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Födelsedagar vecka 11

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Lördag/söndag 17/18 mars

Shawn Ray: Shawn Ray's Latest News: 17 mars

I am currently in the process of filming my new video due out at these years Mr. Olympia October 27th! This will be a groundbreaker in terms of seeing things behind the scenes.  Back stage pass at the Pro Ironman, up-close interviews with Cormier, Anthony, Duawdou and more!

I have NPC President Jim Manion speaking on the state of bodybuilding, up close at Weider Head Quarters to see how the magazines are made. At home interviews with Priest, Wheeler and Titus!

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Meja: Det känns tryggt med en gladiator på scenen

Popstjärnan Meja står stadigt på scenen. Bakom henne, på bas och körsång, finns nämligen ingen mindre än gladiatorn Titan. - Det känns tryggt! säger Meja.

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Perlskog: Det är mycket bättre startfält i år:

Kampen på gladiatorernas arena trappas upp. Fredag 16 mars avgörs första semifinalen av tre. Enligt Gladiatorernas kommentator Robert Perlskog från TV4-sporten är startfältet mycket bättre i år jämfört med förra året: - Några är sensationellt bra.

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Fredrik och Carmen vann första semifinalen:

Brandmannen och superutmanaren Fredrik Edlund och militära femkamparen Carmen Toader är de första semifinalisterna som går vidare till finalen den 6 april.
Läs vinnarintervjun med Carmen Toader
Magdas kompis Fredrik Edlund vann

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: ''Små bråkdelar avgör'':

Nova chattade med tittarna efter programmet på fredagen. Vi pratade med henne om några av de vanligaste frågorna.

ProTrainerOnline.com Update: 16 mars

Are all Calories Created Equal?:
If getting into the best shape of your life was as easy as the multi-billion dollar fitness industry would lead you to believe then why aren’t more of our friends, co-workers, or family members in the best shape of their lives?

Breaking Through Plateaus:
If you visited a gym today you would undoubtedly see men and women hard at work to make physical changes to their bodies.

Nutrition Bars or Glamorized Candy Bars:
Finding time for your workout, five meals, your work schedule, kids, housework, and appointments can lead to a hectic, high-stress day. Convenience and ease of use are a common selling point for many services and products.

The Very Good Question Section:
This is a new section consisting of some very good questions and their answers as fielded by the ISSA technical support team over the past two weeks.

BodyBuilders Registry & HardBody Who's Who: 17 mars

BBR is a site whose main purpose is to provide inexpensive web pages showing the pictures and vital information of its members. BBR gives bodybuilders an affordable way to see, be seen, and be contacted by other bodybuilders, contest sponsors, photographers and talent-hunting film and television casting directors.

Onlone Physique Contest!

WIN! A Pro Workout Weekend in Santa Monica! WIN! A Pro Photo Session! WIN! Supplements! Supplements! Supplements!

Sports Illustrated: A culture of 'sus': 13 september 2000

Rumored Olympic drug use has its own slang term.

Yahoo! News: Fat Folks Seek Gold, Stardom Via Big Brother Path: 16 mars

Twelve dieters will compete to win their weight loss in gold in a new reality TV show, Big Diet, to hit Dutch screens Saturday.

REUTERS/Jerry Lampen REUTERS/Jerry Lampen

Agricultural Research magazine: New Technology Boosts Fiber in Foods: Mars

Americans fall short when it comes to eating enough fiber each day. So what are scientists doing to help? They have come up with a new technology that allows them to add more fiber to foods without changing their texture, says food technologist Charles I. Onwulata,

PeopleNews: Geri to become new Jane Fonda: 16 mars

Geri Halliwell is to disclose the secret of her fantastic physique in a new fitness and beauty book, PeopleNews can reveal.

EurekAlert: Weight regain after dieting can be avoided with low-intensity exercise: 22 februari

Weight regain associated with metabolic changes that occur after dieting can be avoided through a program of low-intensity exercise, according to a study by van Aggel-Leijssen et al., published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. While dieting, men who did not exercise lost about the same amount of fat mass as the group that exercised.

However, 2 weeks after returning to an energy-balanced diet at a reduced weight, the non-exercising group had a lower rate of fat metabolism, a change that could predispose them to weight gain.

EurekAlert: Study affirms differences between sexes - at least when it comes to knees: 28 februari

U-M researchers examine why female athletes are more likely to suffer injury to knee ligaments.

nature science update: Fittest finger first: 24 januari

Flexing fingers to fitness for more musical movements. Finger-wagging football managers, teachers and neglected partners could all benefit from a spot of weight training. Fitter finger muscles are better able to flex in time to sound pulses than are more indolent digits, new research reveals.

Discover: The Chemistry of Fat Substitutes: Can You Stomach It?: Mars

The Next Generation of fake fats has arrived, but does anyone want them?

HealthCentral: Taking Your Fish In A Pill: 15 mars

Researchers in Britain have found that the fish oil EPA, or eicosapentaenoic acid to be exact, gravely suppressed natural killer cell activity in healthy subjects. But you want your killer cells doing their job; they respond to viruses and tumor cells and rejecting transplants and things like that.

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Feelgoods koncept bekräftas genom nya omfattande kundavtal: 16 mars

Pressrelease: Feelgoods tjänsteutbud efterfrågas av alla branscher inom svenskt näringsliv. Feelgood har tecknat ett omfattande och strategiskt viktigt 2-årsavtal med SKF Sverige AB. Ytterligare omfattande och betydelsefulla avtal har tecknats med Intentia, Riksgäldskontoret och Statoil.

firebox.com: Power Ball The next generation gyro exerciser:

The Power Ball is a keenly balanced rotor inside a compact sphere of polycarbonate plastic that provides powerful wrist and arm exercise as well as being great fun to use.

Co-ordination and muscular development are achieved as hand, wrist and arm muscles act to counter the gyroscopic force. It is a fine precision instrument capable of rotor speeds of over 16,000 RPM.

HealthScout: Does Soda Rot Your Teeth? It Depends…: 15 mars

If someone told you they'd found a connection between years of drinking soda and tooth decay, you'd probably think, 'Mom was right.' But the link, long thought to be true, doesn't seem to hold up in the under-25 crowd, reveals a new study of data on almost 30,000 people.

FitnessLink: All Natural Energy Boosters:

Today's fast-paced world pushes us to our limits. Are you feeling run down and tired? Want to get out of your rut and perk up? For centuries, aromatherapy, herbs, and breathing exercises have been used as tools to provide a natural energy boost.

Healthsurfing: Conflicting nutritional findings can produce backlash: 14 mars

A survey on eating habits shows that public confusion about conflicting nutritional findings--about eggs, for example--can produce a backlash effect, as people abandon common sense

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: - Kan miste legelisensen: 13 mars

Norske leger som bidrar til doping i idrettssammenheng, kan miste retten til å praktisere som lege. Det bekrefter assisterende helsedirektør Bjørn Inge Larsen overfor Dagsavisen.

The New York Times: The He Hormone: 2 april 2000

As testosterone becomes increasingly available, more is being learned about how men and women are not created equal. So let's accept it and move on.

Nutricise: Too Close for Comfort?: 16 mars

How to set personal boundaries with your personal trainer.

New Scientist: Playing fair: 10 mars

Are you breathtakingly mean or perfectly equitable? Kate Douglas investigates where your moral sense comes from, and how we can shape it.

Science News: The Good trans Fat: 3 mars

Over the past 4 years, a new and surprising dietary supplement has been edging its way onto the shelves of health-food stores. Known as CLA, it's a mixture of trans fats, compounds usually associated with raising the concentration of cholesterol in people's blood. The acronym, for conjugated linoleic acid, signifies that the fats in CLA are unusual forms of the essential nutrient linoleic acid.

Science News: Fighting cancer from the cabbage patch: 3 mars

Sauerkraut a health food? Not yet. But midwestern scientists have found evidence that something in this pickled cabbage and related foods blocks the action of estrogen, a hormone that can fuel the growth of breast cancer and other reproductive-tract malignancies.

Time: World Wide Waist: 5 mars

My online diet-and-exercise program promised to whip me into shape. Did it work? Read on.

Kiplinger: Power Bars Offer More Hype Than Nutrition: Mars

Flunk These Bars: Their popularity is soaring, but are performance snacks in sync with good nutrition?

Science News: Stress-prone? Altering the diet may help: 10 mars

Some people undertake seemingly impossible tasks without frustration, while others become anxious or depressed. A Dutch study now finds that the latter individuals might cope with pressure better if they tailored their diet to fuel the brain with more tryptophan.

Salon: "Looking Good: Male Body Image in Modern America": 5 mars

A new book says men have become obsessed with their bodies, but does the rise of hair grafts and penis-enlargement surgery really spell the end of civilization?

Technology Review: Things That Matter: A Picture of Health: Mars

The red line plotting my weight over the last year looked like the Dow Jones average, with little bumps during the Thanksgiving and Christmas eatathons. It was a sobering image.

That system, called NetWeight, is the invention of MIT Media Lab researcher Brad Geilfuss. With it, Brad argued a fundamental thesis: the way to revolutionize medical practice is by connecting our bodies more directly to the medical system.

Salon: Faith-based skin care: 12 februari

The cosmetic industrial complex flogs creams, tonics and scrubs for the blemishes on our souls.

The Scientist: Humor: A Mind-body Connection: 2 oktober 2000

Will researchers and comedy legends demonstrate laughter's therapeutic qualities?

The Scientist: Big, Bigger, Biggest: 5 mars

Despite economic downturn, pharmaceutical firms and their suppliers expand.

New Scientist: Twelve scurvy men: 24 februari

After witnessing scurvy's dire effects, naval surgeon James Lind decided to do something about it. He proved that fresh oranges and limes could prevent the disorder--a finding which eventually persuaded the Navy to provide all its ships with citrus fruit. It also led, of course, to the nickname "Limey".

AskMen.com: Eat Healthy, Without Spending Time Cooking: 15 februari

Hectic lifestyles, long hours and the growth of two-income families have changed the way people eat. No longer do we sit down for traditional meals; rather, meals have become those foods that we grab when we are hungry. Eating on the run is now America's favorite pastime.

AAFP: Ergogenic Aids: Powders, Pills and Potions to Enhance Performance: 1 mars

In this issue of American Family Physician, Ahrendt2 raises the particularly important issue of ergogenic supplements used to enhance athletic performance. The mnemonic SOLE (safety, outcomes, legal, ethical), derived from the model proposed by Williams,3 can help physicians effectively counsel patients about the safe and appropriate use of ergogenic supplements.

AAFP: Ergogenic Aids: Counseling the Athlete: 1 mars

Numerous ergogenic aids that claim to enhance sports performance are used by amateur and professional athletes. Approximately 50 percent of the general population have reported taking some form of dietary supplements, while 76 to 100 percent of athletes in some sports are reported to use them.

Time: Racing Demons: 12 mars

Use of performance-enhancing drugs may grab sporting headlines, but the real tragedy is what happens later.

Time: Pumping Iron Jr.: 5 mars

Weight training won't stunt a child's growth, but the lifts have to be chosen with care. Here's how.

US News: Not built for the ages: 19 februari

The human body is like an overgrown windup toy. It starts out with great exuberance but inevitably peters out. Recently scientists have speculated that the body's muscles, nerves, and plumbing might be engineered to keep chugging much longer–150 years or more. But at least one expert on aging disagrees. The basic anatomy, he argues, just isn't designed for longevity.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Paolo: Han kan dra åt helvete: 15 mars

Armand Krajnc drar sig ur titelmatchen mot Paolo Roberto Drömmatchen stannar vid en dröm. Armand Krajnc ställer in titelfajten mot Paolo Roberto. - Ett stort jäkla förräderi, säger Roberto.

LA Times: Pigsty Politics Dirties Davis More Than Actor: 13 mars

Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor! Well, why not? I hadn't thought of putting in a plug for the actor's political career until Gov. Gray Davis' top political operative, Garry South, conducted one of the meanest political smear jobs in recent memory.

CNN: Expert: Web gadgets threaten your privacy: 8 mars

Popular electronic gadgets with links to the Internet pose a mounting threat to consumer privacy, Richard Smith, a leading computer privacy expert.

Such everyday "spy" devices include fitness monitors that track heart rates and pump out exercise-related advertising, and other monitoring devices.

Canoe.ca: Racking up a world record: 15 mars

They cost her $30,000. But Crystal Storm says her massive mammaries are worth every penny. The 5-foot-4 stripper, titillating crowds at Teaser's Burlesque Cabaret in suburban St. Boniface this week, is billed as the owner of the world's largest chest.

"Almost a third of my body weight is right up high," the 140-pound Hollywood resident said. "I didn't try to be the biggest, it just kind of happened that way."

CNN: Health advocates back Coke's new school policy: 15 mars

Public health advocates welcomed Coca-Cola’s plans to provide a healthier array of drinks at vending machines on school campuses.

Sky News: It's only a sprain, isn't it?: 16 mars

When you are exercising this year, beware of one of the most common yet inadequately treated injuries, a sprained ankle. writes Sky News Online's Sports doctor, James Brown.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Hälsoinformation på nätet skapar problem för sjukvården: 15 mars

Upp emot en miljon svenskar har någon gång sökt hälsoinformation på Internet. Verksamheten, med namn som telemedicin och e-hälsa, ökar explosionsartat. För den etablerade sjukvården finns möjligheter till rationellare arbetssätt men också problem med patienter som kanske själva både ställer diagnos och ordinerar sig medicin med hjälp av nätet.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Dopingtest av svenska NHL-proffs blir problem: 14 mars

I somras väckte det viss uppmärksamhet då några svenska NHL-proffs som tränade i Globen vägrade att lämna urinprov vid en oanmäld testning.

[Till toppen av sidan]

Dagens B&K-länkare

Jouko Ahola

Fredag 16 mars

About Sports Medicine: Supplements and Sports: The Good, The Bad, and the Unbelievable:

Many athletes, faced with pressure to perform, turn to the latest 'magic bullet' in hopes that it will give them an edge in training and competition. This article separates fact from fantasy.

Ananova: Coroner accuses 'body-obsessed' magazines after girl dies: 14 mars

A coroner has accused teenage magazines of contributing to a 17-year-old girl's eating disorder which led to her death.

Health World Online: Tai Chi: Ancient Art Serves as Modern Stress-Reliever:

Across the Duke University campus, people have found new ways to break the routine and find some inner focus, if only for a fleeting half hour. Perkins Library assistant David Sims practices Tai Chi on the academic quadrangle every day during his lunch break.

just-food.com: Calorie-Counters: A Healthy Diet for Food Manufacturers: 14 mars

Many people pledge to get fit and lose weight as part of their New Year's resolution. The start of the year sees memberships of gyms and slimming clubs soar, as well as sales of meal replacement diets and low-fat and low-calorie foods. Manufacturers have spotted the demand for diet foods and are keen to keep the slimmers on track.

BBC News: IOC, IAAF blamed for Hunter test: 13 mars

A sports nutritionist accuses athletics chiefs over disgraced world shot put champion CJ Hunter's positive test for nandrolone.

Ananova: Law could dictate minimum weight for models: 10 mars

Norway could introduce a law requiring models to weigh a minimum amount.

Ananova: Chinese students may be forced to sleep nine hours a day: 8 mars

China are considering bringing in a law to force teenagers to sleep nine hours a night.

About Exercise: The Truth About the Fat Burning Zone:

The idea is that there are two 'zones' within your target heart rate. If you stay above 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR), you're in the 'cardio' zone and if you stay below 70% you're in the magical 'fat burning' zone.

But, does the fat burning zone really exist? Is it the most effective way to help you lose weight? In this week's article, you'll find out the truth about the fat burning zone.

About Physical Therapy: Spring Into Fitness & Stretch Your Hamstrings:

Muscles that are very tight may not work optimally in the body. Spring into action and learn various hamstring stretching methods.

Schwinn: For Recreational Weightlifters, Single Sets Will Do the Job:

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently published a study in its official monthly journal, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, that may give time-conscious recreational weightlifters just the boost they need to stay with their exercise program.

Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA):

How to Buy Exercise Equipment for the Home:
This guide, based on information from companies that make exercise equipment, is intended to help consumers make buying decisions that are beneficial and satisfying.

The US Athletic Footwear Market Today 1998 Edition:
The U.S. athletic footwear market grew modestly in 1997 to $14.731 billion. The gain came because consumers were willing to spend more for each pair of shoes they purchased. The number of pairs purchased rose by only 1% over 1996.

A Nation Of Weight Lifters?: 16 juni 1999
Exercising with free weights is the most popular fitness activity in America. It is also the fifth most popular among 101 sports, fitness and outdoor activities measured in an expanded national study that has been tracking U.S. participation since 1987.

Exercise Equipment Sales Rose 6% in 1998: 25 juni 1999
Manufacturers' sales of exercise equipment for home and institutional use increased 6% in 1998 to $3.370 billion, according to estimates announced today by the Fitness Products Council.

Fitness Market Continues to Grow: 30 mars 2000
The "Fitness Revolution" marks a significant change in the American mind set regarding the role of exercise in support of a healthier lifestyle. According to American Sport Data Inc.’s Superstudy of sports participation, 21% of the U.S. population over the age of six participated regularly in some form of physical fitness activity in 1998.

Parents Getting More Involved in Kid's Fitness Programs?: 10 april 2000
The intriguing possibility that parents are placing greater emphasis on encouraging their children to become involved in sports or fitness activities was raised by a new national survey exploring the attitudes of young adults toward physical education programs.

On Second Thought, Gym Class Was Fun: 10 april 2000
"I hate gym class!" This familiar cry from high school students has echoed through the decades, but after a few years to reflect on their experiences, young adults may have modified their points of view.

The Shifting Fashions in Exercise: 15 november 2000
There have been substantial shifts in the past decade in what people actually do for exercise. Here are a few trends from the SGMA 2000 report, Tracking the Fitness Movement, from the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA), based on national research conducted annually since 1987 by American Sports Data, Inc.

Tracking the Fitness Movement:
The underlying theme of these two reports seems unmistakable: The fitness movement has broadened tremendously in the past ten years and in all likelihood will continue to do so for years to come.

Looking across the age spectrum, we see not only that baby boomers, who invented the fitness movement, are continuing to exercise as they approach or pass the age of 50, but that even more of them may be working out than ever.

SGMA sports participation trends report:
This four-page booklet is a historical statistical summary of overall participation by the US population in 102 sports/fitness/outdoor activities. It is based on American Sports Data's Superstudy® of Sports Participation. 2000 Edition

Understanding the Home Fitness Equipment Consumer: Februari 1998
For example, the study discredits the stereotype that most home exercise equipment soon gathers dust. Instead, it found that about half U.S. households own some kind of fitness equipment – and the equipment is in regular use in two-thirds of those households. Some 50 million American adults exercise on home equipment at least once a week, and the overwhelming majority are achieving the results they desire.

SGMA recreation market report 200 edition:
This brief report on the overall size of the sports/recreation industries and its product components was compiled to provide data not elsewhere available in one publication.

Gaining Ground - A Progress Report on Women in Sports - 1998:
The main purpose of this report is to help shed light on what’s actually occurring with females and sports at the amateur and grass-roots levels, far from media coverage.

Sports Apparel Monitor 1999 Edition:
While the apparel industry as a whole achieved moderate growth of 4.2% in 1997, active sports apparel turned in a stellar performance, growing 13%. Clearly, sports apparel is one of the most exciting segments of both the apparel and the sporting goods industries.

Sports Participation Trends Report 1997:
This report provides estimates of the number of Americans who participated in 65 different sports and activities from 1987-1997. The information has been extracted from American Sports Analysis the definitive study of U.S. participation - an annual study conducted by American Sports Data, Inc. of Hartsdale, NY. This research is based on a nationwide survey of 15,000 households conducted in January of each year.

Outlook Remains Sunny for the Fitness Movement: 9 mars
Like Ol’ Man River, the fitness equipment industry seems to just keep rolling along. Sales gains at the end of the 1990s were not in the same league with the robust figures posted earlier in the decade, but remained steadily in the mid-single digits.

According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA), fitness manufacturers’ sales increased 6% in 2000 and will climb about an equal amount in 2001, barring a serious economic downturn.

Knowledge at Wharton: After Reading Fast Food Nation, You May Want to Hold the Fries

Schlosser tracks the familiar burger and fries of McDonald’s or Burger King every step of the way from a cow to a consumer’s stomach, and the fast food industry from its founders, whom he admires, to the many problems he believes it causes us today.

SportBusiness.com - The web-site for the international business of sport:

Sport Business.com as part of Sport Business International welcomes you to the definitive web site for the business of sport. In the site you'll find the latest twice daily updated sport business news, sport business features and archives from the acclaimed Sport Business Magazine.


Welcome to careerexperience.com - the Internet's premier online community for the sports, recreation and leisure industries. Whether you are an industry veteran or hoping to enter the field, careerexperience.com offers Job Listings and resources that will help you advance your sports career.

IAAF: Richardson to warn of dangers of contaminated supplements: 13 mars

Council welcomed a proposal from UK Athletics for Mark Richardson to carry out a series of educational activities, warning young athletes about the dangers of contaminated food supplements, and agreed that it would reconsider the reinstatement request at a later date.

HealthSurfing: Mealtime confusion: Conflicting nutritional findings can produce backlash: 14 mars

The public seems to have a huge appetite for nutrition information. But food and eating studies regularly contradict one another, creating confusion. Experts on nutrition advise using a good degree of common sense and skepticism when weighing the latest health and fitness advice.

Sports Media Challenge: Media, Crisis, Speech and Image Strategies and Solutions:

Sports Media Challenge website provides sports personalities at all levels, including athletes, coaches, agents, and sports administrators, with crisis, media, image, and speaking strategies/solutions.

inq7.net: How accurate are the calories you burn on cardio machines?:

The high-tech cardiovascular machines of today have display panels with flashing lights and numbers that give you motivating feedback on how far you have walked, ran, hiked, climbed, etc., your heart rate and how many calories you have burned.

The Washington Post: Little Comfort: 13 mars

As the economy slows and you start pinching pennies, think twice about opting to "super size" your fast food meals: Big meals may stretch your budget, but they'll bust your diet.

WebMD: Young Adults Growing Roots on the Couch: 12 mars

Okay, so you have a new job, your career is going well, and maybe you're even a new spouse or a new parent. No time to exercise, right? Well, don't give up on getting physical activity that can benefit you physically, mentally, and emotionally, researchers advise.

WebMD: Shame on You: Self-Blame Can Literally Make You Sick: 12 mars

Your stomach is queasy. Something you said or did or even thought is making you feel sick, and you just want to hide. This reaction might be because the shame you're feeling inside is affecting you physically, researchers believe.

Hotel Online: Catering Business Targets Calorie-Conscious Customers: 10 mars

Those food-loving, fat-hating diners are the target customers of Slim Chef Cafe, a 9-month-old catering business that serves low-calorie, low-sodium meals disguised as guilty pleasures. Most dishes have between 200 and 500 calories.

The business is the brainchild of David Savell and French chef Emma Caumont.

"I wanted to be able to provide a gourmet food to our clients that was slim and calorie conscious without cutting the taste. That's the only way I cook. I may as well call it what we are," Caumont said.

The GripPage: The Home for Grip on the Web

The GripBoard:

The Place for Discussion on all aspects of Grip Strength!

Scientific American: Training the Olympic Athlete: Juni 1996

Sports science and technology are today providing elite competitors with the tiny margins needed to win in world-class competition.

Chet Day's Health & Beyond: Orthorexia Nervosa: The Health Food Eating Disorder:

I have lost two beliefs that once encouraged me, and that are still widely accepted by others who promote dietary methods of healing. One of these is an assumption that there exists a comprehensive and consistent theory of healing diseases through nutrition. The other is a faith that dietary therapy is a uniformly wholesome, side effect free intervention.

BOD POD® Body Composition System:

The BOD POD Body Composition System is the new technology leader in body composition measurement. Its accuracy, speed, safety, and ease of use have created a loyal following among academic researchers, the NFL and other professional and amateur sports teams, health clubs, and weight loss clinics.

Sociology of Sports Online: Studying the commercialization of sport: The need for critical analysis:

Since its formative years sport has had a commercial component to its operation. As early as 590 BC Greek athletes were financially rewarded for an Olympic victory. However, in no previous time period have we seen the type of growth in the commercialization of sport, that we have seen in the last two decades.

Sociology of Sports Online: "Lean, mean" and feeling "powerful": Premature osteoporosis among young female athletes: Experiences and feminist sociological analyses:

This paper focuses on issues of being in control and being out of control of one's behaviour raised through research which gathered accounts of the experience of overtraining amongst young sportswomen.

The initial purpose was to understand the processes involved in overtraining in order to educate others: young sportswomen, parents, teachers, coaches, doctors and sporting officials.

HealthSurfing: Mealtime Confusion: Conflicting nutritional findings can produce backlash: 14 mars

The public seems to have a huge appetite for nutrition information. But food and eating studies regularly contradict one another, creating confusion. Experts on nutrition advise using a good degree of common sense and skepticism when weighing the latest health and fitness advice.

Sports Law Centre at Anglia Polytechnic University:

We are a University designated research centre, and the only one in Britain at the forefront of this highly dynamic and rapidly expanding area of legal enquiry.

The North American Society for Sport History:

The purpose of The North American Society for Sport History is to promote, stimulate, and encourage study and research and writing of the history of sport; to support and cooperate with local, national, and international organizations having the same purposes. The Society conducts its activities solely for scholarly and literary purposes and not for pecuniary profit.

Legal Information Institue: Sports Law: An Overview:

Sports Law encompasses a multitude areas of law brought together in unique ways. Issues such as antitrust, contracts, and torts are quite common.

Centre for Research into Sport & Society: No Pain, No Game: Injuries in Professional Football:

There is a growing recognition of the dangers associated with sports such as football, especially at the professional level. The sociologist Kevin Young, for example, has argued that: "by any measure, professional sport is a violent and hazardous workplace, replete with its own unique forms of 'industrial disease'.

No other single milieu, including the risky and labor-intensive settings of miners, oil-drillers or construction site workers, can compare with the routine injuries of team sports such as football, ice-hockey, soccer, rugby and the like".

American Statistical Association: Statistics in Sports

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: Promoting Better Health for Young People Through Physical Activity and Sports:

A Report to the President of the United States from the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Education.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Arnold kan satsa på politisk karriär: 14 mars

Republikanerna i Kalifornien behöver en hjälte för att bryta partiets kräftgång. Nu försöker de övertala skådespelaren Arnold Schwarzenegger att ställa upp i guvernörsvalet nästa år.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Thailändsk kyckling kan säljas som ”svensk”: 14 mars

Thailändsk kyckling kan säljas som svensk. Det räcker med att utländskt kycklingkött packas om i Sverige för att få svensk stämpel. Ett och ett halvt ton salmonellasmittad thailändsk kyckling upptäcktes i Malmö i torsdags.

Chet Day's Health & Beyond: Soft Drinks, Hard Facts:

Research suggests kids who drink a lot of soft drinks risk becoming fat, weak-boned, cavity-prone and caffeine-addicted.

Food and Nutrition Information Center:

Food and Nutrition Information; healthy diets, consumer nutrition headquarters, food pyramid.

The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine:

A world leader in sports medicine education, research, communication and fellowship


The Dr. Gabe Mirkin Show and DrMirkin.com bring you the latest breakthroughs in health, fitness and nutrition.

Health, Fitness, and Sports Search Engine Areufit.com

Scholary Sports Sites - A Subject Directory:

This subject directory brings together the websites which will assist the serious sports researcher, kinesiology librarian, sport information specialist, college/university student and faculty.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Jouko Ahola

Torsdag 15 mars

Australian Institute of Sport - Nutrition

Australian Institute of Sport: AIS Sports Supplement Program 2001:

We recognise that supplements can play a small but substantial role in allowing our athletes to achieve their peak performance. However, we also recognise that poor regulation of the supplement industry allows our athletes to be bombarded with marketing hype that completely exaggerates or invents unproven benefits arising from the use of supplements.

Australian Institute of Sport - Nutrition: Supplements in Sport - Why are they so tempting?

The sports world is filled with pills, potions, powders, bars and drinks that promise to give the athlete a winning edge. The claims are emotive – better recovery, improved endurance, increased strength, loss of body fat, an enhanced immune system.

If you are striving to be at the top, how can you afford to miss out on these miracles? And can you afford for your competitors to have these advantages if you don't? These are some of the feelings that make athletes an easy target for supplements and special sports foods.

Australian Institute of Sport - Nutrition: Nutritional ergogenic aids - what's wrong with trying everything?:

Sports scientists are impressed only by the results of scientific studies conducted under a special code of rules, and published only after a review process by other scientists. This process costs time and money. Unfortunately, most supplement companies don't invest in this research - after all, they can successfully sell their products to a public who don't appear to demand real proof of their claims.

Sports Science: CompEat!:

Pre-Event Meals: High or Low Glycemic Index Foods?: Apr-Maj 1998
What you eat during an endurance event overrides what you eat before it.

Carbohydrate intake targets for athletes: grams or percents?: Jul-Aug 1998
How to fine tune dietary energy requirements.

Carbohydrate depletion: is it for you?: Jan-Feb 1998
Popular in the 70s, depleting before a major event just might work.

Swimmers: body fat mystery!: Nov-Dec 1997
Do energy discrepancies really exist in swimming?

Carbohydrates? It isn't that simple!: Sept-Okt 1997
The glycemic index and what it means for the athlete planning nutritional strategies for optimal training and racing.

IV or not IV?: Maj-Juni 1997
Should you queue at the medical tent for a quick intravenous fix after your next long race?

Nutrition News from the Netherlands: Mar-April 1997
An information-packed one-day sports nutrition meeting in Maastricht, plus an interesting doctoral defense. 

Should athletes nibble or gorge?: Jan-Feb 1997
In her first sport nutrition column, Louise Burke reviews the recent Paris conference on Periodicity of Eating. 

Sports Science: Researching worthwhile performance enhanements: Mars 1999

For an athlete at the top of the field, a performance enhancement makes a difference to the chance of winning when it is about half the athlete's typical between-event variation in performance.

Measuring enhancements of this magnitude with adequate precision requires much bigger sample sizes than researchers normally use. To avoid confusion over interpretation of their findings, researchers should therefore publish and explain the precision of their estimates of performance enhancement.

Australian Institute of Sport - Nutrition: Clinical Sports Nutrition Chapter 17: Dietary supplements and nutritional ergogenic aids in sport - 99 pages in .pdf format

Australian Institute of Sport - Nutrition: Peak Performance: training and nutritional strategies for sport Chapter 11: Changing body size and shape:

Elite athletes typically show the characteristics that are suited to performance in their sport. This is a result of inherited features that first directed the athlete to an activity that they could do well in, as well as changes achieved through the conditioning effect of training.

Some athletes naturally arrive at a physique that is ideal for top performance. Others may need to work on the features that can be moulded—body fatness and muscle mass.

Australian Institute of Sport - Nutrition: Peak Performance: training and nutritional strategies for sport Chapter 14: Eating for recovery:

Unfortunately, the post-exercise workings of the immune system, protein metabolism, anti-oxidant defence and many other issues relating to recovery remain unclear. This chapter will outline the guidelines that can be made with a good degree of certainty, and include a safety margin for ideas that are intuitively sensible. Future research will help to fill in the gaps.

Bodybuilding.com: Interviews:

  • King Kamali - New IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Destined For Greatness!
  • Shawn Ray - One of the most popular bodybuilders of all time!
  • Garrett Downing - A Class Act in a World of Iron & Sweat

NIKE history page:

Welcome to my NIKE History page. In this page i have the complete history of the NIKE company.

Kodak Tips on Sports Photography:

Some of the most memorable photographs in the world capture the drama of sports action. Can you do the same at a school athletics meet? It's easier than you think.

International Journal of Drug Testing

People News: Bjorn Borg urges Swedes to up their sex drive: 14 mars

Bjorn Borg has been using his promotional skills in a bid to get the Swedes to have more sex, PeopleNews can reveal. In an advert for Dagens Industri, Sweden's biggest business daily, the legendary tennis player urges his countrymen and women to ‘Get to it! ... f*** for the future.’

Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA): U.S. Sporting Goods Exports Reverse Course: 13 mars

According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA), the dollar value growth rate of U.S. exports of sporting goods increased by 4.7% in 2000, reversing a three year (1996-1999) period of decline.

Kevin Levrone: Olympia training begins: 11 mars

When Kevin Levrone walked through the doors of his World Gym Center in Severna Park, Maryland, his employees thought he must have some business to attend to.

So, instead of retreating into his office to make some business calls, Kevin headed straight for the squat rack and proceeded to load the bar up with enough 45 lb. plates to sink a small cruise ship.

Technology Review: The Human Body Shop: April 2001

What if getting a replacement for a failing heart or liver were as easy as buying a new muffler? Recent advances in a field known as tissue engineering could make it happen.

InteliHealth: Aspirin — The Wonder Pill: 16 augusti 1999

It's not just for headaches anymore. Find out more about this common pill.

Terminator1.com: The Terminator is Back!:

Coming soon to a special edition DVD in 2001 (Scandinavia February)! Until then: send e-cards, watch the theathrical trailer, download wallpaper and much more.

American Body Building: 2001 Mr. Olympia Potential Competitors: 11 mars

These are the bodybuilder who have qualified so far for the 2001 Mr. Olympia.

American Body Building: 2001 European Pro Results: 11 mars

Complete results from the Budapest, Hungary Pro Bodybuilding Show

HealthScout: Sorry, Charlie: There's Something Fishy About Tuna Burgers: 13 mars

Eat a tuna burger for lunch, and you just might end up sleeping with the fishes. That's the conclusion of a new study that cites this popular seafood fare as a major source of histamine poisoning -- a potentially deadly food-related illness that causes serious allergic-type symptoms in folks who don't have a seafood allergy.

NewsRounds: Dietary Fat And Insulin Resistance Relationship May Vary: 13 mars

The relationship between dietary fat and insulin resistance may vary depending on the type of fat patients consume. Consuming saturated and mono-unsaturated fats appears to be associated with insulin resistance, but trans fatty acids apparently are not, researchers have found.

HealthWatch: Patients Want More Information on Drugs: 12 mars

People want to be armed with as much information as possible when it comes to the potential side effects of medications, according to a new study.

InteliHealth: Nutritional Lessons From Hospital Food: 17 augusti 2000

Hospital food is supposed to be good for you. But can it ever be "good"? Does nutritionally sound food have to taste bad? Not if you follow the advice of a hospital that has people clamoring for its recipes.

[Till toppen av sidan]


Dagens B&K-länkare

Jouko Ahola

Onsdag 14 mars

Foto: APSvensk artikel Aftonbladet: Snyggingar eller monster?: 13 mars

"Muskler istället för hjärna? Nix. Det Dennis James och hans kompisar inte kan om människokroppen är inte värt att kunna. - Vilken idrottare som helst skulle ha nytta av vad de vet, säger bodybuildingexperten Annika Warg."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Professorer på företagens lönelistor: 13 februari

Under 1990-talet har antalet professurer som betalas av läkemedelsbolag ökat kraftigt, medan de statliga anslagen sjunkit. I dag betalas ett 70-tal adjungerade professurer inom det medicinska området i Sverige av företag och intresseorganisationer. Ibland kräver företagen också motprestationer.

Yahoo! News: Eating Whole Grains May Protect Against Disease: 13 mars

Eating whole grain bread may promote longevity and protect against certain diseases, study findings suggest.

azcentral: Aerobic exercise eases depression, study finds: 13 mars

Aerobic exercise may be just as effective as medication at relieving depression and prove easier to stick with, a recent study suggests.

The findings add to growing evidence that exercise can significantly improve mental health at modest or no cost.

The New York Times: Olympics May Risk Losing Some Big Professional Athletes: 11 mars

If the United States Olympic Committee were looking to run the hard-core hockey and basketball professionals out of the Olympic movement, one way to do it would be to insist on including the millionaires in year-round, unannounced drug testing.

St Petersburg Times: Central outmuscles Hernando: 8 mars

Mark Griffith had done the math.

Weightlifting, after all, is a fairly predictable sport. If you know what you're capable of and what your opponents can do, you have a good sense of what to expect.

So Central's coach wasn't too surprised to see his team win its second consecutive county championship Wednesday afternoon at Hernando, but he was, nonetheless, pleased.

St Petersburg Times: Messier stands tall over the competition: 7 mars

Pirate weightlifter Nathan Messier rises above his foes, literally and figuratively.

Yahoo! News: Corrects name from Tero to Tureaud: 12 mars

The muscled and heavily accessorized actor who helped lead television's "The A-Team" has lately popped up in TV ads for 1-800-COLLECT, Lipton foods and Nick at Nite.

LA Times: Having Pig Heart Valves Doesn't Make You a Swine: 12 mars

My surgeon was none other than Dr. Vaughn A. Starnes, the same surgeon who operated on Arnold. Having a pig valve for 22 years did not make me "swinish" or "piggish." It actually gave me extra life. I am upset that people think it is funny to laugh at stuff like that. Why his friends felt they needed to defend him is confusing me.

news.com.au: Players to face more tests: 14 mars

The NRL will increase surprise tests on players, even though they already face more tests for more drugs than any other athletes.

The Inquirer: League finds itself facing off with Olympics on drug testing: 11 mars

It began last summer in Stockholm. Swedish doping officials showed up unannounced at a hockey workout that included about a dozen NHL players and asked for urine samples for the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City.

The players refused and complained to Bob Goodenow, the executive director of the NHL players association.

Excite News: Popular diet drug heightens concern among Southern Illinois U. students: 9 mars

An unregulated diet supplement that promises increased energy and weight loss -- and which is now popular among the college crowd -- may instead deliver seizures, strokes or even death, say Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and national health officials.

The Jerusalem Post: IDF installs treadmills for front-line troops: 12 mars

IDF troops in the Gaza Strip have become so out of shape that the IDF has decided to install treadmills in the outposts so they don't have to do physical fitness training exposed to Palestinian gunfire.

Anchorage Daily News: Lowden, Atwood take state titles: 13 mars

Matt Louden of Juneau and Karla Atwood of Wasilla captured the overall individual titles Saturday in the Natural Physique Committee Alaska Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Championships at West High.

starbulletin.com: Slaying victim’s kin hope trial will bring closure: 12 mars

Sick and tired of being pushed around, Eric started lifting weights. "For him it was full time. He was good at it," Kamanu said -- so much so that he placed runner-up in the 1986 Mr. Hawaiian Islands bodybuilding competition.

Not considered big in stature -- Eric was about 5 feet 8 inches tall-- but he was a giant of a man, Kamanu said. "Guys liked being around Eric. He was soft-hearted."

The Oregonian: Arnold Schwarzenegger brings fame, fortune to sculptor's life: 11 mars

An Idaho man has many hobbies and projects but has become a celebrity by sculpting body builders.

The News Journal: Scale may not be best gauge of health, fitness gains: 12 mars

In fact, Carter says Danyo's experience is like that of many people. When they start an exercise program, muscle mass will increase and mask weight loss. It's because muscle weighs more than body fat. At this stage, scales are not reliable measures of what's being achieved and it's easy to feel discouraged.

Business Day: Virgin might close some of its newly acquired fitness clubs: 14 mars

VIRGIN Active SA, the health and fitness group owned by British entrepreneur Richard Branson that recently bought out the cash-strapped Health & Racquet Club chain, conceded on Monday it might be forced to close some of the clubs in the next few weeks.

sunspot.net: 'Boot camp' drills fitness into seniors: 13 mars

Shape-up: Seven Columbia-area seniors hoping to improve their physical fitness have opted for the hard-line approach to exercise class.

USA Today: Schwarzenegger terminates retardation myths: 13 mars

Arnold Schwarzenegger, best known as The Terminator, is back again. But instead of battling a liquid metal cyborg, the action star now faces a far more destructive foe — ignorance. Schwarzenegger's latest mission is to help the flesh-and-blood heroes of the Special Olympics go for the gold by conquering the unfair stigma of mental retardation (MR).

Nando Times: As spring break arrives, debate about safety of tanning continues: 12 mars

With spring break arriving and swimsuit season close behind, tanning salons seem to offer an easy cure for pale, white winter skin. But before plunking down the $5 to $10 typically charged for each session, it's worth noting that the debate over tanning beds' safety is perhaps more heated than it's ever been.

Yahoo! News: Scientists Get Proof of Natural Anti-Cancer System: 13 mars

Researchers said on Monday they have confirmed the existence of a natural system used by the body to defend against the cancer-causing effects of toxic chemicals in food and the environment.

MSNBC: American kids heavier than ever: 12 mars

American children and teen-agers are heavier than ever and still gaining weight, according to a troubling report released Monday by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Svensk artikel DN: Extrafibrer i knäcke dyrt val: 13 mars

Butikshyllorna fylls alltmer av "functional foods", funktionella livsmedel eller mervärdesmat. De är förstärkta med nyttiga bakterier, vitaminer, fibrer eller mineraler för att bli hälsosammare än annat vi äter. Men definitionen väcker många frågor.

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: Miljöbrott att använda GBL?: 13 mars

En åklagare försöker nu stoppa uppföljaren till drogen GHB med miljöbalkens regler om kemiska produkter. Men polisen i Borås är skeptisk: – Jag tvivlar på att det är rätt väg, säger narkotikaenhetens chef Göran Arvidsson.

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: Cykelproffset om dopning: 13 mars

Så var det dags igen, Finska skidåkare som alla tyckte var bra killar och tjejer, och som de aldrig trodde höll på med något sådant. Vem trodde de att doparen var då, ett sönderknarkat vrak som går omkring och ber folk dra åt helvete?

Svensk artikel Borås Tidning: Smittskyddsläkare varnar för importerat kycklingkött: 13 mars

Varje år blir cirka 12 000 svenskar sjuka av bakterier som ofta återfinns i importerat kycklingkött.

Svensk artikel Hälsofrämjandet: Skolöverläkarnas negativa uttalande om vegetarisk mat: 1 februari

Alla parter i skolan borde betänka detta och stödja eleverna när de gör kreativa, sunda val och inte sabotera deras hälsosträvan. Risken finns nämligen att med skolöverläkarnas och kommunpolitikernas agerande så skrämmer man föräldrarna och kommer i onödig konflikt med eleven - med risk att de inte äter eller äter mycket dåligt. Det kan bli konflikt både i skolan och hemma kring måltiderna.

Svensk artikel Hälsofrämjandet: Glukosamin: 27 februari

Hälsorörelsen vill mot bakgrund av ovan sagda peka på denna inkonsekvens och anhålla om att Socialdepartementet tar sig an denna fråga och sätter stopp för detta svek mot dem som f.n. nyttjar bl.a. naturmedlet Glukosamin och därmed förmodligen kan hålla nere läkemedelskostnaderna.

SportsPoint: Hvem er verdens stærkeste kvinde?:

Et par statistikere fra Dayton i USA har sammenlignet verdensrekortderne i styrkeløft med atleternes vægt. Ved på denne måde at sætte kg løftet i forhold til vægten fandt de frem til at Carrie Boudreau (U.S.A, 56 kg vægtklassen) var den stærkeste løfter "overall".


Femalemuscle.com works closely with the IFBB and IFBB.com to promote female and male bodybuilding around the world.

Sports Science at the Exploratorium: Sport Science Q&A:

Find the answers to common Sport Science questions.

Excite: PE Class: Physical Training Without the Torture: 6 mars

Unless you were the athletic type at school, chances are that you have less than fond memories of your physical education classes.

Zits Aren't Just for Teens -- Hormonal Acne Strikes Later: 9 mars

Who accounts for the fastest-growing section of the population affected by acne? Teenagers? Think again. It's adult women.

It Tastes Good, but What's That Cookie Doing to Your Heart?: 8 mars

Trans fatty acids, found in many of the fast, baked, and processed foods we Americans love to eat, may contribute to heart disease, according to mounting evidence that is capped off by a new European study. The risk is so great that the FDA is considering mandatory labeling of trans fatty acid content on food items.

Exercise Junkies: How Hard Should You Push Your Heart?: 8 mars

It's the mantra of any aerobics instructor or personal trainer -- know your maximal heart rate, work to 80% of that number, and check it regularly during your workout.

Svensk artikel FriskareLiv.com:

Hoppas att du här ska hitta lite inspiration till ett mer glädjefullt, rikare och FRISKARE LIV!


Medical and health care resources for patients, their families, friends, health care workers and physicians. Providing answers to all of your questions!

Svensk artikel Legitimerade Sjukgymnasters Riksförbund

PT Central - Complete Muscle Tables for the Human Body

Svensk artikel Överviktsenheten, Huddinge Universitetssjukhus

Sportsscience: Impact Factors of Journals in Sport and Exercise Science: December 2000

A journal's impact factor is the number of times the average recent article in the journal has been mentioned (cited) in other recent articles. The impact factor is therefore an objective measure of influence of journals in a discipline.

Researchers concerned about their career development should take impact factors into account before submitting an article for publication.

Sportsscience: Positive Drug Tests from Supplements: December 2000

There is a small but real risk that athletes will test positive to a banned substance as a result of ingesting supplements and sports foods. Lack of regulation of quality control and labeling of products in the supplement industry makes it impossible to identify supplements and sports foods that are risk free.

Sportsscience: Should Female Gymnasts Lift Weights?: December 2000

Gymnastics coaches and administrators in the US are reluctant to include weight training with female gymnasts because they believe it produces detrimental increases in muscle mass. However, weight training based on high-intensity low-repetition sets is likely to improve the performance of most gymnasts by increasing strength with minimal muscle hypertrophy.

FitSmart: The national health-related physical fitness knowledge test:

Studies have shown that people who understand the concepts of physical fitness are also more likely to exercise regularly. Yet no well-developed, standardized test has been available. Until now!

FitSmart is the first test to accurately measure students' knowledge of basic fitness concepts at the high school level. The FitSmart package, complete with software and manual, is based on the National Youth Physical Fitness Knowledge Test (PFKT), which is designed to help teachers determine their students' learning of physical fitness concepts.

JAMA: Why Do Some Individuals Have More Infections Than Others?: 14 mars

Are there "normal" individuals who are more susceptible to infection than other individuals? Many physicians who have seen large numbers of patients over years of continuing care report that some patients in their practice always seem to have more infections than do others. Put another way, as a practicing pediatrician with years of experience once said, "Ten percent of my patients seem to have 90% of the infections."

AAHPERD: Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance:

AAHPERD is a non-profit, educational organization whose mission is to promote and support creative and healthy lifestyles through high quality programs in health, physical education, recreation, dance and sport, and to provide members with professional development opportunities that increase knowledge, improve skills, and encourage sound professional practices.

The New York Times: California G.O.P. Courts Schwarzenegger: 11 mars (registrera dig för access)

But while some party members see Mr. Schwarzenegger, with his huge name recognition and deep pockets, as a political savior, others, mostly moderates fed up with hard-right dominance of the party, see a thorough overhaul of the party leadership as the quickest road to salvation.

The New York Times: Finland Reels as Drug Scandal Involves Beloved Athletes: 13 mars (registrera dig för access)

"Snow White has been revealed as less than pristine," The Helsingin Sanomat, Finland's biggest daily newspaper, said in an editorial. "We have become accustomed to laugh behind our hands at Chinese swimmers and Bulgarian weight lifters. Finland's skiers now find themselves in the same caste, and not without foundation."

the physician and sportsmedicine online: personal health:

Articles on exercise, nutrition, injury prevention, and rehabilitation - all written for the active individual.

  • A Traveler's Workout Guide  
  • Active Options for Stopping the Stress Spin Cycle
  • Blending Exercise Into Family Life  
  • Exercise Your Independence
  • Fitting in Fitness: Exercise Options for Busy People
  • Heart Health for a Lifetime: Sound Exercise Choices  
  • A Nutritious New Year: Resolutions From A to Z
  • Caffeine: A User's Guide
  • Carbohydrate Unloading: A Reality Check
  • A Delicate Mix: Avoiding Food-Drug Interactions
  • Antioxidant Answers
  • Better Box Lunches
  • Defense Plants: Foods That Fight Disease
  • Eating Before Competing
  • Eating for Peak Performance
  • Eating for Vitamins: Do You Need Supplements?
  • Facts About Fish: Don't Miss Its Benefits
  • Fake Sugars and Fats: Net Benefits or Real Risks?
  • Fiber Fundamentals: Up-to-Date Answers to Common Questions  
  • Food Fight: Calling a Truce With Disordered Eating  
  • Food Safety for Your Active Summer  
  • Fruits and Veggies: Are You Getting Enough of a Good Thing?
  • Fueling Workouts on a Shoestring  
  • Get to Know Grains  
  • Healthy Cooking: There's No Place Like Home  
  • How Do Eggs Pan Out?  
  • In High Spirits?: Alcohol and Your Health  
  • Jumping for Soy  
  • Minding Your Minerals  
  • Nutrition for Muscle Builders  
  • Nutrition Knowledge: Answers to the Top Ten Questions  
  • Protein Power  
  • Sense and Food Sensitivity  
  • Strategies for Energetic Aging  
  • Take Time for Good Lunch  
  • What to Do When You're Eating for Two  
Personal Fitness
  • Choosing Exercise for Better Health
  • Cross-Training: Giving Yourself a Whole-Body Workout
  • Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness  
  • Dodging Common Exercise Pitfalls
  • Exercise--the Best Prescription  
  • Exercise: Kids Go for It  
  • Exercise for Overweight Kids  
  • Exercising--or Not--When You Are Sick  
  • Exercising to Lose 10 to 20 Pounds  
  • Foot Odor: How to Clear the Air  
  • The Right Way to Do Sit-Ups  
  • Sidestepping Burners: A Preseason Strategy  
  • Staying Motivated to Exercise  
  • Strengthening the Hip Abductors  
  • Tai Chi Chuan: A Slow Dance for Health  
  • Team Up for Thigh Stretches  
  • Toning the Upper Arms  
  • Weight Training Basics Part 1: Choosing the Best Options  
  • At-Home Knee Rehabilitation: Strengthening Without Special Equipment  
  • Coping With Osgood-Schlatter Disease  
  • Exercise for Osteoarthritis
  • Exercise for Osteoporosis  
  • Exercising the Frozen Shoulder  
  • Giving Injuries the Cold Treatment  
  • Heart Attack Counterattack: Fighting Back Against Heart Disease  
  • Extend Yourself for Low-Back Pain Relief  
  • On the Mend
  • Recovering From Shoulder Pain: Tips for Swimmers  
  • Relieving Low-Back Pain With Exercise  
  • Using Mind Power for Healing  
  • Using RICE for Injury Relief  
Skin Care
  • Avoiding and Treating Blisters  
  • Skin Care for Active People  
  • Soothing Your Summer Skin Problems: From Sun Abuse to Bug Bites to Plant Plagues  
Sports Equipment and Apparel
  • Athletic Shoes: Finding a Good Match  
  • Child Carriers: Tips for Runners, Bikers, and Hikers  
  • Choosing and Using Exercise Equipment  
  • Correcting Overpronation: Help for Faulty Foot Mechanics  
  • How to Buy Athletic Shoes  
  • How to Fit a Mountain Bike  
  • Pain-Free Feet  
  • Sports Bras and Briefs: Choosing Good Athletic Support
Strengthening Exercises
  • Coping With Osgood-Schlatter Disease  
  • Keeping Tennis Elbow at Arm's Length: Simple, Effective Strengthening Exercises
  • The 'Super Six' Strengtheners for Golfers
  • Timely Tips for Tennis Types
Weight Control
  • Enlightened Talk About Weight Loss
  • Exercise for Overweight Kids
  • Exercising When You're Overweight: Getting in Shape and Shedding Pounds
  • Exercising to Lose 10 to 20 Pounds
  • Simple Steps for Increasing Activity and Losing Weight

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Allt om dina rättigheter som patient

Norsk artikel Helsenytt - for alle: Belastningslidelser på jobben kan forebygges…:

De kan ramme alle, kvinne og mann, gammel som ung; men er du en innbitt vanerøyker, et typisk A-menneske eller et menneske som har lett for å spenne musklene ved stress, tilhører du så absolutt risikogruppen, sier overlege Bo Veiersted ved Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt.

Norsk artikel Helsenytt - for alle: Vondt i ryggen? Bruk ryggen!:

- Jo mer forsiktig vi er når vi har vondt i ryggen, jo verre går det vanligvis. Det er i de fleste tilfelle helt misforstått å skåne ryggen. Den skal være i lett og ledig bevegelse, og de vonde musklene bør tøyes ut, anbefaler Aage Indahl, spesialist i fysikalsk medisin og rehabilitering ved Ryggklinikken, Østfold Sentralsykehus.

Norsk artikel Helsenytt - for alle: Anabole steroider: kroppsfiksert setter helsen på spill:

Misbruk av anabole steroider øker utenfor den organiserte idretten. Kroppsfikserte menn bruker dop for å få større muskler. Men samtidig setter de sin fysiske og psykiske helse på spill. «Bruken av dopingmidler kan gi psykiske bivirkninger.

Anabole steroider vil hos mange gi bivirkninger som aggresjon, irritabilitet, søvnforstyrrelser, angst og depresjon. Enkelte brukere blir voldelige, begår seksualforbrytelser og noen blir sinnssyke», sier professor Egil Haug - avdelingsoverlegen ved Hormonlaboratoriet, Aker sykehus i Oslo.

Norsk artikel Statens råd for ernæring og fysisk aktivitet: Utviklingen i norsk kosthold 2000: 24 januari

Det har skjedd en positiv utvikling i det norske kostholdet. Fettinnholdet i kosten er redusert fra drøyt 40 energiprosent i 1975 til 34 energiprosent i dag. Dessuten har kostens fettsyresammensetning endret seg i ønskelig retning.

Norsk artikel Den norske lægeforening: Pressemelding: Legeforeningen mot doping: 1 mars

Ellen Juul Andersen - Informasjonsavdelingen Legeforeningen ser med bekymring på at idrettsutøvere i økende grad utsetter seg for medisinske og fysiologiske manipulasjoner (doping) for å oppnå bedre idrettsprestasjoner. Legeforeningen tar avstand fra at leger misbruker sin kompetanse til slik virksomhet.

Norsk artikel Den norske lægeforening: Hvordan påvirkes helsetjenesten av Internett?: 3 augusti 2000

Pasienter nøyer seg ikke lenger med hva deres egen lege sier og mener, og kunnskap om helse og sykdom er i større grad gjort mulig for pasientene gjennom det amerikanerne kaller "den elektroniske helserevolusjon".

Norsk artikel Den norske lægeforening: Nytt senter for idrettsskadeforskning: 25 maj 2000

Med 26 millioner kroner i potten over fem år vil det nyopprettede Senter for idrettsskadeforskning øke innsatsen for å forebygge idrettsskader.

Norsk artikel Folkehelsa: Norgeshelsa ute med nye data: 5 februari

Norgeshelsa kommer nå i ny versjon med en masse nye data. Helsedatabasen og presentasjonsprogrammet Norgeshelsa kan du bruke til å lage flotte linjediagrammer, kart, histogrammer og andre grafiske fremstillinger som viser forskjeller og utvikling i helsetilstand i Norge fra 1970 fram til i dag.

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: Spis deg frisk: 5 mars

Pasienter som spiser rikelig og sunn mat etter en operasjon blir dobbelt så fort friske. Dette har kostholdsekspert Randi J. Tangvik påvist i en ny forskningsrapport.

Norsk artikel Vårt Land: Skadelig – men sunt: 9 november 2000

Hver sjette person som havner på legevakt eller sykehus i Norge, kommer med en idrettsskade. Men idrett er fortsatt sunt, sier forskerne.

Norsk artikel Vårt Land: – Kven er idola no?: 2 mars

Tidlegare langrennsløpar Ragnhild Bratberg er fortvilt etter dei finske dopingavsløringane. Over det grove tillitsbrotet. Over løgna frå idrettsidol.

Norsk artikel Vårt Land: Vurderer å legge opp etter dopingsjokket: 1 mars

Den finske dopingskandalen på hjemmebane i ski-VM har fått vår egen toppløper Kristen Skjeldal til å gå i tenkeboksen. – Når sesongen er over, vil jeg vurdere om det tjener til noe å fortsette som toppidrettsutøver, sier Skjeldal.

Norsk artikel Vårt Land: Idrettslege mottar ofte doping-ønsker: 27 februari

Idrettslege Sverre Mæhlum mottar hvert år nærmere ti anonyme telefoner med spørsmål om å skaffe doping-medikamenter. – Jeg ser ikke bort fra at penger kan bety mye for både utøver og lege når det gjelder fristelsen til å jukse, sier Mæhlum.

Norsk artikel Vårt Land: Spiseforstyrrelser halvert blant skijentene: 8 mars

Forekomsten av spiseforstyrrelser blant norske skijenter er halvert de siste ti årene. Ved hjelp av forebyggende arbeid er problemet så godt som utradert på seniornivå.

Norsk artikel Vårt Land: Når jukserne avslører jegerne: 9 mars

Dopingpolitiet har avslørt mange juksere den siste tiden. Men på ett område er det jukserne som har avslørt jegerne. Har noen andre enn utøverne oppdaget det?

Norsk artikel NRK: Bøllekurset: Urimelige treningssenter-avtaler: 16 november 2000

Sånn rett etter juletid sniker den dårlige samvittigheten seg ned spiserøret; og du lurer på om det kanskje er på tide å begynne det nye året med litt fysisk aktivitet... Og da står treningssentrene der; klare til å losje deg inn i varme lokaler, trygge omgivelser – og ikke minst dyre og bindende medlemsavtaler.

BBC News: Child's toy inspires drug device: 8 mars

A children's bath toy was the inspiration for a new device that could revolutionise the way drugs are delivered to the body. Scientists are developing an implant that uses spongy artificial muscles to release drugs in amounts that match exactly the body's needs.

Norsk artikel Nettavisen: Nettleger driver uten konsesjon: 8 mars

Nettportalene DoktorOnline Helsenett, Lommelegen og BarniMagen driver i strid med personopplysningsloven. De har ikke konsesjon til å behandle helseopplysninger på internett.

Norsk artikel Dagens Medicin: Vil kjøpe medisin i butikken: 8 mars

Halvparten av oss ønsker å handle medisiner i butikken på hjørnet og mener at flere legemidler bør være reseptfrie.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Doktoravhandling - Trenere hemmer de aktive: 4 oktober 2000

Aktive behandles som brikker. Meningsløse metoder. Trenere misbruker sine stillinger. Autoritære kommandanter. Leter etter syndebukker. Driver rollespill.

Norsk artikel Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening: Fysisk aktivitet hos barn og unge i relasjon til vekst og utvikling: 10 oktober 2000

Fysisk aktivitet antas å ha innvirkning på fysisk yteevne og helse hos barn og unge, både under vekstperioden og senere. Hensikten med denne artikkelen er å gi en oversikt over nåværende kunnskap på dette området.

Norsk artikel Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening: Nytt senter for idrettsskadeforskning: 10 juni 2000

Med 26 millioner kroner i potten over fem år vil det nyopprettede Senter for idrettsskadeforskning øke innsatsen for å forebygge idrettsskader. Målet er å kartlegge skader, finne ut hvorfor skader skjer og prøve ut tiltak i praksis. Senteret er tenkt som et knutepunkt i utviklingen av et nasjonalt nettverk for forskning på forebygging av idrettsskader.

Norsk artikel Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening: Fysisk aktivitet, overvekt og fedme: 30 november 2000

For de fleste som ønsker å redusere kroppsvekten, anbefales en kombinasjon av regelmessig fysisk aktivitet og restriksjoner i energiintaket, spesielt hva angår kostens fettinnhold. Etter hvert som den fysiske formen bedres og energiforbruket øker fordi man er mer fysisk aktiv, kan man lempe på restriksjonene i matinntak. Det er i tillegg til artikkelen gitt praktiske råd for bruk av fysisk aktivitet i behandling av overvekt og fedme.

Norsk artikel Den norske lægeforening: Menneskers reaksjoner på ekstreme belastninger

I dette nummer av Tidsskriftet publiseres tre artikler som beskriver medisinske erfaringer under langvarige ekstreme anstrengelser, nemlig den norske Mount Everest-ekspedisjonen av 1996 (2), tre norske legers kryssing av Grønlands innlandsis (3) ogen beskrivelse av medisinske problemeri forbindelse med en fire dagers turmarsj i Nijmegen (4).

Pyle: Definition of Terms:

A side note, you can't force someone else or the public in general, to learn about what interests you. What you can do is provide a wealth of information, available in a digestable format, for the time when people are interested. The old "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink", and who is best qualified to put this resource together? A community.

just-drinks.com: Bottled Water - a global survey: 12 mars

The ongoing concern over the quality of tap water and the search for healthier lifestyles has helped underpin growth in the bottled water market between 1995 and 1999. The demand for bottled water became year-round rather than seasonal, and prices were driven down by the growth of private label and budget-price brands.

Excite: Physical Therapists Give Homework: 11 mars

It doesn't take expensive physical therapy equipment to help injured athletes recover - the job can be done with stuff found around the home, trainers and therapists say.

Norsk artikel NIF: Gendoping - den nye utfordringen:

Professor Gunnar Breivik (NIH) utfordrer trenere og ledere i idretten til å engasjere seg i debatten om gendoping.

Norsk artikel Quod Erat: Dopingkontroll som analytisk-kjemisk problem:

Etter hvert som dopingavsløringer innen toppidrett blir en stadig mer fremtredende del av nyhetsbildet, kan en spørre seg hvorvidt myten om det olympiske ideal der atleten besitter "en sunn sjel i et sunt legeme" ikke er annet enn nettopp det; en myte.

The Wall Street Journal: Daughters Selling Ali-Frazier: 22 februari

One was only 9 and the other wasn't born when their fathers fought 30 years ago. Now, the daughters of Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali are working to parlay their fathers' legacies into a good payday.

Norsk artikel Yahoo! Nyheter: Dop i hytt - dop i pine: 31 oktober 2000

Doping har felt mang en utøver. Nå faller toppene. Dopingdebatten preges av bastante fronter, uklar rettssikkerhet - og kanskje en smule rikmannstenkning? Bortsett fra bred enighet om at doping er et onde som skal bekjempes, er frontene i dopingdebatten steile. Dermed svekkes muligheten til å finne optimale strategier.

Food Ingredients Online: Calcium's Role: 7 mars

Calcium fortification has become one of the most sought- after benefits that consumers look for when reading and comparing nutritional labeling. Some of this awareness is payback for public health strategies developed by national health and nutrition organizations to address the "calcium crisis" and to raise calcium to the status of "supernutrient."

Svensk artikel NetDoktor: Snabbmat - hur onyttigt är det?:

En smörgås med kycklingröra innehåller dubbelt så mycket fett som vissa hamburgare.

Sunday Times: Follow you nose: 11 mars

It's the most underrated of senses, but smell can affect your love life, career and may be the key to weight loss, says Karen Wheeler.

Norsk artikel NRK: Steroid-bruk gir flere selvmord: 13 mars

Stadig flere unge menn tar sitt eget liv eller får alvorlig psykisk sykdom etter å ha brukt anabole steroider.

Norsk artikel NRK: Lovforslag om dopingforbud: 8 mars

Justisdepartementet arbeider med et lovforslag som skal gjøre bruk av doping ulovlig.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Vegetarisk färs kan smaka som kött: 13 mars

Köttskandalerna i Europa har gjort att försäljningen av "konstköttet" quorn har tagit fart. Sydsvenskan testade quorn på en liten testpanel. Wokat quorn ställdes mot tre andra wok: med kycklingfilé, med fläskfilé och med ostronskivling. Gott, tyckte panelen. Det går inte upp emot kött, men det är ett alternativ för den som inte vill äta kött eller vill äta nyttigt.

How Stuff Works: How Mad Cow Disease Works:

Mad cow disease has been in the news a lot lately, and it is unnerving to think that something you eat could affect your brain. See how it works.

Norsk artikel Oppland Arbeiderblad: Forbud mot høydehus som forbud mot fotballhaller: 9 mars

Uten denne mannen hadde det kanskje ikke vært noen høydehus i bruk. Og heller ingen debatt om dem. Men Rolf Sæterdal, Olympiatoppens høydetreningsekspert, mener å diskutere lovligheten av høydehus blir som å diskutere lovligheten av fotballhaller. - Begge deler handler om å endre ytre forhold, sier han til A-pressens Osloredaksjon.

Norsk artikel Adressavisen: - Doping er for de dovne: 8 mars

Julia Tsjepalova nagler finnenes juksere med følgende kommentar. - Doping er for de dovne. Nå snakker hun ut.

Svensk artikel PERFEKTA vätskebälten®:

Hjälper dig att hålla vätskebalansen. Din träning blir mer effektiv när du kontinuerligt kan tillföra kroppen vätska. Spring och drick samtidigt, inga stopp som stör din löpning. Dessutom kan du som tävlar, nå bättre resultat, genom att använda det PERFEKTA vätskebältet.

Svensk artikel Dagen: Han avslöjade faran med kadavermjölet: 13 mars

Husdjurskonsulent Anders Larsson är mannen som avslöjade att självdöda djur maldes ner i de svenska kornas foder. I dag liknar han djur- och livsmedelsproduktionen vid ett Babels tornbygge, där vi är oss själva nog. – Vi måste återgå till den naturliga ordningen i djurproduktionen. Det går inte att till vilket pris som helst försöka tjäna pengar på mjölk, kött, fläsk och ägg.

Svensk artikel Avancia Sports Equipment - Allt inom fitness och gym:

Vi på Avancia tillverkar träningsredskap och projekterar även kompletta hotell-, företagsgym och kommersiella gymanläggningar.

Svensk artikel The Affe Apa Zone: Affe Apa går på gym:

Gympaledaren ska föreställa Jimmy Karavas. En legendarisk instruktör på studentträningshaket Gerdahallen i Lund. Han utmärkte sig just med att alltid ha pannband, tajts och att vråla ut sina order oartikulerat.

Svensk artikel Idrottslärarkollegor - För idrottslärare av idrottslärare

Svensk artikel DEBATTEN - Åsikter från idrottslärare runt om i Sverige

Svensk artikel Arbetsliv Direkt: Västerås visar att motion är lönsamt:

Det började som ett försök för två år sedan på kommunens fastighetskontor. De anställda fick motionera en timme i veckan på betald arbetstid.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: ”Dagens unga är som 50-åringar”: 16 november 1999

Forskarlarm om ungdomarnas dåliga kondition De äter inte ordentligt. De vägrar gå två kilometer. Dagens tonåringar får belastningsskador och sjukdomar som normalt dyker upp först i 50-årsåldern. – En fysisk katastrof, säger sjukgymnasten Thomas Torstensson.

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Stopp! Ta det lugnt på gymet, tjejer: 9 mars 2000

Blossom Tainton: Jag har stoppat flera tjejer som är träningsberoende Var femte kvinna som tränar blir träningsberoende. Det visar ny engelsk forskning. - Jag möter många träningsmissbrukare. Men det behöver inte vara av ondo. De flyr problem genom att gå till gymet. Och det ersätter beroende av annat som kan vara värre, säger Blossom Tainton, personlig tränare.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Här gympar barnen varje dag: 23 augusti

En skola i Skåne har fått nog av alla larm om dåliga betyg och dålig hälsa. Nu blir det gympa varje dag i skolan.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Läkare varnar: Svenska barn motionerar för lite: 14 september 1999

Barn bör motionera mera. Annars får vi snart se 30-åringar med käppar och rullatorer, varnar läkare. – Det är främst underklassens barn som är i riskzonen, säger professor Lars-Magnus Engström som vill ha mer idrott i skolan.

Svensk artikel DN: Har kvinnan en sportslig chans?: 11 mars 1999

Tjejerna får de sämsta träningstiderna och de sämsta resurserna. På Zinkensdamm i Stockholm får damernas bandylandslag inte ens skåp. Men Annicka Pärson tror ändå att idrotten ger unga kvinnor kraft.

Svensk artikel Concept Träningsredskap

Svensk artikel Aktivkortet - Stockholmsidrottens Bonuskort:

Aktivkortet, Stockholmsidrottens bonuskort. Kortet som gör alla till vinnare!

Svensk artikel Bodybike Indoor Cycle

Svensk artikel Athletic Center: Athletic Vikings placeringar i Vasaloppet:

Det var första gången som Athletic Viking deltog, men definitivt inte sista. Tio av tolv kom i mål. Ni är säkert många som sett Vasaloppet på TV och tänkt: -Det skulle jag vilja prova. Om du är intresserad så ordnar Athletic allt. Kontakta Janne Malmqvist för mer info. Gamla byggaren, Rickard Carlsson är en av de som ska köra nästa år. Han har nämligen lovat detta i 2 år om Janne M klarar att köra under 10 timmar.

Svensk artikel Binärdata: Pro2Gym:

Binärdatas system för administration av gymanläggningar. Systemet kan ta hand om all kontroll av inpassering osv. Systemet är utvecklat i FoxPro 2.0 vilket gör det mycket snabbt och kan byggas ut för hur stora anläggningar som helst.

Svensk artikel Farbror Fläsk: History:

Historien om Farbror Fläsk & Bröderna Brus börjar för många många år sedan, på ett gym i Malung / Dalarna / Sverige vid namn Nickes Gym (Träningscenter). Året var 1992. Där träffades två glada Malungspojkar, en var tjock och glad och hette Björn, den andra liten och söt och var döpt till Fredrik.

Svensk artikel SBI Sport AB

Svensk artikel Active Zone - Den Moderna Mannens Guide i Vardagen

Journal of Applied Physiology:

Form follows function: how muscle shape is regulated by work: Mars 2000
What determines the shape, size, and force output of cardiac and skeletal muscle? Chicago architect Louis Sullivan (1856-1924), father of the skyscraper, observed that "form follows function."

Explosive-strength training improves 5-km running time by improving running economy and muscle power:
In conclusion, the present simultaneous explosive-strength and endurance training improved the 5K time in well-trained endurance athletes without changes in their O2 max. This improvement was due to improved neuromuscular characteristics that were transferred into improved VMART and running economy.

Long-term creatine intake is beneficial to muscle performance during resistance training: december 1997
Muscle PCr and strength, intermittent exercise capacity, and fat-free mass subsequently remained at a higher level in the creatine group than in the placebo group during 10 wk of detraining while low-dose creatine was continued. Finally, on cessation of creatine intake, muscle PCr in the creatine group returned to normal within 4 wk. It is concluded that long-term creatine supplementation enhances the progress of muscle strength during resistance training in sedentary females.

Modulation of whole body protein metabolism, during and after exercise, by variation of dietary protein: November 1998
The results suggest that leucine oxidation was increased by previous ingestion of an HP diet, attributable to an increase in leucine availability rather than to a stimulation of the skeletal muscle BCOADH activity.

Effect of creatine supplementation on sprint exercise performance and muscle metabolism: Maj 1998
These data demonstrated that CrS increased muscle total Cr content, but the increase did not induce an improved sprint exercise performance or alterations in anaerobic muscle metabolism.

Hormonal responses to consecutive days of heavy-resistance exercise with or without nutritional supplementation: Oktober 1998
These data indicate that protein-carbohydrate supplementation before and after training can alter the metabolic and hormonal responses to consecutive days of heavy-resistance exercise.

Effects of concentric and eccentric training on muscle strength, cross-sectional area, and neural activation: November 1996
We conclude that Ecc is more effective than Con isokinetic training for developing strength in Ecc isokinetic muscle actions and that Con is more effective than Ecc isokinetic training for developing strength in Con isokinetic muscle actions. Gains in strength consequent to Con and Ecc training are highly dependent on the muscle action used for training and testing. Muscle hypertrophy and neural adaptations contribute to strength increases consequent to both Con and Ecc training.

Length dependence of active force production in skeletal muscle: Maj 1999

joint moments produced by a muscle depend on the moment arm and the sarcomere length of the muscle. Moment arm magnitude also affects the excursion (length change) of a muscle for a given change in joint angle, and the number of sarcomeres arranged in series within a muscle fiber determines the sarcomere length change associated with a given excursion.

Influence of differing macronutrient intakes on muscle glycogen resynthesis after resistance exercise: Mars 1998
These results demonstrated that a bout of resistance exercise resulted in a significant decrease in muscle glycogen and that consumption of an isoenergetic CHO or CHO/Pro/fat formula drink resulted in similar rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis after resistance exercise. This suggests that total energy content and CHO content are important in the resynthesis of muscle glycogen.

Early events in stretch-induced muscle damage: December 1999
We conclude that sarcomere length instabilities provide the most comprehensive explanation of the early consequences of eccentric exercise.

Concurrent resistance and endurance training influence basal metabolic rate in nondieting individuals: Augusti 1998
These data indicate that, although RT alone will increase BMR and muscular strength, and ET alone will increase aerobic power and decrease BF, CT will provide all of these benefits but to a lesser magnitude than RT and ET after 10 wk of training.

Muscle metabolites and performance during high-intensity, intermittent exercise: Maj 1998
The decline in exercise performance does not appear to be related to a reduction in muscle glycogen. Instead, it may be caused by reduced CP availability, increased H+ concentration, impairment in SR function, or some other fatigue-inducing agent.

Muscle quality. II. Effects of strength training in 65- to 75-yr-old men and women: Januari 1999
Thus, although older men appear to have a greater capacity for absolute strength and muscle mass gains than older women in response to ST, the relative contribution of neuromuscular and hypertrophic factors to the increase in strength appears to be similar between genders.

A moderate glycemic meal before endurance exercise can enhance performance:
We conclude that eating a meal with a high dietary fiber content and moderate glycemic index 45 min before prolonged moderately intense exercise significantly enhances exercise capacity.

Effect of glucose supplement timing on protein metabolism after resistance training: Juni 1997
This suggests that CHO supplementation (1 g/kg) immediately and 1 h after resistance exercise can decrease myofibrillar protein breakdown and urinary urea excretion, resulting in a more positive body protein balance.

Research in the exercise sciences: Where do we go from here?: Januari 2000
The goal of this article is to provide a perspective on how research involving the acute and chronic effects of exercise (referred to as "exercise sciences") on the structure and function of organs systems will evolve in the next century. Within the last 30 years, exercise-related research has rapidly transitioned from an organ to a subcellular/molecular focus.

Muscle fiber hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and capillary density in college men after resistance training: November 1996
In conclusion, resistance training resulted in hypertrophy of the total muscle CSA and fiber areas with no change in estimated fiber number, whereas capillary changes were proportional to muscle fiber growth.

Effect of leucine metabolite -hydroxy--methylbutyrate on muscle metabolism during resistance-exercise training: November 1996
In conclusion, supplementation with either 1.5 or 3 g HMB/day can partly prevent exercise-induced proteolysis and/or muscle damage and result in larger gains in muscle function associated with resistance training.

Postexercise protein-carbohydrate and carbohydrate supplements increase muscle glycogen in men and women: December 1997
We conclude that postexercise CHO and CHO-Pro-Fat nutritional supplements can increase glycogen resynthesis to a greater extent than Pl for both men and women

Caffeine, performance, and metabolism during repeated Wingate exercise tests: Oktober 1998
These data demonstrate no ergogenic effect of caffeine on power output during repeated bouts of short-term, intense exercise. Furthermore, there was no indication of increased anaerobic metabolism after Caf ingestion with the exception of an increase in NH3 concentration.

An oral essential amino acid-carbohydrate supplement enhances muscle protein anabolism after resistance exercise: Februari 2000
We conclude that essential amino acids with carbohydrates stimulate muscle protein anabolism by increasing muscle protein synthesis when ingested 1 or 3 h after resistance exercise.

Norsk artikel PersonligTrening.com:

Velkommen til min hjemmeside. Jeg heter Jon Erlend Gustad og jobber som personlig trener på 3T-Midtby`n i Trondheim. Denne siden er viet personlig trening samt trening generelt og vil bli forsøkt oppdatert et par ganger i måneden.

Norsk artikel Trening.org

StrongestMan.com - Serving the Sport of Strength Athletics:

  • International Strongman Rankings Updated March 6, 2001
  • North East Strongman Showdown 2001 - Svend! Svend! Svend!
  • North East Strongman Showdown 2001 Photos
  • Profile: Jessen "Jess" Paulin
  • Jouko Ahola Retires - Athletes and fans comment on Jouko's retirement
  • Rick “Grizzly” Brown:
    In December, strongestman.com had the honor of talking to one of the greats of the sport - Rick “Grizzly” Brown. Grizzly, 40, is now a School Safety Officer for the Berkeley Unified School District in Berkeley California were he lives with his wife and children. He retired from competition in 1990. The following are some of Rick’s thoughts on various strongman topics.
  • Sound Clip Page: O.D. Wilson: "I don't know what them Icelanders be eatin', but I need to go over there and try some of that, you know what I'm saying?"

IronMind: World's Strongest Woman: 8 mars

IFSA announced today that prospective competitors and events will be reviewed this summer, in preparation for the first "World's Strongest Woman" competition. "We'll be bringing some women over to Callander [Scotland] as an important assessment," said IFSA's Douglas Edmunds.

Svensk artikel Scandinavian Fitness Expo 2001: 13 mars

Vad gäller tävlingar är det redan nu klart att Grand Prix-finalen i World Strongest Man kommer avhållas på lördag den 27 oktober i Victoriahallen och kommer sändas i Eurosport med över 450 miljoner tv-tittare! Med starka och mycket välkända profiler som Magnus Samuelsson med flera är vi säkra på en succé för denna tävling!

Schwarzenegger 2002: Online Support Petition: 13 mars

Mr. Schwarzenegger indicated that he will be reaching a decision on whether to run for Governor, in the next couple of months. Now is the time to show our support!

If you would like to see Arnold Schwarzenegger run for Governor of California in 2002, drop by the web site and fill out the online petition. Schwarzenegger2002.com will regularly forward all completed indications of support to Mr. Schwarzenegger's attention until such time as he makes a decision.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Uverdig vinner?: 3 mars

Vektløfteren Stian Grimseth er utestengt fra internasjonale konkurranser, men i går vant han Kongepokalen. Et slag mot antidopingarbeidet i Norge - eller en seier for rettssikkerheten.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Filosof kritisk til norsk toppidrett - Tror doping snart er tillatt: 7 mars

Filosof Øyvind Kvalnes mener Norge medvirker til at bruk av doping kan bli akseptert. Fordi vi er med på å flytte grensene for hva som kan gjøres for å bli bedre på idrettsbanen.

Svensk artikel Jönköpings SK: Rapport och bilder från Arnolds Classic i bänkpress: Mars

mindresearch: Bodybuilders and body image questionnaire:

This research project is being conducted by a team of researchers at Liverpool Hope University College (in the UK) interested in body image. The aim of this study is to look into bodybuilders and their body image. The data collected will be analysed statistically in order to understand the responses of bodybuilders as a whole.

Muscle Research Online Magazine #7: 12 mars

  • EDITORIAL by Dr. Joe Klemczewski:
    Dr. Joe reviews a wild weekend in Columbus with his thoughts on the Arnold Fitness Weekend!
    Have you ever wonder what it is actually like to compete at a major bodybuilding show? Well now is your chance. IFBB fitness newcomer, Libby Streeter was nice enough to keep a journal for Muscle Research over the 4 days in Columbus recording every thought during her first trip to the Arnold Classic Weekend.
    Who won, who improved, who was impressive?
  • CHEST TRAINING - Pec Training for the Masses:
    Learn how to build a bigger chest from training expert Eric Andrews.
    Tracy finishes up the basics of nutrition and starts is discussion on resistances training.
  • ASK DR. JOE:
    We have been receiving thousands of questions per month concerning everything from nutrition and training to sports specifics and bodybuilding. Now is your chance to get the answers from one of the greatest minds in the fitness industry.

The Incredible Hulk of Bodybuilders - Victor Richards

Vic Richards' Rebel Nutrition:

Rebel NutritionTM was founded by Vic Richards, the world's most muscular bodybuilder. Vic was motivated to start a nutrition company after several years of searching to no avail for quality nutrition products without fillers and additives.

IFBB: Contest Results: 2001 European Pro Championships Budapest, Hungary March 10, 2001

  1. Dennis James
  2. Chris Cormier
  3. Dexter Jackson
  4. Claude Groulx
  5. Jaroslav Horvath
  6. JD Dawodu

Svensk artikel Nutrionsajt - Nutrition för sjuksköterskor:

Nutritionsajt är en fri och oberoende interaktiv sajt inriktad på att sprida och utbyta information, kontakter och erfarenhet om kost och nutrition ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv.

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna: Turnéplan:

Med start lördag 10 februari ger sig gladiatorerna ut på turné i Sverige. Kom och se dem spänna musklerna i en häftig show. OBS! Turnéplanen är inte komplett ännu. Håll utkik på denna sida för mer information om när gladiatorerna besöker din hemstad.

Dr. Pribut's Running Injuries Page

The New York Times: Philadelphia's Mayor Puts His City on a Diet: 12 mars (registrera dig för access)

"We're too fat," said the mayor, who lost more than 70 pounds as a young man. Now, at 57, weighing in at a muscular 190 to 195 pounds on a 5-foot-9-inch frame, he works out most days at 4 a.m. in his basement gym.

"I just believe that people in order to lead productive lives need to take charge of their health," Mr. Street said.

HealthSurfing: Dietary aids may be dangerous for children: 26 februari

Nutrition experts, including researchers at the US National Institutes of Health, have begun discussing how to best study dietary supplements being marketed for use by children.

HealthScout: Running in Place: 12 mars

If you think you see the same people working out at the gym each week, you're probably right. The number of Americans exercising regularly seems to have leveled off, the government reports.

HealthScout: Preaching Good Health From the Pulpit: 10 mars

Working with public health researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, black churches in Baltimore started the trend, offering information on everything from quitting smoking to controlling obesity.

HealthScout: Men, Check Your Chests - Breast cancer doesn't strike just women: 10 mars

Although widely believed to be a disease that affects only women, about 1 percent of breast cancer patients are men, according to the American Cancer Society. This year, about 1,500 new cases will be diagnosed in the United States and about 400 men will die from the disease, according to the cancer society.

Advanced Fitness, Inc. Presents our Manta Ray, Sting Ray and other fitness/exercise equipment:

Find innovative exercise equipment including our patented squat devices and many other top quality products like weightlifting racks and benches by other fine manufacturers.

Medscape: Added Sugars Meaningless When it Comes to Diet Quality: 2 mars

"Our study shows that focusing on added sugars to improve diet quality is impractical. It's like trying to bail water out of your bathtub with a teaspoon. Emphasizing added sugars just won't make a big difference and won't get the job done for improving diet quality," said Maureen Storey, PhD, Associate Director at the Georgetown Center for Food and Nutrition Policy and co-author of the study.

Medscape: Glucose Can Offset Cognitive Deficits Produced in Rats by High-Fat Diet: 1 mars

The results of a study in rats demonstrate that the chronic consumption of a high-fat diet results in deficits in learning and memory, but glucose administration can improve cognitive performance.

Sociological Research Online: 'Drug-Taking, 'Risk Boundaries' and Social Identity: Bodybuilders' Talk about Ephedrine and Nubain': 6 september 2000

The instrumental use of steroids and analogous drugs is a normalised practice in bodybuilding subculture. However, in a society where bodily health and lifestyle are conjoined, such risk-taking carries negative connotations.

Bodybuilders using drugs for purposes of physique enhancement are able to resist accusations of opprobrium and maintain competent social identity by drawing a sharp contrast between themselves and 'junkies'.

Physio - for physiotherapists in education and practice

The PHYSIO mailing list is for general information and discussion on all matters of relevance to physiotherapists, in the UK and beyond. Participation is invited from anybody with an interest in physiotherapy - undergraduate students, researchers, educators, clinicians, administrators.

Svensk artikel Final Research: Team Final Research Frågor och Svar:

  • Läs Cia Hedlunds råd om kosttillskott
  • Läs Jan Nordlunds råd om kosttillskott
  • Läs Robin Bozics råd om kosttillskott

Mercola: High Protein Diet Found Beneficial:

Contrary to what many conventional medical authorities, vegetarians, and other promoters of low-fat diets say, consumption of very high levels of protein may not have adverse effects and may in fact boost antioxidant levels, new research from Germany has found.

Flex Wheeler:

Shocking Flex Revelation!:
That is my immediately family. Writing this is pretty difficult – much more so than I ever expected. I have never been a good writer or anything, but I now know what artists, such as writers, mean when they get emotional about the printed word. Some of the things I will get into greater detail in my upcoming autobiography, which should be due out at the end of this year.

Chris Cormier Scandal EXPOSED!:
Q: There was a lot of brouhaha in the magazines about what happened between you and fellow pro competitor and good pal, Chris Cormier. It seemed the magazines were bullshitting as usual. What happened exactly?

PubMed: The importance of clinical research: the role of thermogenesis in human obesity: Mars

Instead, the component that is most variable and that accounts for the variability in weight gain during overfeeding is the energy expended in physical activity. This component of TEE deserves greater attention in future studies. These studies of thermogenesis have shown the importance of clinical research as part of a comprehensive approach to understanding the etiology of human obesity.

Nutrition.org: Long-Term High Protein Intake Does Not Increase Oxidative Stress in Rats: 

The maximum dietary protein intake that does not cause adverse effects in a healthy population is uncertain. We tested whether a high protein intake enhances oxidative stress. Adult rats were adapted to different casein-based diets containing either an adequate (13.8%; AP), medium (25.7%; MP), or high (51.3%; HP) level of crude protein; a fourth group received a HP diet but no RRR--tocopherol acetate (HP-toc).

Long-term intake of high protein diets did not increase variables of oxidative stress, in contrast to our initial hypothesis. An unexpected finding was that adequate protein feeding (AP) may in fact induce oxidative stress.

Sociological Research Online: 'Fitness Gyms and the Local Organization of Experience': 20 september 1999

One of the peculiarities of fitness gyms is the succession of people who try and follow a training programme and are not able to stick to it. Based on ethnographic research I try to account for this phenomenon.

Fitness work-out asks for the demonstration of a particular kind of desire: each client can and must learn to concentrate only on him or herself in the attempt to improve his or her own exercise performance. Elaborating on my fieldwork, I propose that the more participants in fitness measure themselves against each other and a fantasized body ideal the less will be their capacity to continue attending the gym regularly.

Conservative Quotes Page: Schwarzenegger for Governor T-Shirts:

Help Elect 'The Terminator' California's Next Governor! $20 each, plus $2.50 shipping & handling, via U.S. Priority Mail. No additional shipping charge for up to 5 shirts (6-10 shirts $5.00 S/H, e-mail for quotes on larger orders). Shirts are Hanes 50-50 cotton/polyester blend in sizes adult L, XL and XXL.

ABC News: Report: Substance Abuse Tied To Quarter Of Deaths: 12 mars

As the Academy Award-nominated film Traffic has America debating the toll of substance abuse, a new report out calls it "the nation's number one health problem," with a quarter of all deaths attributable to alcohol, drugs or tobacco.

NewsWise: Scandinavian Influence on English: 8 mars

An English professor at the University of Georgia has unearthed a Norse grammatical usage in a manuscript of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle -- pushing back the first written evidence of a Norse word in what would become modern English by a century.

Just Move: US population parked on the couch: 8 mars

Only about one fourth of US adults meet recommended levels of physical activity--a statistic that has not changed since 1990, according to an analysis of 1998 data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

HealthSurfing: Gadgets aid in home and gym workouts: 12 mars

ACE’s Richard Cotton reports gadgets sales are booming in the fitness industry. “People are looking for ways to keep their exercise interesting,” says the ACE rep. “Some sort of high-tech gadget can really help them exercise more comfortably, and stick with it.”

The Lancet: Complexity of issue of dietary trans fatty acids: 10 mars (registrera dig för access)

Isomeric trans fatty acids from partly hydrogenated vegetable or fish oils, when consumed in large amounts, increase serum LDL-cholesterol and decrease HDL-cholesterol concentrations. The lipoprotein pattern thus produced is expected to increase risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).

The Telegraph: The calorie counters get a taste for pawpaw: 11 mars

Adding pureed pawpaw to low-fat cakes, puddings and biscuits can dramatically improve their taste without piling on the calories. Researchers have found that the mango-like fruit makes a convincing substitute for butter, margarine or vegetable oil in baking recipes.

[Till toppen av sidan]


Dagens B&K-länkare

Jouko Ahola

Tisdag 13 mars

The Facts About Fitness: Now, learn the truth about ANDRO-6 and muscle growth: 12 mars

ANDRO-6, a nutritional supplement designed to elevate the muscle building hormone testosterone, has no effect on muscle size or strength.

The Adonis Complex: How to spot a steroid user:

THE ADONIS COMPLEX presents a formula, developed by the authors, for calculating a man's muscularity. The authors present extensive data to support their belief that any man who exceeds a certain threshold on this formula, and who claims to have reached this level without drugs, purely by hard work and dedication, is ALMOST CERTAINLY LYING.

Vitamin Research Products: A Key to Retarding the Aging Process: Restoring Hypothalamic and Peripheral Receptor Sensitivity: Mars

The central element in the Neuroendocrine Theory of Aging, as promulgated by Prof. Vladimir Dilman, is the progressive loss of sensitivity to feedback inhibition by hormones and neurotransmitters.

This loss of central and peripheral receptor sensitivity causes a progressive shifting of homeostasis throughout the lifespan, resulting in hormonal and metabolic shifts that result in aging and the diseases of aging.

The Observer: Healthy mind 'is weapon against illness': 4 mars

It's what New Age healers have known all along: the mind does matter. A study has shown that a positive state of mind can be almost as effective as drugs at fighting serious disease.

Sunday Times: You can buy happiness... it costs £1m: 4 mars

Economists have for the first time discovered the price of happiness, and it is at least £1m. New research suggests that, contrary to folklore, money can bring happiness, but it takes a large amount.

Hannibal - Men's Speciality Apparel: Distinctive Ready-to-Wear for the Bodybuilder or SUPER-Athletic Physique

Supertraining: The Great Protein Bar Robbery: 9 mars

One of the greatest money making rackets in the fitness and sports industries is that supplement group consisting of protein bars and fluid replacement drinks which involve a markup of more than 800 percent in most cases. Yet, every one of you can easily make these supplements for yourselves, as I have for the past thirty five years.

Harvard Magazine: Bench-press blues:

While both these men are 5 feet, 7 inches tall, the "natural" bodybuilder on the left weighs 157 pounds, while the man on the right, a heavy steroid user, weighs 230. Both are lean, the natural bodybuilder having only 4.5 percent body fat, the steroid user 7 percent.

Note that the muscles of the shoulders, chest, and upper arms are particularly enlarged in the steroid user--a characteristic effect. Men, with their higher testosterone levels, generally develop larger upper-body muscles than women; hence, high steroid intake can produce a distorted appearance that is "more male than male."

Pharmaceutical News: Abuse of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids: 

The anabolic-androgenic steroids (hereafter abbreviated as simply “steroids”) are a family of hormones that includes the natural male hormone, testosterone, together with dozens of synthetic analogues of testosterone created over the course of the last fifty years.

But although these drugs have existed for five decades, the problems of steroid abuse have only recently acquired widespread scientific and public recognition.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Lovlig dopet på drømmer: 9 mars

Dopingjeger Inggard Lereim har ingen medlidenhet med de finske utøverne han avslørte for juks. Men de personlig angrepene som kom etterpå, spesielt fordi han er nordmann, føltes urettferdige og gjør ham fortsatt litt tørr i munnen når han snakker om det.

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Norske gutter mangler stål i ben og arme: 12 mars

Norske gutter mangler stål i ben og arme. Gutter i 15-årsalderen er betydelig svakere nå enn på 1970-tallet. Både jenter og gutter har dårligere bevegelighet.

USA Gymnastics Online: The Treatment of "Rips" (Wounds) on the Gymnasts' Hands:

The treatment of rips has become a part of gymnastics folk lore through the years. You can listen to coaches proudly boast that “When I was a gymnast I had a rip the size of a silver dollar and I just tore the skin off with my teeth, spit on the rip, and went back on the bar!”

Nando Times: Obsession with fitness called 'disease of the '90s': 22 november 1997

Millions of Americans caught up in the physical fitness boom should beware of a newly recognized psychiatric "disease of the '90s," researchers reported yesterday.

Termed "muscle dysmorphia," it occurs among people who become overly concerned about developing a muscular body with rippling biceps, delts, pecs and lats.

The Beacon Journal Online: Guys get obsessed with selfimage: 15 augusti

Look at Schwarzenegger. Look at George. Their bodies could have come straight from the pages of a superhero comic book.

And men are noticing. So much so that a team of medical researchers from Harvard and Brown universities believes that a "widespread crisis" is ensnaring today's men and boys, a crisis that has long been seen as the domain of women - an intense dissatisfaction with their bodies that's leading to obsessive-compulsive behaviors and eating disorders.

They call this, and their book, The Adonis Complex - The Secret Crisis of Male Body Obsession.

YMCA of the USA:

Together, the nation’s 2,400 YMCAs are the largest not-for-profit community service organizations in America, working to meet the health and social service needs of 17.5 million men, women and children in 10,000 communities. Ys are for people of all faiths, races, abilities, ages and incomes. No one is turned away for inability to pay. YMCAs’ strength is in the people they bring together.



Creative Instructors Aerobics - CIA - producer of aerobic and strength training exercise videos for exercise and fitness instructors and video exercisers.

Exercise Videos - Detailed Descriptions:

Collage Video, exercise video specialists since 1987. Choose from over 300 fitness videos. Aerobics, toning, yoga, Pilates, step, etc. Detailed, objective descriptions -- level, goals, impact, choreography, equipment, etc. Even streaming video previews.

BBC News: Athletes face dental danger: 10 september 1999

Athletes may risk losing their teeth because they eat healthy diets packed with carbohydrates, fruit and energy drinks, dentists have warned.

Ingrid Barisoff: The Effects of the Media on Male Body Image: Augusti 1999

The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of the ideal male body presented in the media on male body image. It was hypothesized that the more men are aware of the ideals of society and the more they have internalized these ideals, the more dissatisfied they would be with their bodies.

The World's First e-Lecture Series: Survival of the Fittest - The Fittest What?:

There is balance in a rainforest, structure in a reef community, an elegant meshing of parts which recalls coadaptation within an animal body. In neither case is the balanced unit favoured as a unit by Darwinian selection. In both cases the balance comes about through selection at a lower level. Selection doesn't favour a harmonious whole. Instead, harmonious parts flourish in the presence of each other and the illusion of a harmonious whole emerges.

Progressive Self-Regulation (PSR):

An innovative and fast-and-easy-to-learn mental technique for effectively controlling your mental and bodily processes and states, desires, motives, habits, and skills.

This unique self-help method enables you to succeed in any of your activities such as study or sports; to cope with stressful situations, anxieties, and fears; to protect yourself and your kids against the horrors of everyday life.

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Netpulse - The Internet Powered Workout:

Gymråttan minns alla de timmar han spenderat på sin trappmaskin där datorns tangentbord passade perfekt mellan handtagen - sweat 'n surf is twice as addictive :-)

The Netpulse portal offers fitness club members broadband internet access via Netpulse Machines - cardiovascular exercise equipment enhanced with color, touch-screen monitors and a high-speed Internet connection.

Fitness club members can surf the Internet, watch TV, e-mail, shop and earn incentives while they work out on Netpulse Machines. Advertisers can stream targeted ads based on gender, age and geography in any combination to fitness club members.

Web-connected exercise machines let club patrons surf while stair-stepping: 30 juni 1998

"I thought I had died and gone to heaven," said Uhrenholt, who works for Pacific Bell Education First. "Having the capability to surf the Internet while exercising makes it so much easier. The machines make the time go by so much faster."

Active Lifestyle Internet Users Choose the Internet Over 50 Percent More Often than TV While Working Out, According to Netpulse Communications: 15 maj 2000

Netpulse Makes Working Out More Than a Calorie-Burning Session: 2 mars 1998

Family.com: Boys and body image:

Growing evidence suggests body image is as important to boys as girls.

efit.com: Putting Trainers to the Test:

Some work as hard on themselves as they do on you, while others have just hit the genetic jackpot. Here’s the lowdown on how 3 top trainers stay buff.

USA Today: Are actors dieting dangerously?: 15 november 1999

Tom Hanks announced that he is shedding 50 pounds for his role as a man stuck on a desert island in The Castaway. "It's going well," Hanks said, "I just can't eat as much." Regardless of this upbeat assessment, experts are concerned by the growing trend of male actors losing large amounts of weight in short time spans.

NCAA: Weighing in: 22 november 1999

Experts say eating disorders, diet and nutrition weigh heavy on scale of issues affecting college student-athletes

MCW HealthLink: Nutrition and Herbs:

Americans Ignore Importance of Food Portion Size: 13 mars 2000
Most Americans believe the kind of food they eat is more important for managing weight than the amount of food they eat, according to a new survey.

Company Offers Services as Supplement Watchdogs: 29 juni 2000
A new company called ConsumerLab tests vitamins, herbs, energy bars, and other "wellness products" to see if they actually contain the same ingredients in the same quantities as are advertised on the product labels.

How to Spot Health Fraud: 29 januari 2001
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) describes health fraud as "articles of unproven effectiveness that are promoted to improve health, well being or appearance." The articles can be drugs, devices, foods, or cosmetics for human or animal use.


InternetNutrition is your home for free information on the subjects of Nutrition, Alternative Therapies, Herbal Remedies, Homeopathy, and access to supplements relating to the above categories.

Food Insight: Extreme Eating - Are Teens Compromising Their Health?: December 1998

Extreme eating describes the eating habits of many teens who seem to have lost their balance when it comes to choosing an appropriate diet. Going overboard in one or more areas of the diet, such as cutting out entire food groups, fervently following the latest fad diet or weight loss plan, or regularly consuming a single food or type of food to excess could all be characterized as extreme eating behaviors.

InteliHealth: Asia Sees Dramatic Spike In Obesity: 28 februari

The good news is that malnutrition is dropping as Asia gets richer. The bad news is that Asia's middle-class is getting tubby.

CyberDiet: Victory At Any Cost: Diet Addiction and the Misguided Search for Body Peace:

Regardless of the diet, shtick, or piece of equipment, the urgency to deny yourself a specific food or work a specific part of your body to be "OK" is a set-up for a crash. The problem is not your willpower, your results compared to a friend's, or the timeline for a particular program; it is the attachment of your self-esteem to the outcome of the latest and greatest diet fad.

Weight Loss in America: Reverse Anorexia in Bodybuilders:

Women compose the overwhelming majority of the reported cases of eating disorders. The, desire to be thin consumes many young women who idealize the false and unrealistic model form depicted in popular magazines.

Recently, researchers have started to appreciate the role of exercise in the development of eating disorders. This shift has illuminated the striking influence of sports on body image satisfaction in men as well as women.

WebMD: Fact or Fiction? Stretching Before Exercise Will Reduce the Likelihood of Exercise-Related Injury: 27 april 2000

This is fiction. Though most people stretch before exercise, there is no evidence that this reduces the likelihood of exercise-related muscle injury. In fact it might do just the opposite.

WebMD: Nutrition Plays Major Role in Today's Athletics

"A balanced diet is essential for athletes and non-athletes," says Jennifer Harrell, clinical nutrition coordinator for HealthSouth Medical Center in Birmingham, Ala. "One of the primary differences in diet is total quantity and total calories and protein. An athlete's diet needs to be more nutrient packed because of the increased expenditure during exercise."

WebMD: No Quick Fixes for 'Ab' Flab: 5 mars

Gadgets on TV infomercials claim they can melt off inches. Scientific tests suggest otherwise.

Mother Jones: The Hard Body Sell:

The cosmetic surgery industry has long preyed on women's body-image insecurities. Now it's targeting the other 49 percent.


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The Disease of the Demigods: Male Body Obsession:
The pitfalls of body image obsession have been discussed for decades, but almost exclusively in regards to women. Today, however, experts recognize that such problems span the gender gap. Now, men must share the risks of beautiful bodies.

When Exercise Becomes A "Fix":
Exercise addicts crave an exercise "fix" the same way that alcoholics crave a drink. In an age of absorption in self, sex and body, some push the cultural ideal of a perfect body too far by obsessing about exercise.

Exercise Addiction Has Psychological Roots:
In an age of absorption in self, sex and body, some push the cultural ideal of a perfect body too far by obsessing about exercise. Like a drug or alcohol addiction, the exercise addict loses control and no longer exercises by choice.

The daily fix of a workout becomes obligatory, even if sick or injured. Improvement, record-keeping, calorie- and scale-counting become compulsive behaviors.

Descend to Beef Up?:
In the most basic sense, there are two training variables that can be manipulated in a given program: quantity of exercise and quality of exercise. Given the time crunch that many of us suffer from, we should collectively strive for ways to enhance the quality of our workouts. One possible method of enhancing the quality of our strength-training workouts is through the use of descending sets.

Detroit News: Fantasy physiques are out of reach: 17 juli 2000

For many young people, the fantasy figures they encounter in comics offer some of life's earliest lessons on the human body. And that has some people who deal with body image problems concerned.

According to a People magazine poll conducted in 1997, 45 percent of teen-agers are dissatisfied with their bodies. Eighty percent of women and 25 percent of men diet. Fifty percent of 9-year-old-girls have dieted.


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The Physician and sportmedicine: Strength Training: Rationale for Current Guidelines for Adult Fitness Programs: 2 februari 1997

Primary care physicians need to be aware not only of the benefits of strength training, but also the specifics of prescribing a regimen for their patients. The importance of a well-rounded program including aerobic endurance exercise and strength training is well recognized, but the purpose of this paper will focus on the latter component.

The Physician and sportmedicine: Myths and Truths of Stretching: Augusti 2000

Stretching recommendations are clouded by misconceptions and conflicting research reports. This review of the current literature on stretching and range-of-motion increases finds that one static stretch of 15 to 30 seconds per day is sufficient for most patients, but some require longer durations.

Medscape: The Expert Opinion - Pectoralis Major Rupture:

www.medscape.com Six months ago, while doing the bench press, Mark sustained a painful injury in his left shoulder that prevented him from completing the training session.

He iced his shoulder to reduce pain, thinking that perhaps he had overdone it while working out and everything would be better the following day. But the next morning his left anterior chest wall was markedly swollen and bruised. His family physician diagnosed his injury as a muscle strain that would resolve in a month.

Body Results: Evaluate Your Training Program:

The eight sport-specific characteristics that need to be considered when developing your own workout program include Strength, Speed-Strength, Speed, Stamina, Structure, Skill, Suppleness, and Strength-endurance.

This model has been developed by Dr. Mel C. Siff and is discussed in his book, Supertraining (1999). Each outdoor activity can be evaluated for how much of each of the eight elements you need to include in your workouts. What are each of the eight?

International Weightlifting Federation: World Weightlifting #1/2001:

  • Editorial
  • Lifters of the Year 2000
  • Naim Suleymanoglu, Vice President – Exclusive Interview
  • 2000 World Ranking Lists
  • Rezazadeh to become the first with 500 kg? – Exclusive Interview

Chicago Reader: Ethics to Go: 9 mars

Every journalist knows that Janet Malcolm's famous formulation -- "Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible" -- is indefensible but that she's on to something. The old solution to journalism's intractable contradictions was to build newsrooms no more than 100 feet from a bar. Now Loyola University has a better idea.

Daily InScight: Love Me, Love My Scent: 8 mars

If you thought you could hide your body odor under a generous splash of aftershave, you're kidding yourself. Two scientists have uncovered evidence that people pick perfumes that reflect the genetic make-ups of their immune systems. Those, as has been known for some time, determine our scents.

Svensk artikel Expressen: Doping - idrottens eviga plåga: 10 mars

Avslöjandena om de finländska VM-skidåkarnas dopning är en av tidernas största idrottsskandaler. Dopning har förekommit lika länge som idrotten. Men först 1967 blev det förbjudet att på konstlad väg manipulera sin kropp.

Svensk artikel Expressen: "Doping är en spegling av samhällsmoralen": 10 mars

Varannan svensk tror att svenska elitidrottare dopar sig, enligt TT:s och Sifos undersökning. Brottaren Tomas Johansson är ett av få exempel på svenska elitidrottare som åkt fast. Hans dopingavstängning på 80-talet fungerade som avskräckande exempel. Men inte kan väl avskräckande exempel vara det enda sättet för idrotten att bli dopingfri?

CNN: Virtual weight loss can be a reality: 6 mars

Stoy's chat room, which is affiliated with the non-profit group Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), has about 1,000 members. It's one of many diet chat sites on the Web.

Diet experts say these virtual support groups can offer something lacking in many diet programs: encouragement and advice around the clock.

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Dagens B&K-länkare

Jouko Ahola

Måndag 12 mars

Krista Scott: Strength Training for Women: Debunking Myths That Block Opportunity:

Traditional gender roles and differences in absolute strength have resulted in misconceived approaches to strength training for women. Male physiology, more than hormones, explains men's superior absolute strength.

When other measures of strength are used, such as strength relative to cross-sectional area of muscle, the strength of men and women is nearly equal. Women who practice the same well-designed strength training programs as men benefit from bone and soft-tissue modeling, increased lean body mass, decreased fat, and enhanced self-confidence.

Medscape's Resource Center on Osteoporosis:

Medscape's Resource Center on Osteoporosis is a collection of the latest medical news and information on conditions associated with bone loss and fracture. This resource includes news, conference summaries, articles, treatment updates, clinical management modules, MEDLINE and Cochrane abstracts, practice guidelines, and links to professional organizations.


Everything you wanted to know about sleep but were too tired to ask™ (since 1995).

Sleep from A to Zzz:

From apnea, insomnia, and sleep disorders to sociological and zoological facts. Discover the complexity and importance of your daily biological ritual. We spend about one third of our life sleeping. So, why not begin a journey into the world of Sleep?

Sleep Home Pages: Sleep and the teenager:

Studies have suggested that during the teenage years, the sleep/wake cycle becomes delayed and therefore many teenagers experience delayed sleep phase syndrome. Other studies have also suggested that students with poor sleep habits do not do as well academically in school.

This study surveyed sleep habits in high school students to determine whether in fact this age group was sleep delayed and whether students with higher grade point averages got more sleep than students with lower grade point averages.

Vitamin Research Products: New England Journal editor blasts drug industry:

"The pharmaceutical industry is extraordinarily privileged," Marcia Angell wrote in Thursday's issue. She said drug companies benefit enormously from publicly funded research, tax breaks and other business advantages while reaping big profits.

"An industry so important to the public health and so heavily subsidized and protected by the government has social responsibilities that should not be totally overshadowed by its drive for profits," Angell wrote in an editorial. "There needs to be a better balance between the interests of the shareholders and those of the public."

Vitamin Research Products: Is Academic Medicine for Sale?: 18 maj 2000

In 1984 the Journal became the first of the major medical journals to require authors of original research articles to disclose any financial ties with companies that make products discussed in papers submitted to us. We were aware that such ties were becoming fairly common, and we thought it reasonable to disclose them to readers.

Although we came to this issue early, no one could have foreseen at the time just how ubiquitous and manifold such financial associations would become. The article by Keller et al. in this issue of the Journal provides a striking example. The authors' ties with companies that make antidepressant drugs were so extensive that it would have used too much space to disclose them fully in the Journal. We decided merely to summarize them and to provide the details on our Web site.

Physical Therapy: Acronyms in Rehab:

This listing of physical therapy acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms used in rehab will prove useful to the physical therapy student.

NewsWise: GHB Withdrawal Syndrome Documented: 6 februari

Chronic abusers of GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), a drug known to induce feelings of euphoria, an alcohol-like high, and taken for its alleged bodybuilding effects, are landing in emergency departments from a severe withdrawal syndrome that comes on rapidly and can last for weeks. (Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2-01)

alt.gossip.celebrities: Schwarzenegger to sue Premiere: 10 mars

As soon as the current issue of Premiere is off the stands, Arnold Schwarzenegger will have his lawyer Marty Singer sue over its story, "Arnold the Barbarian," which alleges he's a serial groper and adulterer. Asked what the wait was about, an insider said, "We don't want to bring any more attention to it and help sell more copies."

Sydney Morning Herald: Scientists hint at link between TV and Alzheimer's: 8 mars

Television is the only mid-life recreation positively linked to developing Alzheimer's disease, says an American report being published Tuesday.

HealthBizNews.com: Proper Shoe Fit Key to Preventing Foot Problems: 27 februari

More than 43.1 million Americans--one in every six persons--have trouble with their feet, mostly from improperly fitting shoes.

Ivanhoe.com: Foot Problems Affect More Than the Feet: 12 januari

A new study reported in the January issue of the Journal of the American Chiropractic Association finds foot imbalances can lead to problems affecting the ankle, leg, knee, thigh, pelvis and low back.

HealthBizNews.com: Spine Network Compares Low Back Pain Treatments: 1 mars

The National Spine Network (NSN) has embarked on a prospective, randomized, multi-center clinical trial comparing the outcomes of spinal cord stimulation with repeat spine surgery for patients suffering from Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS). The announcement of the study, which begins enrolling patients this month and is sponsored by Medtronic (NYSE: MDT), was made at the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) meeting March 1.

BBC News: Warning over spine therapies: 11 mars

Treatments involving the manipulation of the upper spine may carry a small risk of serious damage, says a study just published.

BBC News: Supermarkets 'have egg bug beaten': 10 mars

Salmonella in eggs is becoming a thing of the past, according to two leading supermarkets.

HealthScout: How to deal with sports injuries:

Most minor sports injuries are sprains or bruises, according to the Swedish-language journal Lakartidningen. They can be treated by physical means: cold packs, compression or elevation, or by using pain pills and injections.

HealthScout: Real Meals Help Kids Grow Up Healthy:

Bad habits leading to obesity, health problems. Turn off that TV and feed your kids a real meal at the dinner table.

HealthScout: The ABCs of Good Eating and Fitness: 11 mars

Good nutrition and health can be as easy as relearning those ABCs. That's the message being served up by the American Dietetic Association (ADA) during National Nutrition Month in March: A is Aim for fitness, B is Build a healthy base, and C is Choose sensibly.

NewsRx: Pharmacogenetics - Medicine Made To Match Genetic Profile: 9 mars

You say the antibiotic that cured your best friend's bladder infection made you break out in a full body rash? And the hormone therapy they used to shrink your father's prostate cancer made it grow instead? And the only drug that ever helped your irritable bowel syndrome was just taken off the market, because five people died from its side effects?

Don't blame the drug, says Wendell Weber, MD, PhD, a medical geneticist at the University of Michigan Medical School. The real problem is likely to be your genes.

NewsRx: What Happened After Patients Stopped Taking Fen-Phen?: 10 mars

Two studies have found that after patients stopped taking various combinations of the appetite suppressants dexfenfluramine and phentermine, most heart valve abnormalities that may have developed do not get worse and some improve.

HealthWatch: Teen Athletes Go Overboard on Over-the-counter Substances:

Some high-school football players are misusing over-the-counter (OTC) painkillers and supplements, mainly because they think they're safe. But one recent study indicates that these young people generally do not realize the potential for complications linked with the use of painkillers.

HealthWatch: Girls (and Boys) Affected by Negative Body Images: 7 mars

Thoughts of "Does my butt look too big?" and dieting are not only common among adults and teenagers, but a growing number of children are now feeling the pressure to be thin.

HealthWatch: Get Tough, Get Thin: 

No question about it, the Trevose Behavior Modification Program (www.tbmp.org) is tough. "We tell people up front that this is very hard and it's not for everyone," says director Mary L. Jackson. But for those it is for, TBMP may just be the weight loss--and management--program they've been looking for.

HealthWatch: Spring Training Doesn’t Have To Be Painful for Kids: 9 mars

More than 1.4 million young athletes under 15 seek medical attention each year for injuries related to team sports like basketball, football, baseball or soccer. But experts say many of those injuries can be prevented by following simple steps to ensure your children’s safety before they head out on the playing field.

HealthWatch: Sports Injuries Prevalent Among Young Americans: 6 mars

Each year, 2.6 million young Americans visit emergency departments for sports-related injuries, costing as much as $500 million to treat, government researchers said Monday.

Considering this, it might be worth using the emergency department as a venue for counseling people about injury prevention, the study authors suggest.

PsycPort: France: Women More Likely to Crave Food: 5 mars

A study on food cravings has confirmed what many men have believed since time began - women crave food more often than men do. According to the study, women crave food twice as often as men.

PsycPort: Dieting Leads Girls To Start Smoking: 9 mars

Teen girls who diet up to once a week are twice as likely to become smokers, compared to girls who do not diet, said researchers from the Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard School of Public Health, both in Massachusetts.

PsycPort: New Addiction Treatment Blocks Drug Cravings: 8 mars

A team of scientists from the US Department of Energy, led by Dr Stephen Dewey, has shown that if animals are exposed to environmental reminders of an addictive substance, their levels of the brain chemical dopamine increase substantially, as if the brain is preparing for the pleasure hit.

But by treating the animals with a drug, called gama-vinyl GABA (GVG), which blocks the neurochemical effects of addictive drugs, researchers found that this "expectant increase" disappears.

Mercola: Schools Peddling Junk Food to Kids: 10 mars

Through contracts with soft drink companies and other vendors, some schools are raising as much as $100,000 a year, money that pays for such things as computer rewiring, teacher training and Black History Month activities.

Read the fine print of those contracts, though, and the costs start to sink in: One school in Prince George's County guaranteed sales of 4,500 cases of soda a year -- or about 50 sodas a student.

Medscape: With Guidance, Diabetics Can Safely Incorporate Sugar into Their Diet: 8 mars

Teaching patients with type 2 diabetes how to include sugar into their daily meal plans does not adversely affect nutrition or metabolic control, study results suggest. Giving these patients the freedom to eat sweets may actually do more good than harm.

Pasadena Star News: 'Couch potato' label fits U.S., says CDC: 10 mars

Just one in four U.S. adults exercised enough in the 1990s, the government said this week.

Sunday Times: Caffeine Fix: 11 mars

Why bother with power drinks when a can of cola before a workout can give energy levels extra fizz.

New York Daily News: A Swipe at the Running Man: 9 mars

Arnold Schwarzenegger is flirting with the idea of running for governor of California — and getting his first taste of political combat.

JS Online:

Sports help girls avoid sex, study says: 14 maj 1998
Athletics may lead teens to increased self-esteem, healthier sex habits.

Program pushes limits for young athletes, critics: 2 januari
The Brookfield East High School student has just run 10 mph going uphill. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say he has been run 10 mph.

He is one of several student athletes who train at Acceleration Waukesha, a health club using an intense and growing national training program in which coaches try to transform average kids as young as 9 into superhuman physical specimens.

Olympic records are becoming harder to project: 17 september 2000
Athletes consistently have shattered records throughout the past century. But they are pushing against the very limits of human potential, say researchers.

It's never too late to limber up the limbs. Here's how: 26 februari
Imagine Tina Turner dancing on stage - with Rosie O'Donnell's gams; Jean-Claude Van Damme whirling and kicking - with little Woody Allen legs; or Claudia Schiffer strutting down a runway with legs like...

Well, you get the picture. Fortunately, you can slim down, tone up or even build up leg muscles - at any age.

Kids need to turn off the TV, turn on better eating habits: 2 april 2000
At a time when Americans revere the super-sized combo meal and children spend hours glued to televisions or computers instead of playing outdoors, researchers and health officials are seeking strategies to curb an epidemic of childhood obesity.

Abdomen adjustment: 11 juni 2000
Crunches, curls and twists will help flatten that tummy

Exercise can both weaken, strengthen immune system: 13 augusti 2000
Sometimes, exercise can weaken an athlete's ability to fight off a cold. Other times, researchers say, exercise won't make a difference - or might strengthen the ability.

The difference seems to depend on how much exercise the athlete does.

Building up resistance: 5 november 2000
The basics of exercise are simple: Contract and release muscles on a repeated basis until you achieve the desired effect.

Yet every year consumers spend billions of dollar on the latest exercise equipment designed to work those muscles in exciting new ways or simply to make the process of exercising less tedious.

How to get in shape while avoiding injury: 25 februari
When you're working hard to improve the shape and tone of your body, the last thing you want to do is hurt yourself.

Unfortunately, this can happen when exercises are done incorrectly, said Andrea Varner, a physical therapist at the Performance Centers of Milwaukee's St. Francis Hospital.

Working it out - 'Spot' lessons on fitting in at the gym: 30 januari
Working out at a gym or health club for the first time can be like going to your first school dance - you're totally clueless, but you figure out the rules eventually.

Relax. Even the fitness greats had to start somewhere.

Arnold Schwarzenegger might have pointed to a barbell and asked, "Vhat's dat for?" Martina Navratilova might have jumped onto an exercise bike and pedaled backward.

Fitness clubs no longer just for sweating: 10 oktober 1999
As industry booms, more offer juice bars, water slides, other novelties.

Good 'connections' a big part of healthy living: 13 oktober 1999
The best way to lead a longer, healthier, happier life is to connect more with family, friends or even ideas, according to psychiatrist and author Edward Hallowell.

Hallowell firmly believes that connectedness, the feeling of being a part of something larger than yourself, is what sustains us emotionally, psychologically and physically.

Physical fitness pays off: 25 januari 1999
Highsmith Inc. offers insurance discounts for staying in shape.

Retired nuns find physical, spiritual strength with new exercise equipment: 22 maj 1999
Looking for inspiration to start an exercise program? Consider the retired School Sisters of Notre Dame, whose workout regimen could best be described as Pump 'n Pray.

The order's retirement center in Elm Grove, which is home to 149 nuns, recently added a fitness center, complete with a treadmill, a recumbent step machine and state-of-the-art strength-training equipment.

Fit ball offers fun and a full workout, and you don't have to leave the house: 12 april 1999

At a time when the fitness industry is churning out serious, expensive exercise machines, somebody came up with a very basic, inexpensive alternative.

Known generically as a fit ball, the product allows users to do stretching, strengthening and a limited amount of cardiovascular exercise. That's accomplished by taking a variety of positions on the ball and doing stretches or repetitive movements such as back extensions, abdominal curls, hamstring curls and inner thigh presses.

Right tone: Weight classes lift spirits, sagging muscles: 13 oktober 1999
One of the newest ways to get fit is in group weight training classes done to music. And some fitness professionals think this workout may be here to stay.

These classes - with funky names like Body Pump, Power Flex and Strength - don't build bulging muscles but they do tone and strengthen them.

Everyone, it seems, is on a Tae-Bo kick: 23 maj 1999
Fitness guru Billy Blanks' style helps sell popular videos.

Tae-Bo craze kicks in, but some take a step back: 13 oktober 1999
Even though Blanks stresses proper form in his tapes, some experts say the pace simply is too fast for most people. And even though the Tae-Bo master nearly begs his audience to go at their own pace, exercisers are quick to admit it's hard to slow down once Blanks and his entourage get rolling and the energy builds.

Most trying, ineffectively, to watch their weight: 12 oktober 1999
The solid majority of Americans are trying to lose weight or keep from gaining it, and most of them are doing it the wrong way, according to a study published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

'Knocking 'em dead' at 43: 21 november 1999
Mother of step aerobics still preaching the gospel of intense fitness. A spokeswoman and program developer for Reebok, Miller, of Canton, Ga., has been a major force in the exercise industry since she developed step aerobics in 1986.

Baby boomers hitting middle age with a thud: 18 september 1999
Sports injuries forcing lifelong overachievers to own up to their years.

Look for weekly balance in your diet: 12 juli 2000
"It's best to have broad parameters - the fewer rules the better," she said. "Any diet that provides too much deprivation is destined to fail."

The idea is to set your calorie balance for a week, rather than for a day or for each meal. Having a rich meal on one day can be balanced by lighter fare on others.

Is the day of natural athlete over?:
Driven to be bigger, stronger and faster, increasing numbers of Milwaukee area high school athletes are gulping down creatine, a performance-enhancing substance that already is the darling of many professional football and baseball players.

Some 10-year- olds are using steroids: 5 maj 1998
Some boys and girls as young as 10 are taking illegal steroids to do better in sports, according to the first survey to look at use of the bodybuilding drugs as early as fifth grade.

Researchers: No problems found with creatine but...: 5 juni 1998
Not all the researchers were convinced of creatine's effectiveness.

''I have trouble getting my head around the fact that in a few days a few organic chemists can do a better job than evolution over hundreds of thousands of years,'' said J. Duncan MacDougall, a professor of physical education at McMaster University in Ontario.

Testosterone 7, Bears 0: The better the team, the manlier the fan: 16 juni 1998
A new study has found that men who watch their favorite sports teams compete and win undergo a surge in testosterone very similar to what players themselves experience.

Growth supplement concerns outlined: 12 oktober 1998
As many as 75,000 adults who could benefit from treatment with human growth hormone are not receiving it because their physicians are not aware of its benefits, or their insurance companies will not pay for the prescriptions, according to medical specialists.

Sports nutritionists debate latest in eating and drinking to win: 18 juli 1999
Old adages about eating right and drinking plenty of fluids to play sports are proving to be even more important now - and for new reasons.

For better health and fitness, head for the G.Y.M.: 3 oktober 1999

The largest health and fitness event in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's G.Y.M., swings, jumps, runs and climbs into action Oct. 23 and 24 at the Midwest Express Center, 400 W. Wisconsin Ave.

Study finds more boys trust, use steroids: 17 december 1999
A researcher found that more American boys are using steroids and linked the increase to revelations in 1998 that Mark McGwire used steroids to bulk up his home run-hitting biceps.

Athletes Fuel Eye Surgery Trend: 5 april 2000
Atlanta Braves pitcher Greg Maddux had laser surgery to correct his vision in July. He won nine of his next 10 games.

Tiger Woods had the operation in October. He won his next five PGA tour events. Coincidence?

No one knows for sure, but hundreds of athletes in sport after sport - baseball, golf, auto racing and even kickboxing - are turning to the surgery to boost their performance.

New pediatric policy discourages athletic specialization: 3 juli 2000
Tiger Woods was playing nine holes of golf by age 3, and Chris Evert took up tennis at 5, the same age Shannon Miller got hooked on gymnastics.

But according to a new policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics, youngsters should be discouraged from specializing in a single sport before adolescence to avoid physical and psychological damage.

The Columbus Dispatch:

Competitors pump iron, legs in finale of Fitness Weekend: 5 mars
Flat on his back, Chad White's arms begin to quiver and the iron bar and weights he's trying to lift stall. Marine Sgt. Quoc Nguyen leans over him, yelling, "Get it up. Get it up. Get it up.''

No, it's not boot camp at Parris Island. It is the first half of the Arnold Fitness Weekend Pump & Run event, a combination weightlifting and running competition open to the public.

Fan favorite Big Nasty cops title: 4 mars
But far and away the fans' and judges' favorite was Texas policeman Ronnie Coleman, nicknamed the Big Nasty.

Coleman, who, incredibly, made some of his competitors look to be on the small side, won the Most Muscular title and made history by becoming the first man to win both the Mr. Olympia title and the Arnold Classic.

Two deputies reprimanded for siren use: 6 mars
Two reserve deputies with the Franklin County Sheriff's Office are in hot water for sounding emergency lights and sirens while escorting Arnold Schwarzenegger's limousine through Downtown.

Spoken like a politician: 9 mars
Whoa! Didn't we report in yesterday's column that Arnold Schwarzenegger was definitely, unambiguously not running for governor of California in 2004?

Women aim to be Ms. Fitness: 5 augusti 2000
At 5:30 a.m., Palmer springs out of bed for an action-packed day of cardiovascular exercises, gymnastics, aerobics classes and, of course, work.

But all is not perfect. She's still an amateur.

She'd like a shot at the Ms. Fitness International competition that's part of the Arnold Fitness Weekend in Columbus each year, but she first must become a professional.

Fox News:

And The Award For Best Body Goes To...: 11 mars
They sparkle and light up for the cameras — but before Tinseltown's big night, its elite panic like prom queens over whether their bodies are buff enough for the extreme exposure.

A trainer at Pro Gym in Brentwood, Calif. — co-owned by actor Ryan O'Neal — said actors have been coming in droves to pump iron.

The Skinny on Playboy Nudes: They're Too Thin: 13 december 2000
Here's the naked truth about Playboy models: They're much too thin!

That's the conclusion of a study by the International Journal of Obesity, which concludes that centerfolds appearing in the famed men's mag are unhealthily scrawny.

Night Owl Fitness: 3 mars 2000
Crunch Fitness on Lafayette Street in Lower Manhattan is one of a growing number of 24-hour gyms that have opened across the country in the past several years.

"The premise of these gyms is that not everyone can fit in exercise during the normal gym hours," says Maeve McCaffrey, a spokesperson for the International Health, Racquet and Sports Club Association (IHRSA).

Gym Time for Geeks - Gadget records every bite and move: 25 juli 2000
Prepare your Palm Pilot for the gym.

On Your Mark, Get Set, Think! How computer brain training helps Olympians: 22 september 2000
Forget steroids and blood doping. How about some mental exercise for the Olympic athlete looking to boost performance?

Sweaty Business: Working Together Means Working Out Together: 10 mars 2000
Work all day with your co-workers, then head over to the gym with them. Go to sleep, wake up, repeat. This is not a schedule for everyone.

Exorcise Your Exercise Demons: 25 augusti 2000
So what to do with a bad case of the lazies? According to numerous studies on exercise adherence, following a few basic rules will make it much easier to stick with the fitness program:

Journal of Biomechanics Online:

  • Architecture of the rectus abdominis, quadratus lumborum, and erector spinae: Mars
  • Muscle recruitment by the min/max criterion a comparative numerical study: Mars
  • Biomechanical properties of the crimp grip position in rock climbers: Februari
  • In vivo human tendinous tissue stretch upon maximum muscle force generation: November 2000
  • Stretch-shortening cycle: a powerful model to study normal and fatigued muscle: Oktober 2000
  • Studies of human locomotion: past, present and future: Oktober 2000
  • Effects of speed and distance of muscle shortening on force depression during voluntary contractions: Augusti 2000
  • The effect of hamstring muscle compensation for anterior laxity in the ACL-deficient knee during gait: Juli 2000
  • The influence of foot positioning on ankle sprains: Maj 2000
  • Mechanical power in running: a comparison of different approaches: April 2000
  • Moment distribution among human elbow extensor muscles during isometric and submaximal extension: Februari 2000
  • Adaptation of muscle coordination to altered task mechanics during steady-state cycling: Februari 2000
  • A new instrumentation system for training rowers: Februari 2000
  • Dynamics of the long jump: December 1999
  • The effect of speed on leg stiffness and joint kinetics in human running: December 1999
  • Measuring muscle and joint geometry parameters of a shoulder for modeling purposes: November 1999
  • Total shoulder and relative muscle strength in the scapular plane: November 1999
  • The association between negative muscle work and pedaling rate: Oktober 1999

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