowles (aint-it-cool-news.com) says. "The reason his last few movies haven't done well is very simple - they were bad.

Had he made 'Crusade' or 'I Am Legend' or 'With Wings of Eagles' (three films stuck in development), he would be fine right now. But he won't defer his salary; he wants his money up front. So instead of making movies that will save his career, he keeps grinding out substandard films so he can cash the big paychecks."

Svensk artikel Fitness-magazine.com: Med en PT blir det skoj på allvar: April

Fitness-Magazine.com och PT Skolan tog saken i egna händer, vi beslöt oss därför att lotta ut en personlig tränare (PT) till en av vår läsare. Vinnaren blev Ulrika Persson:

Hur var din bild tidigare av en PT?

- Att de var övermänniskor. Hela bilden man får i massmedia av dessa stora killar och tjejer är ju helt fel. Min PT, Jeanette, är helt suverän, hon får mig att känna mig trygg och säker. Dessutom är det mycket roligare än vad jag trott. Träningen har i och med detta blivit otroligt effektiv och jag känner att den har gett resultat vilket sporrar en.

Nando Times: Some VIPs get red-carpet access to tech support: 3 april

Eric Person, a producer at Cimarron Group Interactive, the Hollywood-based firm that created the official Web site for Schwarzenegger, said that after his company created Schwarzenegger.com, one of the company's technology experts went to the Terminator's home to set up a new computer for his wife, Maria Shriver.

Shriver's problem was that she simply didn't know where to plug all those confusing wires into the back of the computer, Person said.

Body Results: Shin Splints: Occurrence and Prevention:

Det är säkert fler än webbmastern som känner igen denna brännande pumpkänsla i framsidan av underbenen/vid skenbenen vid snabb gång...

It's fairly common to feel something akin to "shin splints" when you go speed walking. The repetitive dorsiflexion (lifting of the toes) in order to avoid dragging your feet requires a lot from the anterior tibialis (muscles in the front of your shins.)

At rest, there is no problem, but as soon as you exercise briskly, the muscles in the front of the shins become engorged with blood, causing pressure within the fascial walls (tissues that house the working muscles) which in turn can cause tightness, numbness or muscle weakness when muscles and nerves are compressed within the compartment (hence the term "compartment syndrome.").

IronMind: Janne Virtanen's WSM Gold Figure For Sale: 31 mars

Men hallå, hur coolt vore det inte att ha det smycket!? Fram med plånboken bara!

Part of his first prize for 2000 "World's Strongest Man" competition was a gold figure of a strongman lifting a stone. The figure is about 10 cm high, made from 18 karat gold and weighs about 100 grams. Virtanen will consider offers if someone is interested in buying it, with a minimum bid of US$1000.00 required.

King Kamali: What's New: 25 mars

Sorry about the delay folks, I have been slammed with photo shoots, appearances and parties after the Arnold. This has been the craziest month of my life and it is just getting started. I have done so many phone interviews that I have lost my fucking voice…no bullshit. Anyway, I am back now and man oh man do I have news for all your Terminators out there, so let's get rollin'.

Flex Magazine: Anthony & Titus: The Punch that shook The Mecca: 3 april

As was reported in this space last week, Craig Titus punched Melvin Anthony in Gold’s Gym, Venice, on Wednesday, March 14. The Observer caught up with both Melvin and Craig and each man gave consistent accounts of the incident, though they sharply disagreed on what ultimately caused the melee in the Mecca.

Svensk artikel Dagens IT: Ännu en Bonniersajt läggs ner: 2 april

Nätslakten inom Bonnierkoncernen fortsätter. Senast i raden av nedlagda projekt är livsstilssajten Avida.se som nu läggs ner.

Svensk artikel Avida.se: 7 starka fördelar med fitness:

Hör du till dem som tränar i gym för att gå ner i vikt och få en stark kropp? Bättre ställe än ett gym finns inte i det sammanhanget. Men det finns också andra fördelar förknippade med gymträning. Här nedan finner du ytterligare sju skäl att börja nu!

Svensk artikel Dagens Media: World Class utmanar med tvreklam: 2 april

Varning för er med Internet Explorer - Dagens Medias sajt verkar krascha webbläsaren (åtminstone för mig).

Träningskedjan World Class har de senaste åren levt ett liv i tysthet. Ingen gemensam marknadsföring har genomförts. Men nu ska kedjan ta upp kampen med sina annonserande konkurrenter, bland annat genom reklam i tv.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: - Endelig skal jeg bli toppidrettsutøver: 3 april

Tack för artikeltipset, Mari!

Audhild Mathisen har ingen problemer med å erklære seg selv som toppidrettsutøver - i godt voksen alder.

Audhild Mathisen er Norges sterkeste firebarnsmamma. I en alder av 43 år (blir 44 i august) har hun bestemt seg for å satse for fullt.

Telegraph: The man who made Michael Jackson: 2 april

Steven Hoefflin, the favourite plastic surgeon of Hollywood celebrities:

"We age, not because muscle drops from the face, but because we lose fat in the face. Like a balloon collapsing, the skin falls down as we lose fat. If you take a face and simply stretch the skin back, you get only a very tight, collapsed face. What I do is re-establish the fatty pads and realign the angles of the face. You have to cut deep and make major changes, not superficial ones."

Norsk artikel NIF: Den norske befolkning i fysisk aktivitet: 2 april

Fire MMI-rapporter om fysisk aktivitet blant nordmenn som ble laget i fjor er nå lagt ut på internett; Løkke og lag - Hvordan trener barn i dag?; Ung og Aktiv; Splitthopp, epleslang og fotball; Utviklingen i fysisk aktivitet i den norske befolkning 1985-1997.

Norsk artikel Ingrid Kristiansen, Norway: Helhetstrening:

No other runner in history, - male or female has held the World Records on: 5,000m, 10,000m, half marathon (still world record) and marathon concurrently.

Her finner du stoff om trim og trening for barn og ungdom, mosjonister samt for toppidrettsutøvere. Helhetstrening er et konsept basert på en helhetstenkning. Meningen er ikke å gjøre ting komplisert og vanskelig for deg, ett av våre viktigste prinsipper er å gjøre ting enkelt.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK Forum: Till salu: videoinspelningar från bänk-EM i Finland 2000

The New Zealand Herald: Youth suicide linked to high Kiwi sporting ideals: 4 april

Peter Wilson, director of YoungMinds UK, a charity providing mental health services to youth, said young people who did not meet the sporting standards valued in NZ society could suffer feelings of inadequacy.

He said his first impressions of our society included "a very strong kind of Machismo," with a strong emphasis on health, beauty, fitness, surfing, cricket, and football.

Evansville Courier & Press: Contorted faces and grunts are order of the day for powerlifters: 2 april

“Get some air. Stay tight. “Push it up. Let’s take it to the house.”

David Anguish relayed those words of encouragement to his Showtime’s Gym powerlifters Sunday as they lay on the bench in the prone position, staring up at the enemy — two barbells sitting on a rack.

Ephedra Education Council: Ephedra found safe and effective in combating excessive weight by researchers at Hardvard and Columbia: 3 april

Popular Ephedra dietary supplements, taken by more than 12 million Americans for weight loss, are safe and effective according to conclusions reached by researchers at the prestigious Harvard and Columbia Universities.

Evansville Courier & Press: Team of athletes tries to make strong impact on young people’s lives: 31 mars

The members of Team Impact are either licensed or ordained ministers. They also are masters of strength, former body-builders and athletes who believe their physical prowess exists for a higher calling.

“We tell kids to stay mentally strong, to do the best they can and to stay away from the things in life that can harm them,” Jeff Neal said. “That takes strength.”

The New York Times: To Avoid Injuries, Be a Good Sport: 3 april

A city in Sweden cut its rate of sports injuries substantially through an educational program that emphasized things like proper preparation and fair play.

Dansk Bodybuilding & Fitness Forbunds (DBFF): Artikel: Glykemisk Index: 3 april

Kulhydraternes glykemiske index er alfa og omega for din fedtforbrænding og muskeltilvækst.


Your porthole to fats. Discover options and strategies to prevent, diagnose, and treat health problems by correcting low levels and imbalances of essential fats.

Outside Online: Between the Lines: April

Photographer Teru Kuwayama was not impressed with Babu Chiri Sherpa's physique on first meeting the mountaineer, but after trekking the Solu-Khumbu valley with him for three weeks, Kuwayama glimpsed some of what makes Babu a legend.

"It was hard to fathom this happy little man hauling his gut up the side of the mountain. But above 3,000 meters, we'd be struggling to make it up and down the hills and he wouldn't even break a sweat. For him it was a vacation."

Detroit News: Fitness alone isn't the key to maintaining a better life: 4 april

Good fitness by itself does not translate to good health, and vice versa. Yes, exercise helps lower your risk for developing certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes and many other health problems. But regular exercise, and the higher level of fitness you enjoy as a result, is but one part of a comprehensive health maintenance program.

The Washington Post: 'New PE' Aims to Inspire All Kids: 3 april

Walk into Madison Junior High School's gym in Naperville, Ill., and you could easily mistake it for a health club - stocked with weight machines, treadmills, stationary bikes, stair steppers, a rock-climbing course and heart monitors. Exercisers display T-shirts that say, "Getting Fit for Life at the Madison Health Club."

Excite News: Soy gaining in popularity, includes health benefits: 30 mars

Soy, which comes from soybeans, is joining the recent hype. Although it might not be a miracle food, it is appearing to be a sensation of sorts.

The secret to soy products is that they contain phytochemicals, called isoflavones. These chemicals are derived from plants and have been linked to be beneficial to humans, said Rebecca Mardis, a registered and certified dietician.

MayoHealth: Headline Watch: Americans want their dietary supplements: 3 april

Nearly half of all Americans take some type of nonprescription vitamin or dietary supplement. Sales of these dietary supplements exceeded $15 billion in 2000, according to a study in the March 26, 2001, issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Svensk artikel DrugNews: Rekordmånga tullbeslag förra året: 4 april

Förra året gjorde tullen rekordmånga beslag av narkotika och dopingmedel. Samtidigt ökade beslagsmängden av tobak- och spritsmuggling till 44,6 miljoner cigaretter och 605 000 liter sprit.

Yahoo! Finance: Soy may help protect brain from Alzheimer's - study: 3 april

Eating more soy could help stave off the irreversible brain disorder Alzheimer's disease, which afflicts more than half of Americans over the age of 85, researchers said on Tuesday.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: FILA vill att Fritz dom ska stå fast: 3 april

Fallet med dopningavstängde Fritz Aanes kommer inte upp till behandling i idrottsdomstolen i Lausanne i dag. Det som sker i dag är att FILA:s Pelle Svensson och Fritz Aanes advokat Are Johsen tillsammans med en representant från Svenska brottningsförbundet träffar ledamöter för idrottsdomstolen.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Veteranguld till Sandviken: 3 april

Arne Norrback och Krister Hellebjörk, Sandvikens AK, slog till med var sitt SM-guld i tyngdlyftning när veteranernas mästerskap genomfördes i Jönköping i helgen.

Svensk artikel Expressen: NBA: Tränaren stal pengar ur stjärnans fickor: 3 april

Philadelphia 76:ers president Pat Croce tvingades sparka sin bror. Orsaken var att brodern, som också fungerade som styrkecoach för klubben, stal pengar ur superstjärnan Allen Iversons byxfickor.

Chicago Tribune: Pump Price: 25 mars

In earlier generations, little boys imagined themselves looking like Charles Atlas by merely following his exercise program. Nowadays a balanced diet and regular exercise no longer seem to be enough. Taking multivitamins or stocking up on protein powder are foregone conclusions.

Americans are paying serious cash for performance-enhancing and muscle-pumping supplements such as creatine, androstenedione (made famous by baseball slugger Mark McGwire) or ephedra (promoted as a fat burner) that frankly don't stand on much scientific research.

People News: Geri chain-smoking to stay thin:

Singer addicted to tobacco Geri Halliwell has taken up chain-smoking in order to check her appetite and stay slim. She has been spotted in a number of top London nightspots smoking pack after pack of cigarettes, which are known to act as an appetite suppressant.

Yahoo! Finance: Stock Focus: Functional, Healthier Foods: 3 april

So-called functional foods, or foods that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition, are gaining in popularity. The reasons are multifold: an aging population that's more health conscious, concerns about genetically modified food and the European meat scare.

YourHealthDaily: Sports Psychologists Try to Figure Out 'the Little Man': 2 april

The problem, sports psychologists agree, is that an action a player has instinctively performed thousands of times is suddenly the object of conscious thought. They also agree the problem is mental, not physical.

"When the brain has negative activity during a motor skill - it can be hate, anger, doubt - it impedes the electrical impulses throwing a baseball requires," said retired pitcher Steve Rogers, a special assistant for the Major League Baseball Players Association.

Yahoo! News: ITF Launches Campaign to Keep Juniors Drug-Free: 3 april

The International Tennis Federation launched a new campaign on Tuesday to keep junior tennis players drugs-free.

The ITF Campaign, co-financed by the European Union, will highlight some of the physical side effects of steroid abuse, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney disease and high blood pressure

Ananova: Caveman diet could fight cholesterol: 3 april

Work at the University of Toronto shows eating a similar diet to our stone age ancestors could reduce cholesterol by as much as a third.

IMDB: Ahnold Is Back In Japan: 2 april

Dressed in his outfit from the Terminator movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger helped open the Universal Studios Japan theme park in Osaka Friday night. "I said I'd be back. Now I am, and all of you are here with me," Schwarzenegger told the crowd at an opening ceremony at the park, whose 18 attractions include a 3-D attraction based on The Terminator.

Norsk artikel P4: Litt trim bedre enn studioslit: 30 mars

Overvektige blir lettere kvitt flesket gjennom moderat og regelmessig trim, enn ved overdreven svetting i helsestudio.

Washington BusinessJournal: Health clubs still getting workout from 'boomers': 30 mars

They were the people who, as young adults, started the fitness craze in the 1970s and '80s. And it's still those baby boomers, not the new generation of 20-somethings, who are most likely to join a gym and use it.

"Boomers make up the majority of our membership," says Lisa Hymes, marketing director for McLean-based Sport & Health Clubs.

Washington BusinessJournal: Sport & Health to beef up clubs with $20M workout: 30 mars

"Our industry changes very rapidly and has mutated into offering other products we don't have in our existing clubs, such as day spas, big-time kids' operations and conferencing facilities," says CEO Don Konz. "Pilates, tai chi and some of the mat-type classes are growing much faster than the basic aerobics and court sport activities."

Muppets.com: The Swedish Chef's Virtual Kitchen:

Øder tis moodle in der noggin tu smacken der ouchey und vinger-slingers ur to smacken-backen und fix de morkin, yøobetcha!

The BusinessJournal: Nike implements grand plan to boost sales of women's gear: 2 april

Nike has set its sights on capturing a new group of athletic apparel shoppers: women.

Attributing this rise in athletic apparel purchases to the popularity of such franchises as professional women's basketball and women's World Cup soccer, as well as high-profile celebrity athletes, Nike has formed a new team to aggressively pursue the female dollar.

BBC News: Sport dogged by eating disorders: 30 mars

Athletes and sport enthusiasts could be ruining their health through eating disorders, say scientists.

Yahoo! News: New Survey: We Don't Exercise Enough: 1 april 

Most Americans can live with being fat and getting too little exercise, a new survey says. They think they're fine just as they are.

Excite News: Vitamin manufacturers learn of possible presence of mad cow disease: 27 mars

Though no proven link has been found between mad cow disease and vitamins, scientists are concerned that ingredients in certain vitamins may pose a threat to the health of consumers. Providers of dietary supplements, a $16 billion-per-year industry, are taking notice and following scientists' advice.

St. Petersburg Times: Train well, play well, eat poorly: 27 mars

Presnick is hardly an anomaly. In an age when athletes are performing at levels never before seen, their diets are taking a nose dive and are worse in many cases than athletes of a generation ago.

"It's a reflection of what's happening across America," said Dr. Jackie Burning, a spokesperson for the American Diatetic Association and an assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

Excite News: Column: The workout that can kill: 29 mars

Anorexia or bulimia athletica - two eating disorders that accompany detrimental over-exercise - are every bit as debilitating and deadly as their more well-known parent disorders.

Not all bulimics have low body weight. Both anorexia and bulimia can induce their sufferers to over-exercise - hence the term "athletica."

Detroit News: Seniors in active pursuit of center: 29 mars

These "elder boomers" are expected to live longer, live healthier and be more active than their predecessors. Last month, voters in Oakland Township gave final approval to plans for a $14-million facility that will include a gym and other recreational facilities for seniors in Rochester, Rochester Hills and Oakland Township

Detroit News: Fitness alone isn't the key to maintaining a better life: 29 mars

You work out several times a week. And in the summer, you even enjoy playing some softball or basketball one night a week. All in all, you do a good job keeping yourself fit. However, does this mean you're healthy?

Lincon Journal Star: Computer power: Recruits get jump on NU strength program with CD: 28 mars

The recruit can then choose between the entire Make the Play workout, strength exercises, speed and agility, the four principles video or the RM calculator. The workout includes Nebraska's 12-week plan, which consists of three phases: base, development and peak.

Epley said all the bells and whistles, combined with the actual program itself, make for a marketable product if Nebraska decides to make it available. Right now, the program is still available in booklet and video form on Epley's Web site - www.huskerpower.com.

Excite News: Column: The Terminator tackles politics: 30 mars

I hope that each and every one of you are sitting down before you read what I have to say. Arnold Schwarzenegger (read: the muscular guy from Austria who blows up random buildings and manages to save the day) could be in charge of an entire state.

God, can you imagine someone running a political office that is best known for starring in bad action-adventure movies with no plot?

MSNBC: Does Germany have a better way?: 29 mars

Herbal remedies are an integral part of mainstream medicine here, where they are reviewed as drugs and often prescribed by doctors. Many health advocates say it’s a model that the United States can learn from.

Detroit News: Powerhouse Gym's a fitness dream: 29 mars

Farmington Hills-based Powerhouse Gym International has more than 300 franchises around the country. The company was started by Norman and William Dabish in 1974 with a location on Woodward Avenue in Highland Park.

The brothers began aggressively expanding abroad in the 1990s. Now the owners, along with partners Mike and Mel Farr Jr., have turned their attention to Detroit - their hometown - for expansion. Plans call for putting 10 gyms in the city in the next three years, Norman Dabish said.

TV Guide Online: Eco-Challenge's Playboy Connection: 30 mars

Team Playboy X-treme — one of 76 co-ed teams competing in the 320-mile race — features former pin-ups Danelle Folta (Miss April 1995), Jennifer Lavoie (Miss August 1993) and Kalin Olson (Miss August 1997).

Prior to Eco-Challenge, the trio have participated in a number of expedition races, and Burnett insists that's the primary reason he brought them on board. "They're very, very fit," he says. "They're real athletes. They aren't just jumping out of the cover — you couldn't do it. They're real extreme athletes... and they applied."

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadsbladet: Därför slår drogkampanjer fel: 31 mars

Knarkupplysningsprogram har sällan avsedd verkan och ibland ökar de rentav droganvändningen. Det konstateras i en licentiatavhandling som granskats vid Åbo universitet.

New York Post: We're delighted to have tea with Mr. T: 1 april

The ex-bouncer, pro wrestling partner of Hulk Hogan and the guy who whips Sly Stallone's butt in "Rocky III" has been fighting T-cell lymphoma since 1995, but he's still here. 

Mr. T is a religious man who is hitting the gym less than he used to and going to church more often.

"I found myself working out 21/2 hours a day and praying for 10 seconds. So I said I'd spend less time in the gym and more time with Him."

Ascribe: Study of Rats Says Eating Less May Protect Nerve Cells: 30 mars

Skipping the donuts may preserve your brainpower. A new study finds that cutting calories by about a third protects nerve cells from damage caused by interrupted blood flow.

"The pattern suggests that eating fewer calories may lead to a longer and healthier life," said Arthur H. Neufeld, Ph.D., the Bernard Becker Research Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.

New York Daily News: Movie stars relish not being the people they once were: 1 april

Eventually, being synonymous with one type of role becomes wearying of necessity because most of these stereotypes don't age well. Ask Arnold Schwarzenegger, who — at 54, and having had bypass surgery — is no longer the first person you'd turn to during a global crisis. Schwarzenegger, anticipating this, tried for years to break out of his superhero mold, but his fans wouldn't buy him as all too human in "The Last Action Hero."

HealthWorld Online: Taking Vitamins: Is It Worth the Cost?:

Plenty of people believe in the power of the pill: One-third of Americans consume vitamins daily, spending about $3 billion annually on vitamin supplements, according to the Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs. But are they taking too much or too little - and spending too much? And do people really need to take vitamins?

Yahoo! News: U.S. Soldier Dies During Workout in Kuwait Gym: 1 paril

An U.S. army soldier training in Kuwait died on Sunday while exercising in a physical fitness center, the American embassy said in a statement.

ABC News: New Self-Pumped Bra Deepens the British Cleavage Contest: 15 mars

As the war for the ultimate cleavage deepens, an all-new bra, which allows women to pump up their chests to more than twice their original cup size, is now available in stores across Britain.

The Philadelphia Inquirer: Getting the skinny on Philly fitness: 1 april

The international news media can't seem to get enough of Philadelphia's citywide fitness initiative.

Particularly in Europe, where some have the impression that burger-and-fries-fed Americans are practically collapsing under their corpulence - Street's initiative is seen as uniquely fascinating.

Yahoo! News: Mcdonald's Task Force Wants Simpler Menu: 31 mars

A McDonald's Corp. task force has recommended that the world's largest restaurant company simplify its menu and meal promotions in order to boost sales, a newspaper reported on Saturday.


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ZoneCapone.com: Fuck Genetics! - Zones before & after pics!

Hardgainer: Proof!: 31 mars

Not convinced about the methods we teach? Want to see some real-life success stories? Please check out PROOF! When combined with the requisite dedication, the methods we teach work wonderfully well... and without great genetics, drugs or expensive food supplements.

Steel Fitness: Interview with fitness profile Adela Garcia Friedmansky: 31 mars

What's your opinion on the addition of the NPC Figure Division?

I think is going to give a lot of girls the opportunity to get involved in the sport. I know many women who want to compete - but since they don't have a background in gymnastics, they won't even try it. The new figure division is going to bring women of different ages into the sport and is going to help our sport grow a little more.

Physical Magazine: Classic Arnold: Still Hungry:

He’s been called bodybuilding’s most successful son, a muscle man who parlayed his powerful pecs into movie stardom. At 53, Arnold is still at the top of his game. In a recent interview, he told Physical about his secrets for fitness and reaching your highest potential. (Via MetaMuscle)

Svensk artikel Sveriges Konsumentråd: Den nya maten - en guide för konsumenter:

Något håller på att hända med våra livsmedel, men vad? Varför är den alltid på löpsedlarna? Konsumentguiden Den nya maten informerar om dagens nya mattrender: ekologiska livsmedel, funktionell mat, genförändrad mat och nya varumärken som till exempel Quorn och Benecol. (pdf-dokument)

Svensk artikel Sveriges Konsumenter i Samverkan: Kadmiumintag hos vegetarianer och veganer: 5 oktober 1999

Vegetarianer och veganer är en riskgrupp för kadmiumintag via livsmedel.

Svensk artikel Nya Ludvika Tidning: En kartonglyftare i Sverigetopp: 31 mars

På vardagarna lyfter han kartonger på ICA-lagret i Borlänge, på kvällarna skivstänger i en träningslokal i Ludvika. 19-årige Fredrik Nordin från Nyhammar är styrkelyftaren som specialiserat sig på bänkpress och i den senaste förbundsrankingen toppar ungdomsklassen.

Svensk artikel Smålandsposten: Niagara kvinnornas Viagra: 31 mars

Skicklig marknadsföring eller ren tur? Vad det än är; aldrig har väl en ny dryck blivit så omskriven som Tingsrydstillverkade energidrycken Niagara. De blå flaskorna, med en liten röd kanin på etiketten, har gjort omedelbar succé i USA. Orsaken? Den kallas i amerikanska tv-program Viagra for women.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: De får betalt för att träna på arbetstid: 31 mars

De 40 anställda vid kansliet på Örebro Läns Idrottsförbund motionerar på jobbet. På betald arbetstid. En halvtimme. Varje dag. Alla som deltar får dessutom en tusenlapp var till valfri träningsutrustning eller gymkort. Örebroprojektet blev en omedelbar succé. En investering i friskvård. Stumma ben fick nytt liv, gamla krämpor försvann.

Svensk artikel Östersundsposten: Bloddoping:

Sverige tog tidigt upp kampen mot bloddoping, det kan Peter Hemmingsson berätta. Peter var under drygt ett decennium svensk representant i FIS medicinska kommitté, ända fram till i höstas då han efterträddes av Bengt Saltin. - De omskrivna bloddopingförsök som vi gjorde 1985 var ett led i försöken för att avslöja bloddoping, berättar Peter Hemmingsson.

MSN: Experts Debate the Mystery Behind the Atkins Diet: 1 november

Dieters who lose weight the Atkins way may really be doing it the old-fashioned way: by simply eating fewer calories. Even so, very few people on the diet maintain their weight loss over the long term, according to studies presented here at a meeting of obesity experts.

Svensk artikel Hälsokostrådet: Marknadsfakta om hälsokost, naturläkemedel, vitaminer, mineraler och naturkosmetik:

Den största försäljningen av kosttillskott sker via apoteken som har en försäljning per år på ca 435 miljoner kr av en totalmarknad på ca 800 miljoner kr.

Svensk artikel Hälsokostrådet: Fördubblad försäljning av hälsopreparat i Sverige på tio år: 16 februari

Ny statistik från Apoteket AB och Hälsokostrådet visar att försäljningen av hälsopreparat i Sverige mer än fördubblats på tio år. Under år 2000 såldes hälsokost, natur(läke)medel, naturkosmetik och kosttillskott för nästan 2,8 miljarder kronor. Den största försäljningskanalen för dessa preparat är hälsofackhandeln.

smh.com.au: The shock of finding your name on the email hit list: 27 mars

In debt? Overweight? Unhappy with work? Lousy mobile phone plan? Welcome aboard, writes Jim Shea, you've just become a cyber target.

New York Magazine: You're So Vain: 2 april

You probably think this story is about you. And it is if you're among the new breed of urban men clamoring for face peels, hip fashion, even chin implants -- all in the name of guy power.

ABC News: Arnold, Better Than Ever: 10 november 2000 

Schwarzenegger’s life story began in the village of Graz, Austria. His determination to succeed — aided by his powerful physique — propelled him through the ranks of professional bodybuilding to Hollywood’s stratosphere.

Council for Responsible Nutrition: Bioavailability of dietary supplements:

Bioavailability considers the form of the nutrient or food component, factors that affect absorption or utilization, assumptions for the "typical" diet, and special considerations.

Council for Responsible Nutrition: JAMA Vitamin E Study Results Overinterpreted and Misapplied: 6 mars

Findings from a vitamin E study published in this week’s Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) were overinterpreted and misapplied. The study conclusions were based on short-term markers of a biochemical process, not clinically significant disease markers.

JustMove: Mutant mice pig out, stay skinny: 29 mars

Researchers in Texas report that genetically engineered mice lacking an enzyme that helps regulate fat burning consumed 20% to 30% more calories than normal mice, but stayed thin or even lost weight.

Svensk artikel WorldOnline: Dags att börja träna för "Beach 2001":

En titt i spegeln säger att det är dags att göra något för att komma i form och minska några kilon i vikt. Med några månader kvar till badsäsongen - varför tveka… Worldonline tipsar om bästa sätten att komma i form i vår.

Svensk artikel WorldOnline: Box - boxning, aerobics & kampsport allt-i-ett:

Hårda slag, kickar, sit-ups och armhävningar. Allt i ett rasande tempo till dunkande musik. World Online har spanat in box - tuff träning som blivit alltmer populär. Särskilt bland tjejer…

ABC News: Study Finds Increased Steroid Use Among Boys and Girls: 4 maj 1998

Think steroids are just an adult problem? Think again. According to a new survey, boys and girls as young as 10 are taking the illegal drugs in order to do better in sports. The survey found that 2.7 percent of 965 youngsters polled at four Massachusetts middle schools are using anabolic steroids.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Andreas Dahlgren

Tisdag 3 april

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SM i Styrkelyft 7-8 april
Löthallen, Sundbyberg

Lördag 7 april
Damer Tävlingsstart 11.00

Herrar klass -52--67.5: Tävlingsstart 14.00
Herrar klass -75: Tävlingsstart 16.00
Herrar klass -82.5 och -90: Tävlingsstart 18.00

Söndag 8:e april
Herrar klass -100 kg: Tävlingsstart 11.00
Herrar klass -110 kg: Tävlingsstart 13.30
Herrar klass -125 kg och +125 kg: Tävlingsstart 16.00

MSNBC: Searching for a fountain of youth: 27 mars

Baby-boomers aren’t such babies any more. That’s given rise to a $30 billion a year industry that treats growing old almost as if it were a disease. Dateline’s hidden cameras took a close look at some of the treatments being touted as cures for everything from wrinkles to an aging libido. Can any of them really turn back time?

Mesomorphosis: Commercially Marketed Supplements for Bodybuilding Athletes:

We conducted a survey of 624 commercially available supplements targeted towards bodybuilding athletes. Over 800 performance claims were made for these supplements. Supplements include amino acids, boron, carnitine, choline, chromium, dibencozide, ferulic acid, gamma oryzanol, medium chain triglycerides, weight gain powders, Smilax compounds and yohimbine.

Many performance claims advertised were not supported by published research studies. In some instances, we found no research to validate the claims; in other cases, research findings were extrapolated to inappropriate applications.

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness Butikerna: Reportage från från All Style Open: 1 april

Under vårens första underbara dag (utanför) var det fullsatt i Solnahallen igen. Årets första All Style Open gick av stapeln. Nytt i detta reportage är att du förutom kan kika på bilder och läsa om All Style även kan se mindre filmsnuttar från några utvalda fighter.

Norsk artikel TV2: Treningssenter vil bli sirkus: 31 mars

Den planlagte treningsmomsen forarger trimbransjen. Nå søker det bergensbaserte Studio Active om å bli registrert som sirkus, for å slippe momsen!

Svensk artikel Dalademokraten: Atletklubben vill inte flytta: 3 april

Mockfjärds Atletklubbs ambitiösa planer att bygga ut sin lokal och utöka verksamheten har tillfälligt bromsats. Som DD tidigare berättat sade kommunen nej till klubbens förfrågan om en kommunal borgen för byggnationen och klubben uppmanades att titta på andra lokalalternativ. Det har nu gjorts men inget av alternativen har fallit i smaken. - Det enda aktuella stället för vår verksamhet är vår nuvarande lokal, säger Mats Reijer i föreningen.

Svensk artikel Vetskap: Behovet av lättprodukter påverkar kornas hälsa: April

–Konsumenternas intresse för lättprodukter påverkar kornas hälsa, det säger Sigrid Agenäs till Vetskap. Sigrid Agenäs är husdjursagronom och verksam vid institutionen för husdjurens utfodring, SLU.

Svensk artikel Katrineholms Kuriren: Nya må bra-sätt: 2 april

Body pump, power yoga och kristallhealing var bara några av de saker som man kunde prova på i Malmköping i helgen när Gym1, Malmköpings gymnastikförening, arrangerade en må bra-dag.

Svensk artikel Eskiltuna Kuriren: Hälsosam dag i Malmköping:

Body pump, power yoga och kristallhealing var bara några av de saker som man kunde prova på i Malmköping i helgen när Gym1, Malmköpings gymnastikförening, arrangerade en må bra-dag.

Svensk artikel Dala Demokraten: Gladiator mot treor: 2 april

Jätten Atlas, alias ubåtskaptenen Roger Zapfe från Skåne och nu Stockholm, ställde sina två meter och 140 kilo - mycket och stora muskler - mot en smedjebacksklass treor i dragkamp vid ett jippo i Smedjebacken.

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: "Atlas" föreläser i Borlänge: 2 april

Till ett seminarium kring kost- och träningslära i Hagaskolan kommande söndag har Borlänge Idrottsallians lyckats engagera från Gladiatorerna kände Roger Zapfe, alias "Atlas", som kommer att tala kring både egna erfarenheter och kunskaper han inhämtat under sin tid som kroppsbyggare.

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Elever ska få bättre kondition: 2 april

Nu ska eleverna på Kristinegymnasiet få bättre kondition. Idrottsläraren Gunn Nyberg har startat ett arbetspulstest, där eleverna tävlar mot varandra och kan vinna fina priser.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Tussen drömmer om att lyfta kungen: 31 mars

Det ljusrosa huset i Ockelbo påminner mycket om Pippi Långstrumps Villa Villekulla. Utvändigt med sin snickarglädje och invändigt med den trivsamma röran av prylar. Och vem passar bättre att bo där än just Tussen som utsågs till världens starkaste tjej 1991.

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Pasienter slipper moms: 31 mars

Gladmelding til alle som går til akupunktør og homøopat. Du slipper å betale moms for tjenesten.

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadsbladet: Nu ska vi motionera mera: 1 april

Finland. Då det ordnas mässa i Böle mässcentrum är det ofta fulltsatt. Sportexpo 2001 i helgen är inget undantag.

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: "Det här är bedrägeri": 1 april

Roger Sandström, 42, är en riktig kraftkarl. Men när det dimper ner två räkningar för samma el blir han alldeles klen. - Det här är en form av bedrägeri, anser han.

BBC News: Skeete 'morally innocent' of doping: 29 mars

Sprinter John Skeete's dietary supplements spiked with banned steroids, according to an independent disciplinary committee.

Svensk artikel Hallandsposten: Muskler inte det viktigaste: 2 april

En ordningsvakts viktigaste egenskap är att kunna ha en dialog. Muskler är inte alls viktigt, egentligen. Ändå är en betydande andel av ordningsvakterna större än de flesta.

nzoom.com: Diet drug's days numbered: 30 mars

A drug which is being marketed as a dietary supplement but being used as the latest dance party pill is likely to be banned shortly.

Yahoo! Finance: Body Builders to Soccer Moms: U.S. Sports and Fitness Nutrition Markets Go Mainstream, Says Frost & Sullivan: 2 april

"Consumers are looking for foods that enhance the quality of life, expand life expectancies and allow them to remain fit,'' says Frost & Sullivan industry analyst Girish Solanki. "Today's consumers include not just athletes and bodybuilders but everybody from weekend warriors to executives to soccer moms.''

Dr Squat: Finding the ideal training split:

Simply, some people tend to thrive on very little exercise, while others seem to be incapable of making gains no matter how hard, long and frequently they train. This was referred to as one's "tolerance to exercise," a term coined by Arthur Jones years ago.

One’s “tolerance” is high if more exercise is needed, and low if less is needed. There are many variables that can affect your exercise tolerance. Of course, “genetics” ranks highest on the list below, and you’ll notice several such factors. Others, on the other hand, are able to be manipulated in various ways.

Newswise: FTC Priority: Monitoring Dietary Supplement Advertising: 31 mars

Monitoring the promotion of dietary supplements--now a multi-billion-dollar enterprise--has become a top consumer protection priority for the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), says a senior staff attorney.

Dennis James: News and updates: 1 april

Thanks to everyone for your emails and congratulations on my recent successes during my competitions last month.

My new training video is also due to be released in early April - I promise that this video is the bomb !!! A must for every hardcore bodybuilder !!! It was filmed here in Thailand last September, during my final preparations for the 2000 Olympia.

Svensk artikel Strength Sport Nutrition: Kenneth Mattson skriver dagbok inför SM i Bänkpress:

Jag tränar inför SM i Bänkpress som går i början på juni. Jag har Nordiska mästerskapen som delmål som går i början på maj månad. Det är alltså SM i bänkpress som hoppas att komma iform till. Målet är minst 260 som är mästerskapsrekord.

Peak Performance:

A Sport Science website for athletes, trainers and coaches of all disciplines - devoted to improving stamina, strength and fitness and the treatment of sports injury.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Halliwell har fettsugit sig för 150 000: 2 april

Nu avslöjas hemligheten bakom Geri Halliwells nya, vältrimmade look: Hon har genomgått plastikkirurgi - och låtit fettsuga hakan, halsen, magen och låren.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Här slits Leifs fot sönder: 31 mars

I november fick han ledbandet i foten avslitet av Hero under inspelningen av "Gladiatorerna". I går fick Leif Hansen se olycksbilderna för första gången. - Det gjorde ont att se det, säger han.


If you have a question no-one else can answer, try the specialists at ExpertCentral. ExpertCentral consists of over 6,000 experts who are willing to offer you FREE advice, not just in the field of health and fitness, but in areas such as finance, sport, law and much much more.

Dagsavisen: Må rette opp plastiske feil: 2 april

Stadig flere kommer til offentlige sykehus for å få rettet opp feil og behandle komplikasjoner etter plastiske operasjoner ved private sykehus. Nå kommer det krav om at privatklinikkene må refundere det offentliges utgifter.

NetDoctor: Glucose and oxygen boost the brain: 2 april

Oxygen and glucose can act as ‘fuel for thought’ and significantly improve mental performance and agility, according to research published today.

Independent: Oxygen and glucose 'boost brain power': 2 april

Mental performance can be improved by "feeding" the brain with extra oxygen or glucose, according to research published today that could have implications for the treatment of dementia.

Skip La Cour: Mass Machine E-Newsletter: 2 april

In this first of five segments on cardiovascular training strategies, I'll explain why cardiovascular training can actually help you build muscle. Yes, I know what you've read over and over again in the bodybuilding and fitness magazines.

But if you read what I have to share with you with an open mind, I believe you'll understand why I feel cardiovascular training isn't as detrimental to your muscle mass building efforts as you've been conditioned to think.

The Facts About Fitness: How to lose an extra 12 pounds without eating less or spending longer in the gym: 2 april

High-intensity interval training could help you lose an extra 12 pounds of fat each year.

The Facts About Fitness: Orlistat: A miracle slimming pill?:

Orlistat (also known as Xenical), the controversial slimming drug recently given the green light for NHS funding, FAILS to prevent weight regain following a low calorie diet.

The Facts About Fitness: Why high carbohydrate diets are NOT the best way to lose fat: 5 mars

Restricted calorie diets deriving a larger proportion of their energy from protein (30-40 % of total calories), and less from carbohydrate (30-40 % of total calories) can accelerate fat loss when compared to their high carbohydrate (60% of total calories) counterparts.

SportsPoint: Kosttilskud:

Sportspoint bringer her en oversigt over populære kosttilskud der menes at have en præstationsfremmende (ergogen) effekt. Mange producenter tilskriver de enkelte stoffer overdreven effekt. Som det ses er kun få stoffer egentlig effektive. Listen vil med tiden blive udvidet med flere stoffer.

Diet, Exercise and Fitness Cartoons by Randy Glasbergen:

Commercial cartoonist whose B&W cartoons take a wry look at weight loss and the get-fit craze generally. This is his advertising site - you pay to use his material.

WholeGrain Software:

Information about their own software for academic, lay and food industry use. Largely diet analysis and nutrition teaching programs.

The Village Voice: On-Screen Heroines Inspire Women to the Martial Arts: 28 mars

Bodybuilding, baseball, fencing, soccer, and even boxing and martial arts became more socially acceptable for women throughout the '80s and '90s. Still, the entry of women into these more physical and combative sports has been a slow process. For the martial arts, it required a change in the way they were taught.

When asked if he thought the current films affected enrollment, Sensei John McGettigan said, "I don't see why they wouldn't. That's why I got started—Bruce Lee films!"

Codex Alimentarius Commission

The Ephedra Online Information Resource:

Ephedra commonly found in the dietary supplements Metabolife, Ultimate Orange and Ripped Fuel has been linked to hemorrhagic stroke.

NutritionFitness.com - One stop for all your nutrition, fitness, diet and exercise needs

NutritionResource.com: Your Credible Link to Nutrition Information

Nutra Track 4.0 for Windows:

Calculate your Daily Values and actual intake of nine nutrients: Calories, Total Fats, Saturated Fats, Cholesterol, Sodium, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Sugars, and Protein. Record detailed summaries of up to 100 days, keeping track of individual servings and your total daily consumption. Fully functional program is FREE to evaluate for 2 days.

Svensk artikel GP: Här måste du ha åldern inne: 15 mars 2000

Åldersgränser på gym kan kännas som ett onödigt hinder. Men det finns en orsak. Tränar man på gym innan kroppen är mogen kan man skada sig för livet.

Svensk artikel GP: SportGraffiti kollar hur skolgymnastiken var förr: 31 oktober 2000

Gymnastiksalar och duschrum har inte alltid varit en självklarhet. Läraren Rune Magnusson, 67, fick moppa golven och lägga ut mattor i korridoren så att eleverna kunde ha gympa. Anna-Greta Andersson, 71, fick inte bli svettig eftersom det inte fanns några duschar.

MedlinePlus: Interactive Health Tutorials:

Tutorials from the National Library of Medicine on several medical conditions, diagnostic procedures, and surgery and treatment. Requires flash plug-in.

PsycPort: Feed a Cold, And Avoid Your Friends?: 27 mars

Loads of stress and a busy social life? A bad combination if you want to avoid colds, claims a new study.

PsycPort: Thinking Is Good for You, Scientists Find: 28 mars

Just as jogging sends your lungs and heart into high gear, infusing more blood with oxygen and pumping it to replenish your leg muscles, there's a similar--if barely noticeable--response to nourish your brain when you think.

Yahoo! News: Living Longer and Loving It: 29 mars

After age 35, she says, women lose one-third of a pound of muscle every year and gain that much in body fat. But in studies she has conducted at Tufts with people like Dorothy Barron, she has shown that with exercise and strength training, women can gain, not lose, muscle as they age.

Svensk artikel WorldOnline.se: Den livsfarliga träningen:

Att det är ohälsosamt att aldrig motionera vet de flesta av oss redan. Men hur man tränar spelar också stor roll. Fel träning kan faktiskt vara rent livsfarlig. För otränade människor är det nämligen livsfarligt att utöva högintensiva sporter med mycket armarbete.

Svensk artikel WorldOnline: Killar får också anorexia:

Anorexia drabbar mest tjejer. Men det finns undantag. Killar med ätstörningar blir bara fler och fler. Tomas G Söderberg är 25 år och har haft problem med ätstörningar nästan så länge han kan minnas.

Yahoo! News: Throng greets Uni's Osaka park: 2 april

Braving cold and rain, thousands of people - some of whom had lined up all night - watched as Arnold Schwarzenegger used a clapperboard to slice through a roll of film in declaring the $1.4 billion Universal Studios Japan park open for business.

"This is the power of Hollywood. The best of Universal's technology, talent and movies are now all here in Osaka," the actor proclaimed.

About Exercise: Review: Online Personal Training:

Have you considered using an online personal trainer? This series will focus on reviews of some of the hottest online training websites. Find out if My Fitness Expert has what it takes to help you reach your goals!

Yahoo! News: Docs Must Educate Themselves on Herbals: 2 april

Doctors can no longer ignore their patients' use of herbal medicines, according to Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of Cornell University's New York Presbyterian Hospital.


A websited dedicated to providing in-depth information on competitive bodybuilding!

Perfect Posing Videos:

Over 75% of bodybuilding competitors ACTUALLY LOSE POINTS and PLACE LOWER than they could for one reason: THEY POSE WRONG! This series of PERFECT MUSCLE training tapes has helped thousands of amateurs and pros score higher and win more contests! Don't waste all your hard work in the gym! Order yours today!

Newswise: Legal Challenges to FDA Decisions on Dietary Supplements: 31 mars

Patrice Wright, director of pharmacology and toxicology with the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, examines a 1999 court decision affecting how dietary supplements are regulated.

Newswise: Men Less Likely to Seek Help for Eating Disorders: 31 mars

Eating disorders are more common in men than was previously thought, yet men are not as likely to seek treatment for eating disorders, according to a study.

The Mirror UK: 1.5 Million New Veggies: 29 mars

More than 1.5 million people have turned vegetarian since the foot-and-mouth plague began five weeks ago.

Shocked by the culling of 400,000 animals and the sight of funeral pyres, another 20million are considering giving up meat.

Food Ingredients Online: Soy's Evolution: 27 mars

Soy - once synonymous with foods not particularly known for their gourmet appeal - is now prevalent throughout the food industry, both as an ingredient and a major finished-goods component.

Its rise in popularity owes much to the many health benefits associated with its consumption, the FDA's approval of a health claim for cholesterol reduction and its implication in lowering coronary heart disease (CHD) risk.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Anna Hellberg

Måndag 2 april

SCAN - Sports and Cardiovascular Nutritionists

Life Extension Foundation: Why Some Vitamin E Supplements Fail To Work: 30 januari 2000

The fact that vitamin E alone was used in this study is an example of the "one drug" mentality that exists with conventional medicine today. Even though the researchers knew that other antioxidants could synergistically enhance the effects of vitamin E, they chose to conduct this long-term study using only a moderate dose of a questionable form of vitamin E.

Council for Responsible Nutrition: USDA and FDA exercise tight control on animal tissues in dietary supplements: 27 juli 2000

Glandular products are typically labeled as such (featuring the word "glandular"), and their labeling usually provides a listing of the specific organs included in the product. Far from wishing to obscure their glandular content, manufacturers promote these products on the basis of these ingredients.

Only a tiny proportion of products in the marketplace contain glandular ingredients. However, consumers who value these products can use them in confidence, because they are safeguarded by USDA and FDA enforcement actions that protect against the import or use of animal tissues from countries affected by BSE.

Yahoo! News: Supplement Guidelines Stuck in Red Tape: 19 mars

Dietary supplement makers awaiting manufacturing regulations were told on Monday by a Food and Drug Administration official that the rules are finished but are being held up by the Bush Administration' s Office of Management and Budget.

WebMD: Contraindications and Possible Adverse Effects of Therapeutic Diets and Supplements:

It is now well established that good nutrition plays an important role in disease prevention. But controversy continues to swirl around the use of special diets and supplements as treatments for many existing medical conditions.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism

The British Journal of Nutrition

The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences

International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition:

The primary aim of this unique international journal is to integrate food science with nutrition.

Medicinal Food News:

Your web magazine about food that promotes and improves your health.

Douglas Coupland: Bench Press Your IQ:

Douglas Coupland is the author of such notable works as Generation X, Polaroids from the Dead, Microserfs, and Girlfriend in a Coma. Born on a NATO base in Germany, he now resides in Vancouver, Canada.

BBC News: Warnings over egg-eating stunt: 30 mars

A competition which encourages competitors to eat as many eggs as they can one after the other has been criticised by nutritionists.

The Gift of Youth - Gypsy:

A couple of years ago, Gypsy had taken one of her young grandchildren to a local park and was watching her, Gabrielle, climb on the playground equipment. At one point, Gabrielle asked Gypsy to lift her onto a very high swing. Gypsy found, to her astonishment, that she could not do it!

So, she visited a local gym and asked if there was anything she could do about it. Indeed, she could. The men and women there assured her that she could not only become stronger, but could also gain a variety of other rewards.

WorldMedicus - Medical Information for the Profession on the World Wide Web: Musculoskeletal System

Excite News: Column: Law unfair to male athletes: 29 mars

It's a fact: on attending major sporting events, one finds more men, more excited men and more men who aren't there just because their girlfriends dragged them there. Men are just more interested in athletics, whether participating or watching.

The fact is that men's sports bring in more money than any women's sports because men, in general, are more athletic than women.

Though many militant feminists say it's not possible, men are truly getting screwed over in this deal. The law states that no person will be denied opportunities because of his or her sex. However, I would argue that men, simply for being men, are punished under this law for having more testosterone in their blood and being naturally more competitive than women.

MSNBC: The Herbal Frontier: 29 mars

Walk into your local health-food store or pharmacy and you’re likely to find herbal remedies that may ease depression, help you sleep better, even fight prostate cancer.

You might also find a product that has absolutely no effect, despite labeling claims to the contrary, or worse yet, causes serious adverse reactions, possibly even death. How can you be assured you’re buying a safe and effective remedy?

NetDoktor: Lifestyle changes lead to cancer: 20 mars

New research suggests that the rise in cancer over the last century was caused by massive lifestyle changes. The research shows that human behaviour influences who gets cancer and who does not.

Slate: The One Thing You Can't Get In High School: 28 mars

Some health officials warn nicotine replacement is risky until scientists know more. And they wonder how schools can justify giving students nicotine, a substance harmful and illegal for minors, even for a good reason.

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