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Födelsedagar vecka 39:


25/9 Vickie Gates (38)

25/9 Sandy Cummins (34)
26/9 Anna "Medusa" Rosén (28)
27/9 Anders Bengtsson (40)


Söndag 1 oktober

Svensk artikel Fitness-magazine.com: Nyheter:

  • ProduktGuiden, test av olika Gainers
  • S.A.F.E.-convention 2000 gick av stapeln på IH i Stockholm
  • Cecilia Gustavsson grundare av Power Hour
  • Fitness Party 2000
  • Vinn skor från Nike och kläder från Perfetto
  • Styrketräning eller konditionsträning vid extremt lågt kaloriintag?
  • Hur påverkas balansen av motion?
  • AerobicWeekend i Eskilstuna

Engelsk artikel InteliHealth: "Puny" Syndrome Hits Muscle Bound: 21 november 1997

"Some muscled people may be seriously distressed by a pathological worry that they look puny, according to researchers in the United States and England.

In the condition, which experts dub "muscle dysmorphia," individuals are embarrassed about their bodies and are often consumed by weightlifting. The syndrome is also associated with the abuse of anabolic steroids in a quest for bigger muscles."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Anna - en kraftkvinna: 21 november 1998

"Hon anses vara en supertalang. Anna Holm-Gottfrid, 19, har bara tränat tyngdlyftning i en månad men har redan hunnit med att vinna en tävling. - Jag har nästan blivit besatt av det här och tränar så ofta jag kan, säger Anna."

Engelsk artikel The Times: This year's child may live to be 130 years old: 29 september 2000

"Children born this year may be able to live beyond the age of 130, according to trends revealed by a new study of ageing.

The study, published in Science, used the world's most complete set of population statistics from Sweden to measure for the first time the way in which the human lifespan has changed over the past 140 years."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Bronset Peters största framgång: 29 oktober 1996

"Peter Hedman från Säter blev i helgen bronsmedaljör i SM i bodybuilding i klassen minus 80 kilo. Tävlingarna avgjordes i Solna."

Engelsk artikel 50plus Fitness Association:

"Fifty-Plus is an international organization devoted to information about, motivation toward, and participation in exercise and fitness while aging. We believe that the bridges between those all important elements of involvement are crucial and the unique reason for our existence."

Engelsk artikel The Virtual Clubhouse: Second Time's a Charm when it comes to buying fitness equipment:

"Want to know how your club can save money on fitness equipment purchases this year? Buy used.

Yes, used. Or reconditioned or refurbished, as people in the industry call it. Fitness equipment distributors are selling used equipment at a fraction of the cost and virtually the same quality as its brand new counterpart."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Fina framgångar för Säterkillarna: 21 december 1995

"I Säter är det en hel del unga män och även någon ung kvinna som tränar bodybuilding på ett mycket seriöst sätt. Fyra av dessa har varit i Göteborg och tävlat i Luciapokalen, den näst efter SM största tävlingen i Sverige."

Engelsk artikel The Virtual Clubhouse: Aging Boomers Changing the Face of Fitness:

"The aging of the baby boom generation and the growth of the mature market is changing the fitness focus for the future. Like a watermelon traveling through a water hose, the next age wave is approaching their 50+ years in tremendous numbers."

[Till toppen av sidan]




Lördag 30 september

Engelsk artikel 24HourFitness: Beware of Fraudulent Supplements:

"Consumers need to be on the lookout for fraudulent products. These are products that don't do what they say they can or don't contain what they say they contain. At the very least, they waste consumers' money, and they may cause physical harm.

Fraudulent products often can be identified by the types of claims made in their labeling, advertising and promotional literature."

Engelsk artikel 24HourFitness: Overcoming Setbacks:

"I’ve noticed that other elite athletes have a high tolerance for setbacks. They accept failure as a necessary ingredient, the price you pay for taking risks. Failure and setback are often associated with crisis. In Chinese, the word for crisis means danger and opportunity. Failures are opportunities to learn and, with this newfound knowledge, improve and forge ahead. Failure is your teacher; you can learn a lot if you realize this."

Engelsk artikel Fitness And Bodybuilding Stars: Chris Cormier's Official Response to His Pulling Out of the Mr. O

"As many of you know, Chris Cormier has pulled out of the Mr. Olympia on the advice of physicians who have treated him in the wake of his passing out in his hotel in Mexico City while on a guest-posing tour. He was hospitalized there but is now back in the U. S., and is doing well.

This episode has spawned a number of rumors about Chris, many of them untrue and quite mean-spirited. Chris has felt that they needed to be addressed and therefore issued an official statement on his Web site.

For those of you that are fans of Chris' and want to wish him well, there is an e-mail address at his Web site for you to contact him."

Engelsk artikel How to be healthy until you die:

"About the author:

Ben is an avid kickboxer and weightlifter. He has many years of experience competing in wrestling, football and soccer. Not that he's good at any of these sports, mind you - he just likes to show up and get in people's way, and later brag about what an athlete he is, as though he has made any sort of positive impression on anyone. At the beach, Ben elicits roars of laughter from both women and men, and when he dies his body will be donated to science fiction."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Women outlast men during exercise: 29 september 2000

"Men's muscles may be larger than women's, but when push comes to shove the male muscle wimps out a lot sooner, research shows."

Svensk artikel Eskiltuna-Kuriren: Företagare fick lära om lönsam friskvård: 30 september 2000

"Friskvård på betald arbetstid är en investering som ger avkastning. Jag talar alltså om ren företagsekonomi och inte om att ni ska vara allmänt trevliga mot era anställda. Det budskapet gav Stefan Lundström, företagsekonom och högskolelärare, ett tjugotal arbetsgivare i Strängnäs kommun i går."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Är du vackrast i världen nu?: 30 september 2000

"Andreas Mattsson representerade i natt Sverige i männens motsvarighet till Miss World, skönhetstävlingen Man International."

Svensk artikel Hufvudstadbladet: OS: Dansk tyngdlyftare bakom dopingrykten om Harju: 

"Den danska OS-ledningen har skickat hem kulstötaren Joachim B. Olsen från OS i Sydney. Dessutom har danskarna framfört en ursäkt till Finlands trupp och OS-guldmedaljören Arsi Harju med anledning av ryktesspridningen som gjorde gällande att Harju skulle ha varit dopad."

Engelsk artikel Popular Science: Scientists Study Athletic Limits: 27 september 2000

"World records are falling in bunches at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. The athletes' performances are the product of superb genes, hard work and, increasingly, science."

Engelsk artikel philly.com: Coaching and cajoling, LaLanne makes a stop to pump seniors up: 20 september 2000

"Elaine LaLanne, in a bright-red exercise suit, bounds up the ramp and onto the stage at the Meadow Lakes retirement community in Hightstown and answers directly the questions foremost on the minds of the senior audience. She is 74. On Sept. 26, her husband will be 86.

Happy birthday, Jack LaLanne!"

Engelsk artikel Academic Press Daily inScight: Brain Cells Turn to Muscle: 20 september 2000

"Brain cells, like kids, can be led astray if they run with the wrong crowd. Neural stem cells, normally destined to turn into neurons and other brain cells, instead become muscle when they are put in contact with muscle cells, researchers now report."

Engelsk artikel U.S. News: The gold-medal diet: 2 oktober 2000

"Gold, it turns out, is often won or lost in hidden competitions leading up to the event. Swimmers, runners, and most other Olympians are in an almost absurdly serious showdown to see who's the best rester and champion frolicker. By taking it easy, they hope to time their physical and mental cycles so they start at a peak.

But for participants in sports with weight maximums, like weightlifting, the last weeks are often spent in a desperate starvation and dehydration race."

Engelsk artikel TIME Asia: The Agony of Defeat: 2 oktober 2000

"The enormous expectations Japan places on its athletes mean no one is having much fun."

Engelsk artikel Late Show with David Letterman: Top Ten Signs An Olympic Athlete is Using Steroids: 27 september 2000

Engelsk artikel Sydney Games: Needles, theft and expulsions plague athletes' village: 29 september 2000

"The outspoken mayor of the Olympic village, Mr Graham Richardson, today revealed extraordinary details of drug use, needlestick injuries, theft and expulsions from the athletes' home over the past month.

He revealed that needles had been found in the living quarters of up to 20 countries but singled out Bulgaria as holding "the record" for numbers of needles found.

Asked to identify what drugs were found he said he was told at a chefs de mission meeting that they were vitamins or for treating sinus infections."

Engelsk artikel EurekAlert: Study appears to show why muscle decays mysteriously in cancer, AIDS, other illnesses: 28 september 2000

"University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill scientists believe they have discovered a major reason why muscles often decay in patients with cancer, AIDS, late-stage heart disease, severe burns and numerous chronic diseases. Their research focuses on cachexia, an important syndrome they say doctors know well but which is largely unfamiliar to lay people, and could lead to an effective treatment for the condition."

Engelsk artikel University of Illinois: Eating habits: People's penchant for 'comfort foods' linked to happy memories: September 2000

"Why do people eat what they eat? In addition to a well-documented craving for sweet foods and salty foods, people eat foods that trigger happy past associations.

Brian Wansink classifies such foods as comfort foods. The University of Illinois marketing professor who runs the UI Food and Brand Lab defines a comfort food as "a specific food consumed under a specific situation to obtain psychological comfort."

Engelsk artikel The American Society for Nutritional Sciences: One-third of the marican diet is junk food: 25 september 2000

"One-third of the average American's diet is made up of "junk" foods, according to a recent study. In addition to being high in calories and fat, these junk foods take the place of healthier foods, so Americans are depending on just two-thirds of their diet to get 100 percent of the recommended dietary intake of vitamins and nutrients."

Engelsk artikel Ohio University: Weight Training May Improve Strength, Health of Older Men: 27 september 2000

"Men over 60 may be able to increase their strength by as much as 80 percent by performing intense weight training exercises, according to physiologists involved in studies of the health benefits of weight lifting. The researchers also have found that older men gain strength at the same rate as men in their 20s."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Exercise Does Not Alter Reproductive Hormones in Women: 20 september 2000

"Low energy availability, not the stress of exercise, affects the release of reproductive hormones in women. Research findings concerning the pulsatility of luteinizing hormone (LH) in women will be discussed at a meeting of international scientists during Olympics."

[Till toppen av sidan]




Fredag 29 september

Svensk artikel News Online: Har du problem med synen när du sportar? 29 september 2000

Pressmeddelande: "Att motionera på såväl fritidsnivå som elitnivå kan vara jobbigt när man använder glasögon. Och är man på sportsemester kan det kan även upplevas som krångligt att använda kontaktlinser, som måste tas ut ur ögat och göras rena varje kväll.

Vill man slippa dessa problem finns det ett nytt bra alternativ. Nu finns det nämligen kontaktlinser som du kan använda dygnet runt i 30 dagar, utan att dagligen behöva ta ut dem för rengöring. Linsen heter Focus Night and Day och tillverkas av Ciba Vision."

Engelsk artikel Health Quackery:

"Do you believe you can get "the figure-toning wonders of 3,000 sit-ups without moving an inch..."? Or that you can "... eat as much as you want of your favorite foods and still lose a pound a day or more..." by popping a grapefruit pill that "melts" fat? Or that, "moon dust" - at $100 for three ounces - will cure arthritis?

These advertised claims are bunk. The moon dust is common sand; barium chloride is a chemical used to develop photographs. All the claims were promoted as miracles. All are examples of health quackery.

Everyone wants to be thinner, or healthier, or pain-free. And quacks make a lot of money by trading on such human desires. They peddle products that promise magic cures. But the only magic is the disappearing act your money pulls when it's wasted on worthless items."

Engelsk artikel The Whole FN's Show Forums: En ny look for Kim Chizevsky, numer fitnesstävlande:

"As many of you may know current Ms. Olympia Kim Chizevsky has announced her retirement from bodybuilding and will try her hand at fitness competion. Hard to believe huh? Well unlike other female bodybuilders who's tried this at least she was a cheerleader before. And as we all know fitness comtetitors do a lot of cheerleading like stuff."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Asthma common among Olympic athletes: 20 september 2000

"More than one in five US athletes who took part in the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, Japan, indicated a history of asthma or use of asthma medication, researchers report in the August issue of the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology."

Svensk artikel Corren.se: Varannan har smärtor: 29 september 2000

"Ont i nacke och axlar? Protesterar ryggen med molande värk? Säger lederna ifrån? Svarar du ja på dessa frågor är du i gott sällskap. Hälften av alla östgötar har ont i kroppen."

Engelsk artikel active.com: Need a few more pounds? Bulk up the healthy way:

"Many runners could use a few extra pounds, either because of their warp-speed metabolism, high mileage, or both.

For those of you who would like to gain weight — and maybe some strength besides — here's the best approach."

Engelsk artikel active.com: Pump iron out of the pool to get strong and lean:

"Weight training is a vital part of any swimmer's conditioning, and while the notion of spending valuable free time away from the pool and in the weight room is a disconcerting one for serious pool junkies, it is nevertheless essential in building strength and preventing injury."

Svensk artikel SVD: Elitidrottare på gränsen till nervsammanbrott: 10 september 2000

"Flera elitidrottsmän kan drivas så hårt av att prestera att de inte ens orkar se åt sina medaljer, enligt norska OS-lagets psykiater som just nu är på plats i Sydney. Finn Skårderud heter han och hemma i Norge har hans bok Oro sålt 75 000 exemplar på ett par år. I november gav Natur och Kultur ut detta filosofiska, reflekterande, halvlitterära och fallbeskrivande verk på svenska.

Undertiteln "en resa i det moderna självet" syftar på vad Finn Skårderud ser som terapeut, forskare vid Statens senter for barne- og ungdomspsykiatri och knuten till hälsoavdelningen på Toppidrettsentret i Oslo: individer med kontrollbehov, prestationskrav och skamkänslor över att inte förverkliga sig tillräckligt mycket."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Beans jumping with antioxidant goodness: 27 september 2000

"Beans, beans--they're good for the heart. Now, scientists understand why. According to research from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the skin of beans contains the same heart healthy compounds found in many fruits, vegetables and red wine. These compounds, known as flavonoids, are antioxidants that protect against chronic disease and the effects of aging."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: TV may be hazardous to a child's health: 27 september 2000

"Plopping your tot in front of the TV may seem like a good way to get some relief, but according to a growing body of research, it could cause more problems in the long run. Studies have shown that using the TV as a babysitter can lead to violence, substance abuse and obesity."

Engelsk artikel Coaching Science Abstracts:

"This site is not intended for use in countries whose athletes use or are subjected to use performance-enhancing drugs."

Det lämnar kvar Vatikanstaten... Om ens det.

Engelsk artikel Hardgainer: Download a free issue of Hardgainer:

"Never seen a sample copy of HARDGAINER? Curious to check out our "bastion of no-nonsense drug-free training" magazine? Here's your chance--download a free sample issue now."

Engelsk artikel MSNBC: Women face more sports injuries: 19 september 2000

"In many sports, women are at much higher risk of injury than men, especially knee injuries. But research shows special training can help female athletes put less pressure on their ligaments."

Engelsk artikel MSNBC: Why superathletes are a step ahead: 11 september 2000

"So you want to win an Olympic gold medal? Presuming you’ve already been born, it may be too late. But even if you were smart and chose your parents well, it’s still no sure thing that the genetic gifts they gave you will turn into a trip to the medal stand."

Engelsk artikel CNN: Body fat better health measure than weight: 29 augusti 2000

"Measuring body fat is a more accurate way of telling if someone is unhealthily overweight than considering weight alone, experts said Monday."

Engelsk artikel WebMD: With Regular Exercise, You May Never Need Viagra: 30 augusti 2000

"The popular drug Viagra has improved the lives of millions, but regular exercise could make it obsolete, according to a report in the journal Urology."

Engelsk artikel MSNBC: Heart attacks strike the young, too: 29 augusti 2000

"When I was a teenager, my father had a heart attack. He was only 42. The common medical wisdom at the time suggested that he was far too young to be stricken by such a condition. But as it turns out, even very young men — of the same age I was when my dad fell victim — are at risk of suffering early heart damage as well, recent studies show."

Engelsk artikel WebMD: Older Olympians Can Serve as Inspiration for the Rest of Us - It's Never Too Late to Start Exercising, Experts Say: 15 september 2000

"It's not quite the Senior Olympics, but the current crop of Olympians seems decidedly more mature than competitors of the past. Gymnast John Roethlisberger is 30; swimmer Dara Torres is 33; rowers Bob Kaenler and Carol Skricki are 36 and 38, respectively; and archer Adrianne Dykmen is 46 -- positively ancient by Olympic standards."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Suk - vilken tjej: 14 oktober 1999

"I drygt ett halvår har Suk Fredriksson hållit på med styrkelyft. Redan i november får hon dra på sig den blågula landslagsdressen och representera Sverige i EM, som går i Frankrike. - Jag har knappt fattat själv vad jag ställt till med, säger hon och skrattar."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Landslagsdebuterar vid 39 års ålder: 3 september 1997

"På lördag gör 39-åriga Karin Kriström från Tandsjöborg debut i det svenska styrkelyftslandslaget vid nordiska mästerskapen i Solna. Hon tävlar i 52-kilosklassen och har 297,5 kilo som totalresultat, trots att hon tränat styrkelyft i bara drygt ett år."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: En stor stark i Limhagen: 18 april 2000

"Han äter som tre normalpersoner tillsammans. Tio timmar i veckan tränar han i gymet. En ofta grym träning som många gånger smärtar.

I slutet av april hoppas Per Mattsson, Limhagen, att kunna ställa upp i första kvalomgången till mästerskapet om Sveriges starkaste man."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Nordmenn trimmer Medel-Svensson: 15 september 1997

"Norske investeringer skal få svensker i bedre trivselsform. S.A.T.S. satser stort og optimistisk i Sverige."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Dahle kjemper for ren idrett: 9 juli 1999

"Alle vet at det foregår noe, men doping er et tabuområde i terrengsykling."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Slår et slag for å øke de unges fysiske form

"Dersom Norge skal ha toppidrettsutøvere om ti år, må ungdommen bli i bedre fysisk form."

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Mind Body Soul: 18 januari 2000

"Overskrift over våre tilbøyeligheter ved inngangen til det nye århundret har trendforskerne lånt fra USA: Mind, body and soul."

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Testosteron gjør stressede kvinner syke: 27 maj 2000

"Hver tredje friske kvinne i Sverige har et så høyt nivå av det mannlige kjønnshormonet testosteron at de risikerer å bli syke. Årsaken er stress, viser en ny svensk undersøkelse."

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: Forbudt slankepulver selges i Norge: 24 mars 2000

"Slankepulver av merket Herbalife inneholder gen-modifisert soya. Pulveret er ikke søkt godkjent, og er derfor forbudt for salg i Norge."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Limits of Muscle Strength in Weighlifting Champions: 27 september 2000

"What factors limit human strength and growth in male and female weightlifters? In a new study of the World Weightlifing Federation champions of 1993-l997, researchers found certain results transcending gender lines."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Weight Training May Improve Strength, Health of Older Men: 28 september 2000

"Men over 60 may be able to increase their strength by as much as 80 percent by performing intense weight training exercises, according to physiologists involved in studies of the health benefits of weight lifting. The researchers also have found that older men gain strength at the same rate as men in their 20s."

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Voices in the Head not to be Ignored: 27 september 2000

Exempel på dubbeltydig rubrik...

Engelsk artikel Newswise: Are There Ideal Sizes for Some Athletics?: 27 september 2000

"After 25 years of investigating the records of world class athletes, a physiologist-physician presents his conclusions."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Osteoporosis drug also works in men: 31 augusti 2000

"A drug used to treat osteoporosis in women works just as well in men who have the brittle-bone disease, a study found.

Men account for 20 percent of the 10 million people with osteoporosis, but there are no osteoporosis drugs approved for general use in men."

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Torsdag 28 september

Svensk artikel Resume.se: Red Bull anmäls till Konsumentverket: 28 september 2000

"Konsumentföreningen Stockholm anmäler Red Bull till Konsumentverket för brott mot marknadsföringslagen. Föreningen vill också att Livsmedelsverket granskar om energidrycken verkligen har de stimulerande effekter som företaget hävdar."

Engelsk artikel Slate: The 2000 Olympics! by all of the top editorial cartoonists

Svensk artikel Previa: Previa i stor studie om fysisk aktivitet och hälsa: 28 september 2000

"2000 personer i åldern 20 till 65 år har valts ut till en stor studie om hur fysisk aktivitet och några andra livsfaktorer påverkar hälsa och fysisk prestationsförmåga.

Studien är ett samarbete mellan Previa, Karolinska institutets institution för fysiologi och farmakologi, Idrottshögskolan och Folksam. Vetenskapligt ansvarig är professor Björn Ekblom, Karolinska institutet.

Studiens mål är att få en genomsnittlig bild av befolkningens livsstil, prestationsförmåga och hälsa. Genom jämförelse med en likadan tio år gammal studie finns det möjlighet till unika och intressanta resultat."

Engelsk artikel iafrica.com: IOC had no choice in Raducan decision: 28 september 2000

"The controversial decision by the IOC’s executive board to strip Andreea Raducan of her all-around gold medal was based on precedent."

Engelsk artikel Australian Bureau of Statistics: Medal tally by population: 27 september 2000

"As well as recognising the achievements of individuals in winning a medal at the Olympic Games there is great interest in the number of medals won by each country. A number of factors will influence the medals won by athletes from a country and most of these cannot be easily estimated. However one factor could be the size of the population from which competitors can be chosen."

  1. Barbados
  2. Iceland
  3. Australia
  4. Qatar
  5. Jamaica

20. Sweden

Svensk artikel SVD: Dopingskandaler hotar tyngdlyftningen: 28 september 2000

"Nu hänger tyngdlyftningen löst i det olympiska programmet. Efter en handfull dopingskandaler under spelen i Sydney är misstron mot kraftsporten stor. Och om knappt två månader kommer Internationella Olympiska Kommitténs programkommitté inleda en sanering bland de 300 grenarna."

Danska artikel NetDoktor: Doping for enhver pris:

"NetDoktor sætter den næste måned fokus på et af sportens største problemer - doping. Farmaceuterne har været på Nettet, for at finde ud af hvor let det er at få fat i forbudte stoffer. Og vi giver brugerne mulighed for at læse sig klogere på konsekvens og indhold af de forskellige præstationsfremmere."

Engelsk artikel Houston Chronicle: Credentials of nutrition adviser to U.S. women's team questioned: 7 september 2000

"An Austin nutritionist who describes himself as a Ph.D. in nutritional counseling and has been advising U.S. Olympic swimmers Dara Torres and Jenny Thompson on the use of dietary supplements received his doctorate from a school that offers its courses through the mail and is unaccredited, leading some to question whether he should be working with Olympic athletes in such a sensitive area."

Engelsk artikel FDA: An FDA Guide to Dietary Supplements: Januari 1999

"Dietary supplements are some of the hottest selling items on the market today. Surveys show that more than half of the U.S. adult population uses these products. In 1996 alone, consumers spent more than $6.5 billion on dietary supplements, according to Packaged Facts Inc., a market research firm in New York City.

But even with all the business they generate, consumers still ask questions about dietary supplements: Can their claims be trusted? Are they safe? Does the Food and Drug Administration approve them?"

Engelsk artikel Think Muscle: Think Muscle Newsletter #7: 25 september 2000

  1. Drug Testing and the Games of the XXVII Olympiad by Millard Baker
  2. Nandrolone Positive Drug Tests - What Do They Mean? by Mauro Di Pasquale, M.D.

Citat från artikel två ovan: "Upon reading this information, Dr. Donike (at the time director of the IOC accredited Cologne laboratory, and head honcho as far as IOC drug testing) and several others wrote me saying that I was completely misguided, and that my "rantings" about a possible endogenous origin for nandrolone metabolites in athletes were preposterous and totally unsubstantiated by present knowledge and research.

This unreasonable reaction to my writing and researching is typical of an organization that operates while wearing blinders. One that is unwilling to admit because of the moral and legal repercussions, that they may be some leeway and that they might be mistaken."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Starka Säterkillar fick tävla i bodybuildingens Lilla SM: 29 december 1994

"Två Säterkillar, Lennart Brandt och Mikael Bergstrand, har efter åtta års tränande med att bygga sina kroppar ställt upp i en tävling i bodybuilding. Lennart Brandt slutade totalt fyra i klassen minus 90 kilo och Mikael Bergstrand blev sjua i klassen minus 80 kilo."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Träningscenter försatt i konkurs: 23 oktober 1998

"Nybro Träningscenter har på egen begäran försatts i konkurs av Kalmar tingsrätt. Enligt ägaren, Jessika Brännström-Hult har bolaget kommit på obestånd därför att det konkurrerats ut av det gym, som kommunen startat i Simhallen tillsammans med Nautilus."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Kommuner driver företag i konkurs: 8 december 1998

"Kommunerna driver privata företag i konkurs, genom att driva egna företag som inte det privata näringslivet har en chans att konkurrera med. 

Det hävdar Företagarnas riksorganisation, FR, i en besk kritik där man talar om flagranta övertramp av kommunallagen och snedvriden konkurrens."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: - Gymmet i simhallen inget konkurrenshot: 7 april 1999

"Hur bör kommunerna agera när det gäller gym i kommunala simhallar? Frågan har aktualiserats sedan Konkurrensrådet fått in ett flertal klagomål från privata gymföretag som ifrågasätter att kommunerna bedriver gymverksamheter i kommunala simhallar."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Kommunalt avtal kan bryta mot konkurrenslag: 15 juli 2000

"Kommunens frikostiga överenskommelse med företaget Exercise Motionsanläggningar AB snedvrider konkurrensen mellan träningsgymen i Oskarshamn, anser Företagarnas riksförbund. Nu ska avtalet granskas."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: - När avtalet skrevs fanns inga konkurrenter: 15 juli 2000

"Avtalet är för kommunens del undertecknat av Håkan Karlsson, fritidschef.

Han förnekar inte att kommunen och företaget är tätt sammanflätade genom avtalskonstruktionen. Men han anser inte att kommunen gjort något fel, eller bidrar till att snedvrida konkurrensen. - När avtalet skrevs fanns det överhuvudtaget inga privatägda konkurrenter, säger han."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Avtalet ingen illojal konkurrens: 21 juni 2000

"Avtalet mellan familjebadet och gymmet Nautilus har inte inneburit att någon illojal konkurrens uppstått, som jag ser det. Kjell Henriksson, s, anser inte att det privata gymmet som finns i Äventyrsbadet får fördelar, förutom att vara lokaliserade just i badhuset."

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: Menn trener mest for psykens skyld: 19 oktober 1998

"Nordmenn føler seg i god form. Vi går mest i skogen, men jogger, sykler og sparker også lærkula. Men sjefer spiller ikke fotball!"

Norsk artikel Dagbladet: 240 000 nordmenn i helsestudio: 2 november 1997

"Nærmere 240 000 nordmenn tilbringer flere timer i uka i landets helsestudioer. Noen av dem trener så mye at det går på helsa løs. I England advares folk mot for mye trening i en stressete hverdag."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Device screens for athletes' silent heart problems: 22 september 2000

"A new portable screening device may make it possible to detect young athletes' silent heart problems before they lead to sudden death during a practice or game."

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Onsdag 27 september

Svensk artikel Corren.se: Wikinghielm SM-sexa: 27 september 2000

"Motalakillen Magnus Wikinghielm, 32, kom sexa när SM i athletic fitness avgjordes i Malmö i helgen."

Svensk artikel Dagbladet: Stort intresse för nytt piller mot fobi: 23 september 2000

"Är du rädd för att gå till affären eller för att tala inför andra människor? Du är inte ensam - ungefär en miljon svenskar lider av social fobi. Nu ska "försökskaniner" från Sundsvall testa mediciner som kan bli räddningen."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Vi måste få fler att börja cykla: 27 september 2000

"Många tar dagligen bilen för att köra korta sträckor. För att få folk att bryta sina gamla invanda mönster och underlätta för dem som vill cykla i stället krävs främjande åtgärder som vi alla skulle vinna på när det gäller miljö, hälsa och ekonomi enligt Johan Wahlbäck."

Svensk artikel Hallands Nyheter: En promenad på arbetstid: 27 september 2000

"På tandregleringskliniken i Falkenberg har man en timmes friskvård i veckan. Raska promenader eller styrketräning brukar stå på programmet."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Stress might cause fat around the middle: 25 september 2000

"Are you stressed out? If you're not sure, check your waistline. According to a team of researchers, slender women who have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol tend to have more abdominal fat - though it is not clear if the stress actually causes the fat accumulation or some other factor is responsible for both."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: FDA advisors said to be tied to industry: 25 september 2000

"More than half of the experts hired to advise the US government on the safety and effectiveness of medicine have financial ties to the drug companies that will be helped or hurt by their decisions, USA Today reported on Monday."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Vitamin E protects muscles during weight lifting: 25 september 2000

"Vitamin E is known to be important in the formation of red blood cells and to protect the muscle cell membranes from damage during aerobic exercise such as running.

Now, preliminary findings show that vitamin E supplements may also protect muscle cell membranes during resistance training such as weight lifting."

Svensk artikel Motala & Vadstena Tidning: Grabbar med muskler: 3 augusti 1999

"I helgen avgjordes så SM i Fitness och Athletic Fitness i Båstad. Och det gick bra för de två Motalagrabbar som var med. Johan Norrman kom på en tredje plats i den långa klassen och det gick även bra för Magnus Wikinghjelm i den korta, som dock tvingades bryta andra dagen på grund av en knäskada ha ådrog sig i hinderbanan."

Engelsk artikel Sportscience: Liability for side effects:

"The possibility that vitamin C and creatine can be harmful raises the question of liability. It seems reasonable to me that the label on the supplements - or indeed on any product or service - should give a realistic warning of possible side effects.

I also believe that such a warning should protect the manufacturer or supplier from litigation, unless it can be shown that there was deliberate or careless underestimation of the risk or failure to update the risk in the light of new data."

Svensk artikel Folkbladet: 40-åring stämmer Vitamex på 130 000 kr: 12 juni 1998

"En 40-årig man i Stockholm med klåda i underlivet smorde in sig med naturmedlet Tea Tree oil. Kort därefter svullnade könsdelarna upp och mannen fick föras till sjukhus. Nu stämmer han naturläkemedelsföretaget Vitamex i Norrköping på 130 000 kronor.

Jag är helt övertygad om att Tea Tree oil inte har med det här att göra, det måste ha funnits andra sjukdomssymtom först, säger Bengt Lundström, VD för Vitamex."

Svensk artikel Arbetarbladet: Etikvågen snart i land: 15 oktober 1998

"Vid riksidrottsmötet 1995 togs ett beslut om att starta ett etik- och moralprogram inom idrotten. Under namnet "Starta vågen" har sedan idrottsförbunden och SISU (idrottens utbildningsorganisation) jobbat med de här frågorna."

Engelsk artikel Seattle p-i.com: For fourth-place finishers, 'What ifs' and 'Why mes': 25 september 2000

"Too many people, U.S. swimmer Josh Davis said, buy into the lie of the medal being the reason to compete, the justification for the years of training, when it is the pleasure of the sport and the competition, the pursuit of excellence, that is important.

"If you're not happy with yourself before winning a medal, you're not going to be happy with yourself afterward," Davis said. "In the end, it's still just a piece of metal. It's still just a rock. A very nice rock, but just a rock. It's not truth." (Via SportJones)

Svensk artikel Finanstidningen: Mataffärens nya kassako:

"Köttbullar som sänker kolesterolen. Tuggummi som förebygger cancer och yoghurt som ger mättnadskänsla en hel dag. Det är exempel på funktionell mat som livsmedelstillverkarna nu sätter allt större förhoppningar till.

Det kan bli räddningsplankan i en tid där lönsamheten sjunker år efter år. Gråzonen mellan mat och läkemedel blir större, och både svenska Biogaia och Probi har mutat in sina platser."

Engelsk artikel EndurePlus: The Devil's Advocate:

"I've been reading with interest what everyone has been saying about sports doping, its rules and ethics regarding the tragic circumstances of the Tour de France and other sports. I think many have good points. I would like to provide a story with a different perspective... For fun."

Svensk artikel Folkbladet: NAK fick ett kraftpaket av tomten: 8 januari 1998

"Mitt under säsongen höjer Norrköpings Atletklubb sin målsättning. Orsaken stavas Ermin Javor, 38. - Jag hoppas kunna föra NAK till SM-medalj, säger Ermin som förstärker NAK lagom till omstarten av Elitserien i helgen."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Sharp rise in Internet surfers looking for health information: 10 augusti 2000

"Ninety-eight million Americans are now using the Internet to find information on health topics, nearly twice as many as just 2 years ago, according to results of a poll."

Engelsk artikel Internet World: Healing the health care business: 15 maj 2000

"Health care information technology has always been a poor relation to the IT of most other industries. It deals with the most complicated information flow imaginable, on budgets constrained by managed care, government spending cuts, and the general handicap of being in a basically not-for-profit sector."

Engelsk artikel WPW Online Magazine: 25 september 2000

"Today we are releasing the 3rd issue of the WPW Online Magazine. This issue contains a total of 287 photos. This includes 111 color photos from the 1999 Jan Tana Pro Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships, 41 black and white stage photos from the 1996 North American Championships with 15 color photos before the show of Suzan Kaminga, and 43 black and white stage and backstage shots from the 1996 Steel Rose Contest, plus 77 color shots of the featured competitor, Denise Hoshor.

The WPW Online Magazine continues to be an excellent value with 287 images for $19.95. We invite you to take a look at this 3rd issue www.wpwmagazine.com."

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Tisdag 26 september

Engelsk artikel SportsForWomen: Sports For Women Newsletter Archive:

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Greeks May Beat Pocket Hercules: 24 september 2000

"What the Pocket Hercules tried and failed in these Olympics, two Greeks have the chance to do in 2004. In Athens. Before their home fans. With the home-country advantage.

It's something Pyrros Dimas and Khaki Kakiasvilis can't pass up: the chance to become the first Olympic weightlifters to win four gold medals in as many games."

Svensk artikel Kiosken.com: Köp lösnummer av B&K Sports Magazine billigare:

"Spara pengar! Vi bjuder just nu på portot! Passa på att beställ tidningar nu när du får dem hem i brevlådan till samma pris som på fina gatan."

Svensk artikel Zedir.se: Har du psykosocial vitaminbrist?: 

"Vi ser en tjugo procentig ökning av långtidssjukskrivna på grund av psykiska besvär. En sådan ökning på bara ett år är en mycket stor ökning, sa Lennart Levi, professor i psykosocial miljömedicin vid Karolinska Institutet på ett seminarium om stress i Stockholm den 24 september."

Svensk artikel Riksidrottsförbundets Antidopinggrupp: 26 september 2000

IOK:s pressinfo
Senaste nytt gällande bl a dopingbeslut kan man få om man går in på Internationella Olympiska Kommitténs hemsidas pressmeddelanden. Där kan man till exempel i dag läsa om dopingfallet i damgymnastiken.

WADA har skaffat egen hemsida
Det nyligen bildade World Anti-Doping Agency där represententer för internationell idrott och världens regeringar för första gången arbetar sida vid sida i kampen mot doping har öppnat en egen sajt.

Engelsk artikel HowStuffWorks: How Exercise Works:

"When you exercise you are using your muscles to create motion. Your body focuses its attention on giving the muscles everything they need to do their work. Learn about all of the amazing changes that take place inside your body when you exercise!"

Svensk artikel Länstidningen i Östersund: Nytt gym ska ge Pilgrimstads byspink muskler: 26 september 2000

"Med främsta avsikt att få folk att må bra samt att i viss mån få stopp på det tilltagande byspinket, och föralldel även tillväxten i färdriktningen, har Pilgrimstads Folkets Hus och Pilgrimstads IF gått samman och skaffat ett komplett gym till Folkets Hus."

Svensk artikel Länstidningen i Östersund: 115 miljoner för en ny multihall: 25 september 2000

"En 11.000 kvadradmeter stor byggnad i tre plan med en stor hörsal, utrymme för utställningar, bowling, äventyrsbad, gym, spa, pub och ytterligare 13.700 kvadrat utomhus. Den tänkta Multihallen i Åre är ett gigantiskt projekt som beräknas kosta cirka115 miljoner kronor."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Succé för combatlaget i första tävlingen: 26 september 2000

"– Folk tror nog att vi är psykotiska dårar, säger Martin Malm. Men vi har kul. Martin och hans klubbkamrater i Oskarshamnsklubben Locxter Gym tävlar i Combat. En sport där det mesta är tillåtet, förutom att slå ner varandra med slag mot ansiktet."

Engelsk artikel Muscle.cx:

"Welcome to Muscle.cx - Featuring 460+ photos of professional and national level bodybuilders guest posing."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Steintøff vikingkamp: 24 juni 2000

"Seks muskuløse råskinn har i tre dager svettet, slitt og stønnet seg gjennom historiske vikingøvelser i Norges første vikingmesterskap."

Engelsk artikel MustMuscular.cx:

"Welcome to MostMuscular.cx - Featuring profiles and 850+ photos of bodybuilders and fitness competitors throughout the nation."

Engelsk artikel The Muscle Hustle: Test Your Exercise I.Q.: Juni 1997

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: Kan nu utveckla sin träningsutrustning: 26 februari 2000

"Samarbetet mellan sjukgymnast Björn Schützer och Örebro Universitet, har nu etablerats på allvar. Ett forskningsprojekt startar under våren i syfte att få ner belastningsskador och upptäcka skadorna i tid."

Svensk artikel Upsala Nya Tidning: Stora brister i skolmaten: 29 augusti 1999

"Skollunchen innehåller ofta otillräckligt med järn och för mycket mättat fett. Mer och magrare kött på skolmatsedlarna behövs för att näringsrekommendationerna ska uppfyllas, menar Livsmedelsverket."

Engelsk artikel Netrition.com: Need chocolate? Study to test drug's ability to curb cravings: 18 juli 2000

"Few of us have stopped to ponder from where food craving originates. And scientists aren't sure, but many suspect the impulse for a specific food (or type of food) is spurred by the brain. Unfortunately for research purposes, cravings are common yet unpredictable and fleeting enough that scientists can't easily study them."

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: 72-åring siktar på rekord: 29 mars 2000

"I helgen gjorde landets veterantyngdlyftare upp om SM-medaljerna i Mora. I det 54 man och två kvinnor starka startfältet fanns en man som verkligen kan titulera sig veteran.

Sten Dahlgren från Kallinge, men tävlandes för Ronneby fyller om en månad 72 år. Klart äldst i startfältet."

Engelsk artikel New Scientist: Tights fight the flab: 4 mars 2000

"A lingerie chain in the US has filed a patent for pantyhose tights that it claims can treat cellulite--the unsightly "orange peel" fatty deposits that some women develop beneath the skin of their thighs and buttocks."

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Smålandsidrotten satsar på folkhälsan: 9 februari 2000

"Smålands Idrottsförbund gör en stor drive för att förbättra folkhälsan. Sedan tidigare är det klart att Kronobergs och Jönköpings Läns Landsting är med i folkhälsoprojektet. Nu har även Kalmar Läns Landsting bestämt sig för att stödja projektet med totalt 310 000 kr."

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: A-vitaminer i komplisert million-prosjekt: 4 mars 1997

"Hvor mye vitamin A trenger vi egentlig? 36 testpersoner skal gi Ullevål sykehus svaret i et uvanlig medisinsk forsøk med vitaminet."

Engelsk artikel T-Mag: The Thinking Man's Guide to Ab training

"The average guy in the gym puts about as much thought into his ab training as he puts into tying his shoes. In other words, he throws in a few sets of crunches at the end of his workout a couple of times a week and thinks no more about it.

It's time we change that. Here are a few questions you should be asking yourself about abdominal training. After we explore these questions, I'll show you how to do a few of the best ab exercises I know, some of which you've probably never even heard of before!" (Via MetaMuscle)

Norsk artikel Stavanger Aftenblad: - Spis mer vitaminer: 29 mars 1999

"Vi får i oss for lite vitaminer og mineraler. Kosttilskudd kan også være sunn medisin mot mange sykdommer. Eksempel på det er Omega-3 og vitamin E mot hjerte- og karsykdommer, og Omega-6 og sink mot eksem."

Engelsk artikel Ivanhoe.com: Jet Lag and Olympic Performance:

"As Olympic athletes traveled to Australia, they had more than the usual amount of stress that accompanies world-class competition and media attention. They also had to adjust to the problems presented by traveling across up to eight time zones."

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Måndag 25 september

Svensk artikel Modellportalen har slagit upp portarna:

"Syftet med detta projekt är att skapa en effektiv mötesplats för modeller, statister och uppdragsgivare. Sidan är öppen för alla som är intresserade av att visa upp sig och att verkligen synas, för att få möjlighet till modelljobb, reklam och statistjobb på ett enkelt sätt!

Sidan kommer att få en stor spridning genom vårt goda samarbete med många inom branschen. Din presentation kommer sedan att skickas till tidningar, reklamagenturer, tv&media och modellagenturer."

Engelsk artikel Infobeat: Athletes flock to Internet cafe at Olympic village: 25 september 2000

"The "Surf Shack'' at the Olympic village has drawn thousands of athletes daily. They have created more than 3,100 personal Web pages and received more than 250,000 e-mail messages since the Olympics opened."

Engelsk artikel Powerlifting.com:

Helschysst omdesign av hemsidan!

"Welcome to the Internet's leading source of information on the world's ultimate strength sport."

Engelsk artikel Powerlifting.com: Cyclops campaign for Olympic Powerlifting:

"The Cyclops campaign for Olympic Powerlifting, which originally began in 1996, has just been re-launched and is collecting electronic petition 'signatures' during the Sydney 2000 Games to demonstrate the popularity of the sport and the demand for its inclusion in the Olympics.

Our objective is to present the petition to the IOC at Sydney before the Games end on October 1st.

If you haven't signed the petition before and would like to show your support for the idea of making Powerlifting an Olympic event, please complete the simple form."

Engelsk artikel King Sports International: Between Sets #21: 23 september 2000

"Ian King teaching you how to optimise YOUR training time and results..."

Engelsk artikel PowerMag - ny engelsk tidning som kommer 21 januari 2001:

"Covering the world of powerlifting and strength sports."

Svensk artikel Stockholm News: Grönare kost lönar sig: 25 september 2000

"Om skolelever får ta sallad först i ordningen när de är i matsalen, äter de mer grönsaker. Dessutom sparar kommunerna pengar. Den - inte helt överraskande - slutsatsen drar Frukt- och Grönt-främjandet."

Engelsk artikel HealthScout: Athletes Wasting Time With Nasal Strips: 17 september 2000

"All you athletes who think that stretching a nasal strip across your nose will improve your performance should note that new research says you're wasting your time."

Engelsk artikel ESPN.com: Morphing the human body: 20 januari 2000

"Many geneticists, for instance, say that advances in gene therapy, in which genes that predispose people to certain diseases could be replaced with healthy genes, will make it possible later this century also to make sure unborn babies end up with elite athletic characteristics."

Engelsk artikel New Scientist: Sporty types: 23 maj 1998

"Sporting champions may be born rather than made, a new report suggests. Geneticists in London say that elite mountaineers and trainee soldiers are stronger and have more physical endurance if they have inherited a particular variant of a gene that helps regulate blood pressure."

Engelsk artikel Scientific American: Muscular Again: 

"Within a decade or two, scientists will create a genetic vaccine that increases muscle mass - without exercise."

Engelsk artikel WorldSports: Weight matters to female bodybuilders:

"The Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic bodybuilding competition that ended on March 4 in Columbus, Ohio, USA, introduced a key rules revision in the women's competition: size mattered."

Svensk artikel DN: Doping hotar inte idrottens själ: 25 september 2000

"OS i Sydney består av tusentals magiska ögonblick. Trots dopingskandaler finner DN:s Åke Lundqvist meningen med alltihopa i snedstudsande bollar och holländska badmintonservar."

Engelsk artikel Powerlifting.ca: The Platform

"The Platform is the official newsletter of the Canadian Powerlifting Union. View the latest Platform, Issue #26, now in PDF format featuring:

  • National and Local Contest results
  • Current Canadian Records
  • Training Routines
  • Meet Photos
  • Rule Change Updates
  • Qualification Tables
  • Coming Events
  • and Much More!"

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Greece's Dimas Wins Third Gold: 23 september 2000

"Pyrros Dimas was cheered on by the noisiest weightlifting fans so far in the Olympics - and it almost cost him a history-making third gold medal."

Engelsk artikel WorldSports: Vince Taylor adds 21st title and third Masters Mr Olympia: 18 juli 2000

"Vince Taylor, the most well-oiled machine in bodybuilding, was the biggest winner at the Jan Tana Classic in Roanoke, Virginia."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Idrottsfilosof: Fel att idrottsstjärnor får "vika ut sig": 25 september 2000

"Idrottstjejer som Therese Alshammar och Erica Johansson bör förbjudas att visa sig i något annat sammanhang än i sin idrott. De kan nämligen få sponsorpengar och det är orättvist mot alla andra."

Svensk artikel DN: Idrottsfilosof om svenska idrottskvinnor: ”Sexig stil ger fördel i karriären”: 24 september 2000

"De kvinnliga svenska idrottsstjärnornas genombrott i medierna är inte tecken på ökad jämställdhet - utan på rå kommersialism och gubbsjuka. Det skriver idrottsfilosofen Claudio Marcello Tamburrini.

En förförisk och sexualiserad framtoning ger vissa idrottskvinnor - som Therese Alshammar i utmanande poser - oberättigade tävlingsfördelar. Den som inte lockar medierna har svårare att få sponsorer. Det är anmärkningsvärt att Riksidrottsförbundet inte reagerar, menar Tamburrini."

Svensk artikel 24timmar.se: Gym får kritik för att dopingsmugglare får träna vidare: 25 september 2000

"Den 22-årige ljungbybon dömdes för tre veckor sedan till tio månaders fängelse för omfattande smuggling av dopingpreparat. Efter domen har han fortsatt att träna som vanligt på sitt gym, Ljungby Bodycentrum, uppger Sveriges Radio Kronoberg. - Jag tror man skickar ut fel signaler, säger polismannen Ola Sandström som också tränar på Ljungby Bodycentrum."

Engelsk artikel WorldSports: Wrobel wants to be strongest woman in the world: 8 september 2000

"Polish teenager Agata Wrobel loves sixties music but it's in the heavy metal world of women's weightlifting that she wants to be top of the pops.

She is looking beyond gold at the Sydney Olympics and hopes to be crowned the strongest woman in the world."

Engelsk artikel WorldSports: China's Ding crowned 'strongest woman in the world': 22 september 2000

"Just call her the strongest woman in the world. Mighty Chinese Ding Meiyuan went on a world record-breaking spree to lift the superheavyweight category in Olympic women's weightlifting today and complete a clean sweep of golds for her country."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Bulgarian coach assumes responsibility in drug scandal: 23 september 2000

"Weightlifting coach Ivan Abadzhiev assumed responsibility for his team's expulsion after three athletes tested positive for a banned weight-losing substance. "I take all the guilt upon me,'' Abadzhiev told state television. "I am sorry for the boys and girls and their hard work.''

Furosemide is a banned diuretic used by lifters to flush fluids from their system to get under maximum-allowed weight. But such diuretics can also be used to mask the performance of other performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids. The most commonly used diuretic is caffeine, which also is on the banned list.

Abadzhiev said tests after the scandal showed contents of furosemide in orocetam, which he described as a legal diuretic Bulgarian lifters have taken. He blamed the Sofia-based Sopharma company, which manufactures orocetam, of failing to mention furosemide contents in the drug's description."

Engelsk artikel WorldSports: Bulgaria sent packing in drugs disgrace: 22 september 2000

"Bulgaria's weightlifting team was expelled from the Olympics in disgrace today after two more medal-winning members of the squad failed dope tests.

And in a further twist, two Bulgarian-born weightlifters representing Qatar withdrew just before the 77kg final complaining of "a virus." The two — Salelem Nayef Badr (formerly Petar Tane) and Sulyan Abbas Nader (Andrey Ivanov) — had been training with the Bulgarians in the Olympic build-up."

Engelsk artikel WorldSports: Chiropractors to be on call at Olympics:

"Sports chiripractors will be on call for the first time in Olympic history at September's Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. Any athlete, coach or staff person tied to the Games will be able to call the Federation of International Sports Chiropractors office elsewhere in Sydney to summon a sports chiropractor for free to the Olympic Village for consultation."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! Finance: Gold's Gym International Continues Its Expansion of Corporate Owned Facilities by Acquiring Four Fitness Centers: 21 september 2000

"Gold's Gym International, Inc. (GGI), a portfolio company of Brockway Moran & Partners, a Florida-based private equity firm, has acquired four facilities adding to their growing portfolio of corporate owned centers."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Gay Athletes Said Hiding Sexuality: 24 september 2000

"Gay Olympic athletes hide their sexual preference for fear it could affect their chances to compete or attract sponsorship, a Sydney 2002 Gay Games official said Sunday."

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