B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 03 2001
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Lördag/söndag 20/21 januari

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Top ten rejected Movie Lines
(From Letterman: read by Arnold Schwarzenegger)

10. My what a lovely lace doily!
9. Oww! A papercut!
8. Man-oh-man do I love fudge!
7. When I think about you, I touch myself.
6. Do you have any of those "ouch-less" Band-Aids?
5. Can you please open this jar of olives for me?
4. Time to make the doughnuts, you bastard!
3. Can you just let me keep my credit cards?
2. Help me, Letterman, help me!
1. Who else loves show tunes?

Svensk artikel TV4: Gladiatorerna

Svensk artikel TV4: "Hinderbanan är verkligen min grej": 19 januari

"Louise Svaton vann grundomgång ett i Gladiatorerna. Hon arbetar som personlig tränare och driver ett eget företag med äventyrsaktiviteter i Stockholm. Se Kajak & Uteliv: Louise Svaton."

Svensk artikel TV4: Skadad Atlas förd till sjukhus: 19 januari

"Det blev en dramatisk första omgång i Gladiatorerna. Den störste och starkaste av dem alla, Atlas, fick bryta i Duellen. Han såg svårt skadad ut när han fördes bort i ambulans."

Svensk artikel TV4: Välkommen in i Gladiatorernas värld:

Här kan du se de häftiga filmerna från tv där vi spänner musklerna. Börja hårdträna redan nu - från slutet av januari kan du tävla på Hinderbanan. Och i början av februari kan din högstadieklass tävla om oss. Första pris i klasstävlingen är en Gladiator som kommer till din klass på gympalektionen.

Svensk artikel TV4: "Det är inget mesprogram med söndagsmotionärer": 19 januari

"Ove Rytter och Robert Perlskog, kommentatorerna och radarparet från förra årets program, tar pulsen på årets upplaga av Gladiatorerna. Enligt dem blir det en fullspäckad show med mycket tuffa tag."

DRCNet Online Library:

"Online library of articles, reasearch papers, books, and essays on drugs, drug policy, prohibition, controlled substances, drug abuse, the drug war, marijuana, medical marijuna, LSD, peyote, psilocybin, ibogaine, psychedelic drugs."

Christian Science Monitor: Tolerance of sports doping on trial in France: 6 november 2000

"Cyclists' rankings mean nothing anymore," exploded Daniel Delegove, the judge presiding over the trial of France's biggest cycling hero, Richard Virenque, after hearing compelling evidence of the widespread use of banned substances. "These are not racers, they are pedaling test tubes."

New York Times: Consequences: Athletes, Andro and Trouble in the Urine: 28 november 2000

"Athletes who take the sports supplement androstenedione, commonly known as andro, might want to pay attention to one new finding: the substance can make them fail urine tests for the banned anabolic steroid nandrolone."

Danska artikel Jyllands-Posten: Fængsel sætter grænser for bodybuilding: 18 januari

"Det åbne statsfængsel i Sdr. Omme har grebet ind mod de stærke fangers brug af fængslets motionsrum til bodybuilding."

Business Day: New player muscles in on health club arena: 19 januari

"A gym company is taking advantage of unhappiness over increased gym membership prices by launching an ambitious expansion strategy in SA."

Svensk artikel Fredrik Olenborg:

"Mitt namn är Fredrik Olenborg och jag jobbar som Personlig Tränare, Spinning instruktör, Box instruktör (då min idrottsliga bakgrund grundar sig i kampsporter) och även som modell.

Mest ägnar jag mig åt det den här hemsidan handlar om; personligt anpassad, vetenskapligt baserad fysisk träning för motionärer och professionella."

Svensk artikel Concept Träningsredskap:

"Vi representerar några av världens ledande tillverkare av träningsredskap. Roddmaskinen Concept II är ett unikt redskap som aktiverar alla större muskelgrupper i kroppen. Du får en allsidig och effektiv träning som skapar en hög energiförbrukning. Roddmaskinen anses av många som ett av de absolut effektivaste träningsredskap som finns att tillgå."

MSNBC: Do diets slow your metabolism?: 19 januari

"If you are trying to lose weight, you may be concerned by reports that diets can slow your metabolism, making it more of a challenge to keep off any weight you lose. Several studies on metabolic rate after weight loss, however, suggest this may not be inevitable."

The Hindu: Kunjarani Devi proves a point: 18 januari

"Kunjarani Devi proved a point. That the most experienced international weightlifter from India who won 52 medals outside India so far was sore over her non-inclusion in the Indian team for the Sydney Olympics last year was known to every one."

The Hindu: Prasmita clinches maiden gold: 19 januari

"Prasmita Mangaraj, a college student from Puri in Orissa, clinched her maiden senior National gold medal here on Thursday as she won the 58-kg category title in a keen competition, while international Pratima Kumari of Police, as expected, made a golden debut in the 63-kg category after moving up from the 58-kg category which has been her forte for a long time."

Nikki Fuller - IFBB Pro, Anna Merchan, Fitness 2000 - Female Muscular Arms

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Fredag 19 januari

Dagens Artiklar : Webbplatser

Om Met-RX "lilla" produktplacering i Oliver Stones 'Any Given Sunday':

Vid fyra större tillfällen kunde jag se Met-RX förekomma i denna film om amerikansk fotboll. Om man tyckte att Statoils produktplacering i 'Hamilton' ("The Statoil company paid 500,000 NOK ($USD67,000) for their logo to be displayed for three seconds in the film.") var uppenbar så är Met-RX i samma klass. Willie 'Alien' Beamen (Jamie Foxx) i sin musikvideo: "Inflex your chest... With Met-RX".

Det kom ett e-postbrev från Melanie Griffith:

"Magnus, have you gained weight over the holidays?

Hur i helsike kunde Melanie ana det? ;-)

Greg Isaacs, one of Hollywood's leading experts on fitness and weight loss wants to help you!! Greg has coached me and other stars such as Pierce Brosnan, Clint Eastwood, Goldie Hawn, and Kurt Russell.

This is your chance to get personal with Greg and ask him all of your questions about weight loss, nutrition, exercise, staying motivated and the secrets of the stars! Hope to see you there! Melanie Griffith"


Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Sveriges farligaste tv-program är tillbaka: 18 januari

"I morgon är det säsongspremiär för Sveriges farligaste tv-program. ”Gladiatorerna” i TV 4 är tillbaka."

The Arnold Fan: Arnold Gives Speech at the "World Sports Awards!: 16 januari

"Today, Arnold was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the World Sports Awards in London honoring athletes from around the world for their outstanding achievements and contributions."

Oakland: 17 januari

"Yesterday Arnold received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the World Sports Awards. A few hours ago I've just watched this amazing show live and though maybe you'd love to see some pics and Arnold on the Collateral Damage set!"

BBC News: Sports drink claims 'unjustified': 17 januari 

"Adverts promoting a leading sports drink made unjustified claims about the product's effectiveness, according to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)."

Washington Post: Attention, Health Food Fanatics: Get a Life: 16 januari

"Hey, wheat-germ breath: Feeling sanctimonious, are you, with your diet of tofu, veggies and brown rice?

Well that smug attitude just might be a symptom of the disease orthorexia nervosa - a wry coinage meaning an unhealthful "fixation on eating healthy food" that Steven Bratman says could be as bad for you as bingeing on Lays and Yoo Hoo."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Michael ska lära oss leva längre: 15 januari

"Vill du leva längre? Lyssna då till Michael Sjöström. Han har fått EU:s uppdrag att få dig att leva längre. Knepen lyder: Ät mer frukt och grönt, motionera mera och ät mindre kött."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Mannen bakom Magdas succé: 15 januari

"Tysk disciplin. Där har ni hemligheten bakom fenomenet Magdalena Forsberg – som tog sin sjunde raka seger i världscupen i går. – Jag kan vara väldigt tuff, klargör tränaren Wolfgang Pichler.

När Magdalena engagerade tysken som tränare klarade hon 45 kilo i bänkpress. I dag lyfter hon 63. Styrkan gör henne till en bättre stakåkare. Varje detalj har utvecklats till det som i dag framstår som en komplett skidskytt."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Agneta satsar på både kropp och själ: 15 januari

"Agneta Bengtsson, 31, är styrkeinstruktör. I går prästvigdes hon. – För mig är kropp och själ lika viktiga. Gud skapade båda."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: – Jag utnyttjar min kvinnlighet: 14 januari

Missa inte bilden på Johan Oldenmark och Roger Zapfe med Yvonne Ryding...

"Hon är kvinnan som tog Sverige med storm och charmade världen. Aftonbladet Söndag har träffat universums vackraste kvinna, Yvonne Ryding, för en intervju om avundsjukan, potatismagen och den nya pojkvännen."

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Svårt stoppa olaglig reklam på Internet: 14 januari

"Svensk lag tandlös när mirakelkurer saluförs på hemsidor som ligger på servrar i andra länder. Internationellt samarbete motvapnet."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: ”Det är smaklöst”: 10 januari

"Lars Berggren, 45, försöker sälja bantningspulvret Herbalife till sjuka människor. Han raggar anorektiker och överviktiga via internet, hävdar Överviktigas Riksförbund."

Nutricise: Maximize your gym time by figuring out how you're wasting it:

"If you often complain that you don't have enough time to go to the gym, it's a good indication that you're wasting time when you're there. It's easy to become a more efficient gymgoer if you can pinpoint how you dillydally and learn to change your ways. Nutricise asked some top trainers how they've seen us squander precious seconds at the gym."

WebMD: Extreme Bodybuilding: Is This What Women Want?: 17 januari

"You've seen them. They're at the gym every night and every weekend, perfecting that body. What's going on here? Are these guys just trying to look good, or is this bodybuilding to the extreme? More importantly - is this what women want?"

Newswise: Energy Density: A New Way to Look at Food: 18 januari

"A new book from Mayo Clinic is available to help potential dieters stay on track. The book, Mayo Clinic on Healthy Weight, recommends paying close attention to the "energy density" of foods in order to maintain a healthy diet."

University of Virginia: Department of Computer Science: The Terminator:

"Arnold Schwarzenegger is The Terminator. Name any actor or actress and I can construct the shortest list of links that terminates with Arnold Schwarzenegger."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Therese Alshammar chockad efter tränarens dopnings- anklagelser: 18 januari

"Therese Alshammar ville inte skriva på ett anti-dopningsavtal – och bröt med tränaren Dirk Lange. Anklagelsen kommer från Lange, och chockar hela simvärlden. Inklusive ”Tessan”. – Jag har goda skäl att gå vidare till rätten med det här, säger hon."

Shawn Ray: Shawn Ray's Announcement:

I am not competing in the ARNOLD CLASSIC 2001. I never was and I never spoke to anybody representing the "Classic" about my participation in the show! This is a false advertisement for the show and I deeply regret to inform my fans who thought I was competing, that I am not.

Svensk artikel Sydsvenskan: Läkemedelsindustrin slarvar med reklam: 17 januari

"Läkemedelsföretagen har flyttat fram sina positioner och testar medvetet gränserna, menar företrädare för Läkemedelsverket."

Dave Draper: Do you need to gain weight? Then read this:

  • Weight Gain Plan
  • Henrik's Big Gainer
  • Power Training For Bulk
  • How Do I Gain Muscle Fast?

DenverPost.com: Turning a positive into a positive: 28 november 2000

"Tara Nott's borrowed cell phone was meant only for emergencies. Yet there she was, filming a promotional spot for NBC - a mock date with Olympic skier Jonny Moseley - when the phone rang.

"We were dancing in the streets, eating ice cream. You know, a crazy date," Nott said. Then the executive director of USA weightlifting, Jim Fox, dialed her number."

BBspot: Thinking About Exercise Keeps You Fit: 17 januari

"In a study funded by Frito Lay and AOL, the Institute for American Fitness claims that thinking about exercise for 20 minutes per day, 3 times a week is all the average adult needs to stay fit. Even if you can't think about exercise that often if you at least watch other people exercise then you can remain healthy."

Svensk artikel NewsOnline: Rekordstor satsning på norskt hälsomedel – TV-reklam för 20 miljoner: 18 januari

"Norska Pronova healthcare, ett bolag i Norsk Hydro-koncernen, lanserar i morgon fredag ett nytt kosttillskott på den svenska marknaden. Aldrig tidigare har ett företag inom det här segmentet satsat lika mycket."

DrWeitz.com: Minimizing Weight Training Injuries in Bodybuilders and Athletes: Juni 1997

"Weight training is an exceptional form of exercise when practiced sensibly. Key training strategies involve the use of proper mechanics and posture along with gradual, progressive increases in load. When injuries do occur, chiropractors have several effective strategies at their disposal for management."

NetDoktor: Exercise has positive effects on brain: 16 januari

"Walking, jogging and cycling can prevent memory and mental skills declining with age, according to new research. Scientists at Duke University Medical Centre in North Carolina have reported that middle-aged and elderly people who do thirty minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week show improvements in memory and the ability to cope with several intellectual tasks simultaneously."

Food Ingredients Online: Orange juice contends for calcium crown: 10 januari

"With calcium-fortified orange juice offering as much calcium as milk, breakfast eaters are drinking it up. Naturally full of ingredients like potassium, folate and vitamin C, calcium-fortified orange juice is now in the race for the calcium crown."

Ivanhoe.com: Addictive and Lethal Effects of GHB-Related Supplements: 15 januari

"Researchers are finding gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-related supplements may be just as risky as GHB itself. As the abuse of these supplements rises, researchers believe these risks should be known."

Svensk artikel Dagens Medicin: Exakta muskelmått återger viss rörlighet: 16 januari

"Handkirurger vid Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset i Göteborg har utvecklat en elektronisk mätutrustning som gör det möjligt att exakt mäta längden hos musklernas minsta sammadragande enheter – sarkomererna.

Apparaten hjälper kirurgerna att spänna musklerna precis lagom hårt när man försöker återskapa rörligheten hos svårt förlamade patienter. Kirurgerna i Göteborg har också visat att muskler inte anpassar sig när deras längd förändras vid en operation, vilket man tidigare trott."

HowStuffWorks: How Your Kidneys Work:

"Your kidneys are two of the most important organs in your body. But have you even wondered what exactly they are doing for you? Learn how your kidneys work and how they affect your whole body on a daily basis!"

Svensk artikel DagensHandel: Två tredjedelar av våra pengar går till oplanerade matinköp: 16 januari

"Ungefär två tredjedelar, eller 71 procent, av de pengar vi lägger ned på livsmedelsinköp går till oplanerade inköp. Många använder affären som ”handlingslista”, man söker extrapriser och minns vad man behöver när man ser produkterna i affären."

Iron Curtain Labs: Athlete's Mind:

"Q: Why do they call a dumbbell a dumbbell?

A: Well, believe it or not It has nothing to do with the people who lift them! According to weightlifting historian Perry Buchanan, the original dumbbells were shaped like bells. Since they looked like bells, but didn't ring (and/or speak) they were called "DUMB" bells."

  • 10 Keys to Lifting Success
  • 15 Surprising Facts about World Class Athletes
  • 7 Commandments of Powerlifting
  • Are you the Average Joe?
  • "CHOKING" Tips of control
  • Courage to live the Good Life
  • Female Competition
  • Greatness (?)
  • Growth through Criticism
  • Hard work
  • In Pursuit of Success Part #1
  • In Pursuit of Success Part #3
  • In Pursuit of Success Part #5
  • Instant Inspiration
  • Psychological Aspects of Powerlifting
  • Psychology of Powerlifting
  • Program the Greatest Computer
  • Pt. #10 Self Confidence
  • Pt. #8 Courage
  • Pt. #7 Presistence
  • Rejecting Rejection
  • Rising from the Ashes
  • Tell Me Why?
  • The Dreams of Today
  • The Power of Purpose

PsycPort: Aerobic Exercises May Help Fight Depression in the Long Run: 15 januari

"Aerobic exercise may be just as effective as medication at relieving depression and prove easier to stick with, suggests a new study. The findings add to growing evidence that exercise can significantly improve mental health at modest or no cost."

TrulyHuge: Bodybuilding and Fitness Supplement Guide 2000:

"Learn which supplements can help you to reach your goals faster and which ones are just "hype" and "BS". Go here and download this book Free!


Muscle Monthly Newsletter Volume 2, Number 2: 15 januari

"Muscle Monthly was created to provide a forum for some of the most brilliant minds in the world dedicated to the sciences of bodybuilding, training, performance enhancing pharmaceuticals, nutrition, dietary supplementation, weight management, anti-aging, rehabilitation, health care, sports, political and regulatory issues as they relate to the bodybuilding subculture, and mainstream health and fitness world."

Svensk artikel Fairing:

"Fairing Sport Nutrition är ett helsvenskt företag grundat 1993 av Kenny Johansson. Fairing Sport använder enbart europeiska råvaror framtagna efter lägst GMP-Standard. Vi har bästa tänkbara referenser bland annat tre landslag och flera svenska mästare."

Issue 9 of WPW Online Magazine: 18 januari

"Today we are releasing Issue 9 of the WPW Online Magazine, featuring comprehensive coverage of the 2000 NPC U.S. Championships. This is always one of the biggest shows of the year, usually featuring around 100 women bodybuilders and fitness women, and in 2000 it was no different."

www.musclewomen.de - Die Deutsche Frauenbodybuilding Fanseite

Argentinian Muscular Girl's Web Site

The Rusty Iron Bodyfat Calculator:

"The most convenient method for measuring bodyfat is the use of skinfold calipers. This method is subject to error, particularly in light of the fact that everyone differs as to the locations on their body where fat is distributed; however, numerous scientific studies have shown the skinfold method to be reasonably accurate, and it is far simpler and much less expensive than the other methods used."

Bodybuilders of Morocco:

"Bodybuilding is rather new to Morocco, but it has grown immensely in popularity during the last few years and it is said now to be the second most popular sport after soccer. and there are nearly 2000 gyms in the country. Some bodybuilders like Aitabed Belaid, Lakhnir Mohamed, Bouassi Mohamed and Hassan Belebsili and Mohamed Touri have gained international recognition."

Danska artikel Debat om ernæring:

"Per B. Mikkelsen, Cand. Scient, har netop åbnet en forum på internettet der vedrører kost og træning."

Fitness Fréttir: Fréttabréf Fitnessfrétta: 16 januari

Nytt onlineexemplar av den isländska muskeltidningen.

"Nýtt tölublað Fitnessfrétta komið á vefinn. Smelltu þér á fitness.is. Blaðið ætti að vera komið í allar æfingastöðvar síðla miðvikudags. Bestu kveðjur, Einar Guðmann."

Svensk artikel Träna med Paolo Roberto:

"Nu kan du på www.paoloroberto.com se Paolo Robertos träningsprogram. Tyvärr har vi lite bekymmer med ljudfilerna så när du klickat på länken "träna med Paolo" kommer du få upp ett pop up fönster, stäng då ned den stora sajten så kan du njuta träningsprogrammet till fullo.

Besök Starfights Gym via webben Gå in på www.gertsvarld.com och se vilka som tränar på Starfights Gym via webbkameran..."

sportsgirls.net - A paradise of athletic beauties: 15 januari

"I'd like to let you know that we have a new mega-gallery featuring Fitness Beach's resident aerobics champion beauty Deborah Khazei. There are over 75 pictures, collages, and mini-movies from all her best moments from the show."

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Dagens B&K-länkare


Måndag 15 januari

Dagens Artiklar : Webbplatser

Dags för lite förändringar som syftar till att göra webbloggen något mer överskådlig: Varje dags poster delas upp i två huvudgrupper, länkar till artiklar och länkar till webbplatser.


Bill Dobbins: Arnold Weekend 2001 Official Brochure

Q&A Interview with Jim Lorimer, co-promotor of the Arnold Weekend:

"Jim Lorimer met Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 1970s, when Arnold was still competing and Jim was promoting bodybuilding contests in the Columbus, Ohio area. Soon after they began co-promoting physique events, which eventually evolved into the "Arnold Weekend"."

International Health News: Dowload free e-book - IHN Yearbook 2000:

"A 200 page compilation of abstracts and research reports published in International Health News (International Health News provides subscribers with useful, authoritative on-line information about the latest research in health, nutrition and medicine.) over the past year. With detailed subject index. A "must have" health publication."

StretchWare - The Software that reminds you to s t r e t c h!:

Test Drive StretchWare™ Free for 30 Days!
"The new, updated, free demo version of StretchWare™ now contains all of the stretching routines, all of the topics, and full functionality. Its only limitation is that it will no longer operate after 30 days from its installation. So you can now have the opportunity to fully sample StretchWare’s capabilities."

Vulkan: Vägledning om idrottsskador och deras behandling:

"Guide för att hjälpa till med smärta i armbåge, handled, rygg, ljumskar, buk, skinka, lår, knä, underben, fotled och fot."

Cyberpump!: Review: IRON GRIP Magazine: 14 januari

"I have already announced this magazine, entitled IRON GRIP, previously in this column. I recently received my first issue and I wasn't disappointed. David Horne has gotten off to a great start with this magazine. In the first issue, there were 22 pages with a great mix of grip history, training, and pictures for inspiration."

Charlotte Birkow Fitness:

"Charlotte Bircow Fitness beskæftiger sig med produktion af fitnessvideoer, slankeklub, personlig træning, kurser og foredrag om kost og motion, samt salg af fitnessprodukter, fitnesstøj og aerobicmusik."

Business 2.0: It's a Whole New Ballgame: 23 januari

"In the ring, The Rock, a half-Samoan, half-African-American Adonis with an autobiography on The New York Times best-seller list and as good a shot as anyone to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hollywood's leading action movie he-mannequin, is battling the 400-pound Rikishi, who sports a bleached blonde goatee and hindquarters so huge his thong should be getting paid overtime."

Great Lakes Fitness Guide:

Chris "The Real Deal" Cormier is in top shape to take the Arnold Classic.

The Great Lakes Fitness Guide is proud to be a sponsor of: 13th Annual Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic.

Check out Chris Cormier's official web site.

Kim Chizevsky - Coming Soon Ms. Olympia on the Internet

Paula Z's Exercise Video Reviews:

"Welcome, fellow video enthusiasts, this site is designed to let you preview a video workout...without spending a dime. As a consumer advocate and personal trainer, I'm determined to help you choose only the best videos for your home workouts. Read on...you'll discover which exercise video workouts are worthy of your hard-earned money and your precious time."

GymMate - Digital Fitness Is Here!

"The GymMate personal exercise system combines the power of computer technology with the latest advances in personal training to give YOU the body you've always wanted with less time in the gym."

MrTrainer - Your Own Personal Trainer on Video:

"MrTrainer - The World's First Videos for Anyone Wanting a Personal Trainer! Available on CD-ROM and VHS, Customized workouts, Exercise tips"

BBC News: Herbal remedies 'boost brain power': 14 april 2000

"A combination of two ancient herbal remedies can dramatically boost brain power and may have applications in medicine, say scientists. Researchers showed that ginkgo biloba can improve the power of concentration, while ginseng sharpens up the memory."

Mens Fitness: 10 things you need to know to get lean and gain muscle quickly during your "2001: A Body Odyssey": Januari

"Don't be surprised if you feel more like Mr. Magoo than Mr. Universe the first time you pick up a dumbbell. Learning proper technique can be somewhat involved, considering that each exercise movement has its own set of quirks."

John Parillo - Parillo Performance:

Parrillo Performance Press Archives - A monthly magazine for all bodybuilding, fitness and endurance enthusiasts:
The Parillo team puts their ideas and research in print and online to give you the knowledge you need to obtain your goals.

Q & A with John Parrillo:
Ask the expert your own nutrition questions or browse troguh the archives

Technical Supplement Bulletins:
A monthly bulletin written by John Parillo, full of nutrition and fitness facts. 

Free download:
Get a free three page PDF outlining the proper techniques in measuring body composition.

BBC News: The military get mightier: 12 januari

Undrar om ett exoskelett godkänns i styrkelyftstävlingar? När man kan börja använda endoskelett (som Arnolds Terminator) får väl tävlande inte bara genomgå dopingtester utan också gå igenom metalldetektorer... Hemsidan för detta amerikanska militärprojekt. The Onion rapporterar om att "Stephen Hawking Builds Robotic Exoskeleton".

"The US military is planning to turn soldiers into supermen by fitting them with powered exoskeletons. Early work sponsored by Darpa has used pneumatic muscles or deformable magnets to power artificial limbs or suits that soldiers could wear. Trials of a Springwalker system helped its developers travel at speeds in excess of 24 km/h (15 mph)."

Dave Draper: Pleasures of Another World and Time: The Great Strength and Health Picnics:

"Vic Boff called yesterday and in a conversation with Dave, gave me permission to reprint this story of The Great Strength & Health Picnics from his Iron Game collectors Series of the Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen Association."

Food Ingredients Online: Canadian company offers omega-3 cheese: 12 januari

"PurNutra Inc. (Guelph, Ontario) is planning to produce and package a new line of omega-3 / DHA enriched cheese. According to the company, the product will feature more than 18 times the amount of the omega 3 known as DHA and more than triple the amount of the omega 3 known as EPA, compared with goat cheddar."

Nutricise: Mind Your Food: What is the Best Appetite Suppressant?:

"Diet aids come in pills, herbs, teas and supplements, but the best antidote for hunger is none of these."

firstpath: Fight Fatigue With Fitness:

"During the winter months, most of us feel as if our "get up and go has got up and went." One of the best ways to fight fatigue is with fitness."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Farligt att gå ned i vikt?: 8 januari

"Under läkarstämman som hölls i Göteborg presenterades en studie gjord av Peter Nilsson, docent vid Universitetssjukhuset MAS i Malmö. Resultaten visade att viktnedgång, hos medelålders män, är farlig. Genomslagskraften var enorm i massmedia och slutsatsen basunerades ut i radio- och tv-nyheterna."

The Telegraph: Pumped-up Tiger Woods is fit to reign: 14 januari

"On tournament days he runs for two miles before moving on to the hard work. Those massive shoulders are no freak of nature. With free weights he runs through a series of exercises designed both to tone and develop. A quick breather and he lies on a bench and lifts some serious weights. Repeat, repeat, and... well, you've got the picture."

The Star: Don't just sit there - get fit on the Web: 13 januari

While the Internet will never replace the advice and expertise of personal trainers, nutritionists or doctors, for those who feel turning to professionals is a daunting task - or just want some suggestions on getting started - there are plenty of sites available.

Cleveland: Knowledge isn’t power in fitness, study says: 13 januari

"People tend to say they are in better shape than they really are, smoke less than they actually do and know how to stay fit and eat healthy, even though they don’t really do either.

"People fail because they have no skills and no plan," said Richard Harte, a behavioral therapist in New York City. "People have to learn to become persistent and hang in there long enough to imagine themselves as being successful."

New York Post Online: Fitness Guru's Writing Exercise: 14 januari

"Fitness guru to the stars Pat Manocchia is working on a book.

Manocchia, who roomed with John F. Kennedy Jr. at Brown University and once dated Julia Roberts, is the man who runs the upscale West Side gym La Palestra - where celebrities and media moguls alike love to work on their crunches and curls."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Så här beräknar man energiprocent: 11 januari

"Vi har alla hört att det är önskvärt med ett lägre fettintag för många av oss. Detta för att öka hälsan och minska kroppsvikten. Men vad betyder alla dessa siffror?"

The Age: Schwarzenegger back in action: 19 november

"A representative from the company that insured the actor for his last film End of Days, apparently was sent to keep an eye on Schwarzenegger to determine whether his heart surgery had slowed him down.

"They sent a spy to the set of that movie," Schwarzenegger said with just a hint of anger. "She watched me for weeks, watching for any hint of exhaustion. Nobody was supposed to know who she was, but I knew who she was. So I never let up for a second.

"Finally, one night she came up to me and asked me how I could not be tired after running and jumping around until two in the morning. I smiled at her and told her that I never get tired. I told her that I love doing this and could run and jump around like this all night without getting winded. The next day she was gone and she never came back." (Via Oakland)

Time: Beyond Needles and Pills: 13 januari

"Drug reactions kill tens of thousands of patients each year. Part of the problem is how the medicine is being delivered."

Brain.com: Nutrition and Your Brain: Introduction: 30 september 1999

"Your brain is a glutton for nourishment. Although it represents only about 2 percent of your body weight, it uses more than 20 percent of all your energy — consuming half of the blood sugar circulating in your bloodstream, a fourth of your nutrients, and a fifth of all the oxygen you inhale."

Yahoo! News: Soap Operas Serve Health Plots, Send Messages: 12 januari

Aha, alltså är mer gymträning i Rederiet och andra såpoperor är något att starta lobbying för...

"TV soap operas do more than entertain, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For millions of Americans, the daytime dramas also serve as a source of health information, the US government agency suggests."

BBC News: Olympic athletes suffered clots from flying: 11 januari

"Three members of the British Olympic team suffered potentially fatal blood clots when flying to Australia for the Sydney Olympics last year, a surgeon has revealed.

Dr David Grosser said he treated the three, whom he refused to identify, for deep vein thrombosis - also known as "economy class syndrome" - when they arrived in Australia to train for the games."

Excite News: MTV Grapples with Reality Show: 9 januari

"The WWF is holding open auditions to field a group of 12 men and women who are willing to put themselves through a grueling nine-week basic-training course and generate sweet chin music 24 hours a day before a live MTV camera crew.

After a Survivor-like process of elimination (which will most likely start several weeks after the audience gets to know the cast), the final male and female grapplers will receive a hefty talent development contract from the WWF to become a pro wrestler in its vast stable of headbangers."

FOX News: Study Cites Parents, Media, for Kids' Extreme Weight Concerns: 9 januari

"Influenced by their parents and the media, a disturbing number of children and teen-agers are worrying about their weight in hopes of looking model-thin or bodybuilder buff, a study says."

smh.com.au: Winslet gives weight to the power of charlies' angles: 11 januari

"Kate Winslet's sudden desire to be thin is bad news for girls, writes Stephanie Peatling."

The Junk Food Mecca:

"The Junk Food Mecca is your one-stop junk food supermarket, providing non-nutritious links to many junk and snack food websites."

Funtrivia.com: mcdonalds trivia and facts:

"Everyday 0.5 percent of the worlds population visits a McDonalds."

Atlantic Unbound: Unhappy Meals: 14 december 2000

"Eric Schlosser, an award-winning investigative journalist, uncovers the "dark side of the all-American meal."

U.S. Newswire: ATLAS Program Qualifies for 2002 Olympics: 10 januari

"Following 10 years of research and testing, the national award-winning ATLAS (Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids) program starts full implementation in Salt Lake City, site of the 2002 Winter Olympics. The program represents a new and innovative approach to preventing male teenage substance abuse and will be implemented in three large city high schools."

KansasCity: Oh, what an anxious web they weave as they await `Spider-Man': 11 januari

"Maguire has been preparing for the role since July. Although swinging from skyscraper to skyscraper through New York City will clearly be a great physical challenge, his training has differed from Schwarzenegger-style muscle-building or the Asian martial arts of such contemporary action movie hits as "The Matrix" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

"I've done all kinds of training for flexibility and acrobatic grace," the 25-year-old actor said. "But Spider-Man is no martial artist; he's got his own style of fighting. First of all, he's so strong, if he hit regular people like that, he could seriously injure them, and he's too responsible of a man to do such a thing."

Seattle Post: Pint-sized powerhouse: 13 januari

"She's blind, weighs just 74 pounds and measures a mere 4-foot-6, yet Candy Loukprasong stands atop the world of powerlifting."

Golfonline: Finchem says no need for study on performance-enhancing drugs: 9 januari

"Most drugs are used to help increase strength, size, and aerobic capacity. Golf has too many champions who are anything but bodybuilders - Paul Runyan, Craig Stadler, even Mark O'Meara, who won two majors at age 41."

The New England Journal of Medicine: Book Review: Adonis Complex: The Secret Crisis of Male Body Obsession: 11 januari

"This interesting and provocative book describes a form of obsession in which otherwise healthy men become absorbed by compulsive exercising, eating disorders, body-image distortion, and ultimately, abuse of anabolic steroids.

In a manner analogous to the course of anorexia nervosa, the social norm of male "fitness" turns, in these sad men, into an insatiable obsession with growing "bigger" and more muscular. When exercise and dieting rituals, no matter how fanatical, fail, recourse to drugs, mostly anabolic steroids, appears to be an easy transition."

The Inquirer: A losing attitude on a weighty issue: 9 januari

"About 68 percent of all Americans who step on the scales any Jan. 1 can expect to see higher numbers, a recent survey indicates. Not to mention that we're pudgy at best to begin with. In an age of escalators, riding mowers and remote controls, 61 percent of America's adults are overweight or obese.

So, come Jan. 2, where do many people go? To the local gym. It's the busiest day of the year for the weight rooms, on the treadmills, and in the aerobics classes. The Eagle Fitness Center is no exception. It's not the region's biggest gym, not the smallest. It's simply typical. "You have a two-week period when it's nonstop," manager Chris Shoemaker said."

Evansville Courier & Press: Finding Fitness: 8 januari

"The first of the year is always exciting and crazy. But there has to be some fun and excitement all year or people will start up in January and by March 1 they’re done."

Meier said fun is the key to continuing a fitness program, and Buchta is one of many instructors across the area who focuses on making fitness enjoyable."

Philadelphia Daily News: Machines that'll get you exercised: 12 januari

"The basics of exercise are simple: Contract and release muscles on a repeated basis until you achieve the desired effect.

Yet every year consumers spend billions of dollars on the latest exercise equipment designed to work those muscles in exciting new ways or simply to make the process of exercising less tedious."

The New England Journal of Medicine: Adverse Events, Including Death, Associated with the Use of 1,4-Butanediol: 11 januari

"1,4-Butanediol is an industrial solvent that, when ingested, is converted to (gamma)-hydroxybutyrate, a drug of abuse with depressant effects, primarily on the central nervous system."

CNN: Banned dietary supplement still causing deaths, study says: 11 januar

PsycPort: Students struggle to balance mind, body: 11 januari

"One reason, Timothy Nolan, the director of the University of Kentucky Student Mental Health Clinic, says students have problems staying in good mental and physical health throughout the semester is because many fail to exercise their bodies adequately.

"Exercise is number one on the list," he said about the problems many students experience. "Not exercising creates problems for anxiety, depression and stress."

Yahoo! News: Good Cholesterol May Explain Why Some Live to 100: 12 januari

"While diet and exercise are key to most people's health, there have always been those lucky few who can do whatever they want and still live to 100. Now genetics research is showing why. A new study suggests that centenarians retain a naturally heart-healthy cholesterol level throughout their lives - and they pass the gift on to their children."

ABCNews: From Martial Arts to the Hulk? Ang Lee Considers Tackling Comic Book Hero: 12 januari

"Yep, Lee is in early talks to direct the comic book tale of the Incredible Hulk. According to Variety, Lee's version of the radioactive man-beast will be a big-budgeted, f/x-driven picture, set for a 2003 release. It's not yet clear who would be the lucky man to utter scientist Bruce Banner's trademark line, "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

However, we hear Lou Ferrigno — who portrayed Banner's mean, green alter ego in the '70s TV series — is currently teaching physical fitness courses at Los Angeles' Learning Annex. Presumably, he's still in adequate shape to reprise his clothes-ripping role."

American Body Building: Making It in the Difficult World of Bodybuilding Takes Persistence! By Skip LaCour: 1 januari

"Are you having trouble staying positive because of the disappointments you've experienced trying to build your physique? Brother, I feel you pain! No matter how difficult the journey toward achieving your bodybuilding goals may seem at times, keep the faith.

We've all been there before. Any devastating "failure" you experience can be turned into an amazing victory-if you have the right attitude and perspective."

Norsk artikel Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad: -Vil spare millioner på mer trening: 4 januari

"Sarpsborg Idrettsråd mener kommunen og staten vil spare store penger dersom folk blir mer fysisk aktive. - Dersom alle går en rask tur hver dag vil de spare flere ti-talls millioner, hevder Kjell Einar Andersen."

Norsk artikel Dagsavisen: Horn innkalt til dopinghøring: 9 januari

"Politikerne på Stortinget har fått nok av striden i norsk idrett om doping og kosttilskudd. Nå må kulturminister Ellen Horn inn til høring om toppidretten."

HealthScout: Male Bonding at the Gym:

"Men with fit friends more likely to work out."

Svensk artikel PrimaVi: Man behöver inte vara sjuk för att man är ofrisk: 12 januari

"Vårt sätt att tänka och tala om hälsa i Sverige bygger på axiomet att frisk är man så länge man inte är sjuk. Och blir man sjuk ska det sjuka behandlas bort, så att man blir frisk igen. Detta synsätt är föråldrat och otillräckligt i dagens hälso- och sjukvård. Sjukvård gör ingen människa frisk."

MWC Healthlink: Advice for the Aging Athlete:

"While age is a relative thing - the 60-year-old tennis player may be in better shape than the 20-year-old couch potato - time takes its toll on the human body in terms of physical changes. After age 30, humans start losing muscle mass and after age 40, bone mass declines.

Tendons, which connect muscles to bone, and ligaments, which hold joints together, become less elastic and are easier to tear. These changes and others affect our ability to enjoy sports as we grow older."

The Economist: Who wants to be a genius?:

"Psychologists are divided over whether genius is innate or acquired. Nobody has yet been smart enough to figure it out. Anders Ericsson, a psychologist at Florida State University, falls into the minority camp. Given ten years of deliberate practice, Dr Ericsson says, anyone should be able to attain prodigy-level performance in his discipline of choice.

Twenty years ago, Dr Ericsson tried to prove it by training some ordinary laboratory volunteers up to prodigy-level performance in a number-memory task. Average people tend to have a “digit-span” of seven—in other words they can recall a string of seven random digits after hearing it read out once. But after a year’s practice, two of his particularly dedicated subjects were able to increase their digit-spans to lengths of 80 and 100."


Svensk artikel Zaras Gladiatorsida:

"Alla vet ju typ vilka Gladiatorerna är. Men visste ni att två nya gladiatorer är med eller att fyra av dom gamla är borttagna. Nej tänkte väl det. Den här sidan handlade nästan bara om Kim Justin förut men nu är alla Gladiatorer med. Så nu hoppas jag att ni gillar den nya förbättrade sidan."

HealthSpy.Net: Keep your gym workout records online:

"You can enter your gym workout records in gym using any hand held device, cell phone, PALM or Palm computer CE. If you don't have a hand held device, still you can record your progress on a nice system generated form and update the data later from your home."

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