B&K - Webblogg - Vecka 24 2000
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Söndag, 18 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» NewsWatch.org: Are journalists getting too excited about testosterone?

"The subject of testosterone seems to act on journalists much like the hormone itself is reputed to do, producing swagger, fast judgment calls and dominance contests.

Since Andrew Sullivan touted the hormone in The New York Times Magazine on April 2, a war of words over its real effects and cultural implications has broken out. And the makers of the new testosterone gel, which will be marketed in the U.S. come summer, couldn't have asked for better publicity."

» CNN.com: Neanderthals survived on diet of meat, and lots of it:

"New chemical analysis shows Neanderthals feasted on meat, meat and more meat, researchers said on Monday, proving they were skilled hunters and not the grunting, witless cave men that scientists once believed.

Trinkaus said the diet would have been unhealthful by today's standards, but the Neanderthals were trying to survive in a cold climate where not a lot of plant food was available.

"If you have low life expectancy and you are very physically active, you don't worry about cholesterol," he said. "In fact you want cholesterol. And they weren't just eating steaks off these animals -- they were eating everything that was edible. They were smashing up the skulls and eating brains. They were eating tongues."

Uppdatering: Northern Illinois University är ursprungskällan.

» PBS Healthweek: Collagen shrinking:

"Like it or not, pro athletes are trend setters. From shoes to beverages, a lot of things designed to keep pros at their peak have become part of our everyday lives. That even goes for surgery. Operations developed to fix athletes' injured joints are now routinely used to help weekend warriors. HealthWeek's Kelley McHenry reports on one of the latest sports spin-offs: a procedure that uses radio waves to repair shoulders."

» MSNBC: Eat fish - be happy?

"A large study in Finland found evidence that people who ate fish less than once a week ran a 31 percent higher chance of mild to severe depression than people who ate it more often."

» Reuters Health: Asthma Linked to Depression:

"Does depression worsen asthma? Or does asthma perhaps promote the development of depression? According to new study findings, asthma and depression seem to go hand-in-hand for a significant number of patients. What's more, those with more symptoms of depression generally describe a worse quality of life than patients with comparable disease but no depression."

Lördag, 17 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» DBFF.dk: Resultatlista samt bilder från Nordiska Mästerskapen.

» Aftonbladet.se: Ingos dotter gör debut i morgon:

"I morgon kväll smäller det. I Las Vegas. Ingemar Johanssons dotter Maria Johansson är redo inför proffsdebuten mot Kerrie Frye."

» Länstidningen: De cyklar sig friskare inomhus:

"Nu har även de senaste årens fluga, spincyckling, kommit till Sveg. Det är Svegskorpen som drar igång verksamheten och meningen är att Svegsborna ska bli både piggare och gladare genom den här verksamheten."

» The Hacker's Diet: How to lose weight and hair through stress and poor nutrition:

"The Hacker's Diet, notwithstanding its silly subtitle, is a serious book about how to lose weight and permanently maintain whatever weight you desire. 

It treats dieting and weight control from an engineering and management standpoint, and provides the tools and an understanding of why they work and how to use them that permit the reader to gain control of their own weight. 

The book is intended primarily for busy, successful engineers, programmers, and managers who have struggled unsuccessfully in the past to lose weight and avoid re-gaining it."

» Council for Responsible Nutrition: Benefits of Nutritional Supplements:

"This document brings together the strong scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of nutritional supplements, particularly supplements of vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, fiber, and fish oils.

The evidence indicates that for many people, it makes good sense to use nutritional supplements regularly. For many population groups, the regular use of supplements is a cost-effective strategy for achieving both short- and long-term health benefits."

» Webreference.com: Health Lessons for Computer Professionals:

"Are the demands of the info-economy turning you into a sleep-deprived zombie with sprained wrists? Learn what you can do to protect yourself and your well-being."

» National Sleep Foundation: Groggy Workforce, Sleepy "Generation Y" Among Key Poll Findings:

"March 28 - A new poll released today by the National Sleep Foundation confirms what most busy Americans know already, yet few seem prepared to correct: while we may be aware of the importance of adequate sleep to performance and well-being, we're still not prepared to do much about it."

» Reuters: Former GDR Swimmer Says Drugs Damaged Daughter:

"A former top East German swimmer, testifying at the doping trial of two senior GDR sports officials, said Friday the banned drugs she was forced to take led her daughter to have health problems."

» Associated Press: China Vows Tough Drug-Sports Policy:

"Intent on erasing the memory of past drug scandals, China is increasing education and testing in hopes of avoiding such disputes at the Sydney Olympics."

» Associated Press: USOC Drug Chief Resigns:

"The official in charge of making sure the U.S. Olympic team in Sydney is drug free resigned, charging that his bosses were racist and turned a blind eye to doping."

Fredag, 16 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» För er som funderar på att åka över Atlanten till Las Vegas och Olympia Weekend kan det vara en idé att prenumerera på detta nyhetsbrev:

"Insider Viewpoint of Las Vegas FREE Email Newsletter, The #1 Informational Guide of Las Vegas!"

» Östra Småland: Världslyftare till Kalmar:

"Nio nationer finns representerade när Promotion Cup i tyngdlyftning avgörs i Kalmar sporthall under den kommande helgen."

» IFBB.com: Kommande evenemang: 2000 IFBB Men's World Amateur Bodybuilding Championships och 2000 IFBB European Men's Championships

» Modellen och fitnesstävlanden Dana Dodson avled i söndags:

"Published in the Home News Tribune 6/13/00:

Dana Rhea Dodson, 31, of Kendall Park died Sunday in New York City. She was born in Lubbock, Texas and lived in Kendall Park for the past 12 years. She was an established model and fitness competitor. She was employed by First Bank of Central Jersey, North Brunswick."

» Ann de Wees Allen, ND:

"Dr. Ann de Wees Allen, Doctor of Naturopathy, is a prominent scientist with expertise in the fields of:

  • growth hormone
  • orthomolecular nutrition
  • sports nutrition
  • the glycemic index
  • thermogenesis
  • nutraceutical research and development

Dr. Allen has spent a large portion of her career as a researcher striving to develop the safest and most effective nutraceutical products as aids to overall fitness, health, and longevity."

» Glycemic Food List.com: Your Source to over 800 glycemic foods

» About.com: Undrar varför denna profet inte fick några anhängare:

"Jason Samuel Lee, 30, was charged in March with improperly disposing of his wife's corpse. Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Canmore, Alberta, said Eda Lee, 26, starved to death while fasting with her husband on a remote mountain. Jason, according to the RCMP, is a prophet who believes that food is an "instrument of Satan" and was trying to form a cult but was having difficulty attracting followers."

» LenaJohannesen.com: Vill du ha en skärmsläckare med Lena?

"If you would like to see a screen saver made up of 10 of Lena's best bikini and lingerie shots available in the Pro Shop or would like to order an advanced copy or recieve more information please drop LENA an email!"

» Pollenrapporten:

"Prognosen är en kortfattad förutsägelse om halten av pollen det kommande dygnet. Rapporten är ett diagram som visar hur pollenläget varit för respektive pollen den senaste tiden.

Nu kan du få ett meddelande från oss till din e-mailadress när dagens pollenrapport/prognos inkommit för det/de områden du är intresserad av."

» Humor: Pumped up, high heeled - Knäböj i högklackat?

» Bartleby.com: Henry Gray's "Anatomy of the Human Body" är fritt tillgänglig online. Boken är på nära 1 400 sidor med över 1 200 illustrationer. Att den blev publicerad 1918 gör inte så stor skillnad, människans anatomi har inte ändrats så mycket sedan dess ;-)

» DrugNews - Nyhetsbyrån som tar tempen på drogkampen!

» Reuters: Half of UK men studied wear their trousers too tight:

"Only four out of 10 men who were shown three dimensional images of their bodies were able to identify themselves, the BBC added.

Gray said that a sedentary lifestyle was making men become fatter and more stooped.

"The reality is that men's bodies are taking a turn for the worse... Millions of years after man became upright, millennium man is stooping lower and lower,'' Gray said."

Uppdatering: Aftonbladet skriver om samma rapport.

» The Spine Times: The Degenerating Disc:

"Some 80% of the adult population will have a significant episode of low back pain over a lifetime. But why is this? The most simplistic explanation is that we were not designed to walk upright. Our posture puts stress on our backs which over time causes it to fail."

» Tod Maffin's Future File: Grow your own spare liver:

"Got a heavy night of drinking ahead of you? Imagine being able to grow a spare liver! Scientists have announced they've managed to grow a real liver from cells extracted from the embryos of rats. Cells injected into rats grew into a second liver alongside the first. The rats have gained a new and healthy liver, which functions exactly like the old one. The next phase of their experiments include injecting cells into rats with cirrhosis of the liver to see if a second liver grows alongside the first takes over the functions of the sick organ. Researchers believe if the method is transferred to humans, doctors could save people who have cancer of the liver."

» Ännu en samling länkar till kvinnliga muskler (puh!):

Fitnessgallery.com, Sheila Burgess - Hardgirl Inc., Gina Marie Hall, Penny Price McIntosh, Images of Wonder, Jana Pistotnik, MaDonna Grimes, Joanne Lee, Muscleville, USA, MsFitness.net, Tribute to Cory Everson, MZSport.com - Featuring female competitive athletes, articles, and fit tips, The art gallery of female muscles, The Female Bodybuilder, Viviana Requena, Linda O'Neil, The Shrine, Theresa Hessler, Tina Lockwood, Tonia Villalobos, Tre Scott's Page of Athletic Women, Yahoo! Clubs - Ericca Kern, Yahoo! Clubs - Denise Rutowski, Yahoo Clubs! - Sharon Bruneau, Yahoo! Clubs - Zuzana Korinkova, FBB Northwest & B.C. - The site features Women's Bodybuilding and Fitness competitors who have come through this region over the last 2 decades, Docmeister's Fitness Centerfolds, armfan.com - armwrestling and celebs flexing, Magic Light - Robert Reiff Photography, SexySwimwear.com, Outfits by Tamara Oakley, Tara Caballero, Fitness Photos, Artfoto, Female Legs, Erotic Fitness, Fitness Phenoms, Fitness Beauties, Cynthia Hill, Physique Magazine, Laurie Donnelly, Sherry Goggin, Charlene Rink, Brandi Carrier, Beth A. Horn, Connie Garner, Darby Hart, Jennifer Stimac, Nathalie Gence, Joey Bull - British Fitness Champion, Kim Hartt, Linda Cusmano, Sarah Dunlap, Abramova Nina, Shelly Anné, Sharon Henderson, Tanya Merryman, Tatiana Anderson, Trish Stratus, Traci Taylor, Bodyshaping, Fit Pregnancy, The Official Women Of Wrestling - A collection of information and graphics about the women who are involved in professional wrestling for the WWF, WCW And ECW.

Torsdag, 15 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» The Academy arrangerar Skandinaviens största konvent på Stockholmsmässan 28-29 oktober 2000, i samband med Scandinavian Fitness Expo. Anmäl dig till styrketräningskonventet eller gruppträningskonventet!

» Gävle: Ännu ett gym i stan:

"Stan har tio gym. Snart blir det ett till. Friskvårdskedjan World Class öppnar i höst en träningsanläggning på drygt 900 kvadrat i Snögrens gamla affär på Nygatan. 20 nya jobb i Gävle utlovas. - Vi blir störst i stan, säger Bedran Yildiz, en av tre delägare.

Bedran Yildiz, Milan Mirkovic och Roger Baburin. Där har ni trojkan som nu satsar miljoner på att bygga upp ett nytt gym i Gävle. De är barndomskamrater, uppväxta i Sollentuna.

Milan och Roger driver redan två gym på franchising - enligt World Class koncept - i Jakobsberg och Hägersten utanför Stockholm."

» Östran: Svenskt rekord är vardagsmat för Maria:

"De flesta skulle säkert jubla högt över att sätta svenskt rekord. Men inte tyngdlyfterskan Maria Bohm. För henne är det nämligen vardagsmat.

- Första gången blev jag självklart överlycklig, men det var för 10 år sedan. Nu när det händer kontinuerligt är det inte lika speciellt, menar Maria."

» Ny Teknik: Nytt dopingtest klart till OS:

"Nu finns testet som avslöjar idrottsmän som försökt stärka sin prestationsförmåga med gentekniskt framställt EPO. Testmetoden är den första som kan skilja mellan konstgjort och naturligt EPO."

» BillDobbins.com: The New Museum of Contemporary Art holds Amazon Woman Exhibition:

"Amazon Woman Exhibition brings together dozens of artists to give us their creative vision of the modern, aesthetically-developed muscular female, as well as a series of posing exhibitions and seminars on the subject of female muscle."

BillDobbins.com: Cool Free Stuff - Cool Free Stuff Page 2

» Aerobics Maniacs: SAFE-utbildade instruktörer garanterar en rolig och säker träning.

» En samling länkar till kvinnliga muskler (måste beta av de över tusen länkar som ligger och samlar damm...):

Sabine Froschauer's Body Corner, Shanon Brandon, Sharon Marvel, Unofficial Yasemin Boyum Shrine, Susanne Niederhauser, Suzette Healea - World's Longest-Haired Body Builder, Shana Blount, Debi Laszewski-Peterson, Paula Coofer, Christa Bauch - The one and only Official Christa Bauch Homepage, Mahogny Personalities - Min Yung Kim, Lesa Lewis, Renita Harris, Sherma Dillard, The National Federation For Women's Sports, Fitness and Style, Beate Dräbing, A Tribute to Gayle Moher, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, Amanda Doherty's Official Web Site, Amber Hudson, Cathy Firkins, Cathy Lefrancois, IFBB Pro, The Kiana Tom Ring, Fitness Babes Ring, Club Creavalle Fitness Camp, Christine Fetzer, Debbie Kruck Fitness Classic, Competitive Bodies, Debra Haley, Female Muscles from Greece, Christine McDougall - Elite Athlete Newsletter

Onsdag, 14 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» TheFitnessGuide.com: Michelle Russell (tidigare profilerad i B&K) har en mycket välbesökt sida:

"Get your free health and fitness advise, bodybuilding, weight loss, weight gain, nutrition, hot profiles, supplements, training routines, womens fitness, mens fitness, competition advice. Check out The Fitness Guide homepage"

» abcNews.com: Telescope Technology May Enhance Vision:

"Technology that allows astronomers to take the twinkle out of stars for a better look eventually may allow people to achieve “super vision,” researchers said."

För övrigt så är den legendariske Bill "Kaz" Kazmaier begåvad med överlägsen syn - 20/13 på ena och 20/11 på det andra ögat. En gång vid en tävling ville en domare ha det till att han inte rätade upp sig nog i marklyftet och underkände lyftet. Bill gick genast tillbaks till stången och gjorde ett par superstrikta reps till medan han tittade på domaren och undrade: "Nöjd nu?".

» NewScientist.com: The Coffee Cure:

"Caffeine may relieve hay fever and block allergic reactions to nuts and bee stings."

» bk-sportsmag.se: Magnus Samuelsson Sveriges Starkaste Man - igen!

» Ironmag.com: Sweden's Strongest Man 2000 Report:

Excellent storytelling by Bartoll. Det märks att han var på plats och följde tävlingarna.

» IronMind: Strongman surges in Sweden:

"With a reported crowd of at least 20,000 spectators on hand, Magnus and Torbjorn Samuelsson placed first and second, respectively, at last weekend's Swedish Strongest Man. IFSA Scandinavia organized the two-day event, which began with fourteen competitors, who were divided into two qualifying heats won by Torbjorn Samuelsson and Jorma Paananen. 

Eight competitors were in the finals, with six events: hand over hand pull, log lift for maximum, loading, carry, car hold, farmer's walk. Magnus Samuelsson, who went directly to the finals, was in "fantastic shape." Third place overall was taken by Anders Johansson. The event was televised by TV3 in Sweden."

IFSA Team European Championship:

"Seven "very heavy events" are planned, and when they say "heavy" in Finland, it's very serious. The contest will be held outdoors, and 15,000 spectators are expected."

» SFE2000: Better Bodies Model Search:

Better Bodies kommer i samarbete med B&K Sports Magazine och Scandinavian Fitness Expo att utse en kvinnlig respektive manlig modell som under ett år ska medverka i Better Bodies klädkatalog och andra reklamsammanhang.

Tag chansen och anmäl dig själv, din kompis, pojk- eller flickvän till den stora modelltävlingen!

» Budo & Fitness: Köp utrustningen från The Academy:s Convention till en billig penning:

"Under The Academy:s Convention på Scandinavian Fitness Expo 2000 kommer Budo & Fitness Butikerna erbjuda Er att köpa utustning till mycket förmånliga priser. Utrustningen som används vid detta Convention blir obetydligt begagnad och Ni får köpa den cirka 30% billigare."

» Länstidningen: ÖAK-lyftare till junior-EM:

"I helgen är det dags för junior-EM i styrkelyft i Bulgarien och två av Östersund AK:s framgångsrika juniorer kommer att delta.

- Visst siktar man på medalj, säger en av killarna - Markus Eriksson."

» Arbetet: Massörer fick jobba hårt under broloppet:

"I massagetältet fick ömma muskler omsorg. Som på löpande band masserades löparnas spända benmuskler i ett tält i målområdet. Tio minuters massage, sedan var det dags för nästa vårdtagare."

» Barometern Internet: Drabbade kan få vänta länge på rätt diagnos:

"Det är många som inte hört talas om sjukdomen myasthenia gravis. Ofta ser den som har sjukdomen frisk ut och den kan vara mycket svår att upptäcka.

Myasthenia gravis är en autoimmun sjukdom där immunförsvaret angriper kroppens egna vävnader. Impulsöverföringen till olika muskler hämmas genom att det bildas antigener."

» Kroppsbyggning.com: Artiklar om Fettförbränning och Mat för muskelmassa.

» Nytt på www.tyngdlyftning.com - Svenska Tyngdlyftningsförbundet:

"Kommande helg arrangeras European Promotion Cup i Kalmar. Våra sidor om tävlingen börjar nu ta form så att vi under tävlingsdagarna kan presentera resultaten. Länk till Promotion Cup:s sidor finns på förstasidan på www.tyngdlyftning.com."

Tisdag, 13 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» Informationen om årets största evenemang, Scandinavian Fitness Expo 2000, är online.

» George i Storbritannien har en läcker hemsida - ta gärna en titt på vad han har åstadkommit med en av sina klienter på tre månader...

» CNN.com: Experts exercise ability to predict future of fitness:

"Aerobics classes and weight machines are mainstays of many people's fitness routines. But experts say in the future, workouts are likely to become more personalized -- and less tied to the gym.

As the U.S. population ages, exercise programs will be customized and geared more toward older adults, experts say. And there will be more places to exercise, with small workout centers springing up in airports grocery stores and even laundromats."

» Salon.com: Swallowing ephedra:

"The wildly popular herbal diet aid can be dangerous for some people. But don't expect the FDA to crack down."

» CNN.com: Buyer beware - Not all personal trainers up to par:

"Personal trainers aren't just for rock stars anymore. Once reserved for the rich and famous, these typically trim and tough "fitness specialists" are everywhere. They can be found in community gyms and health clinics in the smallest corners of the country, guaranteeing that no matter what look you're hoping for, you no longer have to struggle to get it alone.

But beware, experts say. There is no professional requirement to be a trainer. The fitness industry is so unregulated, the person spotting your sit-ups could be anything from a rehab specialist to a dressed-up jock."

CNN.com: Personal trainers - They're for more than just the rich and famous:

"You might think that hiring a personal trainer is like hiring a personal chef -- an extravagance that suits the rich and famous but is out of bounds for the rest of us. But the nature of personal training is changing. Increasingly, trainers are selling their services on a short-term basis, teaching clients the fundamentals and then, after two to six weeks, setting them free to exercise on their own."

» IronMind.com: Ed Coan getting ready for a 2500 pound total:

"Ed Coan's bid for an unprecedented 2500-pound total was derailed last December when his opening squat was misloaded with an extra 40 kilos. On June 25th, Coan will take another shot at fulfilling what seems to be his destiny, at the Mountaineer Cup II Heavyweight Powerlifting Championship, which is being run in conjunction with the USPF Senior Nationals."

» Ivanhoe Broadcast News: The Truth Behind GHB:

"Gamma hydroxybutyric acid, or GHB, was available in health food stores until 1990. Weight lifters used it to bulk up, but the FDA pulled it from shelves when it began to be used for a deadly high. Since 1990, it has been linked with around 45 deaths and 5,500 emergency room overdoses. Here is the truth behind GHB and what you need to know to protect your children."

Måndag, 12 juni Vill du länka till denna dags webblogg? Använd denna länk.

» Kornris.nu - lågglykemiskt, snabblagat och gott, vad mer kan man begära?

"Kornris är en unik svensk produkt, naturligt framställd av sädesslaget korn. Kornris liknar vanligt ris och används på samma sätt, men har dessutom flera goda egenskaper. Det har kort koktid, bara 10 minuter, och samtidigt ett högt kostfiber- och näringsinnehåll. De långsamma kolhydraterna ger dessutom lång och behaglig mättnadskänsla."

» JoyJacobs.com: Joy Jacobs välgjorda sajt kom online den 9 juni. Det kan bli intressant att följa förberedelserna (träning och diet) inför de tävlingar hon kommer att delta i framöver.

» Aftonbladet.se: Fixa dröm-musklerna:

"Träningsprogrammet sträcker sig över ett halvår och är utarbetat av rumänen Tudor Bompa. En världsauktoritet när det gäller muskelstyrka. Bompa var tidigare bland annat ansvarig för Ben Johnsons styrketräning. Att sedan Ben Johnson fuskade med anabola steroider är en annan historia. 

Träningsprogrammet bygger på resultat från flera vetenskapliga studier. Smärre justeringar har gjorts av Leif Larsson, som bland annat sköter Djurgårdens ishockeylags styrketräning."

» Gymguiden - gymmen i listan sorteras nu på den ort där de finns. Över 90 procents majoritet i omröstningen säger man inte nej till...

» Femsport Magazine Online har nyligen satt upp en feature på Anja Langer. Besök även hennes egna sajt, www.anjalanger.com.

» HHS/USDA: Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans

» DaveDraper.com: Iron Online, ett nyhetsbrev från Dave "The Blond Bomber" Draper jag vill pusha för:

"Each week on Wednesday you'll receive my free email newsletter, Iron Online; basically, a thousand words to contribute to your training experience. This will come in the form of motivation, a new routine, a segment on nutrition, a blast from the past, or old, new, used or revised tips and hints.

The newsletter provides a welcome stimulus to keep your training spirit alive and well; to keep you thinking and performing and growing. I get to write, you get to read and we all grow."

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1999: Webbnytt 1999

Sidan skapad 2000-07-29 | Senast uppdaterad den 05 november 2000 av