B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 26 2000
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Söndag, 2 juli Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» Norrköpings Tidningar: Världens starkaste naturprodukt: 1 juli 2000

"Den här vintern har jag tränat hårdare än vanligt och jag ligger före i planeringen för en gångs skull. I tävlingen i Holland i helgen lyfte jag upp en sten på 180 kilo som ingen tidigare fått upp. Det gick ganska lätt. Jag vet att jag kan göra saker som ingen annan klarar av, säger Magnus Samuelsson självsäkert."

» HealthCentral.com: Football players squat their way to groin injuries: 20 juni 2000

"American football players who overemphasize squats involving heavy weight lifting could be at risk for a groin injury during the season, according to a US researcher."

» EurekAlert: Body's built-in computer helps recovery from sports injury: 14 oktober 1998

"Early intervention after a sports injury is essential to re-boot the body's built-in computer, which aids in stabilizing the smallest movements of muscles and joints, says the October issue of the Penn State Sports Medicine Newsletter.

The body's computer is made up of proprioceptors, sensory receptors in the joints, tendons and muscles which provide information reinforcing a person's conscious efforts to position and monitor movement of body parts. This internal guidance system helps athletes to perform in sports and above all, to avoid injuries.

When the human body senses a position change, proprioception triggers muscles to contract or relax to fit the situation. Some exercise scientists believe that this activation of reflexes to protect the joints from injury may be as important as the conscious actions taken by athletes to protect themselves."

» themestream.com: Are You Speeding To A Heart Attack? 2 juni 2000

"This reduced appetite effect is what ephedrine manufacturers are most interested in. Weight loss and weight control products are huge industries. Marketdata Enterprises reported that in 1998, we in the U.S. spent $30 billion on weight loss products and services. Diet shakes, drinks, bars and pills are hot products. Many contain ephedra.

The concern about ephedra lies in its effects on the heart and blood pressure. Increased heart rate, irregular heart beat, heart attack, elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressures and stroke are all serious concerns. Overweight consumers are more likely to have some of these conditions already. Yet, this is the target market for these products. This is obviously problematic."

Lördag, 1 juli Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» Dagbladet: Två män till sjukhus efter GHB-överdos: 30 juni 2000

"Två yngre män vårdas på Sundsvalls sjukhus efter att ha intagit knarkdrogen GHB. Båda fick efter ankomsten till akuten natten mot i går föras över till IVA, intensivvårdsavdelningen. - Deras tillstånd betecknas som allvarligt, säger ansvarig läkare i en pressbulletin."

» Nutrition Analysis Tool v1.0 | Nutrition Analysis Tool v2.0

"The Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) is a web based program that allows anyone to analyze the foods they eat for various different nutrients. This tool is completely free and quite easy to use."

» Aftonbladet: ”80 procent är dopade”: 1 juli 2000

"1998 åkte Festinastallets massör Willy Voet fast med bilen fullastad av dopningspreparat. Nu är han borta från Tour de France. Men fusket finns kvar. – 70–80 procent av cyklisterna dopar sig fortfarande, säger han till Sportbladet."

» IFBB: Resultat och bilder från Asiatiska Mästerskapen för Kvinnor, Par och Fitness

» American Chemical Society: The mysterious placebo effect: Juli/augusti 1999

"Mandrake root, powdered mummy, comb, spider web, ants, scorpions, bone, teeth, crab’s eyes, viper’s flesh, worms, and pearls. These are just a few of the ingredients from the premodern pharmacopoeia, some of which were still in use at the turn of the century. No one would question the fact that they worked as a placebo, if at all. 

But how many drugs in our current pharmacopoeia also might be ineffective? We rely on double-blind placebo-controlled trials to tell us, but the answers may not always hold true with clinical experience."

» Velvet Video är nedlagt - inga fler Pumping Iron-filmer därifrån alltså...

"Tyvärr måste jag meddela att Velvet Video är nedlagt. Lagda och restnoterade order kommer inte att expedieras. Vi kommer att göra allt för att återbetala pengar till de som betalat för filmer men inte fått dem levererade. Vi återkommer med mer information och med hänvisning till en ny shop att vända sig till."

» Sydney2000 - Den officiella sajten för de olympiska spelen i Sydney 2000 (15 sep-1 okt):

  • Tyngdlyfning

» individual.com: Fresh not always best: N. Zealand nutrition research: 16 maj 2000

"A research by New Zealand scientists shows Fresh vegetables are not always nutritionally best and many frozen vegetables contain the same or higher levels of vitamin C than most fresh vegetables sold under normal commercial conditions."

» themestream.com: A True Gym Rat Hates It When... 31 maj 2000

"Let me first make it clear that I'm not talking about those pseudo-gyms that are so popular these days. You know the places I mean: places with neon lights, lots of mirrors, soft music, juice bars and spandex shops.

I mean places where pumping iron is incidental to devotion to the latest fitness craze, whether it be rhythmic stepping, spinning, or sissified aerobics posing as martial arts."

» peakhealth.net: Information Overload: 26 juni 2000

"There's no doubt about it; we live in the information age. But does having such immediate, interminable access to everything we want to know come with a price? Does there come a point where all the facts, figures and data create more confusion than anything else?

Perhaps no other entity helps better illustrate what I'm talking about than the fitness industry."

» themestream.com: What’s Nextra In Protein Chips: 24 april 2000

"The ingestion of anabolic steroids might seem a long way from the development of a protein chip, but for David Jenkins the trip now seems almost inevitable. A former Olympic athlete, Jenkins is banking on his new Nextra Protein Crunch to complete his own personal rehabilitation and (he hopes) to help him make a mint."

» National Teachers Enhancement Network: Nutrition for Fitness and Performance:

"Interested in a graduate level sports nutrition course offered online? This is a science-based course that is designed for teachers, coaches, exercise professionals, registered dietitians, and other health professionals. This course is taught totally online via asynchronous computer conference discussions, e-mail assignments, and a course project."

» Individual.com: HealtheTech features its award winning dietLog weight management software at PC Expo: 22 juni 2000

"DietLog produced by HealtheTech, Inc., is a clinically proven, complete weight management and nutrition software application that allows users to set personal nutrition and weight loss goals, track food consumption and monitor progress. 

Running on the Palm(TM) OS, DietLog provides the consumer with portability and flexibility to track daily food intake and nutrients throughout the day."

» Catflexing : a catlover's guide to weightlifting, aerobics & stretching:

"Stephanie Jackson shows you how to work with your feline companion to shape, tone and reduce." Mjauuu!

Fredag, 30 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» TheArnoldFan: You can be a part of The Arnold Fan! 27 juni 2000

Jag vet att det finns många duktiga tecknare bland B&K:s läsarkrets, det har vi sett flertalet utmärkta exempel på. Nu vill The Arnold Fan lägga upp en webbplats med konstverk från Arnoldfans - läs mer på ovanstående länk.

» Big Bench Mag: En veckogammal helsvensk sida som ska fungera som en knytpunkt för seriösa byggare oavsett kön, ålder osv.

» DBFF.dk: Bilder från Danske Mesterskaber, Roskilde 29.4.2000

» Salon.com: Space invaders: 27 juni 2000

"In all, 26 women pilots came to New Mexico to be tested for the space program. Thirteen women -- the Mercury 13 -- passed the tests.

The tests were not easy. Many of today's female astronauts say their own tests pale in comparison to those taken by the Mercury 13. Some 50 different exams measured the women's physical strength, conditioning, endurance and adaptability."

» Yahoo!: Armstrong says he's frustrated with 'Doping Myth': 29 juni 2000

"Tour de France defending champion Lance Armstrong said Thursday cycling had been being unfairly singled out for drugs testing.

"I'm sick of the myth of widespread doping in cycling,'' Armstrong told a news conference in the Futuroscope theme park, where the Tour will start Saturday."

Everybody wants to know what I am on. What am I on? I'm on my bike ... six hours a day.

» IFBB.com: IFBB directive for Fitness Competitors:

"National federations and head delegates are responsible for making sure that their fitness athletes are fully aware of the IFBB rules as detailed."

» IFBB.com: Dam-VM för Juniorer och Seniorer samt VM Fitness inställt:

"The IFBB regrets to advise the IFBB National Federations of the cancellation of the 2000 IFBB World Women's Amateur Juniors, Masters, and Junior Fitness Championships, originally scheduled to be held in Maia, Portugal, November 24-27, 2000."

» Yahoo! Nyheter: Gladiatorer och fångar på fort ger 50 Mkr för MTV: 29 juni 2000

"MTV Produktion har fått i uppdrag att producera en fortsättning på TV4 på "Gladiatorerna" om 11 program, enligt ett pressmeddelande."

» Individual.com: New research suggests eating disorders have genetic roots: 26 maj 2000

"A few years ago doctors would have considered Strachan's eating disorder a social problem, the result of peer pressure, media manipulation or neglectful parenting. But new evidence suggests that genes may be the most important factor in determining whether a girl will develop an eating disorder.

Research presented at the New York City meeting this spring strongly suggests that environmental factors and genetics work together in diseases like anorexia and bulimia."

» cfah.org: Strict diets required for chronic disease management may increase risk of unhealthy eating behaviors: 12 april 2000

"Young women with diseases that require them to adhere to a strict diet may be more vulnerable to a range of eating disturbances that varies depending on the disease, according to the results of a small study.

Eating disturbances are unhealthy eating attitudes and behaviors that are not severe enough to qualify as full-blown eating disorders."

» HealthCentral.com: Special Report: Steroid or Food Supplement? The Truth About Andro:

"Welcome to HealthCentral's in-depth feature on the controversial steroid androstenedione, the "food supplement" made famous by baseball star Mark McGwire.

Andro's supporters claim it builds muscles and improves competitive sports performance, but recent studies, including those published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, show the "supplement" can have potentially harmful side effects from breast enlargement in men to heart disease risks."

Torsdag, 29 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» Kroppsjournalen: Rörelsesmärta rankas riksetta:

"Bland alla smärttillstånd har vi mest ont av besvär från rörelseapparatens leder, muskler, muskelfästen, senor och senfästen. Att sådana smärtor uppstår vid överbelastning är normalt. Men i många fall, när smärtorna blir långdragna eller kroniska, är orsaken okänd."

» netrition.com: Drug adviser: Andro to be a steroid:

"President Clinton's top drug policy adviser said Monday the muscle-building supplement that Mark McGwire made famous should be classified as a steroid ``within a few months.''

» Don Lemmon: July interviews:

  • Rikki Rockett - Rock Star and Vegan.
  • Rena "Sable" Mero - Actress, Model and Pro Wrestler.
  • Marjean Holden - Martial Artist and Actress.
  • John Gleneicki - Musclehed and Cartoonist.
  • Victoria! - Health and Beauty Consultant.
  • Lynn Thomas - Playboy Playmate.

» sciencedaily: Pizza, brownies to be a part of "low-fat" diabetes diet: 27 juni 2000

"A new diet study aimed at trying to reverse diabetes or diminishing its symptoms will allow participants to eat favorite high-fat foods like brownies and pizza by replacing the real fat with Olestra, a fat substitute now found only in snack foods like potato chips."

» Telegraph: Death of a Cyclist: 19 juli 1997

"There is no doubt that many of the leading contenders in the 1967 Tour were taking amphetamines. According to Hoban and others, they were available over the counter in any chemist.

"People were unaware of any medical problem," Hoban recalls. "They were ill-advised, sometimes by doctors, and it was a long-established habit among the riders. There were no doping controls, or anything." 

Although attempts had been made to introduce drug tests the previous year, they had been fiercely opposed by leading cyclists, notably the five-times Tour winner Jacques Anquetil, who told the newspaper France-Dimanche: "Yes, I dope myself. You would be a fool to imagine that a professional cyclist who rides 235 days a year in all temperatures and conditions can hold up without a stimulant."

Onsdag, 28 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» peakhealth.net: Research review: Do you need a weight belt? 17 april 2000

"Many people are taught that weight belts help to support their lower back while lifting weights, especially when squatting. Recent research indicates that this belief actually may not be true."

» Aftonbladet: Danska forskare tror sig ha funnit medicin mot övervikt: 27 juni 2000

"Danska forskare tror att de har hittat "fetmans gåta". En forskargrupp vid Köpenhamns universitet har upptäckt ett nytt system i hjärnan som reglerar människors aptit. De hoppas att upptäckten ska leda till en skräddarsydd medicin mot övervikt."

» UniSci.com: Most of us see mid-range build as best-looking: 23 juni 2000

""People like a range of body sizes from slender to rounded -- sizes that look healthy as opposed to scrawny," said Rand, who retired recently from her position as an associate research scientist in UF's College of Medicine psychiatry department."

» Science News Online: The New GI Tracts: 8 april 2000

"To nutritional epidemiologist Simin Liu of the Harvard Medical School in Boston, the work on glycemic index "is the most fascinating and promising area in nutrition research today."

Reaven takes credit for getting research on the glycemic index rolling some 30 years ago. That's when his team at Stanford first began investigating the rates at which different starches break down."

» Hudiksvalls Tidning: Vanlig mat går lika bra: 28 juni 2000

"I dag säljs "prestationshöjande" preparat och drycker för flera miljarder kronor. Men många av de ämnen som ingår finns i vanliga livsmedel. Konsumentverkets nya debattmaterial Piller Pulver Prestation granskar de "prestationshöjande" produkterna och reklamen för dem."

» TheArnoldFan: Get your art displayed in The Arnold Fan art gallery:

"The Arnold Fan needs your help! We are looking for your Arnold inspired art to be displayed in our new Arnold Art website. This site will be entirely made up of fan submitted art. Along with your submissions be sure to include your full name, the age in which you made the illustration, the illustrations title, and the medium used."

» Healthsurfing.com: Pumping iron: Strength conditioning makes complete fitness: 18 april 2000

“We don’t necessarily have to have those rippling muscles to have good muscular strength,” says Dr. Patricia Avila, MD, a physician helping American athletes prime for the Sydney Games at the USA Olympic Training Center in San Diego, California.

Avila says several myths about strength training persist among many exercise enthusiasts who--based on their dedication to regular walking, jogging, or aerobics--basically embrace fitness.

Common weight training misconceptions are keeping active people from adding valuable, personalized “pumping iron” into their total fitness routine."

» Metro: Ungdomar rustar upp träningslokal (Flemingsberg)

» peakhealth.net: Does creatine supplementation cause kidney damage? 20 december 1999

"Recent research suggests that long-term use of creatine monohydrate does not cause kidney damage."

peakhealth.net: Ask the Doctor: Creatine cycles: 25 oktober 1999

"In this weeks “Ask the Doctor” column, Dr. Serrano answers reader’s questions about creatine cycles."

» Kroppsjournalen: Ann-Britt berättar om Bechterew:

"Journalisten Ann-Britt Ryd Pettersson är välkänt ansikte för de flesta. På 80-talet dök hon först upp som TV-sportens första kvinnliga reporter. Idag serverar hon dagsaktuella nyheter på Aktuellt. Få av oss tittare kan ana att hon är sjuk. När man träffar henne är det bara stödskenan på ena handen och kryckorna som avslöjar att hon inte är riktigt så friskt som hon ser ut."

» Dr Koop: Choosing a Personal Trainer:

"So you have decided to hire a personal trainer, someone who can give you one-on-one attention during your workouts. You are ready to spend some money on a fitness expert who will give you the advice and guidance you need to reach your goal of getting in shape. 

But how do you know whether a self-professed personal trainer has the know-how? What makes one better than another?"

Tisdag, 27 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» themestream.com: Body for life: 26 juni 2000

"Parsons explains that prior to getting involved with the program, his physician warned him that his cholesterol was high. When he went back to the doctor for a follow- up in September, his physician was in awe of Parsons' physical transformation.

"I walked into the office, and he asked me 'Are you taking steroids?' I said no ... He said 'Okay, are you having an affair?' He said most guys who come in with these big life changes are either having an affair or taking steroids. I said 'Sorry to disappoint you'."

» The Exploratorium: Revealing Bodies

» EurekAlert: Humans can regrow liver from bone marrow: 26 juni 2000

"Researchers have shown for the first time that the human liver can regenerate its tissue with a cell type from outside the organ -- and they present the first compelling evidence that those stem cells are human bone marrow."

» Fredrik "Alven" Alvelöv har kört igång ett par nya träningsforum för alla som är intresserade av kost och styrketräning samt hälsokost.

» Kvinnor.net: Kåseri - Ta med Kafka till gymmet:

"Jag har fortfarande inte hittat någon tangokavaljer. Får nog lägga det på is ett tag. Får fundera ut fler alternativ till gymmet. För tillfället känns det lika spännande att gå dit som att gå till tandläkaren och få en rotfyllning tre gånger per vecka."

» Newswise.com: Muscle pain from exercise does not disrupt sleep: 31 maj 2000

"Many people find that they sleep better after exercise. But what about when the exercise results in muscle pain? Surprisingly, a study co-authored by a UGA College of Education researcher has found that exercise resulting in muscle pain did not disturb sleep.

The findings, published in the Spring 2000 issue of The Journal of Pain, are important because these experimental results differ from what was found in less well-controlled previous studies and challenge the notion that people who are experiencing muscle pain always suffer from an associated sleep disturbance."

» senastenytt.com: Åderförkalkning dolt problem hos unga:

"Mer än en fjärdedel av de personer som är under 25 år och till synes friska har dolda förkalkningar i kärlen kring hjärtat, vilket kan vara början till en hjärtinfarkt. Det visar en ny amerikansk studie som kan komma att revolutionera hjärt- och kärlforskningen."

» Newscientist.com: Skip the warm-up: 18 december 1999

"Stretching before you exercise in a bid to prevent injuries is a waste of time. So say Australian researchers who have advised the country's army to consign the tradition to the scrap heap."

» expressen.se: Forskning: Kriminella dopar sig före brott: 27 juni 2000

"Det finns en ny trend bland kriminella – att dopa sig. Syftet är att bli mer känslokalla och professionella vid grova våldsbrott. 

– De tar Rohypnol för att höja sin självkänsla och våga begå brott, säger forskningspsykologen Anna Dåderman."

» HealthCentral.com: Weightlifting protects against free radical damage: 8 juni 2000

"Aerobic exercise, including running, biking and walking, can strengthen the heart and improve cardiovascular health in old age. Now, study results suggest that another type of exercise--weightlifting--may also protect the heart."

» Upsala Nya Tidning: Personalen vann upphandling i Sigtuna: 26 juni 2000

"Bubbelpool i Sigtuna och barnbad i Valsta är att vänta efter att upphandlingen av sim- och sporthallarna i kommunen nyligen avgjordes.

För pengarna ska nysatsningar genomföras vid några av de olika anläggningarna under de närmaste två åren. Enligt planen ska det bli en bubbelpool och en rutschkana i Sigtuna fritidscenter, nya kassasystem i Sigtuna och Valsta sim- och sporthall där även gymmet ska utvecklas med fler maskiner för styrketräning och träningscyklar samt ett barnbad startas."

» Amazon.com: The Adonis Complex - The Secret Crisis of Male Body Obsession

"You see them everywhere. With their bulging arms and deltoids and pecs, not to mention their rippling abdominal muscles, they appear on magazine covers, in underwear ads, in action movies. And American men have noticed them; after a generation of being bombarded by images of idealized male physiques, men are growing increasingly insecure about their own appearance.

The authors have studied everything from bodybuilders to Playgirl centerfolds and concluded that the images presented to men and women have gotten steadily more muscular. As a result of this bombardment of pumped-up male imagery, American men have been developing eating disorders, working out to the point of obsession, and taking steroids. None of this is for health or sports performance but rather to develop a physique that matches those seen on the cover of Muscle & Fitness or in the next squat rack over.

Another consequence is a condition the authors call "muscle dysmorphia," also known as "reverse anorexia" or just "bigorexia." In this, men who are large and muscular look in the mirror and see someone who is puny and frail. So they pump iron and eat and take steroids and swell to ever-larger proportions, while being too ashamed of their bodies to take off their sweatshirts at the beach."

2000: Kvartal 1 | 000401-000518
1999: Webbnytt 1999

Sidan skapad 2000-07-29 | Senast uppdaterad den 05 november 2000 av