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Födelsedagar vecka 37:


12/9 Paul DeMayo (33)
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12/9 Peter Sewerin (34)
17/9 Jean Paul Guillaume (40)


Söndag 17 september

Engelsk artikel Freya:

"Freya is the first online magazine entirely devoted to female bodybuilding. Our magazine is totally free and the articles are available in different languages (English, French, German and Italian). The first issue is available now!"

Svensk artikel Olympiaden: Magin borta för Suleymanoglu: 17 september 2000

Han kom till Sydney som en av de sex stora. Dem med snudd på osannolika OS-guldsviter. Fast han bara mäter 150 cm i strumplästen och väger 62 kilo. Och kallas för ”Fick-Herkules”. Naim Suleymanoglu, 33, lyfte för sitt fjärde raka OS-guld i Sydney. Men magin var borta.

Svensk artikel Misslyckad bantning:

Här är varianten som inte platsar i damtidningarnas bantarbilagor: Honungsmetoden. Australiske boxaren Bradley Hore smorde in sig med honung (:) och satte sig i bastun. Han gick inte ner i vikt. Men det luktade konstigt.

För Hore var bantarmissen dubbelt tragisk. Inte bara det att han blev kletig, han missade sin chans i OS också. Hore skulle boxas i 48-kilosklassen men hur han än bantade så kom han inte ner i mer än 49 kilo. Exklusive honung.

Den skulle få honom att svettas kraftigare var det tänkt, rent teoretisk alltså. Allt den besvikne mr Hore hade ätit 24 timmar före invägningen var en salladssmörgås som hans mamma gjort åt honom. (TT).

Svensk artikel fitness-magazine.com har uppdaterats med:

  • Sport & Fitness Model 2001 (Manhunt 2000)
  • Båstad Fitness & Outdoor Camp 2000
  • Twinlabs årliga brännbollsturnering
  • Budo & Fitness Release Party
  • Invigning av nJoy Kungsgatan, Stockholm
  • Tävla och vinn träningskläder och 1 st sko (det ska väl vara ett par skor?)

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Ingen nåde for Grimseth: 16 september 2000

"- Vi forholder oss til labo-ratoriet. Det har funnet en positiv prøve. Da hjelper det lite hva utøveren sier, sier generalsekretær Damas Ajan i det internasjonale vektløfter-forbundet."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet Hälsa: Punktförbränning- en myt?: September 2000

"Har du kämpat för att få en smalare midja? Har en och annan krona lagts ned på diverse träningsredskap som alla garanterar den slutliga lösningen? Tyvärr har alla träningsmaskiner med fantasieggande namn som "The wonderwaistmaker", "the bodyslimmer" och "the fat reducer" två saker gemensamt, de kostar pengar men gör lite för din midja."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet Hälsa: Träningsvärk - går det att motverka? September 2000

Engelsk artikel Play Clean! Promoting anti-doping policies and preventing youth drug use trough sports

Engelsk artikel Muscle Monthly - Exercise your mind: 15 september 2000

  • Westside Powerlifting: A Westside Story by Dave Tate
  • Howz it Work?: Glutamine by Bryan Haycock
  • The Psychological Effects of Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids Part I by
    Jack Darkes
  • Ask the Chemist by Pat Arnold
  • Valid Uses for Anabolic Steroids II: An Exclusive Interview with Former Muscle Media 2000 Writer Michael Mooney by Muscle Monthly Staff
  • Female Muscle: Should Women Train Like Men? by Elzi Volk

Engelsk artikel Bill Dobbins: 

"Here's the direct link to the quicktime movie intro featuring Lenda Murray, Sharon Bruneau, Timea Mayorova and several other top physique women. If you can't play it, go to www.apple.com to get a quicktime plug in."

Engelsk artikel NBCOlympics: Weightlifting Biomechancs:

Flash-animationer som faktiskt är väl värda laddningstiden!

  • Understand the power and speed behind Pocket Hercules
  • See how Turkey's Halil Mutlu generates his speed and power
  • Weightlifting Biomechancs: Cheryl Haworth

Engelsk artikel NBCOlympics: Who will be the strongest men on the planet?: 16 oktober 2000

"After spending a lot of time in the training hall the last week, I've seen some incredible lifting. I've seen several world records set and tied. It's funny how you get desensitized to huge lifts; every time you turn around, someone is snatching close to 400 lbs. and clean-and-jerking close to 500 lbs."

Engelsk artikel Which woman will wear the crown?:  16 oktober 2000

"If there were betting on the women’s weightlifting competition, I'm sure the strategy would be to bet on the Chinese! If there is a Chinese lifter in a class, you gotta put your money there. In fact, if the Chinese were able to enter a woman in each class, they could certainly win all of them - and perhaps even sweep the top three places in each class. That's how deep they are."

Engelsk artikel MyoDynamics: Bench Pressing Your Way to Great Hamstrings: 17 september 1997

"Perhaps the finest hamstring exercise known to irondom, the bench press has been performed so haphazardly that, in the quest to pile on as much weight as possible, most trainees cheat so profoundly that they lose sight of the purpose of this movement- massive hams." (Via Metamuscle)

Engelsk artikel peakhealth.net: Little Things Mean A Lot: 11 september 2000

"Believe it or not, even the slightest alteration in the way you perform an exercise can have a dramatic impact on you results. Watching the way people train is something of a hobby of mine, so I've taken the liberty of compiling the following list of tips designed to help improve the efficiency of your workouts." (Via Metamuscle)

Engelsk artikel Ellington Darden: Seven Ways to Improve Your Calves: 

"Well-developed calves are one of the most eye-catching bodyparts on the entire physique. And I'm not just talking to men. For women, muscular calves — in my opinion — are every bit as appealing as shapely hips and thighs, a tapered torso, high breasts, and a beautiful face and hair." (Via Metamuscle)

Engelsk artikel Think Muscle: Think Muscle Newsletter #6: 11 september 2000

"The Think Muscle Newsletter publishes the latest news and research on exercise physiology, dietary supplements, performance enhancement, lifestyle management, health & nutrition, and bodybuilding & fitness. The newsletter is dedicated to providing accurate and unbiased scientifically based information. Contents:

  1. Too Old to Train Heavy? Think Again... by Bryan Haycock MS
  2. The Creatine Factor by Rehan Jalali
  3. Get Sloppy With RoundUp and Your Weeds Won't Be the Only Thing Wilting! by Bryan Haycock MS

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: FDA posts stark breast-implant photos on Internet site: 11 september 2000

"Federal health officials are posting on the Internet stark photographs of what a woman's breast looks like when a breast implant leaks or causes other problems, an effort to ensure women are fully informed of the risks before surgery."

Engelsk artikel NBCOlympics: Torson: Your Source for Olympic injury information: (Flash)

Engelsk artikel NIDA: NIDA Research Report: Steroid Abuse and Addiction

Engelsk artikel T-Mag: How to be Back Strong and Beltless — Part 1

"Regardless of how heavy someone's lifting or what exercise they're performing men, women, Arnold wannabes, weekend warriors, and even the elite few who make the cover of Powerlifting USA are all wearing weight belts." (Via Metamuscle)

Engelsk artikel T-Mag: How your lifestyle influences your Testosterone levels — Part 1

Engelsk artikel T-Mag: Training to failure... is it really necessary?

"Here's a new concept: pain, discomfort, and fatigue should be the (sometimes) unavoidable side-effects of training, not the GOAL of training.

Now of course, don't lose sight of the point — I'm not suggesting that everyone in the reading audience automatically tone down their training… I'm simply suggesting that we all do a bit of reflection in an effort to clarify our objectives." (Via Metamuscle)

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! Sports: Mutlu Repeats As Olympic Champion: 16 september 2000

"Pound-for-pound, Halil Mutlu of Turkey might be the world's best athlete. Nobody else so small can lift so much with so little effort.

Mutlu, undefeated and virtually unchallenged since 1995, repeated as an Olympic weightlifting champion Saturday by doing what he almost always does - winning by so much, the only real race was for second place."

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Lördag 16 september

Svensk artikel Båstad Fitness & Outdoor Camp:

"Nu ligger det massor av coola bilder från campen i bildarkivet! Checka in dem och kom ihåg Båstad, Thommy."

Engelsk artikel IFBB: In the planning stages for Year 2001 are the following site improvements:

  • Expanded pro contest Photo Reports e.g. Arnold Classic, Night of Champions, and Olympia. Contest Photo Reports of international amateur events e.g. World, Continental, and Area championships.
  • Coverage of National Championships e.g. Canadian Championships, NPC National Championships.
  • Short video clips of major IFBB events in MPEG format.
  • Monthly feature highlighting amateur and professional athletes and officials.
  • Expanded information on "Upcoming Events" - check out our HomePage for Inspection Reports of upcoming international championships.
  • Increased coverage of "Reports and News" from around the world of the IFBB.

Detta inkom i gästboken häromdagen:

This beautiful 14K Gold Bonded Bodybuilding pendant can be yours FREE!

"You'll be the envy of all your training buddies when you work out by sporting this great Muscle Bodybuiler pendant. This pendant shows the bodybuilder in a classic pose and highlights the pecs, shoulders, and abs."

Svensk artikel Nerikes Allehanda: Idrott i skolan för bättre liv: 5 december 1999

"De flesta skriver under på att motion är bra för hälsan. Ändå är det få som motionerar. Varför? En viktig förklaring är genetisk. Sedan stenålderstider har vi lärt oss att hushålla med vår energi, en ren överlevnadsinstinkt som i dagens moderna data- och kontorsliv tyvärr får motsatt verkan."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! Sports: Nelson goes from No. 6 in U.S. to No. 1 in the world: 14 september 2000

"In one year, Adam Nelson has gone from being only the sixth-ranked shot putter in the United States to the best in the world and the Olympic favorite -- all because of a torn pectoral muscle.

The injury occurred last September when he was bench-pressing, and forced Nelson to change the way he trains."

Engelsk artikel BBC News: Fat 'is an organ' say scientists: 14 september 2000

"Scientists believe fat plays an important role in helping the body to work properly. They are so impressed with its abilities that they have suggested fat should no longer be thought of as "excess" tissue but should instead be upgraded to the class of body organ." (Via SciCentral)

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Är Sofia Sundblad en idrottsstjärna på 2000-talet? 21 maj 1999

"Ååååh...hej. Många tunga lyft har det blivit för Sofia Sundblad som började med tyngdlyftning som tolvåring. Hennes stora mål är OS i Atén 2004."

Engelsk artikel individual.com: Study: Diabetes Up Sharply in 1990s: 24 augusti 2000

"Diabetes increased at an alarming rate in the United States during the past decade _ rising 70 percent among people in their 30s _ and health experts are blaming the wired-up, couch-potato culture of the 1990s." (Via SciCentral)

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Badmintonklubben vill vända sin vikande trend: 16 februari 2000

"Den fjäderlätta sporten som blir lättare och lättare. Badmintonklubben, BK Oscar, framhärdar trots anonymitet och vikande medlemssiffror.

- Här tror jag de olika gymmen tagit en del med pump, spinning och allt vad det heter. Det är enklare att gå till ett gym och betala sin avgift och frånsäga sig allt ansvar istället för att vara med i en klubb där man riskerar att bli tillfrågad om man vill vara med i styrelsen och hjälpa som tränare, säger Jan Christer."

Engelsk artikel New Scientist: Radicals get the message across: Juli 2000

"Free radicals, long maligned as potent agents of harm, may play a key communication role in cells, according one theory from US researchers. They believe the production of radicals might be the way the powerhouses in cells, mitochondria, talk to the rest of the cell." (Via SciCentral)

Engelsk artikel New Scientist: The fastest of them all: 9 september 2000

"Perfect sprinters require one thing - perfect legs. Arms hardly matter at all. The ideal sprinter has legs jam-packed with "fast twitch" muscle fibres, which contract quickly without waiting for oxygen to diffuse into the tissue. While only half of an average person's muscle fibres are fast twitch, Olympic sprinters commonly have 80 per cent. The stars of the future are going to need even more to beat this year's champions." (Via SciCentral)

Svensk artikel Östra Småland: Friskvård som håller arbetarna pigga: 28 september 1999

"För några år sedan var sjukskrivningarna många på Järnforsens Stoppmöbler. De anställda hade värk i rygg, nacke och leder. Idag ser det helt annorlunda ut tack vare ledningens införande av friskvård."

Engelsk artikel Center for the Advancement of Health: Regular Jogging Leads to Longer Life Expectancy: 8 september 2000

"Despite recent reports of deaths during jogging, a study in this week’s British Medical Journal shows that the risk of death in persistent joggers is significantly lower than in non-joggers or even those new to jogging." (Via SciCentral)

Engelsk artikel individual.com: Exercise Aids Transplant Patients: 28 augusti 2000

"Exercise is good for your organs, even if the organs originally were someone else's." (Via SciCentral)

Engelsk artikel MSU: MSU research show standards for measuring physical activity levels may not be accurate: 22 augusti 2000

"Allor and Pivarnik measured the energy output levels of 49 middle-school girls while the girls ran on a treadmill. It was determined that girls who reached a heart rate of 140 were using only 46 percent of their maximum energy output. Girls whose heart rate was 160 were using only about 63 percent of their maximum energy output.

"I would say the heart rate numbers we currently use are off by about 20 beats per minute," Pivarnik said. "The 160 heart beats a minute should probably be more toward the lower end. The traditional cut points for exercise levels need to be adjusted upward." (Via SciCentral)

Engelsk artikel individual.com: Weight Training Can Have Dangers: 14 augusti 2000

"As more people weight train, more get hurt _ especially baby boomers and older people who are trying to keep from showing their age, a study finds." (Via SciCentral)

Engelsk artikel University of Ulster: Taking the stairs can lower cholesterol, boost fitness - UU research: 29 augusti 2000

"Boycott the elevator. Walking up stairs for an average of six minutes a day will lower your cholesterol by 10 to 15 percent - and make you 10 to 15 percent fitter, according to a new study at the University of Ulster at Jordanstown.

Professor Colin Boreham and his team have found that bursts of short, intermittent exercise - like climbing a few flights of stairs - can lower cholesterol." (Via SciCentral)

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Fredag 15 september

Svensk artikel Båstad Fitness & Outdoor Camp:

"Nu ligger det massor av coola bilder från campen i bildarkivet! Checka in dem och kom ihåg Båstad, Thommy."

Svensk artikel 24 Timmar: Norsk tyngdlyftare dopad: 15 september 2000

Norsk artikel Aftenposten: Norsk vektløfter tatt i doping: 

"- Dette kom svært overraskende på meg. Jeg tar kosttilskudd, som vitaminer, mineraler, proteintilskudd, karbohydrater. Etter dopingtesten den 1. august har jeg begynt å bruke et tilskudd som heter Ribose, en form for karbohydrater. Produktet dble kjøpt på lanzarote, og som vanlig sjekket jeg varedeklarasjonen på produktet. Den eneste forklaringen slik jeg forstår det, er at dette produktet må inneholde forbudte stoffer som ikke står på varedeklarasjonen, sier Stian Grimseth."

Svensk artikel News Online: Tål kroppen 200 kilo snus före 30 årsdagen?: 15 september 2000

"Vad innehåller snuset egentligen och hur mycket av prillan stannar kvar i kroppen? Snus marknadsförs i dessa dagar som en hälsoprodukt. Är det verkligen vettigt när halten av nitrosaminer är 1.000 gånger högre i snus än i vissa livsmedel?"

Svensk artikel DN: Idrottsdrömmar del 3: Den som klarar motgångar vinner: 15 september 2000

"Att träna stenhårt i fyra år för att lyckas i OS och sedan misslyckas kan innebära ett stort trauma. Samtidigt, säger Johan Plate som arbetar som mental rådgivare åt olika idrottare, får man nästan alltid en ny chans när man misslyckas inom idrotten."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Experts fear type 2 diabetes epidemic in US children: 8 september 2000

"Imagine that you are an overweight child who is diagnosed with a disease that will guarantee a premature death in middle age. Over the years, you might develop heart disease or kidney failure. Arterial disease may cost you your sight, or a limb.

Now, suppose that you could avoid these problems by replacing your favorite high-fat, sugary snacks with foods like apples, bananas and low-fat yogurt, and exercising regularly to maintain a normal weight.

This is a very real scenario for the increasing number of American children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The rise in type 2 diabetes cases in young people has led experts to label the disease an emerging epidemic.

"Diet and exercise are keystones to treatment," Dr. Michael M. Engelgau, a medical epidemiologist with the CDC's division of diabetes, said. "In some cases, it may be all that's needed."

Engelsk artikel Alexander Karelin

Den säkraste guldmedaljkandidaten i Sydney har en egen hemsida...

Engelsk artikel ACE: Strengthen Your Abdominals with Stability Balls: 

"One of today’ most versatile pieces of exercise equipment looks more like an overgrown beach ball than a useful fitness tool. The stability ball - an extra-large, inflatable orb designed to improve balance while targeting specific muscle groups - has grown in popularity since it’s mainstream introduction in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s."

Engelsk artikel JAMA: A Low-Glycemic Index Diet in the Treatment of Pediatric Obesity: 

"A low-GI diet seems to be a promising alternative to standard dietary treatment for obesity in children. Long-term randomized controlled trials of a low-GI diet in the prevention and treatment of obesity are needed."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Golf a good workout, but steer clear of cart: 13 september 2000

"While it may not be the most athletic of sports, golfing can help keep middle-aged men in shape--as long as they forgo the cart, Finnish researchers report."

Svensk artikel Previa: Dataföretag tar fram mus som mäter hur stressad du är: 14 september 2000

"Snart finns datamusen som känner om du är stressad framför datorn. Det är dataföretaget IBM:s utvecklings- avdelning som tagit fram en prototyp för en mus med inbyggda sensorer. IBM-musen reagerar bl a på puls och kroppstemperatur och känner hur stressad du är."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: FDA clears laser system for skin lesions, birthmarks: 22 augusti 2000

"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted clearance for the EpiStar Diode Laser System, which can be used to remove hair and to treat vascular and pigmented skin lesions such as birthmarks."

Svensk artikel Dagbladet: Polisen tvingas lämna GBL till ungdomarna: 9 september 2000

"GHB-missbrukarna har hittat ett sätt att kringgå lagen. Tio av de elva misstänkta GHB-beslag som gjorts i år, har visat sig vara GBL - en drog som inte är narkotikaklassad. - Eftersom preparaten är precis lika farliga, är det här ett stort problem som måste lösas snarast möjligt, säger Håkan Lehnberg, kriminalinspektör vid narkotikaroteln i Sundsvall."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Dramatic increase in obesity-related diabetes: 23 augusti 2000

"Perhaps because of widespread obesity in the US, diabetes has increased dramatically over the past decade, a new nationwide study has found."

Engelsk artikel CBS HealthWatch: The Couch Potato's Guide to Olympic Fitness

Svensk artikel Corren.se: Nytt försök att få folk i rörelse: 14 september 2000

"Friskvårdsprojektet i Borensberg har inte engagerat så många som väntat. Därför tar nu idrotten hjälp utanför sina ordinarie domäner. Kyrkan, friluftsfrämjandet, kulturföreningen och vårdcentralen är några som ska hjälpa till att få folk i rörelse."

Danska artikel Dagens Medicin: Idrætsfolk til OL med for lav vægt: 14 september 2000

"En række af de kvindelige idrætsudøvere, som fra i morgen forsvarer Dannebrog ved OL i Sydney, er sendt afsted med en pint krop."

Engelsk artikel New Scientist: The ultimate challenge: 9 september 2000

"Keep your eyes peeled. Among this year's gold medallists you might see something close to the perfect athletic performance.

Athletes have consistently shattered records throughout the past century. But now they are pushing against the very limits of human potential, say researchers."

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Onsdag 13 september

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Joggers live longer than non-runners: 8 september 2000

"Joggers are not only unlikely to drop dead of a heart attack during their morning run, they are also less likely than non-runners to die of any cause, according to Danish researchers."

Svensk artikel HT.se: Vill ha gym på taket: 13 september 2000

"Dellenbygdens kommundelsnämnds arbetsutskott ser positivt på badhuspersonalens önskemål om tillbyggnad av ett gym i anslutning till badhuset."

Svensk artikel Budo & Fitness: Aerobic Weekend 9-10 september i Eskilstuna:

"Aerobic Weekend 9-10 september samlade ca 200 träningssugna människor i Eskilstuna."

Svensk artikel Olympiaden.nu: Tyngdlyftning:

"OS-rekord är garanterade i tyngdlyftning. Efter 1996 har alla rekord nollställts – dessutom är det premiär för damerna."

Svensk artikel Corren.se: I dag drar östgötatrion till VM: 12 september 2000

"Här är grabbarna som ska dra ända till Blackpool och VM i dragkamp. Olle Wahlström, Christian Karlsson och Christian Palm som till vardags tävlar för Ydre DK."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! Sports: U.S. weightlifter swops dumb bells for wedding bells: 13 september 2000

"U.S. weightlifter Suzanne Leathers is swapping her dumb bells for wedding bells to get married to her coach in the Olympic city of Sydney."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Parents want gym classes back in schools: 12 september 2000

"In the midst of what health experts are calling an epidemic of obesity among America's children, public schools have trimmed the fat of their curriculum by doing away with physical education (PE) classes.

Now a study of more than 1,000 parents nationwide reveals that the scales may be tipping back in favor of mandatory PE. According to the survey released Tuesday at a meeting of the American Obesity Association, 80% of parents do not want gym classes cut to make more time for academics."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Even teen-age knee injuries increase arthritis risk: 12 september 2000

"Scientists are proving what some sufferers have long suspected: A single knee injury as a teen-ager or young adult can triple the risk of arthritis in that knee by middle age."

Danska artikel NetDoktor.dk: NetDoktor.dk har fået konkurrence af en ny Internettjeneste, DoktorOnline.dk: 

"Som på NetDoktor kan man på den nye side få svar på spørgsmål om sundhed, og en af ideerne er, at alle brugerne skal kunne give hinanden gode råd og viden. Blandt tjenestens ejere finder man blandt andet nogen af Danmarks og Norges største medievirksomheder, og tjenesten er da også at finde både i Sverige og Norge."

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Tisdag 12 september

Svensk artikel Falu Kuriren: Medaljregn i junior-SM: 12 september 2000

"Svensk tyngdlyftnings framtid finns i Dalarna. Det står klart över helgens medaljregn i junior-SM."

Engelsk artikel HealthCentral: Beware Of Personal Trainers Obsessed With Their Looks: 11 september 2000

"Often, fitness instructors are thin-obsessed females and muscle-driven males who unconsciously project their own distorted view of how the body should look onto clients who are just trying to get into shape, according to a survey by a San Diego-based association of fitness professionals."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Inte en muskel ska undgå tv-publiken: 12 september 2000

"I finnkampen, friidrottslandskampen mellan Finland och Sverige, kunde man ånyo notera det – hur idrottsmännens och inte minst idrottsdamernas kläder håller på att krypa av kroppen på dem."

Svensk artikel Expressen: Svenskarna blir fetare och fetare: 12 september 2000

"Grekiska män är fetast i EU. Fransyskorna är smalast. Och i Sverige är männen tjockare än kvinnorna. Mer än var fjärde svensk man är överviktig, enligt EU:s statistikkontor Eurostat."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Du blir allt fetare, Svensson!: 12 september 2000

"Svensken blir allt fetare. Men är inte lika fet som grekerna. I en ny undersökning kartläggs övervikten inom EU."

Svensk artikel Aftonbladet: Så ska feta barn få stöd i skolan: 12 september 2000

"Barnfetman sprider sig som en epidemi. Nu måste skolan öka toleransen mot de 30 000 barn som är feta. Anpassad gymnastik, bättre kost och ökade lärarkunskaper om barnfetma vill Överviktigas Riksförbund genomdriva. – Lärarna måste förstå att barn som är feta har en sjukdom, säger förbundets ordförande Lars Åhman."

Engelsk artikel peakhealth.net: Ask the Doctor: Pyruvate and fat loss: 1 maj 2000

"In this week's Ask the Doctor, peakhealth.net vistors ask Dr. Serrano, "does pyruvate really work to decrease bodyfat?"

Engelsk artikel Healthsurfing.com: Exercise surprise: Fitness sows a multitude of health benefits: 19 maj 2000

"It can help prevent falls and broken hips, thwart depression, and lower the risk of diabetes. “It” is exercise. Study after study is showing that regular physical activity is a potent prevention tool for guarding against a wide range of diseases and debilitating conditions during all phases of life."

Engelsk artikel BBC News: Mouse stays thin: 28 mars 2000

"Scientists have produced a mouse that fails to pile on the ounces even when it eats a high-fat diet. 

Researchers hope the rodent, which has a single gene defect, will help in the quest to lay bare the biochemistry that controls eating behaviour and weight gain."

Engelsk artikel Telegraph: Girls on strict diets 'are 18 times more likely to develop eating disorders': 19 mars 1999

"Teenage girls who put themselves on strict diets are 18 times more likely to develop eating disorders than girls who do not try to lose weight through diet.

But girls who go on moderate diets are also found to be more at risk. Their chances of developing anorexia or bulimia are five times higher, researchers say today."

Engelsk artikel Brain.com: The Trouble With Tofu: Soy and the Brain:30 juni 2000

"In a major ongoing study involving 3,734 elderly Japanese-American men, those who ate the most tofu during midlife had up to 2.4 times the risk of later developing Alzheimer's disease.

As part of the three-decade long Honolulu-Asia Aging Study, 27 foods and drinks were correlated with participants' health. Men who consumed tofu at least twice weekly had more cognitive impairment, compared with those who rarely or never ate the soybean curd."

Engelsk artikel Freya:

"Freya is the first online magazine entirely devoted to female bodybuilding. Our magazine is totally free and the articles are available in different languages (English, French, German and Italian). The first issue will be available on September 15th."

Engelsk artikel British Medical Association: Eating disorders, body image & the media

"This report considers the role that the media can play in shaping young people's attitudes to eating and body shape, and developing self-esteem in the young who are at the greatest risk of developing an eating disorder. 

The report considers whether the media play a significant role in the causation of eating disorders, where they can 'trigger' the illness in vulnerable individuals, by suggesting that being 'thin' means being successful, and how they affect young people who may have low self-esteem or unhealthy attitudes towards food. 

More positively, the media may be able to significantly contribute towards developing high self-esteem in young people, and actively participate in health promotion to combat the mistaken belief that "thin = healthy" and that 'dieting', rather than healthy eating and regular exercise, is the way to achieve a healthy weight."

Engelsk artikel Yahoo! News: Too Fat + Too Lazy = Diabetes: 25 augusti 2000

"Diabetes is on the rise in the United States because Americans are getting fatter and not exercising, a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says."

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