B&K - Strongman - Jouko Ahola i ny stor, STARK spelfilm: Invincible

Jouko Ahola i ny stor, STARK spelfilm: Invincible

Webbsidan skapad 2001-10-25
Senast uppdaterad 2002-02-13
Mer om filmen/Jouko

Strongestman.com: Jouko Ahola
Strongestman.com: Jouko Ahola Retires
Strongestman.com: An Interview with Jouko Ahola
Jouko Ahola's Official Home Page
Film Club: Unbesiegbar - Invincible
• WPSE: Jouko Ahola
• World Strength Legend: Jouko Ahola
• PowerBuilding: World's Strongest Man Competition 1999 Preparations
• PowerBuilding: February and Flu

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Om Invincible med Jouko Ahola, WSM 1997 och 1999:

Nu finns det en trailer (Kino.de - tysk sida, klicka på clips) för filmen Invincible där den finske starke man-tävlanden Jouko Ahola spelar huvudrollen.

Strongestman.com: Read a Review of Invincible:

Magnus Branzén of B&K Sports Magazine has reviewed the movie Invincible, starring Jouko Ahola. The movie is scheduled to be released in the U.S. on February 8, 2002.

Om vi har förstått det rätt så har man inte använt några specialeffekter, utan alla styrkedemonstrationer inför kameran är på riktigt!

Kopia på artikel ur Filmfestivalens tidning.

Den originelle mästerregissören Werner Herzog är efter den hyllade Klaus Kinski-dokumentären Mein best Fiend och skådespelarinsatsen i Harmony Korines Julien Donkey-Boy tillbaka i fiktionens värld. 

Invincible är baserad på en sann historia om den judiske muskelmannen Zishe som gör cirkussuccé i 30-talets nazi-Berlin och är övertygad om han är utvald av Gud att rädda judendomen undan Hitler. Nordisk premiär under Filmfestivalen (11/12/14 november), 130 min.

Om du tror på filmen, "köp" virtuella aktier på Hollywood Stock Exchange - make the stock go up, Up, UP!!!

Internet Movie Database: Invincible:

Tidig recension - låter fin-fint!:

"In this movie Haunessen is a manipulative Nazi Appeaser who takes advantage of the leading character, himself played by a former "world's strongest man" finalist who is wonderfully convincing in the role; but who finally has the tables turned on him."

UpComingMovies.com: Invincible:

This movie tells the story of Zesha Breitbart, a Jewish blacksmith in 1930's Berlin who claimed to be the strongest man in the world.

Eho Filma: Invincible:

Invincible tells the true-life story of the Jewish blacksmith Zishe Breitbart who created a sensation in the varieté world of Berlin in the early 1930s as the strongest man of his time - much to the dismay of the burgeoning Nazis as it was inconceivable to them that a Jew could be so strong. What was more, Zishe soon embraced his Judaism openly and became the hope of the Jewish community of Berlin.

Hollywood.com: Invicible: 

The film is based on the true story of Zishe Breitbart, a Jewish blacksmith's son from Poland who becomes a sensation in Weimar, Berlin as a mythical strongman. His employer Hanussen dreams of establishing an all-powerful Ministry of the Occult in Hitler's government.

Yet as Hitler's hold on power grows more sure, and Berlin erupts in a ferment of anti-Semitism, Zishe must decide how he will use his strength. Plagued by nightmares, he takes counsel from a local rabbi. He becomes convinced that he has been chosen by God to warn his people of the grave danger they face.